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Is anyone else seeing a frightening rise in this kind of talk?

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posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:17 AM
all this palaver over such obvious fakery.

"“When people hear about hospitalisations with Covid, they will assume that Covid is the likely cause, but this data shows something quite different – this is about Covid being detected after tests were looking for it.”" html?amp

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:17 AM
I agree with this ya’ll, as a proud Republican, I would like to see some kind of wall being built around the vaccinated in order to keep those who are maybe carrying the disease out. This would also save hospital resources as these folk clearly won’t need any health care should they contract the virus. I suggest Connecticut would be a good place to hold them, short term.

(post by 20Eyes1974 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: liliththedestroyer this whole thing is becoming more sinister by the day. I am with you 100% anyone tries sticking this jab in my daughter will have to deal with me.


posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:45 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx
a reply to: rsvpzxc

I got my 2 shots of moderna in April…feeling fine, when i go to the store i carry a mask in case it’s policy to wear a mask…I’m not sweating any of this crap coming from the internet

when they tell you bend over and grab your ankles, do you wince, or pretend you like it?

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

To answer your original post, yes, I’ve seen more of this talk or similar trash. Earlier this summer, my wife’s best friend accused me —not once but twice in as many months— of “killing Granny!” She actually said that. Three weeks ago, the same friend was practically rubbing her hands with glee when she told a mutual friend that “99% of deaths from Delta are the unvaxxed”…her knowing as I sat there that I haven’t been ‘vaccinated’ and refuse to do so.

There IS a full-court press of peer pressure, delivered either in unabashed arrogance or bald faced hatred, to push the unvaccinated to take the jab. Anyone who claims otherwise either isn’t paying attention or they’re flat out lying.

As an aside: all these efforts to get folks to take the jab (travel restrictions, mask mandates, shutdowns, lotteries, bonuses, etc.) remind me of a tried-and-true military tactic. It’s called ‘Channeling’ or ‘Funneling’. Basically, you attack the enemy from three sides by various means, driving them into a narrow channel of YOUR choosing; once driven into what’s called the Beaten Zone, your machine gun fire exacts a devastating toll on the enemy infantry.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 10:46 AM
I know, whats with all the labels these days brah.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: BarbaraTheEnlightened1
I agree with this ya’ll, as a proud Republican, I would like to see some kind of wall being built around the vaccinated in order to keep those who are maybe carrying the disease out. This would also save hospital resources as these folk clearly won’t need any health care should they contract the virus. I suggest Connecticut would be a good place to hold them, short term.

So republicans don't contract Covid? Does Connecticut have FEMA camps?

edit on 15-8-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: Mysterychic88

I see the hate flowing both ways. Even on this very site.

There is a great difference between the two.
One is rightly calling people who mindlessly ask for an untested jab morons, the other is going waaaaaay past name calling asking for humans to be incarcerated, force jabbed or even killed.

If you can't see the difference I am worried for you.

Here's the thing. I don't find what either side is doing right. And right or wrong, people who speak out make themselves targets, way past the point of being able to remember who threw the first jab.

I find the people who boast about being vaccinated and who look down upon those who aren't as abhorrent as those who spread false information.

And in the end, all we all want is the proper information, which is hard to come by with a novel virus where the goalposts of what we know about it are constantly moving.

This doesn't mean someone is lying. It means it's an evolving situation, and all the shouting and noise just makes it that much harder for us to get it.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:37 PM
I'm not seeing any of this talk on social media. Anti-vaxx is all I see... people who are vaccinated are not posting anything related to Covid. The unvaccinated are.

I did just see a misinformation video get debunked rather quickly in the comments and the video is no longer up on @bigboi IG...but it was a TikTok video video of a guy sitting in his car going through a list of presidents/leaders of various countries who died this year and last year, claiming they all were assassinated because they didn't want Covid vaccines for their countries. Yes those presidents died but has nothing to do with what the conspiracy theorist said, for example one died battling cancer.

One thing I am noticing is anti-vaxx conspiracies are often filmed inside a car.

What I do think is important is the words of the great Carl Sagan, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

Right now the extraordinary claim is the words of someone in their car...which also happens to be their extraordinary evidence, their words sitting in their car.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: BarbaraTheEnlightened1
I agree with this ya’ll, as a proud Republican, I would like to see some kind of wall being built around the vaccinated in order to keep those who are maybe carrying the disease out. This would also save hospital resources as these folk clearly won’t need any health care should they contract the virus. I suggest Connecticut would be a good place to hold them, short term.

So republicans don't contract Covid? Does Connecticut have FEMA camps?

Only the unvaccinated ones, that’s why we need to build a wall and build it high. It worked with the Mexicans on the border, thanks to President Trump, and it can work here too. We need to keep the unvaxed away from our kids and shopping malls, away from the hospitals. We’ve all seen the walking dead, ya’ll. Connecticut would be the perfect location to house these miscreants and possibly re-educate them like in Guantanamo.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: GravitySucks

This doesn't mean someone is lying. It means it's an evolving situation, and all the shouting and noise just makes it that much harder for us to get it.

No 'expert' ever said 'it's an evolving situation, we don't know'. That is the biggest problem.

