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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

You might be spending too much time in this thread. I think the horses are calling for you, Miss Dutton.

Just kidding, don't mind me. Maybe check the Loosh on the @Schumann resonance.

People then ask 'why then fly over a city so low and slow'. Well, you see, we utilise your dreams.
You are our computational device par excellence.

Let me explain. The human being can do some thing no artificial intelligence (we can develop at this present time) can do; Dream.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: ColoradoTemplar
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Do you remember The Abraham Accord coin that was issued and the symbols on it? Take a look here and you can really zoom in:

On September 15th 2020, President Donald J. Trump will host the signing of the “Abraham Accord,” a groundbreaking Middle East peace treaty effectively normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. In signing the accord, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) joined Egypt and Jordan as the only Arab nations to make peace with Israel. It may open a new era. Fellow Gulf nations Bahrain and Oman signalled their support, while Saudi Arabia did not oppose it.

The little symbol at the top of the coin on the back above the peace dove sure looks like an alien craft to me.

Ah, Yes! Forgot about that coin and I commented on it a while back.

Saturn's Cube and on the Temple coin shows "Saturn" at the tip of the sword.

Antahkarana symbolism

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

EtMN, did you see the latest graph on Schumaan resonance (from your link)


Look at the vertical line at midnight between 6th and 7th... narrow and almost RED in colour. Possibly another meaning for RED1?

edit on 6-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 06:58 PM
They are always the victims... = Inversion.

Fau xci Clip

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Ha! I nearly used that pic as my avatar! No, you will have to trust me on the dream thing....I never remember them. Haven't for 20 years......and I wasn't drinking lol. Have you been watching Y? I'll check Schumann.

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago10 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 07:44 PM
I never really explained why I thought the dream was weird, even though I was asked. Imagine the world is the three story theater. You can’t knock it down without everyone in the theater freaking out. But you could replace it a board at a time without anyone knowing. Of course any change would need to happen without anyone seeing and some might risk collapsing the whole structure. Now apply that to the movie we are all watching.

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Caled

I didn't want to "stare" at it too long with my eyes closed because I was worried if I did I might fall back asleep and fall off the pot.

Boy you ain't right!lol....I'm teasing it made me laugh. I had 3 dreams in a row this week that were extremely vivid which is not my norm. I undertood what they were about which is also odd and two of them were violent. Let us know if you dream tonight plz.....I have been feeling some strangeness as well. I didn't when you started posting about something feeling off and I'm reasonably sure it wasn't a power of suggestion type thingy.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Caled
I never really explained why I thought the dream was weird, even though I was asked. Imagine the world is the three story theater. You can’t knock it down without everyone in the theater freaking out. But you could replace it a board at a time without anyone knowing. Of course any change would need to happen without anyone seeing and some might risk collapsing the whole structure. Now apply that to the movie we are all watching.

a reply to: Caled

I didn't want to "stare" at it too long with my eyes closed because I was worried if I did I might fall back asleep and fall off the pot.

Boy you ain't right!lol....I'm teasing it made me laugh. I had 3 dreams in a row this week that were extremely vivid which is not my norm. I undertood what they were about which is also odd and two of them were violent. Let us know if you dream tonight plz.....I have been feeling some strangeness as well. I didn't when you started posting about something feeling off and I'm reasonably sure it wasn't a power of suggestion type thingy.

Accurate. Like this...

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

I believe ya. I rarely remember any I have and only distorted images that quickly dissipate from memory. That is up until a few months ago. My bizarre deep dream was so real that I spent the entire morning & afternoon in a daze contemplating what it meant if anything. I was interacting with a 'being' but not sure if it was human. It had a human-like figure but the face & body was too blurry to make out any distinguishable features. Oddly that morning right after waking up (I think I was up because I was drinking coffee) that I still felt the presence of 'something' sitting down at the table with me. The chair had a shiny white/yellowish tinge glow where a person would be sitting. I never noticed such a glow before in the morning and the sun doesn't shine in that part of my house until afternoon. I shut-off the dining light and could still see the glow though very dim. Perhaps was my foggy, hazy morning vision, but never had that happen before or since.

Turned the light back on and sat there in total silence staring at the glow. I wasn't drinking the previous night, nor any medication, nor watched any movies, nor reading any sci-fi material, nor had any interactions with anyone the previous day/night.

