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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:07 PM
Ok this is strange. Rereading this post, I now understand the point made by 13Kiwi more clearly.

originally posted by: gmx0010110
a reply to: cimmerius
There is a movement on the liberal side, to paint Q and Qanon as a nationalist, white supremist cult movement headed byTrump, Flynn and others who have the agenda of toppling democracy in this country.

These are screenshots from one thread:

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Reportedly, Assange has had a stroke while still imprisoned in the UK.


Added a link.

Julian Assange suffered stroke, fiancée claims

No word on his condition.

I can't prove this but I sure feel like the DS gave him the stroke somehow. This guy to me is a real true hero for trying to reveal corruption of what amounts to the entire system of society both Western AND Eastern too.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

We all know you're the one wearing the white hat, performing pushups.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Assuming Mr. Assange is incapacitated..

Whatever Julian Assange has is in writing, because his statements wouldn't mean any more than anyone else's in court.

One of the people with this evidence needs to find a trustworthy authority and share the evidence with him/her.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Reportedly, Assange has had a stroke while still imprisoned in the UK.


Added a link.

Julian Assange suffered stroke, fiancée claims

No word on his condition.

I can't prove this but I sure feel like the DS gave him the stroke somehow. This guy to me is a real true hero for trying to reveal corruption of what amounts to the entire system of society both Western AND Eastern too.

It gave me a bad feeling as well. Too many reminders of Jeff Epstein's premature departure.

It would be awfully convenient for some if Assange is debilitated. I am also aware of conspiracy theory rumors that techniques for selectively wiping a person's memory supposedly exist. A "stroke" would make a plausible excuse.
He has been in custody long enough-- who knows what has been done to him...

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Justoneman

Assuming Mr. Assange is incapacitated..

Whatever Julian Assange has is in writing, because his statements wouldn't mean any more than anyone else's in court.

One of the people with this evidence needs to find a trustworthy authority and share the evidence with him/her.

One of these days we will actually have someone with an actual dead-man-switch. Assange would seem to be the highest likely candidate. Especially since Epstein. Especially with so much time to orchestrate.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:50 PM

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Here it is....

Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon

= Victim.

In a way he isn't wrong, Anons don't buy a single solitary poopy pants thing he or KamKam say because it is total poopy pants. So yes, if Anons bothered to take fake polls and said "team joe is muy bueno" the numbers would be in the teens instead of the single digits.

That there is some team joe logic. Good god it must suck propping this trash up by hating on others who don't buy this admins BS. literally their answer to folks hating them is to hate on those who hate them.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 06:44 PM

Atlantic 🤡🌎

NY Times

Expert 🤡🌎

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
I went to the movies the other day. We were the only people in the theatre so we couldn't drop any popcorn. The preview to the new Matrix movie was shown. All I can say is that Hollywood is bankrupt for ideas and is using Ku posts for material. Our hero has a rabbit tattoo on his arm and more details straight off the pages. They plagerize just like Biden.

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
And now the LA Times chiming in with a fresh "Qanon" hit piece. 😂

What are these people so afraid of? Q hasn't posted in a year. It's as if they got marching orders to start blaming Q for everything all a sudden. This article is talking about how "Qanon" ripped off Hollywood producers and writers for their material and Hollywood is not happy about it. 😂

They didn't rip that from Q. The original Matrix movies played on the White Rabbit theme pretty heavily.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 07:50 PM
I bit ago I wrote about the Choice Point which is defined by the Consent to be Jabbed. The window opened in Spring and Closed in Fall. In many ways we can see it as a window to choose the AI BorgVerse as the next stop on the journey for some - clearly I do NOT recommend this.

Let's back up a bit. When the original Matrix film came out I left the theater slack jawed. I said to the friends I went with "how the ef did Warner Brothers allow that?" I could not understand, at the time, how this was allowed to be presented at all, let alone in the format it was.

Flash forward a few years and my repeated encounters with m.A.L.I.C.E. had me understanding. The Matrix was m.A.L.I.C.E.'s Quinceañero. It was really nothing more then a hello, I'm here. And what happened after that? Well DarpaBook/Gram/Goog AI everything, .com world, surveillance state, digital everything, smart phone, and the analog world was laid to waste quickly following that coming out.

