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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 04:32 AM
Have not much to say or add, am in a funny place, we have won, many here know this, Q allowed the knowing of the plan and we watch this movie hourly n daily, much begins in n on New Zealand, 1st land of light and after doing two days of pro choice gatherings and meeting old and many new friends ( hi Al of Hoki ) and i relaxed with family this evening and reflected and qued myself in of this weekend so far, this came to me,

Well said , yes.

On the sovereighn front, i cannot comprehend cv 1984 and many other laws etc being repealed but all carries on, beyond me.
edit on 4-12-2021 by 13Kiwi20qYes because: Early Q xxxMass is coming

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
DENIED: Sixth Circuit Refuses OSHA's Request To Transfer Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit To D.C. - 12-3-21

The Sixth Circuit Court has denied the federal government’s motions to transfer the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine mandate lawsuit to Washington, D.C. and hold it in abeyance, dealing another blow to the Biden regime that has banked on the relatively small agency’s ability to enforce its divisive mandate.


Democrats got caught court shopping for once!

They usually get away with it.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Good to know, thanks rel. More symbolism, prepping the masses for decades.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 05:39 AM
Found something of interest.

Memetic War: Viruses Don't Exist

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 07:55 AM
cranky, I've just had a couple of thoughts about the multiple 509s, considering just how much seems to be specifically placed in terms of numbers; file under "Could be something, could be nothing!":

1) 509 = EOi = Executive Order "missile"?

2) Is it a stepping stone towards COMEX589 rule for silver, that has been long expected; we've got 2 out of 3 numbers and are just awaiting the 8, which might imply a new post on 8chan.

ETA - I've just noticed that Bitcoin has dropped about $10,000 this morning = 11% (so far). Now standing at $47k compared to $67k a week or two ago.
edit on 4-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
cranky, I've just had a couple of thoughts about the multiple 509s, considering just how much seems to be specifically placed in terms of numbers; file under "Could be something, could be nothing!":

1) 509 = EOi = Executive Order "missile"?

2) Is it a stepping stone towards COMEX589 rule for silver, that has been long expected; we've got 2 out of 3 numbers and are just awaiting the 8, which might imply a new post on 8chan.

ETA - I've just noticed that Bitcoin has dropped about $10,000 this morning = 11% (so far). Now standing at $47k compared to $67k a week or two ago.

Hi Rel.

I thought the numbers in your post are very interesting. It's strange because this morning on twit I saw the phrase 'God wins' and immediately my mind did its usual numbers thing G=7, O=15, D=4. Add the single digits = 17 = Q.
And if one reads the numbers right to left = 4517 - 45 = Trump, 17 = Q.
Trump + Q = GOD.
'God wins' = Trump + Q wins.

It was strange because I've seen the phrase 'God wins' countless times over the last few years but my mind/intuition was drawing my attention to it as if it was a new phrase I'd heard. And I don't know why.
So yes that all was in my thoughts this morning.

Then just now the numbers in your post started it all off again in my head . ..
509 - 5 x 9 = 45.
Silver = Ag. A=1, G=7. 17.
= 45 17 or reversed 7 15 4 = GOD. The same thing that was in my head this morning.

The number 47 reversed also symbolises God too, as the 'O' is sometimes written as a zero 0 - G0D = 4_7.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: cimmerius


One thing that has been bothering me about this...where is the film? We they not filming for a movie. We should be able or at least some authority should be able to see exactly what happened.
Could be that maybe they were not filming but just maybe they were.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 11:47 AM
I can't believe that Hawaii is under a sever weather warning. 100 miles an hour winds with a blizzard and 12 inches of snow expected. Glad my daughter cancelled her vacation plans there. Someone from Hawaii posted here. Maybe he can shed some light on this.>policy>energy-environment>58...

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:03 PM

In 1979 a COVID-Like Scenario Played Out Complete with Communists, Bioweapons, a Cover-Up & US Scientists Believing the Lies

A mysterious airborne illness plagued the Russian Urals city of Yekaterinburg in spring 1979.

People died in droves days after presenting with mysterious pneumonia at local hospitals. Then, the secret police stepped in.

Doctors, ordered to keep silent, had their patients’ records stripped from them and kept under wraps as the communist government searched for a “more mundane” explanation — a scapegoat — to feed the media.