What really blew my mind is my cat came out, and like every morning begs for food while head butting my lower legs, but this particular morning he sat on the floor at the foot of the chair and stared up like someone was actually sitting in that chair. WTF?! The hair on my arms was standing up and had a slight chill down my spine. I went to the kitchen sink and flushed my eyes with water. When I looked back at the chair the glow was gone. However, my cat was walking around the chair in circles. Never, ever has he done such behavior. I'm losing my mind, what in hell is going on here?! I waved my hands all around the chair and didn't feel nor receive any feedback. IDK, the mind plays tricks on us all the time, but this experience was something straight outta the Twilight Zone. Since that day I've never sat in that chair nor recall any such dream since.

Meanwhile, yes I'm slowly making my way through the "Y" show.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 09:15 PM
Dead Babies. But Pfizer = "F, your religious beliefs." Dead babies in jabs = cannibalism. Science is BS, it is eating humans. Remember that little eneMedia push concerning cannibalism at the beginning of this Q run? See how it works?

edit on 6-10-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Geez.....that would freak me the hell out! Especially with the cats behavior....I do believe they sense or see things we don't. I know horses do.....
My first one was about Time Travel. I went back to try to save my dad and brother. I kept screwing the time line up though so I had to keep going back. I don't have any how many times I went back but I finally got it right.
The second one was about forgiveness. My ex came to me as an old man and apologized for breaking the promises he had made to my son to be his father figure. I was very calm and forgave him then out of the blue he went back to being the violent asshole that he was. Mad because I was calm....I woke up kinda laughing.
The third one was about bullying. I always hated bullies and got in trouble a lot as a teenager fo (as the nuns said_ "placing my hands" on some girl for bullying another girl who were usually too scared or intimidated to stand up for themself. Anyway, the dream was just too bizarre to even go into without writing a book. But get this. The first dream was Sat. night. I found this video shared by kimshady Sunday afternoon. It's not long. I showed a couple on here and they liked it. What do you think? I think it's weird as hell that it reflected my first dream but it was comforting.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Caled's weirdness for today; I had an interesting dream last night. I was in a three story theater that was so old it was falling apart. The only way to repair it was to replace the wood a piece at a time, but any time you replaced a piece of wood you risked the entire structure coming down.

Theaters generally aren't three stories, so I think the number is significant. It sounds like a metaphor for the delicate task of fixing the US government with its three distinct branches (Executive, Judicial, and Legislative). Virtually the whole government is rotten, but it has to be replaced a little piece at a time to avoid collapsing the whole structure.
edit on 10/6/2021 by cimmerius because: clarity

edit on 10/6/2021 by cimmerius because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 09:49 PM
Interesting, Clif High calls this the SOC, Self Organizing Collective. In order to defeat a parasite, folks must come from all angles, all levels, all directions, all walks of life, but appear as if they are not one, but a fractured many.

This seems odd, but it mirrors the more refined version of reality: Unity THROUGH Individuality, a very hard thing to accomplish but the most sought after Soul experience.


posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 09:57 PM
So remember how I said all the telecom outages linked back to that one company and their “whoopsie we got hacked” SEC filing? Hackers have all the text messages they routed. Billions of them.
edit on 10/6/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 10:16 PM
This ticks all my boxes.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

OMG, that old interview is still being propagated!! That guy (Brockbrader), telling the story is a fraud. Several years ago the real truth came out and he was later charged & convicted pedo and a Navy SEAL imposter (Stolen Valor). Apparently, he's still on the run.

Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley tells the story: (Read the description if you don't have time for the vid)

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 10:50 PM
More Purgatory

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Caled

It's like comparing my high school hockey team against the 1970's Boston Bruins.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

stand alone complex

One particular phenomenon that has not only been talked about in science fiction, but also has been reported in real life, is the Stand Alone Complex. The science fiction series Ghost in the Shell talks about the idea of the Stand Alone Complex with the investigation of the Laughing Man case, a highly talented hacker that could actually hack into people's Cyberbrains and manipulate them. One interesting group has sprouted up on the internet, however, that bears many resemblances the Stand Alone Complex presented by the Laughing Man. If the Anonymous group follows the model of the Stand Alone Complex put forth by the characteristics of the Laughing Man case, then it could be said that the case of Anonymous could be called a Stand Alone Complex as well.
In order to compare these cases, we need to understand what a Stand Alone Complex is. The Stand Alone Complex can best be described as an occurrence caused when a trigger starts a series of events by individuals that all move towards a single goal. In each event, the individuals are otherwise unrelated, and not directly in any kind of communication, yet all of the actions are concerted, as if coordinated by a single entity. In the two cases described, however, there is no such proof that such an entity truly exists, yet all of the individuals attempt to copy its behavior, resulting in a seemingly planned series of events.

edit on 10 6 2021 by dashen because: Live LAUGH Love

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

That's why I say, if anyone has inside info on events in NYC from the very early 2000s, it would be Trump...and Giuliani.

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