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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Cheers for the value add Guy!

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 05:35 PM
Everyone knows I love me some irony. I hunt for it, live for it, and share it.

A mobile testing station is branded by/with Infinity.

Clip of it being destroyed.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium
That's part of what I've been getting at. I just don't believe these people are going to go away because we demand them to or I should say it's hard for me to believe they will.....

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 05:43 PM
Chinese state media trolls US State Dept over tweet praising strength of Franco-American partnership...


Honest Government Ad | AUKUS. Gotta luv the Aussie humor.👍😂

ETA: PG version:
edit on 5-10-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I saw a couple of those yesterday and am a little leary. I think Seth Keshel was one. If I were going to sign up with one I think it would be him, Wendy Rodgers, or James Charles Phillips since they are working on the audits then see how that went. If I see others I'll post.......Are you going to sign for Romana Didulo?

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: onehuman

onehuman, I did check on the pictures in the 4 carrier group tweet and the numbers are significant:

12 planes, 4 ships gives posts:
#16 Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise.
#124 DELETE +++ ++ +
#412 Trip working on one device only. Multiple devices necessary.


Features: 12 Planes, 2x CF, 2x Lightening Bolt, 302, 300 One, 407 Chequered Finish Line.
#12 Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive. Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.
#301 #FLYROTHSFLY# Sweet dreams.
#302 For Green. Q —end—
#407 Did you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today? We listened. Feel proud.


Features posts:
#13 Now think about the timing of POTUS traveling to China/SK. I’ve said too much. God bless, Patriots.
#14 First DURHAM BOAT picture
#34 Q Clearance Patriot... EBS


Features 17 ships:
#17 Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations? Why is this relevant? Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.

edit on 5-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Her profile description says it all.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: onehuman
a reply to: CrazyFox

I'm assuming from your post that you used " YAUUFATWWTPWSCYWCTO" as your search for the first finding. Then you decided to mirror it and you got this,

The thing is, if you look closely you made one little mistake and did your search based on this,

At least I'm assuming that's how you did the search for your findings. You switched the "OTC" for "OCT." That's understandable considering it is October after all!

So I split it down like you did and put the first 3 letters back as "OTC" to get this. "OTC WY CSWP TWW TAF U UAY"

Then did a search which led me to this below. Link to Search Return

What a difference a search engine can be and a single letter. I did not think the original mirrored was worth posting but it's what we do on ats leave no stone uncovered etc. Check out qwant resuls vs gog

qwant bgr

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

replied twice too.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 07:27 PM
Tales from bizarre dark side...OK, folks, We might be in even worse trouble than many have suspected.

Apparently, these so-called "vaccine" potions are an evil-smelling Heinz-57 witches brew of everything but the kitchen sink. The ingredients may vary from brand to brand, batch to batch, and dose to dose.

There's no way that these ingredients all have medical applications backed by sound science. Apparently, the "vaccine" freaks are simply shotgunning for promising surveillance-and-control technology and possible ways to make themselves immortal, and are using the entire human race as guinea pigs to do it?!

Especially interesting are the Chagas disease parasites and the tiny hard-to-kill creatures called hydras, named after the legendary many-headed Greek water-monster with poisonous breath and blood so awful that even getting a whiff of it was deadly. That gives it a property of great interest to the oligarchical "elite": immortality.

Behold, "Hail Hydra vulgaris"...reminds me of the Goa'uld Archons:

I thought she was joking until I looked it up...

The "Immortal" Hail Hydra

Certainly fits alot of past conspiracies in this thread.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
I;m still trying to watch this video but am having streaming difficulties. As it was trying to download I scrolled down to the comments. Did you see this one?

Replying to
When you have nothing to lose is when you become real dangerous to your opponents.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 07:40 PM
All this talk about OTC reminds me of something I spent a lot of time staring at over the weekend.


This is the picture from Ivanka's second dose.

It is likely a real coincidence, not one of the unlikely ones, but it does say OTC in the upper right.

originally posted by: CrazyFox

originally posted by: onehuman
a reply to: CrazyFox

I'm assuming from your post that you used " YAUUFATWWTPWSCYWCTO" as your search for the first finding. Then you decided to mirror it and you got this,

The thing is, if you look closely you made one little mistake and did your search based on this,

At least I'm assuming that's how you did the search for your findings. You switched the "OTC" for "OCT." That's understandable considering it is October after all!

