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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 09:35 AM
Thanks for the reply I will have to digest that a bit and see what I think. I am one who would not be concerned as much for myself as I am the ramifications for where that might be headed on a planet wide scale. I am happy to take on challenges and not afraid of what is lying out there. I am not confident that anything can penetrate like that to my inner being. I am confident I have a strong internal will for the truth and I am not afraid to find it. Well. I am a bit of course. I am a human.


I don't have a clue what I don't know about yet. But, I feel like we can all handle whatever that is if we just believe in ourselves, and maintain clear thinking.

a reply to: NinoWhite301

edit on 9-10-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: interupt42

I don't trust the account 100% yet but one reason they could be releasing the old information is to put it out there for the new people waking up as a lot of the things he has posted have been purged or are much harder to find then they once were. If you really look at the amount of information that has been released over the last 4 years sometimes its nice to get a refresher too.

That is what should be. Like when season three of your favorite show has episode one. You will get a reminder with some visual aides of how last season was if you missed or forgot it.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 09:52 AM
The Army offered people who faced Ft Leavenworth imprisonment a chance to be guinea pigs. The tests using various drugs or agents that would incapacitate in the battlefield was the goal. Some stuff they can spray will make anybody become so drugged up they can't move for days and when given orders barely move. They might take hours in the video going around, to lift their arm up and salute. DZ I think it was called.

But I got vaccinated a lot and didn't like it either. The troops around me all thought we had to follow orders and take these or else Article 15's and still would be forced to take the jab. Maybe, we were wrong to think that?

originally posted by: NinoWhite301
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Fort Dix is also home to a federal prison complex. I have a close friend thats been locked up there for 7-8 years and Pharma-bro aka Martin Shkreli is also incarcerated there. The USG might have been experimenting on the prisoners and maybe it escaped and spread to the military base as well. The government is notorious for treating prisoners and soldiers as guinea pigs.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Good idea Cavv...

To save space:

I'm getting problems seeing PMs too now. The list of PMs appears and which ones are unread... but try to see the content of one and I get an empty box.

ETA - Seems to have sorted itself after I posted the above.

edit on 9-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 10:37 AM
This trend is what is concerning me. I know another person just outside my circle that is on the ventillator with continuing O2 drop. I’m positive something changed. Oddly enough (maybe coincidence), last night I got a pretty solid 5G signal where I don’t remember getting one before.

And the other elephant in the room…Rel’s groovy voice from his video. Totally caught me off guard. He’s probably going to get girls calling him asking to go out to the movies or something.

originally posted by: Justoneman
This week one friend is in a tight family that had two deaths. One was sudden from her heart I believe and the other had a stroke. IDK the status of the jab with those but others in the family have taken it. They have a third person that has been expected to pass from Hodgins disease that flared up last year. That one is hanging on and then these two happen. It has been rough for them. The whole family has health issues before CV. It does occur to me these people would fit the profile being used by these evil, morally corrupt elite toward their "useless eaters who need to die program" we see unfolding before our very eyes.

originally posted by: Caled
Since I posted above I’ve been told about someone else that died.

So I have still been thinking a lot about the keystone and found something very unusual. Remember when Trump established an embassy in Jerusalem and formally recognized it as the capital of Israel? Did you know the Vatican does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem?–Israel_relations

“A policy of strict and consequent non-recognition of Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem, far beyond the usual interpretation of international law, as the Holy See still embraces its own ideas regarding the special status of Jerusalem.”

That was a bolder move than I realized. He gave the Vatican the finger, and put US soil in the middle of Jerusalem.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Caled

Ha ha Caled... synchronicity!

I was going to try singing Dave Lee Roth at Karaoke over the weekend, see below:

ETA - Just been out for lunch... guess what table number they sat me at? 17!
edit on 9-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: Caled

Rel’s groovy voice

"Good Morning, Anon-Nam!"



posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 11:41 AM
Meme or not to meme...Vatican transhumanist conference...


Our technology is Trusted by the OISTE/WISeKey’s Swiss based cryptographic Root of Trust (“RoT”) provides secure authentication and identification, in both physical and virtual environments, for the Internet of Things, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

The WISeKey RoT serves as a common trust anchor to ensure the integrity of online transactions among objects and between objects and people.

