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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 06:00 AM
If we see anything from maxwell it better be 100% undeniable and so shocking in what it reveals that even the msn/shills can't twist it to protect the perpetrators.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 06:10 AM
Looking at a book on neo-Feudalism similar to the one pointed out by EMN yesterday. An older book, but by the same author.

What interests me is that the author has clear leftist sympathies, yet he is aware enough to see what is happening in terms of the already existing yawning economic divide and where it is headed.

Today, many in the struggling middle and working classes see the well-to-do displaying their environmental piety by paying “green” indulgences through carbon credits and other virtue-signaling devices, while these “enlightened” policies impose extraordinarily high energy and housing costs on the less well off. Alienated elements of the middle and working classes are responding with what might be likened to a modern peasants’ rebellion. It can be seen in a series of angry votes and protests against the policies championed by the clerisy* and oligarchy—on climate change, global trade, and migration. This anger was expressed in the election of President Trump, in the support for Brexit, and in the rise of populist parties across Europe.

* By 'clerisy' he means the modern network of intellectuals and media urging us to unquestioningly accept the authority of 'experts' and others who pretend to be better informed than others; what he calls a "class of thought leaders and opinion makers".

Although I doubt the author will mention Q outright, there is some resonance with Q topics in what the author discusses. I've just started reading it. Not badly written, it should be interesting. I find myself nodding in agreement with some of what he writes, particularly the shift in where the wealth of society went (to the richest) after 1973.

The Coming of Neo Feudalism, Joel Kotkin. Published by Encounter Books in 2020.


posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Illuminate confirm - from his 1986 book...

Reminds me of the movie “Tron”
I actually randomly started thinking about Tron and the Matrix the other day. Similar types of ideas. Both been around decades.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 07:28 AM
Ran across an olden goldy today.

Anyone here ever hear of Alois Irlmaier?

Apparently a German sage who passed on in 1959. Reportedly, he predicted a "timetable" of future events back in the 1950s:

1. First there's an economic vitality like never before.
2. A lapse of faith follows, like never before.
3. Then a corruption of morals, like never before.
4. A huge number of strangers flood the country.
5. It comes a massive inflation. Paper money looses its value more and more.
6. Soon follows the revolution.
7. Then overnight the Russians raid the West.

He also went on to say the war triggered by #7 would not last long, but would be stopped terrible weapons that use a "yellow dust" poisonous to both plant and animal life.

Also predictions of a Chinese invasion of the US west coast.

One bit that caught my eye was mention of '72 hours of darkness' in which he advised everyone to stay inside and to cover all windows thoroughly. Another bit was mention of a weapon that caused water levels in a sea to locally rise and then come back down, causing widespread flooding (watch the water?)

In hindsight. This guy was a soldier in the First World War and saw the subsequent economic collapse of Germany, plus the Bolshevik invasion of Poland, etc. So some of what he predicted had in various forms already come about. Interestingly (for the period in which he made the prediction), he also mentioned a catastrophe for the Vatican -- somewhat dovetailing with the [reported] 3rd Secret of Fatima.

And yet. If nothing else, there are occasional correspondences in his predictions with some things mentioned by Q -- some 70 years later.

edit on 23-11-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: rl lr

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes
Thanks for the info, I have been through a wild last 96 hours. Got rid of my Queen bed and mattress and back to a single. 5 hours of dismantling and assembling took it's toll on the body though. I was in a grumpy mood today and felt invisible to everybody which made me more aggravated. You feel the darkness coming sometimes and you feel your stride shorten and quicken, heart rate increasing. My family has seen me as a Volcano in the past because I let it build.
I didn't sleep 1st night on my new bed even though it felt amazing but this evening I got a couple of blissful hours. So the balance has returned a little. Reflection is something I have done a lot of in the past 5 years and it is all about Shadow. I watched numerous movies over the years and now you see it was always there. The battle they have us fighting is with Ourselves. The battle of all battles is within you. Face it square on and know while it can destroy you, it can also forged you into something better. The Mirror is staring us all in the face. Most here know this but it feels like we are also the 1% of whatever you want to call it. Anyway I said a little balance.

edit on 23-11-2021 by YippiKyAA because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 07:57 AM
Semi off topic but the day finally came to fruition. Despite the OSHA ruling, I have been notified that due to the CMS requirements for vaccines in healthcare settings that receive Medicaid or Medicare funding if I don’t receive my first dose by Sunday December 5th I will be terminated.
Interesting way to start my work day. Guess I’ll be learning a new trade outside of the medical field

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Bizarro tragedy...

Malcolm X's daughter, Malikah Shabazz, found dead in Brooklyn home

Authorities say Shabazz, 56, was found inside of her Midwood home on East 28th Street by her daughter.

