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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 11:29 AM
Spooky indeed. I just did mine.

Year of the White Lunar Wizard

Galatic sig. White Self-Existing World Bridger
I define in order to equalize
Measure opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of spirit.

I have just gone through the 4th anniversary of my son's death due to big pharma. I will miss him forever and am horrified at how many are now suffering like I have. This has to end.
I have spent a lot of time researching and studying the atrocities that have taken place under the guise of medical and this has been my goal. To uncover and reveal details and shut down the Store of Death.
That is what they are, literally a store of death.

Now I am going to deal with monkeys which oddly is one of the live topics today.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

Well this is a bit shpooky, 13Kiwi20qYes!

I ran my birth date through your link and got this galactic signature:

...then I read your

i now see on tzolkin that the coming intencities 8-10 days-kins away near end of wavespell that be about to begin ( 105 red magnetic serpent ) likely kin blue spectral Eagle 115 or kin-day before planetary white Dog 114 will be energy seeable kick off point, with two or 3 days-kin later being the let go to start next wavespell Mirror.

Your... kin blue spectral Eagle 115
My... kin 55 blue electric Eagle

Aligned? Or totally disconnected?

ETA - Then decided to find my deceased father's galactic signature to find it's almost the same as mine:

No idea what it means but certainly intriguing.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Your forgiveness of Big Pharma is admirable. I wouldn't have that quality if they killed my children or wife.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
If you're playing the stock market through Wall Street there's a good chance you're funding human trafficking.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:20 PM
Monkey Business

We need to ask some basic science questions.

Monkeys are used in clinical trials so why were they not used prior to the mass deployment of the vaccines to the public? The results of safety and efficacy would have been known within 6- 8 weeks.

The Oregon National Primate Research Center reached out to the Operation Warp Speed NIH along with 6 other private research centers offering their monkeys for immediate use and delaying other clinical trials in the National Interest.


The Sounds of Silence from Moncef Slaoui but evasive measures were needed... the enemedia declaring that there was a shortage of monkeys because Chyna was not exporting them due to the pandemic.

Enter the Wild Life Sanctuary in Colorado. I had read that they were successful at rescuing a tiger from Chyna during the pandemic and that they had the tiger transported via Hawaii. I can't find the article but did read about it.

Makes me wonder if all of the communication about tigers catching Covid is drawing our attention to this. If they were able to transport a tiger than they certainly could have transported monkeys but we had our own supply anyway.

This left no option for an inactivated vaccine and only the mRNA were available. Just for fun Moncef Slaoui worked for GSK for 30 years and was the head of vaccine development. Also had a seriously significant financial stake in Moderna and was on the Moderna Board.
More monkey business ahead...>content>article>saying-huma...

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Cranky, what was the one thing you did 30 years ago? If you can say.

I had a discussion with someone super close to me yesterday. But oddly enough that I also question if they are evil or not. I’ve said multiple times that evil people have made things in this world to mess with us. Constantly. Like the coat hangers with the notches in the top that destroy the necks of men’s shirts and women claim they need although only a small handful of their clothes ever end up using them. During our discussion, out of the blue, the person said “if this is the bad place, why would we want to leave?” Or something to that effect. Really caught me off guard.

Like I said. This person is unseperably close to me. I have a bad feeling when the shtf I’m going to be doing this myself. And I will.

Not easy to explain, it was really just something I learned while working in High School and was the solution to something I was designing. That project encompassed nearly all of my early days of experience leading me and us here.

As for those close to us. There are two main levels. Yes, many of us attracted very negative beings to stalk us, mine... oy, nvm. Those are outright no good. On the other hand many around us are simply weak, they allow others to manipulate them, and manipulate us. In effect, the possessed. That energy can come from the phone, the demon class, and more and often seems pointedly hateful, or outright out of voice character.

I remember my first experience giving it, not receiving it, when I had too much wine in College. I said something hateful and thought "ffs, where the hell did that come from, that isn't even me, or my words..." I described it like a comic strip dialogue bubble coming out of me.

That said. So much can reveal the weakness in us. ie. When I was very young I was given a label "he has an attitude problem." This phrase was uttered by everyone that wanted access to control me, like a key. I finally realized what it meant, "this one cannot be controlled" and I finally realized this: It is my weakness that allows that to be said. Boom, no one ever uttered it again - sadly I had already heard it 200k times by then.

Sadly, our world is just a old timey plate spinning act of trying to "live" trying to grow, trying to figure out what's real and what's not, and we can get carried away in the sea of it.

Coat hangers, yes, I kept mine for decades for exactly that reason.
I have argue for years this was Mao's true attack on the world, crappy, cheap, slight out of round products to make us crazy.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

The antigovernment “Patriot” world has lost one of its most ardent conspiracy theorists (January 13, 2014)

Gerald “Jack” McLamb, 69, a military veteran, retired Phoenix police officer and longtime promulgator of Patriot conspiracy theories, died on Saturday, according to a post at Republic Broadcasting, where he hosted a radio show. An earlier post noted that McLamb collapsed on Jan. 9 at his home in Indiana and was placed on life support. He had numerous “physical disabilities,” noted one of the announcements, though what those were or whether they contributed to his death is unknown.


