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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 07:39 AM
Found this curious ... Recall some Q drops .. Not exactly sure what this is... Found and posted... Has something to do with digital gene expression

C before d

123 ABC

[abc123@transfer rnaseq]$ cd abc123 - Aligning RNAseq reads with bcbio

Oh what the heck

Did China Just Admit the Obama Administration Funded $3.7 Mil for COVID-19 Development?

Not only did China admit to harvesting and editing over 100 versions of the coronavirus, but they also fingered the National Institute of Health (NIH) as the government agency responsible for awarding close to $4 million in research grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

According to an article published by Daily Mail, “The Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan which were funded by a $3.7 million grant from the U.S. government.”......

“The Lieber Research Group’s website identifies its principal sponsors as NIH and DoD, including the Office of Naval Research (“ONR”) and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (“AFOSR”). Based upon records maintained by NIH, DoD, and Harvard University, I know that the Lieber Research Group has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from NIH and DoD since 2008.”

edit on 10102021 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

I posted on this here a few months ago. The 100th monkey would begin to occur, and now it's begun. When done, the Collective aka All of Us will begin to 'see' with new eyes, what was once kept secret.

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 08:42 AM
An interesting comment from I assume to be Keanu Reeves.

But there's this one option not mentioned for those who are finished with the game. Like Truman, The Nines and others. The doorway out Is the prize.

"Want for Nothing - Christ"./Krism Oil. Why? Because.. Nothing here is real or solid. It's only LIGHT and the only way to leave the Game is to Stop Playing it "Narrow is the way, few be they that find it".

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Any Chemists/Physicists around to check a possible theory on "Why Graphene Oxide"?

Viewing this youtube video, from 10 min mark to 10:22, it comments on South Korea's "BLACKOUT BOMB", which uses CARBON GRAPHITE to disrupt electrical circuits:

The Human body is 12% carbon and it's understood that the vaccine introduces graphene oxide into our bodies.

The graphene oxide seems to clog on a micro scale: capillaries instead of arteries, i.e. to any part of the body actually requiring oxygen to be delivered in the blood?

Could the graphene oxide, through a chemical process create carbon graphite in the body?

If so, could the equivalent of a blackout then be triggered by WIFI to FLATLINE humans?

I don't work with Graphene compounds but I do understand the reasons and the theories related to carbon compounds. The Graphene "stereochemistry", related to the physical shapes of individual molecules, is well known in Organic chemistry research. Bucky balls were from graphene if IIRC. Shapes become like a house key. These keys can be engineered to attach to specific places within other "chemical receptor sites" inside our cells. That is not an oversimplification to say that carbon compounds can be made to fit in specific molecules. It is like water taking the path of least resistance if engineered correctly. Those steps of course are proprietary to the process.


The last question? Well yes they could in theory create anything like that which might affect a person negatively. We weren't intended to have graphene in our blood the best I can tell from my Biology classes.

edit on 10-10-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 11:27 AM
Interesting ATS thread.


posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
CCP propaganda churns up the rhetoric...

I'll leave it to the military minded folks here to evaluate the seriousness of the Chinese rhetoric.

But my gut feeling is that the threats seem a little bit over-the-top. Reminds me of North Korea. Lots of talk about what they will do to others with no apparent consideration of what others will do to them.

Are they faking strong whilst weak?

Playing a role in somebodies plan...
Testing the reaction of the Biden administration...
Giving their man Joe an excuse to stand down for the "greater good of avoiding war"...
Telegraphing that they will take Taiwan so all America's pissed off allies can reconsider whether they really want to side-up with the US...

Gamesmanship abounds. I get the impression other countries are playing chess and the Biden administration is struggling to remember the rules for tic tac toe.

edit on 10/10/2021 by cimmerius because: Tweak

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 01:00 PM
Former USAF Officers to present evidence of UFOs Tampering with Nuclear Weapons

Former Air Force officer, Robert Salas, was the on-duty commander of an underground launch control facility assigned to Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, on March 24, 1967. He has publicly stated over a span of twenty-five years, that all ten of his ICBMs became inoperable and that eight days earlier, on March 16, 1967, a similar incident occurred at another missile launch control facility.

