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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: SouthernGift

Doesn't help that masks cover up much of the facial expression, ....

The following bible verse comes to my mind concerning masks:

Proverbs 27:17 says (New World Translation)
"By Iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one man sharpens the face of another."

Perhaps covering up the face is an attempt to stop that from happening?

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 12:12 PM
A couple of sunday morning thingamajigs that fit in no particular framework.

Now that Fredo has been fired, I am very much looking forward to seeing how he's the victim in all of this. My guess, his PR flack says something about misguided brotherly love, family loyalty which is a good thing not bad, and folks are beating on him for loving his brother soooo much.

Reminder, There is an actor in the White House.

There are imposters everywhere.

Thankfully Irony is not dead yet.

They're not hypocrites, they're just that stupid, after all they were educated in pewblick school.

2021 is almost over,,,,,,,,, almost.

Fun fact about this pic, when I was a teen I got caught in no mans 2021, fearful of 2022 I made a mistake and actually drowned, washed up onshore by forces unknown to me at the time. Do not be fearful of 2022, lest a self inflicted mistake like I made afflict you.

2022 might be worse for many - even better for many, but the eneMedia will make things seem worse, thankfully at least one eneMedia goon Cuomo will be silenced until his PR flack can get him on CBS.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift

I know the magickal look, though that's alittle over-the-top.

Great Moments in Science-Trusting: Doping your breakfast toast with asbestos particles. Asbestoast is great!

Rice University has one-upped them in the toxic toast category...

Trust the science.

“Woke” and Christmas just does n0t seem a natural pairing, but still the agencies try; producing such fanfare as this John Lewis and Partners commercial that morphs the now mandatory inter-racial hook-up into an inter-species encounter where an albino alien meets up with a little earthbound gingerbread man.

Now John Lewis is a British company, but even the Brits seem to have lost their way with Christmas.

This year Coke gives us this multi-culti “holiday” ad instead. It doesn’t even sound festive. Such is the lot of the Woke.

Powder blast from the past will put you in the right holiday spirit...

There was a Bush, a Dole, or a Nixon on the presidential ballot every year from 1952 to 2004. Except 64.

“He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.”
― Mrs. A. J. Stanley of Lincoln, Kansas; December 11, 1905

"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul..." ― Hermes Trismegistus

Metaverse..Déjà Vu

ẅ̷̩̞̥̯͈́͊͛̋̍͑̊̕ä̷̼̗̫̲̯̥̪̠̱̀̇̍͂̀͆̚ͅk̷̢̛̻̙͎̟͚͓͖̆͂̈́̿͒̕è̸͖̙̑̊̾̉ ̴̧̠̘̖̳͓͈̽̿̆̔̒̂̂̄̒͘u̵̻͇̹͇̝̮̟̎͒͋̂͗͒̇ṕ̷̻̤̐͐͒̅̽̏

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Despite the bad cold (caught from his grandson) and whatever else he's carrying, Joe Biden is spotted without a mask, shopping and coughing on people this weekend.

Hypocrite on display:

We'll see if he shows up at the big Kennedy Center gala tonight.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: SouthernGift
We are in weirdo world people. Weirdo world. I admittedly haven’t kept up with the thread but I scan occasionally and pick up what I’m intended to I suppose.

I am at that point where I’m done trying to convince anybody of anything but when you realize the power you have over situations and interactions with others and how your own … it’s a mixture of your emotions/intent/thoughts/actions manifesting the moment… I can’t find the word because I don’t like vibration… too sciency… but when you allow it to go out into the world and interact with the overall vibe of your moment or with others…. Watch the magic.

I was having a BAD day at the grocery store. The one I frequent all the time. Usually with the kids , smiling and friendly even if overwhelmed still modest and polite…. Never a problem but I happened to be by myself and in a hurry…. Irritated about things going on at home and I could feel everyone I walked past startle a little. They felt me. I walked past one woman who had a cane propped against her cart and she made eye contact with me and immediately dropped the cane. Then as I was in line at the checkout I was feeling impatient and suddenly the person in front of me started having credit card problems. Taking longer. Apologizing for holding up the line but still I squeeze out a smile and pretend I’m not frustrated… but she left with a pretense of unease…

it’s my turn to check out… 2 items easy peasy they’re sitting there in the end of the counter while I put up my card… cashiers already ringing up the next person and I get this feeling of being hurried along whether it’s true or not is irrelevant … but my inner voice screamed offense and the cashier at that moment picks up a bag of dog food (decent sized) off the conveyor and is on her way to put it underneath the customers cart (I’m walking away at this point) and she makes eye contact with me and she slips and falls down with the dog food.

At this point I feel like I got to get out of this grocery store before I blow the place up. I tried to help the woman up, turning around offering a hand and some other shopper runs up and tells her not to take my hand that she had better wait and get up on her own when she’s ready and not to hurt herself any further. This woman shoots me daggers as if i had pushed her down to begin with.

