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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Here in NZ, health and teachers just got the Vaxx mandate, movie continues and on that note, For Jon Levi to be mind blown > < it be an xlent movie within the movie.

Left the movie a few times of late, got annoyed, angry, spat a few words etc but soon relaxing again with movie, tough work off n on lol, Now-woN would be nicer with some seen paydirt though atm.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I've found another picture of Pelosi meeting the Pope, from this Reuters article - and it's quite revealing:

Hiding in Plain Sight... THE EYE OF HORUS between PELOSI and the POPE:


posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Bergo the former bouncer, and Pelosi, a daughter of the east coast mob. My, what fine society that photo depicts.


posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 04:52 AM
File under "Could be something... Could be nothing!":

Why would there be a Temporary Flight Restriction in place for ROCKET LAUNCHES in ALASKA, from 19th to 29th?

From MyRadar:


posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Re XVIII = 18th = A day of positive development"... this seems to synchronise with that:


posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

In the 19th century, I suspect certain influential factions in the German lands supported the "inquiries" into the life of the historical Jesus. It was the beginning of Germany's disconnection from Christianity and they have since wandered into a philosophical quagmire in which everything is relative and nothing is black and white.


posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

Know the feeling 13Kiwi20qYes!

Maybe this will help send positive vibes...

The Narrator, on your anomalies video, reminds me of Jim Morrison speaking at around 1:45 on PEACE FROG:

"Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding, _Ghosts_ crowd the young child's fragile, egg-shell mind!"

edit on 11-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
@dawsonsfield has an interesting thread.

None of this was really intended to get Trump, he was never going to win.

It was intended to give Hillary an excuse to fire Comey, Baker & any other honest people at FBI. Fire them for investigating both candidates, to hide it was firing them to end Clinton investigations.

Hillary's entire 2016 plan was to fool everyone into believing that the FBI was investigating Trump. After she lost, it became even more important to create that narrative to damage the FBI.

If you still believe the FBI was investigating Trump, Hillary's team is still winning!

In fairness, I'm about the only one in this thread that didn't beat up on James Comey. I found it impossible to believe he would willing carry water for the Clintons and the feud between he and DJT was just too contrived. I've taken grief for it, but James' tweets suggested he was still working toward the positive end. He's not tweeted since January and been off radar - seems curious.

It can be said now, I believe JC posted here in the thread sometime back under two names. He was a bit peeved at QOS relentless attacks on his pithy and obtuse comments during the storm of peachmints lead up. Again, for me many are gray hats not necessarily related to motivation but exposure of the darker parts. JC did a lot in his journey to bust open the FBI and the Clinton machine for all to see.

Thank you for sharing this thread.

Very intriguing, I missed the dialogue you are speaking of here.

Gray hats seems to be the most plausible, not just for Comey but also Mueller and Wray, our favorite anon did say to Trust Wray.

Perhaps long wave double agents for the white hats?

Mueller Uranium 1, Comey revolving door with weapons industry, Wray's continuing failure to do anything at all!

What a movie!

edit on America/ChicagoMondayAmerica/Chicago10America/Chicago1031amMonday8 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 08:59 AM
This is a strong decode from We Are The News telegram, at around 7pm yesterday, but it comes with a warning from me... think #1415 They thought it was coming yesterday, meaning it may apply to today!

edit on 11-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I'm getting a tad concerned about onehuman... not been on the site since lunchtime on the 5th.

In itself that wouldn't be unusual but we were in a convo elsewhere to do an interview on their Yig site and they haven't replied to messages there since around the same time.

I'd just sent them a video tutorial on the spreadsheet... and we were initially slated to do the interview on 5th but had not yet decided a reschedule date.

Been missing his presence as well.

I am getting caught up, but I do recall in the last thread he put out his Youtube channel in regards to ingersollockwood website and his analysis.

Is this about the time he has been absent from, that looks like it was in mid September.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

Too many unanswered questions for me. I doubt that they will ever be answered.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

elementalgrove, he's been missing from this thread and telegram since 5th but his account accessed ATS upto 7th.

I'm told that all his posts on this thread were deleted from his wall?

I did watch the interview with a director of Ingersoll Lockwood on; which seemed harmless enough.

I'm afraid that's all I know.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: elementalgrove

elementalgrove, he's been missing from this thread and telegram since 5th but his account accessed ATS upto 7th.

I'm told that all his posts on this thread were deleted from his wall?

I did watch the interview with a director of Ingersoll Lockwood on; which seemed harmless enough.