WEF partner & 4th Reich Industrial Revolution.

Vatican Conference 2021

Mystery, Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth...

Many other globalist sorcerers - Dignitaries and Speakers (Note this was in May)

Transhumancode at the Vatican (Jul 30, 2019)

The TransHuman Code

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

In America it's a three day weekend, so here's hoping that it will be a long fun weekend then.

Party like its 1492.


A monk in 14th-century Italy wrote about the Americas

But there was no evidence to prove that anyone outside northern Europe had heard of America until Columbus’s voyage in 1492. Until now. A paper for the academic journal Terrae Incognitae by Paolo Chiesa, a professor of Medieval Latin Literature at Milan University, reveals that an Italian monk referred to the continent in a book he wrote in the early 14th century. Setting aside the scholarly reserve that otherwise characterises his monograph, Mr Chiesa describes the mention of Markland (Latinised to Marckalada) as “astonishing”.

Towards the end of the project one of the students, Giulia Greco, found a passage in which Galvano, after describing Iceland and Greenland, writes: “Farther westwards there is another land, named Marckalada, where giants live; in this land, there are buildings with such huge slabs of stone that nobody could build them, except huge giants.

Saint Ghislain Day

Today is World Post Day thanks to the Swiss.

Today is National Nanotechnology Day

Nano Meds

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 01:36 PM
Just for fun The Way Back Machine has introduced The Way Forward Machine in celebration of their 25th anniversary. This looks into the dystopian timeline 25 years into the future to 2046. Fun times ahead!

IA2046 twit has a timeline but basically boils down to:
1. Great Firewalls block access to information, in line with what Chyna has imposed. Different countries will impose their
own versions of truth.
2. The use of biometric verification will be required to access different internet sites. An escalation from where we now
have to identify that we are not a bot. However the data is collected posing serious privacy and security concerns.
3. Facts become the privilige of the wealthy. To gain access to real facts becomes prohibitive for the average person. The
more valuable the information the more costly the access.
4. Ministry of Truth: Error 451 Site is temporarily unavailable for your own good. Thought crime.
5. Internet shutdowns enacted during elections and protests.
6. Media companies and book publishers cease print production so that the only access is through the internet. This leads
to digital publishers continuously increasing digital licensing fees that ultimately result in school libraries and public
libraries shutting down. Although there are suggestions that public libraries will lead the charge to keep knowledge
available to the public. Printed media will be rare and legally valuable.
7. Deep Fakes become common place so the public cannot distinguish between factual people or events for information.
8. Corporations control copyright facts and extend the period of copyrights to continue to block access to truth if section
230 is repealed. Wikipedia is forced to the dark web.
9. You tube videos become unavailable more frequently as information and content is censored.
10. Notifications such as "This business no longer exists- found to be in breach of new regulations brought in by the 2029
monopolies commission".
11. Information is classified as thought crime in different areas.
12. The Internet Archieve has to disband and scrambles to disperse and protect information in undisclosed locations.
Defamation lawsuits bankrupt it.

And other misuses of the internet to block knowledge about human rights abuses.

George Orwell would be impressed and he only had books and tv to deal with in his dystopian future. Knowledge is power and maybe we can disrupt this timeline because de-evolution could be the way forward/backward. Are we all confused yet?
We are at the inversion point so we get to choose and again thee versions of reality are not carved in stone.>internet-archi...

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Just for fun The Way Back Machine has introduced The Way Forward Machine in celebration of their 25th anniversary. This looks into the dystopian timeline 25 years into the future to 2046. Fun times ahead!

IA2046 twit has a timeline but basically boils down to:
1. Great Firewalls block access to information, in line with what Chyna has imposed. Different countries will impose their
own versions of truth.

LOL. "Great Firewall" wayback post (#6) from a few days ago.