Maybe I did.

So I started noticing things ever since that intense exchange in the grocery store and I’ve noticed where the magic is , the REAL FREAKING MAGIC, is in how you can turn somebody’s life around with that incredibly powerful combination of emotions, intent, thoughts and actions……

And so I started trying to do the opposite of what happened in the grocery store on that day….. and man how smiling at someone or remarking something positive about them, the environment, or sometimes even a product (that turkey is great on sourdough!! I had it not long ago!) can transform the moment.

Transformational magic we are in complete control over.

What a gift.

Love you guys and enjoyed the chats the last several pages

Have seen zero good memes lately. The era of memes is done for in my timeline, I suppose.

That IS called VIBRATION no matter how you try to spin it


posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 01:25 PM
Third Person addict Bob Dole dies... Bob Dole ran for 42, lost to 42 BC. Died at 98=17 announced on D5

Q D5

Pretty sure "Mother" was actually "Father" Teresa

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

Despite the bad cold (caught from his grandson) and whatever else he's carrying, Joe Biden is spotted without a mask, shopping and coughing on people this weekend.

Hypocrite on display:

We'll see if he shows up at the big Kennedy Center gala tonight.

Wait, so anyone can say they just have a cold now and everyone has to accept that? Australia thinks otherwise.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 01:37 PM
That makes perfect sense

a reply to: MountainLaurel

Once upon a time, Jane, I was a skeptic lol

a reply to: angelchemuel

ETMN, ever had internet deja vu?

If you know what I’m talking about, you know! Lol 😂

(It’s where you see something pop up on the internet that you swore you hadn’t let escape your own mind)

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 02:19 PM
Change in Headline...

NIH Director Collins: ‘Possible’ Omicron Will Not Be Last Emerging Variant of Pandemic

The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Francis Collins said Sunday on “Meet the Press” that it was “certainly possible” that the Omicron variant will not be the last COVID-19 variant of the pandemic.

Anchor Chuck Todd said, “It seems that a lot of scientists seem to be surprised how much this virus has mutated or how fast this virus is mutating. So I guess we’re to your sense of where we are headed? Look, I know we need to be vaccinated more around the world, but realistically we should we expect essentially a new dominant variant in every six months? We got Delta before that. I mean, are we in that kind of pattern here?”

Collins responded, “It’s certainly possible that this is not the last emerging variant that will attract a lot of attention and a lot of concern. This one does have the largest number of mutations that we’ve seen so far.

To the extent that that’s going to keep happening, if we don’t have adequate immune protection across the globe – yeah, we’re probably going to see something. We’ll have to use some of the other letters in the Greek alphabet.”

NY Times

Change in Abstract...

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: doobydoll

Nice value add doobydoll... and as cranky said "FFS DD"... Lurk Less!

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 03:38 PM
JonBenet Ramsey murder evidence sealed under NATIONAL SECURITY?

Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer) received a telephone call from a man who identified himself as Kevin Flynn. Flynn said he was a federal whistleblower who discovered a network of CIA servers called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Flynn said he identified the server network when he started investigating a man on the Web called MONTAGRAPH. He said he reported the information to General Michael Flynn and Admiral Michael Rogers.

Q Snow White
Q Flynn

Who represented the Ramsey Family?

Lin Wood. Interesting list of Clients

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Geez...some really mind effing stuff, c’mon now , Quit giving anything but, huh, WTB ( B for Brandon ) this dark crap, “masked” as woke and insightful...

Say what you will about advertising....but Man, the Budweiser commercials are consistently some of the most heartwarming moments that can be seen in a commercial, yeah, yeah, it’s probably all bad, but maybe, just maybe, some really beautiful people created those Budweiser commercials because they’re given a green light to create something inspiring and they sure did ! Christmas Magic ?

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 04:45 PM
Randomly watching an Unsolved Mysteries episode feat. PROMIS software, wtf?


posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I had this theory once that was about how some of these kid killings that was broadcasted an excessive amount was due to certain power elites pressing other groups that they either get in line or get dead.

This story about the Ramsey Murder really brings that theory back into light.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Ha, it's resurfaced and entered your conscious stream because I posted it a few pages back?

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 07:28 PM
Dear spirit what is it i - we need to know, tadaaa oh nice nice another Kryon message, oh this is so so apt, mmm DD etc may get their Queeries patted also, will share >

This hears so well with coffee, was helpfullll, hope it may assist others journyes so many, Blessings.

Vid is so so Kuish imo

originally posted by: doobydoll

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
a reply to: doobydoll

Great to sense you again DD, even yourself talking of yourself n journey where ever your at , i feel would be insightfullll for many imo.

Am feeling the new templates and recent ones ( especialllly since harmonic Convergence 87 ) of late, the new 441 - 144 transmutation bigely strong, lol caged hippo's.