Numerous other UFO-related incidents with possible implications for national security have been publicly acknowledged by former public officials—whose efforts resulted in the creation of a secret Pentagon UFO investigations group, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

I'm tossing this in here because this seems to be pertinent RE: China/Taiwan.

This contention has gone on for sometime, from others as well: Nukes on Earth are a no no. EMN and others have posted the Laurel Canyon Film STUDIO that allegedly processed the nuke films, I'd argue they created the films within the confines of the compound. The location is curious, near all the labs and special effects tech in Hollywood, but secluded (I lived by for a while). Seems "developing" DOD film would be done at, you know, a DOD facility, and not on a single family neighborhood street in a building with thick concrete walls perfect for creating mini explosions in secret.

Bruce Cathie's work, and others, note that in order to blow a nuke a large number of variables need to be in place, including aspects of the Sun, and they must be done is specific locations, so just shooting one from Iowa is just not possible.

That does not mean there are not powerful weapons that mimic a nuke and are called a nuke. Don't people find it odd that WWII is the only time a nuke was used, in one place, to "stop the war?" Yet, allegedly, they were tested endlessly all over without any concern? So we never want to use them accept to test so we cannot use them? Makes zero sense except in that mind control "mutually assured destruction deterrent" world. Hell, they used Depleted Uranium in Iraq as if that is better? (some argue that the Japan nuke wasn't really a nuke at all).

But, the mythology is all that matters now. The population has two powerful destructive events within the collective.

Astroid Belt = Nuked Planet Tiamat.
Mars = Nuked Civilization.

In our deep subconscious we fear this as much as burning alive. The main issue with the random use of nukes to make a point is the impact extends well, well beyond our zone. Another issue is that no one person has the authority to make Tiamat or Mars happen again here, especially not soulless psychopathic-sociopaths.

It is a controversial POV, as the mind control on it is 100 years in the making. I think one key element to see the truth here is to see the PR. 1950-2000 everything was nukes nukes nukes are coming centric. The only existential threat to humanity was Russia launching a drop, duck and cover nuke to kill us all.

2010-current the existential threat is Racism and Climate Change, well and DJT MAGA Q folks. They moved off the nukes and only occasionally trot the fear mongering out for Iran and russia russia russia, to leverage something, but even then it isn't aimed at children at school and it doesn't stick. The "rocket man" stuff got no momentum at all.

We can look back at the PR trajectory. Wrath of God, Commies, Nukes, Climate, Racism, The Rona. The trash fish soup of fear mongering have all melded here-now, which has sort of made them all pointless when one sees them as all mind control efforts created to instill fear.

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

You might remember this post:

Hint: Biogenic magnetite, caused (or manipulated) by a field [Earth’s] (or artificially induced), can mechanically control neural circuits by opening ion channels in cell membranes.

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Developing. Funny no eneMedia screaming about endangering lives blah blah blah.

No news coverage because if this tactic spread it could prove quite powerful.

I remember when Ronald Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers. But that was just one industry.

Lots of jobs out there where walkouts would prove crippling. Everything from taxi drivers in NYC to utilities workers.
Teachers, police, store cashiers, truck drivers, nurses...

If enough people really decided to seriously protest this vaccine "mandate" by skipping work, it would provoke a crisis.

When posters here have called for people to "do something" instead of sitting around analyzing cryptic Q drops, I have often wondered what could realistically be done. The system is set up to prevent people from doing anything. Perhaps the secret move is an inversion. Instead of doing something, simply do nothing strategically.

This is an option. My only concern is that the resulting disruption might be welcomed by those sowing economic destruction. But some kind of will contrary to the nefarious agenda has to be expressed. There is no way it's going to be a walk in the park.

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

The 12 Monkeys theme gave me a flashback...

Scientists Put a Human Intelligence Gene Into a Monkey. Other Scientists are Concerned

Scientists adding human brain genes to monkeys — it’s the kind of thing you’d see in a movie like Rise of the Planet of the Apes. But Chinese researchers have done just that, improving the short-term memories of the monkeys in a study published in March in the Chinese journal National Science Review. While some experts downplayed the effects as minor, concerns linger over where the research may lead.

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 02:57 PM
So what is this really about?
From: msn

According to the Department of Justice, Jonathan and Diana Toebbe were arrested in Jefferson County, W. Va., where they were allegedly attempting to sell information about the design of nuclear reactors on American submarines to someone they thought was an agent of another country — but who was actually an undercover FBI agent.

