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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
What's strange here is Anons knew all of this three years ago, and now it is "evidence," which somehow makes this undeniable.

It was Fake News back then.

Releasing to the public would cause a national security crisis.

They used a magic potion and now it's fact.

Democrats usually use the opposite potion, but everyone should be aware that they have both magic fake news potions.

edit on 3-12-2021 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

I've known many women who have had abortions, none, zero, not one, was proud of it and was not emotionally traumatized by it. Only the mind controlled and the hateful see this as a "right' when it is something fully preventable in nearly all circumstances. If folks got pregnant by Sitting On A Chair, I get it, but they do not.

I dont want to argue as I dont think this is the right thread for abortion debate, but Its a lot more complex than this. A woman at a crisis point in her life may find an unwanted pregnancy like torture or simply unethical to continue. Until factors that contribute to this are addressed through psychology, followed with societal change like better support for single parents, it should stay a right.

Women have sought out abortion since the dawn of time and if you look at the lengths a woman in desperation will go to... killing themselves... I think that making it a right is about harm reduction.

I am far from mind controlled and hateful, but I am a woman who used to be young, who had adhd and was out of control, who used to do drugs and drink too much, who was gullible to mens lies, who has suffered from this patriarchal society and its medical industry. Until, science does deep psychological work on what women are going through at the times of unwanted pregnancy, we cant judge.

As a woman who has had two (extremely early) abortions, I appreciate you understand that no woman is proud of it, or not traumatized, but early abortion is simply a solution to prevent further damage to a person in a fragile place. I would have killed myself if forced to go on because of what happened. And yes, as with anything there will be those who abuse it and those who feel doing it late is ok... Im not addressing those but rather the earlier the better and no where near premature or viable age. I wish people wouldnèt confuse early and late. In the early days, its a little bundle of cells that a woman may delight in or may feel it is like cancer.

There isnt a black and white answer and yes I just learnt about the stream of abortion parts sold into research and worse. Much could be done to drastically decrease the number of abortions if it was no longer monetized and better help in mental health was available, and support to those who go through with the pregnancy. But it needs to stay a right, highly regulated but a right, much like end of life rights for those who cant face suffering a debilitating or painful disease like cancer.

Im just so tired of people pontificating over other peoples lives without walking in their shoes. We can never walk in their shoes so thats why we need universal rights. Its ok to not like it or agree with it but you may never be in the situation to need those rights. Its much like this so called pandemic... people that were never free are not understanding what freedoms are being taken. How about some live and let live.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: igloo

One thing to think about with these abortion debates and vaccine mandates that get ignored is that as long as the governments can enforce that vaccine mandates, they can also enforce a "One Child" policy that China had.

This whole issue with abortions begins and end with the question; "Should taxpayer money be used to fund these operations?" The answer is no, no they shouldn't. If a person wants an abortion, then they should flip the bill, and not the American Taxpayer. If that point was ever addressed, then this whole argument would just go away and become an issue of personal choice. So, stop using Taxpayer funded medical funds for these abortions and people will stop making issues out of it.

The purpose for not addressing this part of the problem is that if the economic issue of paying for an abortion was totally on the onus of the people getting the abortion, then politicians wouldn't be able to use this medical procedure to divide us. Abortion is todays Slavery issue; we should call it what it is.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 09:29 PM
Evergrande is toast, who or what is holding this collapse off? Letter

Crypto is on a very downward turn the last two days.

Tether crash (BTC Ponzi) lurks, being investigated.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: pteridine
I just read that there are 2 in Forrest City which is in Eastern Ar. between Little Rock and Memphis and one of them is a women's unit which is a minimum security prison. I have another friend who was with the Arkansas State Police for 15 years in Wake Forrest and am supposed to go eat with his family Sunday so I will inquire about the Minimum Security Prison down there.....

I would not be surprised if Maxwell was being held in Arkansas. Why? Because I believe it is highly likely that Epstein's relationship with Bill began while Bill was Governor here.