I'm afraid that's all I know.

I did just check to see if I could look up his posts, it does not appear that his posts were deleted and also it appears that he has visited this site as of today!

Hopefully we will hear from him soon!

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 11:23 AM
Have you all been watching the Schumann Resonance? I checked it today because I haven’t heard the global hum for a few days. I hadn’t checked because people won’t leave me alone…they are inventing new things to distract me. It’s almost getting comical. Back to the Schumann Resonance, it matches what I (haven’t) been hearing. Calm.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 11:50 AM
California to make critical race theory a high school graduation requirement

California becomes first state to require gender-neutral toy aisles at large retail stores

Gavin Newsom signs law banning sale of new gas-powered leaf blowers, lawn mowers by 2024

Perfect Commie CCP talking points sequence.

CommonCore math makes this idiotic CRT logic possible, as you just no one of them flashed the okay sign.

Trust the Science.

Tells us what is coming, getting ahead of the curve.

"Essential" is now a word turned into a weapon. Soon: "the unvaxxed are now non essential..."

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I did watch the interview with a director of Ingersoll Lockwood on; which seemed harmless enough.

I'm wondering why some folks are still holding on to this Ingersoll Lockwood thing. And in regards to the poster you're mentioning specifically, they have a history of holding on to these characters that pop up from time to time long after it has been pretty well established that those characters are frauds.

Somerset Belanoff is one example. Austin Steinbart is another. And now the Ingersoll Lockwood thing.

Maybe the poster you're referring to has just given up trying to steer the research off course?

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Re: Latvia and Lithuania, recently mentioned.

I seem to recall congressional hearings in the 1950s that came to the conclusion that men in the Baltic States who had served in the SS weren't "true SS members".

Well, there are arguments for that, considering the history of those people after 1940.

And yet. When I read about some of the "control measures" going on in those countries re: Covid ... makes me wonder.


posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 12:03 PM

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 12:04 PM
I re-watched the You Tube of Pelosi receiving the blue and gold bowl from the Pope. I didn't notice before but there is an inscription engraved on the bottom and she read it out loud.
From what I can hear she said ."Francis with respect and love please pray for us".
Then she laughed.
I'm not sure I heard it all but could not find anything else so maybe others can confirm.
IMHO odd wording.
Who is giving who the bowl?

As for the alter being built on sand this directly connects to Mathew 7:24-27. This is the parabel where Jesus taught that those that hear God's word and follow him will be like a wise man building his house on a rock. A strong, moral foundation understanding right from wrong and not swayed by the winds.
While those that turn away and disregard will be like a man who builds his house on sand.
When a big storm comes, as like what we are in now, the weak will be washed away because their foundation is not strong.
The symbolism of the alter built on sand shows that the catholic church foundation has become weak, building their foundation on sand so that now when the storm has arrived they cannot guide and they have lost credibility with their followers.
The Pope's views and leadership of the church is not a popularity contest to go along with current trends and to placate world leaders. Now we are seeing the consequences of conflicting teachings and word speak about abortion, transhumanism, ignoring human rights vilations such as what is taking place in Chyna. It cannot go both ways.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Thanks, good explanation. I wasn't sure what to make of it.


So long Columbus...

Gary Kasparov, former chess slave under the former Soviet Union regime, has this to say about woke America’s commitment to cancelling Christopher Columbus:

I doubt my abilities will be so convincing on behalf of Columbus, who achieved great things and is worthy of being honored for them with a national holiday, but I must express what I know to be true. His incredible feats of exploration were due to individual qualities that Americans should find admirable, and once did in near unanimity. Holding historical figures to modern standards of morality is a method of antihistorical political control—much like the pseudohistory I grew up being taught in the Soviet Union.

Soviet history books portrayed these men as callow imperialists who exploited the natives the way their capitalist descendants exploited the proletariat. This also prepared me to hear the same tropes repeated by Western leftists today...

Their accomplishments should not blind us to their flaws, but neither should their flaws blind us to their achievements...

History is not a zero-sum game. We can honor indigenous people and all they represent—and all they lost—without erasing the greatest achievements of the Age of Discovery. I will be celebrating Columbus Day, and I hope you’ll join me.
Celebrate Columbus’s Achievements (WSJ) | Alt link

Columbus fans in Philadelphia will once again be in mourning this year as the Columbus statue in Marconi square remains in a plywood box where it’s been since June of 2020, ostensibly for safekeeping against the marauding hordes.

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