The public could never know a Soviet military lab leaked deadly bacteria, so covering their tracks only seemed like a natural solution.

Yekaterinburg, alternatively romanized Ekaterinburg, formerly known as Sverdlovsk had an anthrax outbreak in April-May 1979, which was attributed to a release from the Sverdlovsk-19 military facility. Recall the Anthrax letters just weeks after 9/11.

In this video from Sept 11, 2001, Sen. Joe Biden Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee who on Sept 5, 2001 held a Senate hearing on the threat of Bioterrorism and the spread of infectious diseases, speaks on ABC interview starting at 58:45. Note his body language and where his mind was at on this tragic infamous day...and he also mentions Senator Tom Daschle who about a month later received one of the Anthrax letters.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:32 PM
When does a bird sing?

Sing Tao newspaper which is owned by the CCP through He Ziguo was required to register as an active Foreign Agent on August 23, 2021.

Back on August 3, 2010 Nancy Pelosi twit- I join. @Gavin Newsom. in wishing a Happy Birthday to Sing Tao newspaper.

Just wondering if she was the gift and Gavin was already in.

A number of Dem political people attended their most recent gala such as Chesa Boudin San Fran DA, Scott Wiener, Mayor of San Fran London Breed, Oscar-Corley DNC and others and many made payments to the paper via advertisements.

One person slipping under the radar, AOC. This was found through one small face palm post.
She praised Sing Tao and thanked the newspaper for covering a round table discussion she held for foreign media outlets.
I couldn't find really any coverage of this meeting but maybe someone else will have more success.

Sing Tao had a chorus sing the "Red Song" which promotes the Chinese Communist Party. "The East is red, the sun is shinning
The communist party is like the sun".
Why would our government, which we now know is the CCP, allow a hostile foreign government to publish daily papers in San Francisco, New York, Vancouver and Toronto with propaganda and obvious affiliation to Chyna? Just wondering out loud but probably there were all kinds of messages and instructions being communicated and would be under the radar to most people.>sing-tao-is-a-registered-as-...

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:50 PM
Personal Plea: FFS DD, post more then once every three months! We miss your insights.



So the crypto is tanking VERUS the US Dollar, which really doesn't tell us anything about the value as it is versus the US Dollar and the whole point is for Crypto to not be dollar oriented and meant to be used, not hoarded like baseball cards.

Q Dead Cat Bounce

This seems to roughly correlate to the mid October crypto rebound, since then headed down.

In this case we're watching BTC and Tether, as both are tied together in many ways, and according to some last week, Tether may have "printed" money to help out Evergrande, which is odd, as Evergrande is doomed.

Evergrande+Tether+BTC = CCP.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
I think Baldwin is trying to say that they were adjusting the camera to film and had not actually started filming yet. If the police investigating this are dirty we will never know the truth..... I keep getting irritated because no-one seems to get that he was the Executive "freaking" Producer and not just a dmbass actor shooting a scene. The responsibility imo was entirely on his shoulder because he was in charge of hiring every single person on that set....the AD, the Director, the woman that died, the armorer, the crew everyone. He also sits on one of the largest gun control boards in the world yet has killed a woman! Whether he was being cheap by hiring bad laborers so he could pocket more money through his production company or he was handling the gun was still his fault!

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:04 PM
This bit in Europe I found interesting and seems to have slipped under the ever-faulty radar of the MSM:

Austria's ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced he is stepping back from politics. His successor, Alexander Schallenberg, has also announced his resignation.
"I firmly believe that both positions — head of government and leader of the Austrian party with the most votes — should soon once again be held by the same person," Schallenberg said in a statement.

"I am therefore making my post as chancellor available as soon as the relevant course has been set within the party," he added.

Oo-kay. Schallenberg is the dude who announced Austrians would be FORCED to vaccinate starting in February. That announcement was made something like 10 days ago. And now he is to resign?

Something rotten in Ostmark.*


* - "Ostmark" ("the eastern marches") was the name given to Austria by the Nazis.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:17 PM
Just couldn't stop myself from posting's too funny

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Personal Plea: FFS DD, post more then once every three months! We miss your insights.

Hello Cranky how are you?

Yes I've not been around last cpl months, I've seemed to have withdrawn from 'things' recently. I've been feeling like I don't want to be around others. Like I've lost interest in just about everything. I don't feel part of this world, this life, any more. It's as if I'm outside/above all the chaos, watching it swirling round and round in a crazy mess. And I don't want to descend back into it lol.