The death does not appear suspicious.

Oh, com-effing-on man.

2 men convicted of killing Malcolm X exonerated after new evidence found

xuserdefined TY.


Seems to be the 2021 Anthem.

Malcom X's family has always maintained that Louis Farrakhan arranged his death.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 08:22 AM
I’m kind of confused. I couldn’t drive any less than I drive now. Shipping containers are piling up on the coast, and there are much fewer items in all the stores. How could oil prices go up (other than inflation). It’s more like oil prices are high so let’s raid the piggy bank. As usual, we’re missing information to understand what is really going on.

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

I would assume "raiding the Petroleum reserves for China" is actually Bidan destroying China's opponents' (US) military supply routes before invading?

Or does the military have a separate petroleum reserve that is sufficient to fuel all US military, Air Force and Navy movements in response to an attack from China?

That one action alone could be seem as Treason by Biden; if done KNOWINGLY.

The US has squirreled away a lot of oil. I think part of what our Gov has been doing for years is to run everybody else out of oil. Now you do that by shutting down THEIR oil wells. BUT, they keep finding more of it.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: Caled
I’m kind of confused. I couldn’t drive any less than I drive now. Shipping containers are piling up on the coast, and there are much fewer items in all the stores. How could oil prices go up (other than inflation). It’s more like oil prices are high so let’s raid the piggy bank. As usual, we’re missing information to understand what is really going on.

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

I would assume "raiding the Petroleum reserves for China" is actually Bidan destroying China's opponents' (US) military supply routes before invading?

Or does the military have a separate petroleum reserve that is sufficient to fuel all US military, Air Force and Navy movements in response to an attack from China?

That one action alone could be seem as Treason by Biden; if done KNOWINGLY.

The US has squirreled away a lot of oil. I think part of what our Gov has been doing for years is to run everybody else out of oil. Now you do that by shutting down THEIR oil wells. BUT, they keep finding more of it.

It may be the national petroleum reserve is in 'good shape' (by someone's measure) but none is being released, thus what is available remains relatively scarce, driving prices higher. Complete guess on my part.


posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Based on the actions of those in power my guess would be that they are taking advantage of a situation they created to drain us of our resources before we really need it.

I think its safe to say the american public is ironically cushioned a bit more from oil prices due to how the fake pandemic and nazi passports restrict travel and going into the office.

We also know they are pushing the alternative energy and electric vehicles harder than ever bc they have positioned their cronies to the top of each sector.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:14 AM
"Q" find for today. I wasn't even looking for it...I was just watching this video. No mention of Q. But here it is:

This part of the video is about an old Bible that is between 1500 and 2000 years old that is vastly different than the current Bible.

Edit: I was doing some more research on this and found this link:

It has a link to information saying that Jesus was not crucified. The link takes you here:

Literally here. Ha!
edit on 11/23/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 10:20 AM

Saw this yesterday now I cant unsee it lol

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, also worth noting that, on his twitter account of same handle, his followers has gone down to 2!

As we've seen with HUMA and Dan Scavino, the Followers # points to a KU post... so Mr Pool is currently pointing to #2

Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147023341 📁
Oct 28 2017 17:15:48 (EST)
HRC detained, not arrested (yet).
Where is Huma? Follow Huma.
This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).
Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?
What is military intelligence?
Why go around the 3 letter agencies?
What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?
Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?
What is the military code?
Where is AW being held? Why?
POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.
Who has access to everything classified?
Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.
Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.
They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.
This is not a R v D battle.
Why did Soros donate all his money recently?
Why would he place all his funds in a RC?
Mockingbird 10.30.17
God bless fellow Patriots.

1) Bolded timestamp encodes Nov 22nd,
2) 3rd line: "Where is Huma? Follow Huma." reinforces my "following" point above,

3) There are undeciphered TYPOs in the post:
a) line 8: should be "congressionalLY,
b) line 12: should be "POTUS will not go on tv to address THE nation."
c) line 17: should be "Whoever controls the office of the PresideNcy controls this great land."
d) Not sure if this is all of them or whether the 2x w/, wo, lowercase "tv" should be taken into account,
e) (a), (b) and (c0 give LY THEN... does LY = Last Year?

4) This line is hinting about a difference in authority/approval of use of Veterans and the National Guard:
"Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?"
a) What Powers Does the President Have to Take Military Action without Congressional Approval?

It provides that the President can send the armed forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress, "statutory authorization," or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.

b) Definition Of A War Veteran

Veterans may also serve 90 days of active duty service, one (1) day of which is during “wartime”, and a last discharge or release under honorable conditions

This begs the question if a large chunk of the National Guard become war veterans by virtue of serving more than 90 days on active duty over the last couple of years?