So once again the FBI are at it;

According to the criminal complaint, the FBI successfully convinced a skeptical Toebbe that he had successfully connected with a foreign agent, including by "conduct[ing] an operation in the Washington, D.C. area that involved placing a signal at a location associated" with the unspecified country. The goal was to persuade Toebbe that he was trading messages with a member of that country's intelligence service. After several months, Toebbe allegedly struck an agreement to sell restricted data in exchange for thousands of dollars in cryptocurrency.“

So did the Toebbe's actually try and seek to sell information, or did the FBI wrangle them into selling information? Also never in the article does it say what country this information was being sold to. I bet China wanted to buy this type of information, but didn't want to pay those Hunter Prices.
At the end of this article:

The case stems from a violation of the Atomic Energy Act, 1954 legislation signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower meant to safeguard the nation’s nuclear secrets.

So what about the heads of government selling these same secret? Does that also violate this act, or like everything else Biden is doing, will it also be ignored. Anyone see the story yesterday about Joe being asked about Hunters corruption? Who's kid was Joe dragging along with him?

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 03:06 PM
@Huntsman has a VERY articulate and detailed breakdown of the supply chain breakdown and some solutions.

One key point I have heard him make before is the coming Strike next year, which I feel is most important as he describes the gripes and complaints.

This is clearly a mess of epic proportions, and those at the helm are in fact the dumbest, least qualified to deal with this in American History.

This Idiocracy leader is in charge due to Team Joe's primary rigging reward system.

Really, consider this ^^^^, a guy with ZERO experience in global transportation management but he's the visually correct commie gender confused demographic and is in charge of dealing with this. This imbecile's solution to everything transpo is Electric Cars, which, said moron, has no idea that said parts for the green solution come from China, on boats, which, as of right now, will never reach the shores in quantities enough to get his hubby an electric bike. We're also at war with China.

DJT Warned of this issue in mean tweets. Supply

So, we'll get navel gazing Congressional Hearings, where commie Pete mentions green green renewable clean blah blah blah and a dozen other "never made a thing in their lives" linoleum floor fluorescent light office based intellectuals will tell us how things work in their models.

It isn't the collapse we want, or need, it is the one we deserve at this point. Thankfully it will lay waste to the phony "holiday" of Xmas and the buying of useless crap as a means to express love. Though the "shortages" will likely result in more Black Friday Trampling Deaths over 25 dollar discounts on the complete "Friends" DVD collection at target because there will only be a few for sale.

In the end all will be fine, because when one of the brain dead White House stenographers asks about this catastrophe Circle Back Jen will say it's the unvaxxed that made this mess so the government really isn't responsible for addressing it.

Fun fact: Crap not landing on the shores means less Taxes collected, which is how one avoids insular fiat failure. If this White House was planning on imports through the ports to keep the money flowing to pay for green green green they are in for a rude awakening, but hell, it's all costing zero now so there's that.

Rant over.

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 03:39 PM
Wellcome Trust>grant-funding>grants-awarded.

Wellcome awards grants in various areas of scientific research but this one particular grant really stands out. I spent some time going through all of their grants so this one is really out of character.
Lost Forest Games Ltd. an Indie micro studio developer of the game Winter Hall which is a game about the Black Death plague. 2018 which of course predates C_19.
I know this has been mentioned earlier about Chyna possibly covering up a Black plague outbreak. I mean what are the odds?
Some of the areas that Wellcome was interested in was fear of death, isolation and dark acts from history which parallel where we are now.
A few times now we have seen how these disturbed beings use games communicating their plans such as the Cards Against Humanity, Rat Moles in Space and the Train Travel Across Europe board game so why not have a video game?

Epic Games/Wellcome Trust launched a $500,000 Developing Beyond Competition and Winter Hall was a grand finalist and in total won $125,000.

It has plenty of symbolism such as time travel, taking over different victims and living in the bodies as they confront death and repeatedly change over the last hours of their lives potentially altering the course of history. I suppose this is a vehicle where they can be voyeurs and just role play while real world victims are living in real time drama.
Anyway tis grant is worth highlighting.