I'm way WAYYY behind on these threads, far too much to catch up on and my pea-brain won't absorb even a syllable in my current frame of mind.

I keep praying for God to keep me strong and help me thru these dark times.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:52 PM

Jeffrey Epstein's lodge at Interlochen, Michigan.

We all remember Sarah Kellen...

Maxwell Trial Exhibits released (23) - which I think we've seen them all (plus many more) back in the thread-teen threads.

Both Clintons knew 'precisely' who Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell were, as well as Epstein all through the 90s.

If Hillary Clinton had wanted to stop Trump and Barr, why didn't she point out how Barr shut down the Inslaw investigation into the theft of PROMIS software from the Dept. of Justice by Ghislaine Maxwell's father?

One of the biggest scandals of the 20th Century. Why stay silent?

Interesting how Epstein was tight with Clinton and both of the "economists" who allowed Wall Street to strangle the middle class from the Dot Com boom to the housing crisis and beyond - Lawrence Summers and Robert Rubin.

Back in the 90s, Starr dug deep into the INSLAW/PROMIS affair right after Barr shut down the investigation into it. And Hillary Clinton, of course, had been an attorney on the case.

Big mess - Robert Maxwell sold the 'backdoored' PROMIS to the Kremlin among others...


The INSLAW Octopus - Software piracy, conspiracy, cover-up, stonewalling, covert action: Just another decade at the Department of Justice. (lengthy WIRED story from 1993)

The Clintons apparently were not all that concerned by the whole Barr/Maxwell/Kremlin thing if Ghislaine got an invite to their kid's wedding.

The 9/11 towers molten steel girders were still warm when Pres. Clinton was flying around with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell around the time Epstein was designing and building the notorious St. James Island property. (Tuttle - Q4577)

While Clinton was in office, Epstein allegedly funded the renovation of the Oval Office...

As early as 1993, records show, Epstein donated $10,000 to the White House Historical Association and attended a donors’ reception hosted by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Around the same time, according to a source familiar with the connection, Epstein visited presidential aide Mark Middleton several times at the White House. Two years later, businesswoman Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote a personal letter to Clinton thanking him for their talk about the financier.

EVERYBODY had dirt on EVERYBODY and Bill Barr was the fixer and was resurrected out of retirement in 2017 for another fix.

What were conspiracy mysteries, remain conspiracy mysteries...

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 02:15 PM
Me Too!

a reply to: doobydoll

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: doobydoll
a reply to: crankyoldman

Personal Plea: FFS DD, post more then once every three months! We miss your insights.

Hello Cranky how are you?

Yes I've not been around last cpl months, I've seemed to have withdrawn from 'things' recently. I've been feeling like I don't want to be around others. Like I've lost interest in just about everything. I don't feel part of this world, this life, any more. It's as if I'm outside/above all the chaos, watching it swirling round and round in a crazy mess. And I don't want to descend back into it lol.

I'm way WAYYY behind on these threads, far too much to catch up on and my pea-brain won't absorb even a syllable in my current frame of mind.

I keep praying for God to keep me strong and help me thru these dark times.

Might help, others are feeling it HERE

Be well, we, I, often think about you and your insights.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 04:01 PM
I smell covert communications.

Now HIPPOS get Covid: Belgium zoo confirms two creatures aged 14 and 41, test positive for Coronavirus in first recorded case in the species

14 mirror 41.

Really? 14 mirror 41 get The Rona, hippos, mmkay.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I'll be okay Cranky, and thank you for your well wishes.

I haven't been meditating much either lately, can't seem to focus and my mind is all over the place.

The last time I communicated with Spirit was weeks/months ago - I'd asked Spirit when and how will 'He' come back on Earth? Will it be something we can see with our human eyes or will it be an invisible Spiritual thing?

Spirit replied "He will return through the hearts of men".

I think that means it is us that will bring Him back - when this world and the corrupt system has totally collapsed and people have nothing left but their life, when all seems lost and there is nowhere left to turn and their misery becomes unbearable despair - that's when they will pray to God. Even the un-believers will pray to Him, and their prayers will be sincere and from the heart.
This is when things will change. It is us that will change it.

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