I think we need further analysis of why Mr Pool would point to #2 now, especially considering that "#2" appears in 29 other posts. E.g.:
#247 - #2 in FBI?
#373 - Term_[#2]19_y
#447 - SEARCH crumbs: [#2] ... Who is #2?
#466 - Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within?
#2561 - OIG to release report #2 [overview indicating many 'potentially criminal referrals' made]?
#2567 - FAKE NEWS coordinated attacks [#2 only to POTUS]
#3167 - #2 re: attacked
#4612 - #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS].
#4875 - #2 attacked topic _[POTUS #1].

Rel this might be something.
#b Potus will not go on tv to address the nation> Lie then. [ly then]
Since the black hats were reading the drops as well this could have been used as misdirection and therefore we should expect Trump to address the nation on tv. Hopefully soon.

#4612 +# 4875.... #1 Potus mirror Potus #1. This would lead us to Pool who uses that technique for communication. Could also be referring to the POTUS and the shadow POTUS. Also a mirror.

We now have a mirror of Biden, really Obama #1 POTUS and Trump as the mirror POTUS #1.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 10:23 AM
I'm going to spend some time reading the Gospel of Barnabas today. I have a feeling things are about to get Biblical. I also think some of the folks we have been following are not what we think.

I may have to watch Marvel's Eternals as well. Spoilers for those that haven't seen it:

"In Eternals, Celestials are planted as seeds within the core of a planet. Eternals are then sent to nurture their inhabitants and help them advance as a society. While they believe it is to better them, the reality of their mission is to offer up enough energy for the Celestial seed to grow. Once the time has come for its emergence, the entire planet and everyone on it are destroyed."

Why this message, and why now? Even if this wasn't the intent of the message, this is exactly like the idea of Satan. The seed was planted, and we continue to grow and feed him until the planet is destroyed.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 10:41 AM
Cheers for the value add on LY/Lie THEN!

To save space, an interesting couple of post from (Q) The StormRider: first one here, at 15:26:36GMT today:

From a TRUSTED>MILITARY source inside an EU Army ( I can't mention the country for many reasonsOfficial McAfee Page< is REAL!

The silence on his page is for a reason.... But will start again and EVENTually drop some BOMBS!

////I had earlier dismissed this McAfee Page..... But this TRUSTED source has never been wrong!///

Something's cooking...

Second one here:

>The Hunt for Red October<

Begins in NOVEMBER in the movie_

>In the official book.. The Hunt for Red October begins December 3rd called the first day<

_In many decodes of Q drops over Red October.. often lead to November dates and December future Q drops_
We are still inside RED OCTOBER

edit on 23-11-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Re our to and fro on Post #2 and other posts with #2 in content:

Huma Abedin tweeted at 4:22pm yesterday, including a 2 second video:

I’ll be liking & commenting on some reviews on @goodreads soon - have you rated & reviewed #BothAndMemoir yet?

Make sure to add it to your shelves & don’t forget to follow my author page!

For those who think the 2 second video is just a coinkydinky... the tweet timestamp of 4:22pm points to #422

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 913540 No.145882 📁
Dec 22 2017 00:44:31 (EST)
Test 2.

... and #1622 Are you ready?

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Ran across an olden goldy today.

Anyone here ever hear of Alois Irlmaier?

Apparently a German sage who passed on in 1959. Reportedly, he predicted a "timetable" of future events back in the 1950s:

1. First there's an economic vitality like never before.
2. A lapse of faith follows, like never before.
3. Then a corruption of morals, like never before.
4. A huge number of strangers flood the country.
5. It comes a massive inflation. Paper money looses its value more and more.
6. Soon follows the revolution.
7. Then overnight the Russians raid the West.

He also went on to say the war triggered by #7 would not last long, but would be stopped terrible weapons that use a "yellow dust" poisonous to both plant and animal life.

Also predictions of a Chinese invasion of the US west coast.

One bit that caught my eye was mention of '72 hours of darkness' in which he advised everyone to stay inside and to cover all windows thoroughly. Another bit was mention of a weapon that caused water levels in a sea to locally rise and then come back down, causing widespread flooding (watch the water?)

I know, conspiracy faux pas to quote Fulford, but...

In North America as well, a major military campaign against the cabal has begun. This is being seen in the media as large floods that have cut off Vancouver, Canada, from the rest of the country.

“If anyone thinks this climate storm that severed Vancouver from the ROC was anything but the military, you are jackass morons. The odds of EVERY highway being closed defies probability. The intensity of the storm defies the natural law of the area. This was weather warfare and the landslides were equipment deployed during the summer by the Canadian Military with crates of explosives labeled Operation Atlas Strike 21. We saw the crates being offloaded from the C17 Globemaster III transports in Kelowna,” a CIA source says.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, also worth noting that, on his twitter account of same handle, his followers has gone down to 2!