What's really interesting here to me personally is the Hunter Biden child support case. That would also be a 509 jurisdiction thing. And remember that early on we saw pictures and had flight tracker cow of DoJ planes in Little Rock with reports of Clintons offices being raided.

John McCain hands over the papers for Clinton, announces he has brain cancer. Shortly after the Clintons offices in Little Rock are raided. Next thing you know, Jeffery Epstein is arrested and his handler is being held in Arkansas.

Jeffery Epstein would be the keystone because apparently that investigation even ensnared Hunter Biden.

... And unfortunately the Clintons have put a stain ok the great state of Arkansas.

With a little luck, Arkansas redeems herself and takes these SoBs down.

ETA: Arkansas has a lot of money. The main reason why is the trucking industry. Unfortunately, this also means that Arkansas has a lot of people who would take advantage of the location (center of the country) to move contraband, up to and including people.
edit on 3-12-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

The minimum security camp doesn't seem like a good place to stash her which may make it a good place to stash her. She did gripe that she was confined to her cell and I thought that the camps were dorm style. Putting a prisoner number on her is up to them and they could pick anything.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
What's strange here is Anons knew all of this three years ago, and now it is "evidence," which somehow makes this undeniable.

Visited 17 times and G-Max is being charged with 17 felony counts. What a coincidence. Think alot of evidence that was uncovered/exposed circulating on the Internet from 2-4 yrs ago or older is now being presented for the first time in a federal court with a jury.

Another letter from prosecution was filed hours ago.

Document #522

I assume this is detective Dawson of the Palm Beach Police Department who was part of the search team that filmed inside Epstein's Miami house back in 2005.

Google spreadsheet with supposedly all available flight data of Epstein's fleet of jets during the years (back to 1988) he was an active owner:

All known Epstein Jet Flights

Includes additional 2000 flights + 704 previously unknown flights that the FAA 'accidentally' released according to Business Insider

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Just wanted to point out that Evergrande Stock code (as listed in the release you provided) is 3333.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c616d2 No.6482617 📁
May 12 2019 19:13:07 (EST)📁
Eyes on.

In the link Rep Collins is pushing a book he wrote called: "The Clock and the Calendar"

In The Clock and the Calendar, Congressman Doug Collins will explain why the impeachment was not really about a phone call with a foreign leader or how the president conducted himself; no, it was not even about the Russia investigation that had fizzled just months before these proceedings. What happened in the halls of Congress during this time was merely a date with a destiny that was dreamed of by Democrats still feeling the sting of bitter tears in Brooklyn on the night that Donald Trump derailed the coronation of Hillary Clinton. It was on that night that the mainstream media was stunned and brought to tears, and the Washington establishment shook to their very core, that the seed was planted. We may not have won tonight, they said, but we will never let this stand. Instead of looking to win again in four years, the movement began to look for another solution.

Just something to think about.

a reply to: pteridine

Good point, but I still wonder why was Barr all the way up in Alaska at that one time, and nothing about anything came to the public eye about the real reason for that trip? What better place to hold a trial and keep anyone from interfering in it than having it held up in Alaska during winter.

edit on 3-12-2021 by Guyfriday because: Saving space, saving space, that's why I edited to save some space

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: igloo

One thing to think about with these abortion debates and vaccine mandates that get ignored is that as long as the governments can enforce that vaccine mandates, they can also enforce a "One Child" policy that China had.

This whole issue with abortions begins and end with the question; "Should taxpayer money be used to fund these operations?" The answer is no, no they shouldn't. If a person wants an abortion, then they should flip the bill, and not the American Taxpayer. If that point was ever addressed, then this whole argument would just go away and become an issue of personal choice. So, stop using Taxpayer funded medical funds for these abortions and people will stop making issues out of it.

The purpose for not addressing this part of the problem is that if the economic issue of paying for an abortion was totally on the onus of the people getting the abortion, then politicians wouldn't be able to use this medical procedure to divide us. Abortion is todays Slavery issue; we should call it what it is.

