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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Why the 1918 Flu Pandemic Never Really Ended

.....What’s even more remarkable about the 1918 flu, say infectious disease experts, is that it never really went away. After infecting an estimated 500 million people worldwide in 1918 and 1919 (a third of the global population), the H1N1 strain that caused the Spanish flu receded into the background and stuck around as the regular seasonal flu.

But every so often, direct descendants of the 1918 flu combined with bird flu or swine flu to create powerful new pandemic strains, which is exactly what happened in 1957, 1968 and 2009. Those later flu outbreaks, all created in part by the 1918 virus, claimed millions of additional lives, earning the 1918 flu the odious title of “the mother of all pandemics.”.....

Deadly Virus Struck in Three Waves.....

Virus Mutates Into Seasonal Flu
Since the whole world had been exposed to the virus, and had therefore developed natural immunity against it, the 1918 strain began to mutate and evolve in a process called “antigenic drift.” Slightly altered versions of the 1918 flu reemerged in the winters of 1919-1920 and 1920-1921, but they were far less deadly and nearly indistinguishable from the seasonal flu.

.....“You can still find the genetic traces of the 1918 virus in the seasonal flus that circulate today,” says Taubenberger. “Every single human infection with influenza A in the past 102 years is derived from that one introduction of the 1918 flu.”

In lab, deadly flu of 1918 is reborn - 2005

.....Using lung tissue from long-dead victims, researchers hoping to prevent another flu pandemic said they have reconstructed one of history's deadliest pathogens - the 1918 Spanish flu virus.

The Spanish flu began as a virus in birds before jumping to humans and killing an estimated 20 million to 50 million people worldwide. Determining why it was so lethal and how it spread could help scientists blunt the threat posed by the avian flu in Asia and future variations.

"We have been able to unmask the 1918 virus, and it's revealing to us some of the secrets that will help us predict and prepare for the next pandemic," said Dr. Julie L. Gerberding, director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where the virus was reconstructed.

Researchers followed strict safety guidelines for working with infectious diseases, according to the agency, including wearing battery-powered air filters and showering when they left the lab.

Gerberding said the research benefits outweigh the risk of accidental exposure to the virus.......

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Fort Dix is also home to a federal prison complex. I have a close friend thats been locked up there for 7-8 years and Pharma-bro aka Martin Shkreli is also incarcerated there. The USG might have been experimenting on the prisoners and maybe it escaped and spread to the military base as well. The government is notorious for treating prisoners and soldiers as guinea pigs.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Anyone else get the feeling that the breaking point for people happened, and all that happened was that the people in many places broke?

I have the sensation that everything is on hold.

Some newsworthy events take place. But a lot of activity, all over, seems to be marking time.


Waiting for what?


posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

My mother-in-law said something similar to this. She was actually complaining that "things used to happen on the news". She pointed out the even the breaking news was kind of boring. I said that it was too bad that a major war didn't break out, and she retorted by saying that if one did happen the news wouldn't report on it.

It was weird coming from here since she still believes that Hillary won the 2016 election, well at least she didn't vote in the 2020 election since she was sure Trump was going to steal it. I tell her that she's a treasure, that needs to be buried. She states that I'm a moron. Weird that she's more educated than me. oh well.

Yeah, I'm not sure if a breaking point was met or not, I mean it seems like one happened in many places, but at the same time I'm not sure if the people broke or if reality broke. Guess it's a wait and see game.
edit on 8-10-2021 by Guyfriday because: Why am I using the word "Retort" so much today, but not in the past? Weird but sure I fixed that.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

You should call her a conspiracy theorist.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 11:53 AM
This will brighten your day.

Sounds like he's having a hard time with corrections staff.

edit on 8-10-2021 by FlyingFox because: Andy Ngo 138K subscribers Benjamin Anthony Varela, the Olympia, Wash. antifa shooting suspect, was deemed so violent and dangerous that he was restrained in chains during his arraignment on Oct. 5, 2021. The court learned that during the short time he's been in custody, he damaged the sprinkler system in the jail, had to be removed by a special unit and was placed in a turtle restraining suit, and has repeatedly threatened to harm staff. Varela's wife, Amanda Rebecca Varela, has also filed for a divorce and protective order against him during this time. His speedy trial for allegedly shooting Tusitala Toese is set for Nov. 29, 2021. Support Andy Ngo's independent journalism at

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:14 PM
I had to break one of my rules today. I make it a point to never attend funerals. I grabbed the only tie out of my collection that I thought was an appropriate wasn't until just before the end that I remembered which tie it was...

edit on 10/8/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:14 PM
For the sake of the discussion, I am going to assume you two are not making this up. If not made up, then we might have some kind of connection being made thru the ether as so many scholars a century past would have called it. Power of suggestion is one thing. Vivid dreams of separate people 1000's of miles apart are another.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: gmx0010110

Doesn't explain how Rock Queen and I had 3 dreams in a week, with similar subjects as:

We didn't discuss them until AFTER both sets of dreams had occurred!

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: Caled

Nice duds, Cal.

I was also at a funeral this week; wore a similar suit but with a black tie.


posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:22 PM
Looks like Russia is getting ready to go in.