Jack McLamb, Police Writers and essays/writings

Bill Cooper from 'Mystery Babylon' Series #32 talks about Jack McLamb's "Aid & Abet" Newsletter.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:31 PM
@hindsight2025 on Tweeter has some interesting takes on recent and old pool posts. They are signaling that it ties into 5 years of posts and an upcoming SEC lawsuit deadline of 12/21/21 in regards to Ripple and XRP along with financial reset, net zero, digital passports/currency etc.
kinda fascinating angle’s especially if one considers that David Schwartz is allegedly Pool.
Not sure how it ties directly to Q drops, and if it doesn’t. Maybe it signifies some decodes were focused on one angle of approach and this other one potentially neglected?

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:35 PM
Monkey Business 2.0


At all costs those monkey trials must be stopped. Peta has now been deployed to the Oregon National Primate Research Center to shut them down with their partners OSHA, which we know are being used by the HHS/NIH/BIDEN team
There are over 5000 monkeys but another coincidence 2 [as in 2.0 of the plan] monkeys were left in cages that were washed in a machine and harmed.

If the clinical trials are held we will have confirmation of much of what we have speculated about and even more.
Another under the guise of sexual misconduct. Seriously they need to come up with a new reason because this is ridiculous.

Another name to add to the list of terminations.
Moncef Slaoui He has been fired from Glaxo Smith Kline. This took place in March but has been under the radar.

They are also removing is name from the Slaoui Center for Vaccine Research in Rockville, MD.

They must be seriously worried about the fall out to come about him and his refusal to allow or consider the monkey vaccine trials.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: carewemust
I always have believed that there are many good people who work at those pharma companies and truly believe and want to help people. It's those people at the top who have been corrupted and have subverted the true goodness that can be done. All for $ and power and prestige, which is fleeting.

I hope when the system is upended, which must happen, those people can still have a place helping to produce and enhance natural and holistic treatments and they will feel good, really good. I feel many times the top dictates the direction when the good would rather pursue a different course.

My fear is how those good people will feel and behave when their eyes are opened at all of the harm that has been caused by bad medications, off label use and the harm from these vaccines. That will be a hard one to live with. But with forgiveness and support and re directing these companies there is hope.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 01:01 PM
Re the numerous tweet/post decodes on Telegram, I advise DISCERNMENT as to what is MISSING!

I'm going to be kind here and say that (1) people are exhausted and are missing things...

Others might say that (2) there is a deliberate ploy among a number of key decoding groups to UNDERPLAY some comms; by highlighting a low level comm and totally missing out other MAJOR COMMs in the message.

Still others might say that (3) White hat operators are obscuring some key comms posts that they don't want anons circulating in public where they are related to active operations.

Here is a current example - from QuantumLight1111 (a "hidden user") but forwarded by Whiplash347:


Here's MY analysis of the more significant comms from the tweet:

(Addendum: The shirt numbers also give Dec 23rd (10+2=12, 5+18=23). Dec 13th to 23rd = TEN DAYS!)

Like I say, this could all just be (1) people just getting tired, or aggregating others' decodes without reviewing.

However, if (2) or (3) it is deliberate, then either side could be thickening the "Fog of War"!

I have noticed this in one account, in particular, at least a half dozen times in the last month or two: QSR Decodes.
To my mind, this must be option (2) or (3) because it is a collective of decoders- so you'ld expect one to pick up what another has missed.

edit on 13-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel about follow Huma...
She has just published a book "Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds. It is in the top 8 of the New York Times.

I read through some of it and the title may say it all.
She has her soul in the Muslim world, her body in the opposite.
She is friend and foe.
A couple of takeaways, comments are made that she is plugging for Hillary Clinton. Perhaps this is strategic bringing Clinton back into the spotlight since she is dropping hints about a 2024 run. And she mentions Hidden Light Productions [production company owned by Hillary and Chelsea via Apple tv.]

Also she has some serious power over people such as refusing to name the senator who kissed her. Add that to Hillary refusing to fire her during her marriage melt down when it was damaging her presidential run. She was also around during the "Bill Moment."

She also highlights "I had reached out to the FBI to say, 'Can I be Helpful?'
I didn't understand why nobody tried to reach me."

"My consolation prize I was allowed to keep my child."

Then this comment from her son " Does that mean those men are coming back?" When she made a comment about running for a government position.>news>politics>hima-abedin...

May be this is meaningful?

edit on 13-12-2021 by Thoughtful1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 01:16 PM
The Great Narrative, courtesy of Klaus & Davos gang, sponsored by Google...the Great Covid Labor shortage...