Wise words, thanks for this explanation. I'm not american and didn't know the financing was an issue. I'd have to think it through but I think you are right as part of true freedom would be having taxpayer money being put toward what the taxpayers deem appropriate and that's a worldwide problem. So much is wasted as long as we have no say in their spending of our money.

You'd think then with the new abortion pills that women can afford it early and maybe later abortion that must be surgical can be out of the question unless life or death, medically necessary with taxpayers footing the bill.

Your point about the one child policy and all this is quite chilling. Hadn't thought of that.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: igloo

I can never see this as an easy topic to discuss it is just way too complicated. I’ve never had an abortion but my best friend did and has suffered mentally and physically from it however had she not had the abortion she would have suffered mentally and physically just in different ways. I agree with Igloo that there are no black and white answers here. Women will seek out abortions and there should be psychological help for those that do however imo I do not think abortion should be used as birth control (which is what my generation started) and I am against infanticide. I guess I am saying that there is a big difference in early and late-term and I am against late-term.
What I see we have let happen is that by allowing aborted fetuses to be sold we have allowed it to become an “industry” which has brought us to killing infants after they’ve been born which is wrong and no-one has the right to do. What started out as a solution to a problem has become a lucrative disgusting money-making industry.
I am also against using taxpayer money to fund abortions. I do not feel like right to ask everyone to pay for the solutions to the mistakes of some.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

"Good point, but I still wonder why was Barr all the way up in Alaska"

There was a 'plane crash', and the principal witness was killed on his way to DC to testify against certain powerful democrats.

You guys covered it here.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 10:58 PM
Bad news for Fusion GPS, Clinton’s political hit-job contractors...

Fusion GPS tried to hide e-mails in a civil case against Alfa Bank

Then John Durham found them.

Why Alfa Bank is about to win a fight to obtain internal Fusion GPS/Glenn Simpson e-mails.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 11:02 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: igloo

One thing to think about with these abortion debates and vaccine mandates that get ignored is that as long as the governments can enforce that vaccine mandates, they can also enforce a "One Child" policy that China had.

This whole issue with abortions begins and end with the question; "Should taxpayer money be used to fund these operations?" The answer is no, no they shouldn't. If a person wants an abortion, then they should flip the bill, and not the American Taxpayer. If that point was ever addressed, then this whole argument would just go away and become an issue of personal choice. So, stop using Taxpayer funded medical funds for these abortions and people will stop making issues out of it.

The purpose for not addressing this part of the problem is that if the economic issue of paying for an abortion was totally on the onus of the people getting the abortion, then politicians wouldn't be able to use this medical procedure to divide us. Abortion is todays Slavery issue; we should call it what it is.

Wise words, thanks for this explanation. I'm not american and didn't know the financing was an issue. I'd have to think it through but I think you are right as part of true freedom would be having taxpayer money being put toward what the taxpayers deem appropriate and that's a worldwide problem. So much is wasted as long as we have no say in their spending of our money.

You'd think then with the new abortion pills that women can afford it early and maybe later abortion that must be surgical can be out of the question unless life or death, medically necessary with taxpayers footing the bill.

Your point about the one child policy and all this is quite chilling. Hadn't thought of that.

IG, I totally get you here, more than most would. We can expand the issue a bit to one of evolution. We've dug here enough to show that the issues we believe are the core components of the "argument" are simply back engineered to create the desired effect - stress, fear, death, products, random sex etc. The Earth, and its inhabitants at the moment, are literally arguing over what is "life" when life is obvious. When is a puppy a puppy? When is a tree a tree?

In order to evolve, we have to move past the issue handed to us. We don't value life at all, the baby issue is just one part, we war, fight, kill, murder, maim, and on and on because we do not value life - at all to be fair. We kill over designer shoes, we kill over arguments over whose sports team is better, we kill over the property earth gave us for free.

Even worse, we once valued life more, but now science gets to tell us what is God, Life, Spirit etc. No one before "science" stepped in argued over this, X-rays and such caused this.