Here's your link: Imagining Dystopia: IA2046

Operation L0ckstep, Multi-polar World Order.
Brave New World vs 1984: Huxley Tells Orwell “I Was Right”

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 03:14 PM
New official statement from Donald Trump

"This will put the current White House in a terrible position when the inevitable request for information comes concerning the massive corruption by Hunter Biden and the already well-documented crimes committed by the Biden family, the least of which are Hunter's paintings selling for as much as $500,000 a piece," Trump's statement read. "With our Country collapsing, with our Military disgraced, with our Borders nonexistent, when will the American people have had enough?"

Bolding is mine. What that final question says to me is that more action from the American people is required before there will be any " White Hat " intervention on our behalf. The current mood in this country is tepid compared to what's taking place in other areas of the world. It is time for us to stand up with a unified, very loud clear voice and proclaim that we have had enough. Until we do that, we are giving the appearance that we simply don't care enough to move on our own behalf. We're happy to sit off somewhere in the shadows and wait for a savior while the rest of the world takes to the streets day after day. It's a pretty pathetic display if you ask me.

God helps those who help themselves.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 03:15 PM

Just Joe Being Joe Press guy seems concerned about Joe's ..... Allergies? Huh?

Linkage No doubt discussing abortion rights, jabs with baby parts and how to keep the scam going. Black and White, how very symbolic.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 03:23 PM

edit on 9-10-2021 by gmx0010110 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 03:41 PM
Allegory of the cave...

We live in a world where most of us choose:

Narrative > Truth
Politics > Relationships
Handouts > Hard Work
iPhone > Intimacy & false hope

Because most value COMFORT > FREEDOM.

A Message from an American Airline Pilot...

Watch Til the End

"Shifting Baseline Syndrome" - "Overton window" - "Landscape Amnesia."

Hinging off of COM's post...

This can't be good...

Pope Francis is expected to receive Joe Biden on Oct. 29, in the U.S. president’s first official visit to the Vatican since his inauguration, according to sources at the Apostolic Palace.

Joe Biden, the second Catholic president in U.S. history, is due to attend the G20 summit in Rome on Oct. 30–31.

In a statement after the papal audience, Pelosi described the meeting as a “spiritual, personal and official honor.”

She said: “His Holiness’ leadership is a source of joy and hope for Catholics and for all people, challenging each of us to be good stewards of God’s creation, to act on climate, to embrace the refugee, the immigrant and the poor, and to recognize the dignity and divinity in everyone.”
Pope meets Pelosi

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 04:53 PM
ColoQuial "Trust" vs. Legalese "Trust."

So what is going on here?

This involves a bit of history, a short attention span theater version: Cestui Que Trust of 1666 is part of the origin.

During the 1666-PLAGUE = 2021-Covid 19, the elite decided officially to deem everyone "lost at sea" = dead. The reasons are pointless now, the net effect is that everyone on the planet from that point forward was deemed dead unless they proved otherwise. Yes, you are opted in unless you know to opt out and claim your rights OFFICIALLY. Still stands today.

So all the property belonging to those who did NOT claim they were alive was given over and put into a Trust to be controlled by the "Trustee" and to be leveraged. Some argue the Pope is the Trustee, some argue the Pope holds the Trust, but the Queen is the Trustee. Matters not, either way what matters is who is the "Beneficiary" which isn't humans on earth.

Thus: Humans As Currency through Maritime Law, the law of the sea brought onto the land.

Now, those living dead needed to pay as if they were alive through taxes, fees, fines, blood, children, property, compliance etc. Every. Single Child. born is pledged to a Trust and leveraged. I know, "wait the dead have to pay?" Inversion = the living, those who proved they were alive, do not have to pay.

So, there are Trusts within Trusts, within Trusts that have assets of all sorts pledged, leveraged, controlled and then turned into Humans As Current-cy. Eventually the leveraging ends, the Human assets will be so far leveraged as to be meaningless to anyone playing the Controller Home Game. So entangled that they cannot be undone to have meaning again. Hence the Great Reset. And no amount of bitching or protesting can stop it, because this isn't about voting or governments, or even banks, this is Humans As Currency at the Ultimate Controller level and the Humans are the dead game pieces.