As we've seen with HUMA and Dan Scavino, the Followers # points to a KU post... so Mr Pool is currently pointing to #2

Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147023341 📁
Oct 28 2017 17:15:48 (EST)
HRC detained, not arrested (yet).
Where is Huma? Follow Huma.
This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).
Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?
What is military intelligence?
Why go around the 3 letter agencies?
What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?
Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?
What is the military code?
Where is AW being held? Why?
POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.
Who has access to everything classified?
Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.
Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.
They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.
This is not a R v D battle.
Why did Soros donate all his money recently?
Why would he place all his funds in a RC?
Mockingbird 10.30.17
God bless fellow Patriots.

1) Bolded timestamp encodes Nov 22nd,
2) 3rd line: "Where is Huma? Follow Huma." reinforces my "following" point above,

3) There are undeciphered TYPOs in the post:
a) line 8: should be "congressionalLY,
b) line 12: should be "POTUS will not go on tv to address THE nation."
c) line 17: should be "Whoever controls the office of the PresideNcy controls this great land."
d) Not sure if this is all of them or whether the 2x w/, wo, lowercase "tv" should be taken into account,
e) (a), (b) and (c0 give LY THEN... does LY = Last Year?

4) This line is hinting about a difference in authority/approval of use of Veterans and the National Guard:
"Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?"
a) What Powers Does the President Have to Take Military Action without Congressional Approval?

It provides that the President can send the armed forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress, "statutory authorization," or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.

b) Definition Of A War Veteran

Veterans may also serve 90 days of active duty service, one (1) day of which is during “wartime”, and a last discharge or release under honorable conditions

This begs the question if a large chunk of the National Guard become war veterans by virtue of serving more than 90 days on active duty over the last couple of years?

I think we need further analysis of why Mr Pool would point to #2 now, especially considering that "#2" appears in 29 other posts. E.g.:
#247 - #2 in FBI?
#373 - Term_[#2]19_y
#447 - SEARCH crumbs: [#2] ... Who is #2?
#466 - Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within?
#2561 - OIG to release report #2 [overview indicating many 'potentially criminal referrals' made]?
#2567 - FAKE NEWS coordinated attacks [#2 only to POTUS]
#3167 - #2 re: attacked
#4612 - #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS].
#4875 - #2 attacked topic _[POTUS #1].

POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.

POTUS, not DJT. If we alter it...

BIDEN will not go on tv to address the nation. = He hasn't on WI incident or anything for that matters (DJT always appeared in seconds)

Biden must isolate himself to prevent negative optics. = All Joe does. (DJT never did this)

Biden knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation. = Remove DJT leftovers, cancel EO's, ram through BBB trash.

It would appear, this part of the Future Proves Past reveals Joe's presence in the WH was planned for by both WH and BH, making Fake Joe the ultimate tool.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
Well that's very interesting!
Thank you for posting.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: carewemust

If you know you did something bad, and some else who you know, knows that you did the thing, says that they are going to tell others about it, then does it matter to you if that other person has proof or not? No, it really doesn't since you would be more worried that the person might have something to show about your crime.

Maxwell would be in a position the hold that type of fear over the heads of others, but more importantly, she doesn't seem like the kind of person that does anything... and I mean anything, without an insurance policy in place in the event that something went sideways. Nobody thinks it's weird that she so conveniently went into custody without any media fan fair? She went to jail on her terms, so there is a plan she's following. The reason why her family wants her out of jail, doesn't seem to be a think for her best interest, but I bet she went down to hide their crimes as well, but now they are worried that she might spill the beans on them too.

The Maxwell family is about as innocent as the Morgan family is in this globalist mess. It will be interesting to see how many people fall if she talks. Oh, and if something tragic did happen to her at this point, then I'm willing to bet that everyone in those flight logs and that one book of "So and So's" will have a lot of explaining to do. Their best bet would be to let her talk, and deal with the fallout later, than it would be to off her and have to deal with the other side thinking that they are now being extorted.

Bah, what the hell do I know though, I'm just a lame-o-nobody.

You know a hell of a lot more about the back-story of these high-society crimes and dramas than I do. I don't pay attention until the law enforcement and court systems are involved.

From what you're saying, it seems like Ghislaine Maxwell isn't going to send anyone to prison, including herself. (ie The "Insurance Policy(s)")

That's too bad, considering how many millions of words, on ATS alone, have been dedicated to the illegal adventures of Maxwell and Epstein over the years.

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