In a very, very, very oversimplified process. Conception is life, a deal is made with Man, Woman and soon to be child to create. We also know the demons work that angle to create their own spawn at "conception" (moon children etc.)

So, in short, the demons effing well know life starts at conception, hence the rituals and the same demons have created the talking points we fight over to serve them.

But, the "Soul" essence doesn't really merge until the body hits the earth plane - b-day, so plans can change and, in many cases, everything balances in the end. BUT,,, the SOURCE essence and the genetic lineage is within the infant = life - which is why they crave them. They are soulless, they have no connection to Source, so they need synthetic connections.

My point here is, the information being revealed now is that in an evolved state, in like every other civilized world in the galaxy, there is no confusion and no abortion and we must alter our thinking to get to that state, when we do, situations like yours and many others simply cease to exist because the reality has no vibration for it. And, the best part, the demons die off as there is nothing to support them.

These matters are a tug of war, as long as we hold our end of the rope the game goes on and hold us in place. If we just drop the rope, a whole new world will open up, that's a fact, we've seen it here in snippets. The big one is we must value life entirely, top to bottom and drop the rope that tugs at the notion that some life is valuable while other life is not.

It isn't that hard to do it for oneself, and very powerful when one simply allows that energy to enter them and not fight with it. It also heals a helluva lot.

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

I think this is entirely possible as well. Clinton was very well connected through Don Tyson (and others) to that whole “elite” crowd while he was Governor here.
I had completely forgotten about the Clinton offices being raided! There is so damn much info that it boggles the mind….but we are talking about over 30 years worth to keep track of.
It would be sooo sweet if Arkansas got to be a major factor in taking them down!!! The hell that they put this state through is un-real and it lingered…..literally for years after they were gone!
I completely agree with your ETA too! In the 90’s this was the perfect place to hide in plain sight and you know they say one of the key elements to running a successful business is location, location, location……even when it is a criminal enterprise that you’re running.
I think that is why Hillary thought Arkansas was so “backwards” as I have heard she used to refer to us as which really wasn’t the case at all. We just had no idea the extent of evil that we allowed to immerse itself into our gov.
Do you remember hearing about the contraband being dropped at the Rockerfella Airstrip on Petit Jean Mtn?

posted on Dec, 3 2021 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: igloo

Im just so tired of people pontificating over other peoples lives without walking in their shoes. We can never walk in their shoes so thats why we need universal rights. Its ok to not like it or agree with it but you may never be in the situation to need those rights. Its much like this so called pandemic... people that were never free are not understanding what freedoms are being taken. How about some live and let live.

This ^^^^^^
Thank you.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Two new Mr Pool posts overnight - Future proves Past insights!

Post #1


a) This is a lapel PIN,
b) It is a HARP design - think HAARP,
c) On the SCROLL are the greek symbols for DELTA and OMICRON!

d) Now consider the famous picture filename DOITQ in post #2100:


Crypto market taking dump tonight. Think Mr. Pool has pointed to this a few times. Also just read Bank of India will use XRP as its CBDCbank of India
edit on Sat Dec 4 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:25 AM
This is a military operation.

edit on 4-12-2021 by FlyingFox because: UNLEASH THE KRACKEN!

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:59 AM
lol I just sold $500 worth of ETH and got over $11k for it after 4 years.

edit on 4-12-2021 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
lol I just sold $500 worth of ETH and got over $11k for it after 4 years.

edit on 4-12-2021 by FlyingFox because:

I think some good bargains will be for the taking then. Crypto will not go away IMO. The Monopoly money we call currency will likely go away instead.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 02:18 AM
DENIED: Sixth Circuit Refuses OSHA's Request To Transfer Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit To D.C. - 12-3-21

The Sixth Circuit Court has denied the federal government’s motions to transfer the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine mandate lawsuit to Washington, D.C. and hold it in abeyance, dealing another blow to the Biden regime that has banked on the relatively small agency’s ability to enforce its divisive mandate.


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