1666 PLAGUE, declares everyone is dead, assets seized.

2021 COVID-19 Vaccination, declares everyone is dead, assets seized. This time under "Failure to pay/Comply."

Notice how folks now have to PROVE they are Rona Free? Prove the negative = impossible. They go smart here, the inverted again.

GEMATRIA for 666 = "Vaccination" & "A Covid Vaccine"

Roughly 355 linear years the pattern is repeating. Those who take the Jab, will, at some level in some location within some hidden vault, be deemed "lost at sea" again = dead again. Their jab compliance assured it, they pledged themselves, voluntarily, into the new Trust system which is being born.

Remember, it is an mRNA DNA modifying jab? Remember the Supreme Court decision on who own's modified DNA? Remember all the DNA collection by darpaGoog subsidiaries?

Vaccine Passport = DNA Passport = Asset of The Trust = Asset controlled by the Trustee = for the benefit of the beneficiaries who CANNOT be assets. Ergo, the Assets - humans who give as they cannot receive = Humans As Currency again.

What does the mean esoteriQally?

It is bigger than you might imagine. I mentioned earlier this year that to jab or not to jab was THE Choice Point as it relates to Freewill and beyond and the Great Awakening and or the Great Reset = each defines the other.

We can see this manifesting in the Crypto vs. Fiat world. Fiat was the method associated with 1666, and Crypto will be the method associated with 2021 and beyond. All the "assets" must take new form, within a new form of a "Trust."

This means, from my POV, the offer was made to the population: Choose --- Liberation or Enslavement. The window remained open over summer and is closed now. This suggests the original 1666 agreement DIED, we are not operating under it anymore, nor are we operating under any formal replacement. This would explain the mixed bag of feelings people have, as one control mechanism is fading, with no replacement in place = limbo, or a feeling of no past and no future.

Every Human Being can be The Sovereign Self, but they must own it, not "believe" in it. They must be it, not think it. They must take it, not ask for it. the Choice Point offered it up, for those with eyes to see, hearts to feel and energy to create it.

In order to access the Sovereign Nature, one must accept and own the fact that liberation is incompatible with compliance through fear based coercion. One must also accept there is very little to salvage of the 1666 formula of control, if any at all, as it was created to enslave. Let it die, as one must be open to a realm that exists beyond these contrived systems of control.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Holy Moly Cranky.....I literally need to prepare myself to read your last post, it deserves my full attention, from what I skimmed through this will require putting on my thinking cap, lol, or collider ( nod to Thomas Wicker )

Geez, between this and Sufi’s spreadsheet ( cool to hear his voice) all my mind can handle is to go and popper scoop the yard, finishing planting bulbs and water ! Hopefully after dinner and a shower I’ll be able to wrap my brain around it all.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 05:29 PM

edit on 9-10-2021 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

The Philosophers dilemma in explaining reality:
We interact with the world in the 4th dimension
We discuss it as a 3rd dimensional
we dream in 2nd dimensional
and we feel it in a 1st dimensional

So it's not just having to discuss that the shadows on the cave wall are created by the viewers, but having to explain that the viewers themselves, are creating their views of those same shadows as something that they are not.

So did Pelosi go see the Pope on her own, or like Merkle, was she summoned? Also why should anyone trust this Pope when he is pushing an agenda of Transhumanism? Epstein and that crowd also pushed this Transhumanist agenda, so one must ask the question:
"Is this Pope mixed in with the events from the Isle de Epstein?"

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 05:40 PM
CCP propaganda churns up the rhetoric...

An op-ed in state media outlet Global Times said the US would face 'unbearable' consequences for its military involvement in Taiwan and that American troops would be the first to be 'eliminated' in a Chinese 'invasion'.

The piece also claimed Taiwanese authorities were likely 'to surrender [to reunification] in a few years or even a shorter period of time' or China would resolve the dispute 'by force'.
Daily Mail

If Trump were still in the Oval Office he would be issuing a mean tweet statement about now. Something like, if Xi tries to take Taiwan.. we will bomb the hell out of every Chinese warship and aircraft who attempts take Taiwan! We’ll use those X weapons in space and fry China’s ass into burnt toast!

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