They said 'we know how to deal with this, do this, it works.' They should have said, 'this is new, we think doing this might help, we will let you know when we have more information.' When they did this, they lost all credibility. They did lie by pretending to be all knowing.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 01:04 PM
You can still spread it even if double vaxxer. They're pushing this "vaccine" too hard. But YES I've been noting more hate towards not just the un vaxxed, but anyone that questions Covid19. And to be called a "Granny Killer" you could say any woman that has had an abortion is a murderer.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: Mysterychic88
Over the last couple of weeks as I have been traversing social media I am starting to see an alarming rise in people openly calling for the unvaccinated to be separated from others, being refused health care, cease to be employed and even downright killing us or allowing us to die.
What is truly startling is the glee they seem to express in brazenly stating these things and other people are agreeing with them!

I mean this is the sort of stuff I would imagine would have been common place in 1930's Germany.
How as a society have we fallen so far that it is now seemingly acceptable to voice such abhorrent opinions in the open.
How do we deal with people whose mindset has been so thoroughly poisoned that this is their new norm.
I do find myself thinking that these are the ones that the government set out to condition the most, if enough of the citizens they serve start calling for this en mass then who are they to refuse all in the name of "safety". They are weaponising us against eachother all to serve a far darker purpose which in the end will only benefit them. Now this may be the ramblings of a mad woman but this is where my gut sits on this.

I am wondering if anyone else had noticed this recently?

I am also trying to link some screenshots I have saved as examples of what I have seen recently but can't figure it out. I will keep trying.


They are everywhere, there is a forum I frequent as a Canadian sports fan and the majority are calling for exactly this. Vaccine passports, refusal of entry into buildings like bars, restaurants and gyms. Some are even asking/demanding that our tax dollars don’t be used to treat the unvaccinated in the event of the dire need for medical care.

These are not bots or trolls they are people I used to somewhat consider friends, even though it’s just an online discussion board. They are nasty people and they mean every thing they say. They also believe the vitriol is justified. I’ve never been so disappointed and horrified by the actions of my fellow neighbours. They have been completely brainwashed, it is maddening. I wish there was something I could do to make it all go away, but these people are the majority now. We are #ed.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Mysterychic88
Check around the web and see who homeland security is now deeming to be domestic terrorists.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: LordAhriman
I think anti-vaxxers are dumb, always have, but I wish you no harm

Here, I thought it was dumb to label someone who has only refused to "voluntarily" (for now) take ONE vaccine in their whole life an "anti-vaxxer".

Is anyone who hasn't received a Malaria vaccine an "anti-vaxxer"? Or are they just someone who doesn't think they require it?

Or in this case at this point, someone who knows this whole bad cold thing is BS.
Speaking of malaria, how about mefloquine? I remember how safe that was, yeah #ing right. The wannabes woke bunch think they know everything. Too early to tell, but this has potential to go down as the biggest medical blunder in history. The first time in history where the definition of a vaccine needed to be altered in order for their gene therapy to qualify. It doesn’t stop the spread or lead to herd immunity, it just protects oneself, yet we need to those who don’t want it.

Sick #ing world we live in.
edit on 15-8-2021 by macaronicaesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge

originally posted by: loveguy
a reply to: beyondknowledge
Thanks! That was pretty funny I'll admit to the two of yas!


I have already worked out a steel tipped, silver coated, salt filled, hallow point, attached rifled wood sabot with holy water core, round. Should be good for witches, vampires, werewolves, daemons, zombies, etc.. The ultimate evil stopper. Might sell them as a novelty when ammunition gets less scarce.

One big problem is almost all social media sites are blocking one side of the argument. The people calling for the 'vaccine' push and not seeing both sides of the argument. They see no opposition pushing back.

Phage has a good point about some making both sides look foolish just to stir things up.

Nope, he doesn’t, the unvaccinated are being targeted at levels not seen before. It’s #ing scary.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: BarbaraTheEnlightened1 please tell me your comment is tongue in cheek?!?
So what about the vaccinated that are also spreading covid does this also work for then because as far as I can tell jabbed or not jabbed it spreads the same


posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: Mysterychic88
Over the last couple of weeks as I have been traversing social media I am starting to see an alarming rise in people openly calling for the unvaccinated to be separated from others, being refused health care, cease to be employed and even downright killing us or allowing us to die.
What is truly startling is the glee they seem to express in brazenly stating these things and other people are agreeing with them!

I mean this is the sort of stuff I would imagine would have been common place in 1930's Germany.
How as a society have we fallen so far that it is now seemingly acceptable to voice such abhorrent opinions in the open.
How do we deal with people whose mindset has been so thoroughly poisoned that this is their new norm.
I do find myself thinking that these are the ones that the government set out to condition the most, if enough of the citizens they serve start calling for this en mass then who are they to refuse all in the name of "safety". They are weaponising us against eachother all to serve a far darker purpose which in the end will only benefit them. Now this may be the ramblings of a mad woman but this is where my gut sits on this.

I am wondering if anyone else had noticed this recently?

I am also trying to link some screenshots I have saved as examples of what I have seen recently but can't figure it out. I will keep trying.


It's social media and the internet.

It's also full of people claiming to have become fridge magnets and stuff cos of the vaccines.

You just have to sort the wheat from the chaff.

There's a lot of chaff out there.

It was ever so.

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