So I split it down like you did and put the first 3 letters back as "OTC" to get this. "OTC WY CSWP TWW TAF U UAY"

Then did a search which led me to this below. Link to Search Return

What a difference a search engine can be and a single letter. I did not think the original mirrored was worth posting but it's what we do on ats leave no stone uncovered etc. Check out qwant resuls vs gog

qwant bgr

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 07:51 PM
Here is another POV of the "Great Reset" staring Klaus Blowfeld and Henry The Jertle.

The Great Reset: How a ‘Managerial Revolution’ Was Plotted 80 Years Ago by a Trotskyist-turned-CIA Neocon

Now let's look at one aspect of their "concern" regarding population and how successful they were.


So why did they fail?

When we say "Controllers" we are not referring to Klaus. He's a stooge, despite his authentic arrogance, he's just a pawn. So while they think they are in charge, take meetings as if they are in charge, the are merely trustees in a prison.

But let's take a deeper look at why they are abject failures at everything they do but destruction.

“Do you wish me to prepare a reading list, Comrade Trotsky? It would be long, ranging from the work of the brilliant mathematicians and logicians of the middle of the last century to one climax in the monumental Principia Mathematica of Russell and Whitehead (the historic turning point in modern logic), and then spreading out in many directions – one of the most fruitful represented by the scientists, mathematicians and logicians now cooperating in the new Encyclopedia of Unified Science.”

They are brainiacs. People for whom life is just a grand thought experiment, a place to test ideas and concepts on PEOPLE just for the fun of it. We all know these people, people for whom dirty hands, callouses and emotional pain are for the little people the manipulate.

They pontificate, rant, lecture, and point to graphs, stats and made up theories as FACT in order to prove themselves to their peers. They care not about another human, only the admiration of the people they deem peers. They are petty, childish, and soulless, as they have truly done nothing in real form.

There is a theory that goes like this. Comedians who starve, struggle and barely hang on are funny. Once "fame" is achieved and they begin to live in a vacuum they are no longer funny. They have lost touch with the very world they seek to make laugh and those they make laugh are bubble imposed sycophants. Everything becomes abstract, no more callouses, no more dirty hands = no more funny.

These minions of the Controllers are worse, as they were never real Human BEings on Earth, they never got dirty, they never invested, they never learned what it was all about. The beauty of a tree is lost on them, the perceived beauty of a tree being owned by them to display to their peers is their pathetic glory.

My reading list would be books are gardening, building, music, creating and the act of creation etc. Sure we need math and banking etc. to survive, but soulless books on abstract math equations designed to prove X to friends who think Y is a trap.

We live on earth to LIVE! We live life and lives to experience more and more. We don't live to define X in 200k ways.

Q is right, they are stupid, ruthless, yes, relentless yes, but stupid.

As the most OBVIOUS way to create a balanced harmonious population is NOT through endless Divide and Conquer, but through creating a baseline of unity. They want it both ways, they want to create a One World Order BY EFFFING DIVIDING THE HELL OUT OF IT in perpetuity!!!

Stupid beyond belief and at some point they will find out just how off base the really are, as the world leaves them and their theories behind. Consider, without us, they have no reason to exist at all, they are that soulless.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: crankyoldman

Her profile description says it all.


Timing here is funny, it suggests to me they are way out of synch, no one is coordinating right now.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Why put all that crap in a vaccine? Why not put Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine? I'd take the jab, if that happened...

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

So what is it they are so desperate to hide, Cranky ? Created many real issues, you know, depravity, closed-clubs, fear, control etc.

Hiding what ?

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

This is the quote...

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide Text for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; .

With my relative AC being a signator, it's a little piece of trivia I know about.

edit on 5-10-2021 by FlyingFox because: UNLEASH THE KRACKEN!

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: Caled

Anyone notice her little red Kabbalah string bracelet in that pic?

Interesting. 🤔

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