Russia mulls new Arctic Fleet to patrol thawing ice of Far North as part of plans to make new waterway major trade route – reports

A source told Moscow’s TASS on Thursday that “the question of setting up the Russian Arctic Fleet as a new structure is being looked into. It would be a separate formation within the naval forces, and would be charged with ensuring the safety of the Northern Sea Route and the Arctic coast, currently covered by the Northern and Pacific Fleets.”

Trump orders fleet of icebreakers and new bases in push for polar resources

Trump issued a memorandum on “safeguarding US national interests in the Arctic and Antarctic regions” which calls on the administration to come up with a plan within 60 days that would include at least three heavy icebreakers to be built by 2029, and recommendations for locations to build two support bases in the US and two on foreign soil.

The 2029 date set by Trump corresponds with the year that both the Coast Guard’s current ice breakers, the medium icebreaker Healy and the heavy icebreaker Polar Star are slated to be out of service.
President Vladimir Putin in 2017 put estimates of the mineral wealth in the region at $30 trillion.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

The Ice Curtain: Russias Arctic Military Presence

Video that follows above is interesting as well

Want to mention ----

hours ago - At Least 100 People Dead After Blast In Afghan Mosque Used By Minority Shia Community and not a peep from MSM - perhaps don't want to connect this to the failed Biden Afghan strategy/lack of ....

At least 100 people were killed after a powerful explosion ripped through a Shia mosque in northern Afghanistan on Friday, an incident that comes as the country’s Taliban rulers grapple with growing threats from rival Islamist groups including the Islamic State in Khorasan or IS-K.......

edit on 1082021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Let me present this story, and then I'll explain.

China is home to an estimated 100 million dancing grannies. Square dancing allows older women, many of whom live alone or with younger family members who they accompanied on a move to the cities, to socialise. They form strong bonds, often shopping or doing other activities, including group investments, together, the South China Morning Post reported.

State media has described the square dancing, which has its roots in the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, as a “positive and effective way to reduce the medical and financial burden as well as increase the life quality of older people”.

“Many participants are retired, their children are no longer around. Square dancing becomes a place for them to have a social life.”

This seems like a nice thing, but wait,

In 2019, Tianjin City added new regulations on the promotion of civilized behaviors, allowing police to fine the dancing grannies up to 500 yuan (£56) if their music is too loud in public.

Some disputes have escalated to violence. In Shijiazhuang, neighbours fight back at the grannies by spreading stinky tofu, paint, and engine oil while they are dancing. One media report described a high rise resident throwing human faeces out the window at them.

“Most of them are the products of the Red Guard era, they don’t respect society or the environment,” said a young Chinese resident of Guiyang, who did not want to be named.

“Square dancing is a problem left over from history. Many elderly people feel that the whole China is built by their generation. They have the absolute voice and status. We young people have done nothing, and of course are not qualified to question them.”

Well there's that. Looks like... well here,

The stun gun and other devices for sale online are part of an emerging market in goods to push back against the noise pollution while avoiding interaction. “I tried to communicate with them once, but the police stopped me,” said the Guiyang man. “They thought I was going to do something bad. You know the golden rule of Chinese policy: the larger number of people matters. Everything is based on social maintenance.

hum so the claim is that a device has been made that shuts down speakers and is being used to shut down these noisy Grannies. A great quote from the article is,

“Great invention, with this tool I will be the boss in the neighbourhood now,” said another. “This is not just a regular product, it is social justice!”

So even is China that want any and all voices from the past to shut up and do as they are told. Here's the issue I'm having with this device, how do we know that this is the reason for these women to stop these dancing events? I mean if these elderly died off, then how will anyone really know? Then there is the other issue of if this device is real, then how long will it take before we see it being used to block Free Speech?

Imagine how a protest against a fascist Government will sound if nobody can hear anyone? At least the politicians that are being surrounded will enjoy the peace. Bunch of crap in my opinion where even the little freedoms in a place like China is getting the noose pulled tight on.

Anyone else get the feeling that the breaking point for people happened, and all that happened was that the people in many places broke?

Wow, had to quote this again GuyFriday, sooo much to unpack here.

1. The implications of this “Shut-Up” technology ( have seen some strange “fictional” shows about this in my around the world tour of foreign TV shows this summer, if one believes there’s a degree of disclosure happening through “entertainment “, it’s very interesting to look at the big picture through the POV of other Countries and cultures )

2. The seemingly coordinated attack on Culture and History Worldwide, c’mon now who doesn’t Love dancing Grannies!!

3. The selfish, mean spirited, brainwashed responses by some of the youth quoted was chilling.
We’re taught that the elders in China are greatly respected, and that may be true within Families, but if the CCP, in coordination with a Worldwide Cabal Takeover unleashed the Rona, it was VERY MUCH all Bad for the old folks ! )

Gotta stop here, Oh Boy, we’re getting some rain in CA...need to bring in some stuff.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:01 PM
Quite The Math Issue = net zero jobs. But CommonCore math means, the feelz makes the numbers a win.