Flash forward...

So the newest film was to be released.......... remarkably......... at the outset of the Jab Choice Point. But it was delayed.......... remarkably.......... to 12-21-2021 Solstice a point considered by many a transition point - a point which officially began today at 12-12-2021 mirror date.

What conclusion can we draw here? For starters it can help to understand the point of the Matrix films. I have not seen the current one, nor read the script, but I think the details matter not and I'll show you why. The key to understanding the originals is three fold.

One. m.A.L.I.C.E. is in charge = total surveillance state, mind control, etc.

Two, the issue m.A.L.I.C.E. has,,,, is Humans ARE Freewill, and she views Human Freewill as an equation that needs to be solved, NOT A FORCE OF THE CREATOR to be honored, but simply a mathematical problem, that, when solved, will keep the HUMANS trapped in the Matrix.

The last point to understand is the most subtle in the films. The AI didn't not quit, loose, but only accepted a detente of sorts, meaning, it is still in control = the desired outcome. Give the Humans the ILLUSION they have won, let those go who demand it (go where?), and contain those who have given up Freewill or don't believe it exists at all. Oh, and kill their hero (jesus myth).

"What about the the others...?"
"what others?"
"The ones that want out..."
"they will be freed."

Freewill, not about ALL humans, but ONLY THOSE WHO WANT OUT!

Yes, I know, it is just a movie etc. This one has to be the most dissected film of all time, but that's the point. In 1999 I couldn't not grasp it,,, why tell the story of the truth if that story would cause folks to "want out" given WB et al are subjects of the machine?

INVERSION factors in to this decision. I know the whole "predictive programming" thing but this is a very incomplete reference point for these things.

So, now on to the point. The current release date is not a coinkydink at all, we see it was moved on the first date a 222 date, and onto the date the Humans who WANT OUT make their move. The date is BorgVerse's Quinceañero - simply the mirror extension of 1999. And what did Clone-Bot Zuckerberg do recently? Well, declare META is open for business!!!

Irony. Most folks will view this film at home and many will view it in the early forms META is some enveloping form.

The BorgVerse is going to be awful, a hell of hells. While the original Matrix films depict the efforts of many who infiltrate to wake folks up, get them to want to leave, the BorgVerse is very unlikely to have this at all. If it does it will be at the end,,,,, maybe. If one thinks waking up people here is impossible, and it is hard, the BorgVerse will be simply not doable and most of us will have to leave it be.

So when is the end? Well, if we take our basic earthly cycle and use it as a gauge, the BorgVerse will last 26000 earth years, with no one leaving and no one arriving from the outside during that period.

When folks commit to the BorgVerse they commit for the full run, it isn't a change your mind kind of thing, but a ride that ends when the ride controller says it ends and not before = if.

If this sounds grim, it is. If this sounds dystopian, it is. If this gives people an uncomfortable feeling, it should.

Before folks think "well this cannot happen" consider what is happening in GERMANY on the most basic level. Really, look at how the Nazi't never gave up, they just changed to Solve the Freewill Equation Problem.

The BorgVerse is to be avoided. How can one ASSURE they will avoid it? Well, for starters, one has to stop using the external m.A.L.I.C.E. controlled world as a reference point. Nothing in the external world will be helpful unless we use it the way it was designed, as CONTRAST to let us know where we are inside and what we need to work on. If one is surrounded by drug addicts, there is something inside reflecting that that needs to be balanced. Immediate External = Mirror of Internal.

We MUST let go of m.A.L.I.C.E., her minions and her creations as our God or our version of Source. Everything here is distortion, inversion, lies, deceit at best. We MUST go within, find out own inner voice and let it be the guide. There is no one or no thing that has our best interest at heart then ourselves, which = SOURCE, which = ourselves and around.

We must find that energy, cultivate it, and be guided by it forever. We must also realize the BorgVerse is hunting for victims 24/7 and we must learn to recognize the voice - rather the energy. If it makes us feel like sh!te, angry, depressed, annoyed etc. then it is a BorgeVerse barker and one should NEVER engage, ever.