Another grant that caught my attention was one to a collaberative team including Prof. Ralph Baric from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill...Why Do Norovirus Pandemics Occur and How We Control Them. June 18, 2019.
Once again an important discovery was made about treatment and a vaccine and quoting Baric "In order to design an effective vaccine for noravirus, scientists needed to identify a neutralizing antibody that could work against many strains of the virus, as well as strains in the future. The information can be used to build better human vaccines." And they did identify some important data but to date nothing, no vaccines just like HIV. Discovered an antibody that broadly inhibits multiple strains of pandemic norovirus.
This information could also be extended to C-19.

One thing about these grants is that Wellcome Trust has the results and information in advance and can use it to determine the actions to be taken during the plandemic such as the use of SMS to communicate and track during a pandemic, prior to plandemic. grant Ref.# 203268/2/16/Z
It is all there in their grants.

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 03:44 PM

Tomorrow, 11th, is the 1 Year DELTA of #4849:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2a304f No.11030077 📁
Oct 11 2020 18:31:57 (EST)

Are we prepared for a possible MEME WAR tomorrow? Remember Sun Tzu re striking like the fastest animal on the planet - I think that applies to OUR roles, not just the miltary's.

1) I assume most have a decent collection of Memes but have you pigeonholed them against specific targets? E.g. To use for "Joe Dementia", "COVID", "Russian Collusion", "Pelosi", "DS corruption"?

The more we prepare, the faster and more hard-hitting our fight backs/attacks can be... and the less able DS will be to control the situation. They might deal with 1 meme each from 20 million patriots - but could they cope with a volley of 20 memes from 20 million = 400 million "truth bombs"? Choose your memes wisely; should harder-hitting ones be in your first or second salvo? There's an argument that the first salvo tunes the public in to listen to the 2nd salvo that follows quickly after.

2) Have you set up multiple social media accounts; so that when one is suspended you have another "launcher" ready? As a Meme War is likely to last at least a week, I'd suggest at least 5 accounts are needed, per platform, and preferably set up using different email or phone numbers:

a) Use the least required ones first as "cannon fodder", meaning you have your oldest/most robust accounts later in the game,
b) Set each of your accounts to "FOLLOW" the others as a way to quickly bump up LIKES? Memes that "Go Viral" will have the most impact!
c) Have one constant theme that is common/mundane in their profile pictures, so that people realise they're from the same person. Mr Pool accounts are a guide: An algorithm might pickup if my accounts all had handles starting ATS_Rel_nnn but would they pick up on 5 profile pictures all having a red tree in the background? Or a yellow (for Q) element in them - I think Mr Pool gave us a clue with his EMOJI pictures; use the ones that look like Qs, if the ALGO tried to flag such emojis they'd risk suspending 10% of the content:


3) CAMOUFLAGE applies to your accounts too, not just your memes! Remember that it's about not looking different from the crowd (read "general public"). This means having COMMON characteristics, such that any ALGO trying to suspend that characteristic would impact a large percentage of DS or normal accounts too! Consider using deep state logos too; as any attempt to exclude your account would also exclude DS accounts. E.g.:

4) SUPPORT! - remember that LIKEing and forwarding others' memes is equally important, to help them gain traction... act like a VIRUS to go VIRAL!

edit on 10-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Cheers for the value add/reminder, EtMN!

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Makes me think of THE ONLY WAY TO WIN IS NOT TO PLAY, cimmerius!

Simply stock up on food, water, power, protection and just stay home!
WE are the fuel that feeds the motor that turns the cogs in the system
No fuel = Broken System.

I can imagine the ludicrous next steps by DS:

"You are no longer allowed to stay in your domestic residence" means they have to make sheltered public areas freely OPEN (e.g. Malls, Schools, Parks) = end to COVID restrictions?

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Three new Mr Pool posts on telegram:


Neat little trick with this one... have you ever played the game "Move one match to make the equation right"?
XX1 = 21... but XIV = 10+4 = Oct 4th.
Note you can also make XVI = 10+6 = Oct 6th.


Was the "Pyramid" FROZEN OUT with the Internet outage?


The last one is the most interesting:
1) A new form of smiley,
2) The devil's Horns cloud is shone bright by the rising(?) sun, in front of a small temple,
3) Is it "Red Sky at night, Shepherd's delight" or "Red Sky in the morning - Shepherd's warning"?