Thank you, friend.

I don't know what it is I'm feeling lol.
It's like I'm in a no man's land, between the old world and the new. I can't go back to the old world, and the new one isn't here yet.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 07:54 PM

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 08:07 PM
I think this is so misunderstood, but so important.

Evergrande has some 300+ billion in debt and is going to collapse.

Tether Fails to Dispel Mystery on Stablecoin’s Crucial Reserves

Tether Holdings Ltd. had assets totaling at least $69 billion as of Sept. 30, according to an assurance from Cayman Islands-based Moore Cayman. That includes $30.6 billion in commercial paper and certificates of deposit, $7.2 billion in cash, almost $1 billion in money market funds and $19 billion in Treasury bills.

The disclosure showed that Tether shifted about $1 billion in “reverse repo notes” holdings to money-market funds. However, they don’t specify in which countries the money funds are based. It also noted a reduction in the percentage of total assets held in commercial paper from the end of June.

Tether, which is just a ponzi scheme hired two beach bums from Cayman Islands to confirm they are legit. So, I guess, for the morons, they are legit. 70 Billion.

BTC, is totally propped up by Tether, in fact, some contend BTC's price is entirely due to Tether .

Some contend that Tether printed money to buy Evergrande time.

The later two sort of hard to prove in details, but something something smoke and fire.

So, this chain is 500b to maybe 1 trillion of pyramid scheme depending, that when it unravels will be a mess.

This is Bloomberg, is Bloomberg signaling?

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, interesting couple of updates from; one of which is about Chris Cuomo!
(As previously posted, this appears to be a "plausible deniability/soft disclosure" site.)

RealRawNews - Chris Cuomo Eludes Military Capture

OMC and JAG had received “backchannel intelligence” indicating that the Deep State intended to sever ties with Chris Cuomo and “cut him loose.”

Shortly after midnight Tuesday, U.S. Marine Raiders, ... descended on Chris Cuomo’s home in Southampton, New York, believing they would catch him unaware and sulking over his woes.... A Marine reconnaissance team in civilian vehicles had followed what they thought was Cuomo’s 2020 Mercedes SUV to the domicile, but soon realized the man they were tracking was not Chris Cuomo. In short, Cuomo had used a decoy vehicle, ostensibly because he had been tipped off to the raid.

Upon reaching the residence, Marines detained an unidentified man who matched Cuomo’s physique. He had worn a wig and theatrical makeup to more closely mimic Cuomo’s appearance. When questioned, he refused to give up the real Cuomo’s location, telling the Marines, “You’re too late.”
Three hours after the botched raid, however, JAG received what it called “credible evidence” on Cuomo’s escape. ... the real Chris Cuomo was boarding a Cessna 340, a twin-engine general aviation aircraft, at Republic Airport in Farmingdale, New York.
“We know the plane’s registration and the name of the pilot. ... it has a range of 1,400 miles. We also know the pilot did not file a flight plan and that at least one additional passenger was on board... The plane didn’t return to Republic, and no controlled airport has reported seeing the plane.”

For me, this next one is MORE important:
RealRawNews: Military Arrests Biden Handler Mike Donilon

U.S. Marines on Saturday served a military arrest warrant on Deep State agent Mike Donilon, an American attorney and campaign consultant who served as a Senior Advisor to fake President Joe Biden. He was the chief strategist of Joe Biden’s 2020 criminal presidential campaign.

The Marines found him asleep, in bed, with two half-empty bottles of liquor and a 9mm Beretta on a nightstand in arm’s reach.
Donilon is the second...Biden handler arrested in the last two weeks. On November 20 U.S. Marine Raiders from Camp Lejeune captured Anita Dunn, who, like Donilon, had been a driving force in the illigitimate administration’s plan to permanently lockdown and bankrupt American society.
Marines found in Donilon’s possession a handwritten proposal that detailed plans to spike inflation by another 6% over the next 6 months
“Discuss with [Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Chairperson] Celia Rouse—the lower and middle class will realize we’re not really opening the SPR (presumably meaning strategic petroleum reserves) when fuel prices do not drop and continue to increase in cost. Within 3-6 months suspicions will arise, and we may need other angles…” part of his notes read.

Moreover, the documents referenced the myriad cargo ships sitting off the coast of California.

“We must do everything in our authority to prevent imported goods from reaching consumers. In this, we can use Omicron to our advantage,” it read.

Worse, his notes encouraged the COE to manufacture ways to levy additional taxes on domestic corn and wheat products, the nation’s biggest agricultural commodities.

“We expect to learn a lot more through information on his electronic devices. Donilon is a traitor to America and will finally have to answer for his crimes,” our source said.

edit on 5-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Not familiar with RealRawNews, are they considered credible around these parts?

edit on 5-12-2021 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

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