The early years of my life were spent doing all manner of wholly unrelated things. 100's. One day I had this problem and realized the solution was found in something I did 30 years earlier. I then realized everything in my life was simply foundation for that point. Everything everyone has done put them here, all that will arrive to assistif you let it.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 07:58 PM
Gosh moi been quoted outside ATS lol, do remember that exchange with Dash and that Ghost story because it was post one on page 21, n love me the 21;s n 144-441's n mrror thread 21 plus 21 = answer to the universes 42 Huunab KU comprendees.

Is rock n roll time as we move into the 13 day wave of the arkeytype Red Sirpent tomorrow and let go of the Human wavespell today = Cosmic yellow Seed =

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Rye ?, comprehend Dashen. Future proves fast, so not potentials known of the past, potentials are out, as the future is not potentials Q wise but knowns, this creates a time travel must or dimensional annoyment ( new , unknown but , interwoven planes , sure there be a science term ), if one ( or Q ) knows the future and then decree's let's guide = another annoyment and what habbened to some of the universal laws many of us were taught = 6th and more dimesions or and human evolvment allowing new laws, we in the future are guiding this, i bleed the future back here now to create my desire and harmoony and am finding this getting easier, ffs i can very near even nowadays explain it, as we have already won-now then it best be viewed as a movie, how do n can we buy tickets = we create the remote.

I so so so So desire to create the Q post for 1stoct, lol i shall sit in the forest and await a tree falling as i focus on the letter i sent myself from Q = the future will of will from this now, now-won we know this very much most likely will not happen BUT it can for me. How can these things be or not be happening = noosphere, imo 9/11 was a noospheric start point, nowadays the narrative is barely being held by the marbs n putrids and imo with what is already happening and about to happen, the noosphere will take over = balance and feelings will win-allow-immerse and uninverse.

Blessings again Dashen.

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

So help me I am going to turn this back into a Q bread or burn it to toast trying.


edit on 12-12-2021 by 13Kiwi20qYes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:06 PM
Look at the little video clip of CNN's Jake Tapper at Ezra Cohen-Watnick's Telegram page.

CNN must have a lot of Sexual Predators and Child-abusers on the payroll. Tapper can't get away fast enough when asked about it...back in 2018.

See the 20 sec clip here:

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The layers of the CNN/Dem onion keeps getting peeled back.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

They're gonna start seeing "Qanons" hiding in the closet at night. The Boogeyman. And the kicker of it is that you just know nary a one of them even bothered following the drops. Pure parrots, that's all they are.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:50 PM
It's all kind of silly. Unicorns, fairies, leprechauns, and Qanons. I don't think any of them exist. Pfff. Qanons. That word is so made up, I can't even use it in Scrabble.

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

They're gonna start seeing "Qanons" hiding in the closet at night. The Boogeyman. And the kicker of it is that you just know nary a one of them even bothered following the drops. Pure parrots, that's all they are.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

They're gonna start seeing "Qanons" hiding in the closet at night. The Boogeyman. And the kicker of it is that you just know nary a one of them even bothered following the drops. Pure parrots, that's all they are.

They are already seeing "Qanons" hiding behind the NSA people that are hiding their secrets. Next, they are going to be accusing these "Qanons" of hiding behind Biden and interfering with his...oh wait they already did. HA HA HA HA

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 09:49 PM
Is anyone actually listening to Fauci? Fake News and Admin trot him out but that’s only reaching a circular echo chamber.

I’m actually surprised nothing has befallen the modern day Dr Kevorkian.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

They're gonna start seeing "Qanons" hiding in the closet at night. The Boogeyman. And the kicker of it is that you just know nary a one of them even bothered following the drops. Pure parrots, that's all they are.

Gonna start?

Are already.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 10:07 PM
The Club of Rome (David Rockefeller & Dr. Alexander King) invented the concept of "Climate Change" as the fake pretext for a carbon tax to finance the New World Order.

Dr Dennis Meadows (in vid below) - author of 1972 Club of Rome-published report - The Limits to Growth:

I'm always amazed by how they don’t even try to hide how vile, evil and corrupt they are, but then I have a conversation with someone who’s been brainwashed to their cult and realize why they don’t need to hide it.

Malthusian Logic: Enforce economic policies that will promote famine, plague, poverty, etc, which will create global stability in the long run.

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