I love that #letsgobrandon is the meme of the month. What makes me laugh about this is live broadcasters are deathly afraid of FCC swearing violations and the fine. My guess, the reporter's director yelled in her ear #letsgobrandon to try and cover it up. She/they inadvertently created a perfect Team Joe meme.

Team Joe is catching falling knives at this point and are too stupid to realize it.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Guyfriday

Anyone else get the feeling that the breaking point for people happened, and all that happened was that the people in many places broke?

I have the sensation that everything is on hold.

Some newsworthy events take place. But a lot of activity, all over, seems to be marking time.


Waiting for what?



posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

The Ice Curtain: Russias Arctic Military Presence

Video that follows above is interesting as well

Very interesting. "The country that controls the Arctic controls the world."
From your link:

Complementing the Northern Fleet is the world’s largest nuclear and non-nuclear icebreaker fleet, numbering more than 40 ships. Icebreakers play a crucial role in not only securing Russia’s coastline but also promoting and observing maritime commerce through the NSR (Northern Sea Route). The development of Russia’s icebreaker fleet, whose size is far greater than other Arctic states, including the United States (two), is essential for both Russia’s military posture and economic development plan. The icebreaker fleet epitomizes the duality of Russia’s military presence, clearing passage for military and commercial vessels and serving as a mobile scientific platform when necessary. Some Russian icebreakers are also armed with Kalibr cruise missiles and electronic warfare systems.

US Stealth Jets Become First Fighters To Fly From Japanese Ship Since WWII

In yet another move signaling the deepening US-Japan military relationship, two US stealth fighters practiced taking off and landing on Japan's largest warship, the JS Izumo.

Crucially it marked the first time since World War II that fixed-wing aircraft operated from a Japanese warship.

"Japan rejoins aircraft carrier club with USMC F-35B landing."

Notably, Japan has lately become more vocally and firmly in Washington's corner of late on the Taiwan issue - also as Japan is engaged in its own small contested island dispute with China off its south - so Beijing is sure to see the latest warship and carrier exercises as aimed in its direction.

The JS Izumo (DDH-183) was originally built as a helicopter carrier but recently converted into a light aircraft carrier, making it the first Japanese aircraft carrier since World War II. Her sister the JS Kaga (DDH-184), also a helicopter carrier with a planned future conversion into an aircraft carrier. The ship bears the same name as the WWII-era "Kaga" carrier which participated in the Attack on Pearl Harbor. I suspect over the years that Japan's carriers will grow larger via US technology & experience transfer.


Is Mongolia Refusing a Non-Permanent Seat in the UN Security Council?

In 2014, Mongolia’s leadership mentioned the possibility of that it might seek election as a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2022.

It is therefore significant that in his speech at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Khürelsükh made no mention of his country’s hopes to obtain a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

This reticence could perhaps be explained by the fact that Mongolia’s new government has given up its claim to such a seat in favor of another country. That country could quite possibly be Japan, with which Mongolia has been developing particularly friendly relations in recent years, seeing it as its “third neighbor”, and which applied for a seat as a representative of the Asian states at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly in 2019.

Long term seismic Geo-political realignment strategy thinking in terms of trade/sea lanes/supply chain routes over next several years to pressure or circumvent China.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Not made up matey... and as posted, my 3 dreams were the week before RockQueen's but not discussed with RQ til after hers.

To save space...

I've decided to upload to the thread the video I made to give a run-thru of the spreadsheet, should be sometime this eve.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

In my convoluted journey, I came across this pansy pic from this twitter account this morning. It was posted about 15 hours ago and I saw it retweeted elsewhere. Then I log on here, and see your post.
What do pansies and crypto have to do with each other?

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 02:57 PM
Didn't see QOS post above ^^^.

For QOS, Rel and I, others as well at this point, feel that David Schwartz [DS] aka Joel Katz [JK] may be at least involved in the Loop/Pool post collective mix. This may, or may not, have something to do with [gold] = crypto/hybrid reset related to blockchain replacing the dollar system, thereby negating the DS goons and their secret money schemes. While that sounds very NWO, One World Currency stuff, the fact is few use "cash" anymore, and there is very little cash in circulation relative to debt - not enough to payoff debt. So, a reset with some form of unhackable, unfiat, unforgable, backed "money" is a solution to the problem, which from one POV will look like liberation from Babylon, from another POV NWO.

As for the flower? When does it bloom?

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Another intriguing link from Mr Pool on telegram, originally at 12:12 am on twitter, then 6:06 am on telegram (HALVED):


1) Someone on Telegram posted this pic, which shows that Pansy's have botanical names VIOLA


Looks like Loop twit got nuked. Clearly another purge event happening, oddly, right after fake whistleblower with fake gender spreads fake fears of not enough censorship.

edit on 8-10-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
I knew a sonarman that was on the Lewis and Clark (SSBN 644) in the late 1970's and early 1980's. He said a Russian nuclear powered icebreaker was going through the ice above them and it set radiation detectors off in their submarine. It evidently had a leaky reactor.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

Whoa! One of the reasons I didn't go submariner.


Remember this PoS...😂🤣😂 Lincoln Project co-founder.

The Federalist

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