Just imagine, with today’s labor shortage, how difficult it’s going to be to replace this guy:

Head waiter Renee Breguet, Grand Hotel les Bains in St. Moritz, Switzerland, 1932...a favorite hang-out among Nazi elites.

A few decades ago, snooty intellectuals tended to claim that no single overarching story, no “meta-narrative,” can sum up our era. The French philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard popularized that term and chronicled the failure of various big-picture claimants to story-telling mastery: science, religion, socialism, etc.

If you weren’t entirely sure the sickos behind talk of a “Great Reset” were psychopaths who view humanitarian crises as opportunities, now they’re openly imagining manipulating us all like characters in an experimental play. The fact the bigwigs involved flit back and forth between the heights of the public and private sectors only makes them feel more qualified to write our fates.

The Great Meta-Narrative

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

― Isaac Asimov, 1980 essay [PDF]

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, Huma does seem to be "on the playing field" for comms; which is why I've started adding her tweets to the spreadsheet.

Her KEY TECHNIQUE seems to be the UP or DOWNing of her twitter FOLLOWING COUNT - which points to a KU post number.
For example, she is currently following 251... #251

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: eda158 No.34323 📁
Dec 4 2017 22:50:10 (EST)
Re-review RED_RED stringer.
Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.
Cross reference.
Date of stringer vs video?
Learn to decider.
News unlocks message.
Find the keystone.


Since Dan Scavino also uses this technique, it tends to identify that she is either now on White Hats team, or her account is being run by someone else who is!

Also worth watching some of the videos of her publicity appearances for the book - they include comms also.
edit on 13-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 01:52 PM
Something's wrong here:

1) DEFCONLEVEL.COM shows status as DEFCON3 - YELLOW - Round House,

2) @DEFCONWSALERTS at 18:27UTC today:

Russia says it may be forced to deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe in response to what it sees as NATO's plans to do the same.

But it's web page, DEFCONWARNINGSYSTEM.COM shows at DEFCON4 - GREEN - Double Take.

3) Global: MilitaryInfo tweets, at 15:41 UTC

Russia/Ukraine 12.13.21:
- According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, if the U.S. & NATO do not respond to Russia's demand for security guarantees, a military response will follow.
- Ukraine is strengthening the air cover of critical infrastructure facilities and vital POI(s).

4) Meanwhile @ChuckGrassley is tweeting, at 16:45UTC, comms about SALT- which also means Strategic Arms Limitation Talks:

Senate Ds released tax title of their reckless tax & spending bill but omit details on their plans to expand SALT b(state/local) deduction for wealthy Continue to negotiate their BlueState Billionaire Bailout behind closed doors or too embarrassed to share w public???

(DEFCON5 state is BLUE)

We were warned that escalation would happen quickly... is this the start?

Consider that BLUE, GREEN and YELLOW (the 3 DEFCON status colors above) appeared as Christmas stockings in this recent Mr Pool post, which has a (Russian?) BEAR with a RED mask:

edit on 13-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Mr Pool himself said that his picture posts always have a MINIMUM of 2 different meanings!

I wasn't aware of the SEC/Ripple deadline of 12/21/21, cheers for that...and the link to @hindsight2025/@bearableguy123!

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:11 PM

In other words, the miners, though they were not scientists, and though they did not have university degrees, did have something that experts today seem to forget exists and ignore completely. They had wisdom. They appreciated and trusted the authorities because they were not lied to: they were treated like rational adults even in the direst of circumstances.
. . .
Like our times, the public back then was willing to suffer much when it came to giving away their rights in exchange for the ‘good’ of public health. But, like today, what they could not suffer was a tide of hypocrisy from their leaders and politicians. Unsurprisingly, San Francisco’s mask mandates were removed several days after the incident.

Of Masks and Men

The Guardian - Monday's Best Photos

London, England - People queue outside a vaccination centre at St Thomas’s hospital - Photograph: Hannah McKay/Reuters.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:30 PM
My lower back is like that ever time I turn. Started Saturday (manageable worked 5 hrs. This morning while shaving it hit another spot and I am in bed.
Does your hair stand on end like you are freezing but you are not cold or shivering.. It happens to me when I am around people (1st noticed when near Pfizer vxd.). Mate is moderna and I sleep next to her w/no problems.

a reply to: Caled

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Friend in London today said there were lots of long queues of people lining up at various centres to get their 3rd. I wonder how many of them are 'actors' paid for optice?


posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Every 3rd one gets saline injection.


Deputy Director for Clown Operations...

Note the placement of that framed picture butted up against the door moulding - who does that?? Unless it was quickly moved to fit in the photo op. Still, who hangs a picture of their boss and their spouse in their office.🤡🤣

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 04:35 PM
Yellow, purple, and green are colors associated with various information classifications. Green is unclassified, yellow is SCI, and purple is controlled unclassified information.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

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