ETA - Looks like it was Shepherd's warning... as it was used by someone forewarning of the Internet outage on 8kun, 3 hours before it started! Source

R.C. twit has some interesting decodes on this that you might find interesting. The person is worried about being removed so I won't post the name, however...
The picture of the columns under the fire smiley face is the Oracle of Delphi in Greece. It was considered to be the center of the world and the cosmic information super highway for understanding what will transpire in the future. Also is noted for establishing law and order and was considered to be an accurate forecaster of future events.
We come back to time travel and the time Loop that Pool is part of.

I am not sure how the XVI part [ you are the best decoder ever] highlighted comes up but RC uses XV, which I don't know how it comes up either. That would be #15 and we are encouraged to look at forced vaccine mandates and passports scheduled for October 15th. I looked it up and there does indeed seem to be a convergence on that date.
Italy is introducing a vaccine passport, along with L.A, Biden demanding companies with over 100 employees to be vaxed, Chicago vaccine mandates for city employees with all 4 police unions in revolt, SCCCD to mandate vaccines, Maine students to be vaxed and 40 health care providers as well. Meanwhile New Mexico is mandating indoor mask wearing until the 15th.
But # 15 is also important in Tarot cards. It represents the devil, so grim times surround that date. A parallel is drawn to Auguste Rodins "Gate Of Hell" bronze doors to be inaugurated @ Quirindale stables on October 15th as well.[ Your reference to the devil's horns]

Now we have two doorways converging. The Pope giving Angel Merkyl a metallic replica of the Holy Doors and the inauguaration of the Gates/doors of Hell. The saying above the Hell Gate "Abandon every hope ye who enters here".

Do you think that the 15th represents the deepest part of the evil and that they must succeed by that date or they completely lose? We already see the narrative is unwinding and people are waking up.

The posts also point to October 18th as being a date of a very positive development, XVIII. Maybe something about XRP going to the moon?
From the 22nd onward we can expect a black swan event or maybe two since this has just now been updated with an image of two black swans. We can expect major blackouts of information and maybe breakdowns of critical infrastructure such as the electrical grid and of course potentially the stock exchange.
However apparently pool and LOOP@OOLo_POO have posted images of the Victory Arch with the inversion in the water. Victory for us and defeat for evil.
We need to pray.

Rel I am afraid I am way out of my depth here so does any of this make sense?

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 05:01 PM
Rel the only one that doesn't seem to be addressed is the mountain with the cloud in any detail. watch Climb Every Mountain by Susan Boyle.

"Search high and low
Follow every biway
Every Path you know
Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream".
And maybe it represents a glacier where much is below the surface, unseen and unknown by us.

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Actually, makes a lot of sense Thoughtful1.

Consider how the following also ties in:

1) The Temple of Delphi also appears in my decode below from a few days back, as 1 of 3 MIRRORS; greek, christian, egyptian/masonic:


2) My decode of Pope John XXIII yesterday, and the "Move 1 match" method:

XXIII becomes XVIII = 18th

3) Pope gives:
a) Merkel the metallic HOLY DOORS,
b) Pelosi the Blue SACRIFICIAL BOWL
c) Who is the THIRD cog in their planned SPELL? The Pope himself? Was he given orders by the Black Pope?

4) Did the Pope/Pelosi look so somber/concerned because this is their MOST IMPORTANT task?
Would that be the final summoning of the antichrist?

posted on Oct, 10 2021 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Consider that a D5 avalanche, on the side of that PYRAMID mountain, would be both a REVEAL and a DESTRUCTION of 1 side of the pyramid?

Susan Boyle came out of nowhere, imaged as a weak, powerless pleb, to be turned into a star - it was obviously orchestrated by the cabal. The lyrics should therefore be read from a cabal perspective:

Search high and low = Experience HIGH-life and LOW-life,
Follow every biway = Both the LEFT HAND path and the RIGHT HAND path,
Every Path you know = Use no MORAL DISCERNMENT,
Climb every mountain = Take control/ownership of everything you can,
Ford every stream = Gather all information (since Water = Info),
Follow every rainbow = Run round in circles because you can never reach a rainbow,
Till you find your dream = Until you are spellbound by cabal - you should be finding REALITY, not an unreal dream!
edit on 10-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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