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Is anyone else seeing a frightening rise in this kind of talk?

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(post by olaru12 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: Wisenox Well said. I think a lot of people have no clue how badly they are being manipulated. I have a sneaking suspicion that things are going to pan out exactly as you outlined above.


posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 05:26 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 06:23 PM
Your neighbor is not the enemy. It is those who push division using lies. Remember perception is reality to the uninformed.
a reply to: Mysterychic88

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
In the "Secret Societies" forum, under the Most secret societies are good thread, I posted:
"The fraternal orders are busy trying to get people afraid and anxious. If you want to see whose who, look up the etymology of people's names. What you'll find is a lot of the same symbols.
For example, left hand path female symbols would include majestic lady, august lady, exalted lady, catherine, amelia, artemis, dianna, and selene.
You'll also see southern hemisphere constellations (underworld): stem, prow, forest, stream, dagan, darling, dove, pigeon, and jackboot/jackstay.
The left is ruled by order, so the symbols will descend from that. Iron, sword, vulture, pluck, lyra, veil, fox, vixen, etc..."

Now, let's take your screen name, with the obvious symbol of Carp. This word derives from:
From Proto-Indo-European *kerp- (“pluck, harvest”).

Thank you for proving my point.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

Very true. They didn't say that enough, but even when they did, they were overshouted.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: namehere
it just shows how close we are to the possible end of democracy. hopefully we can get past the struggles to come and keep our democracy long enough to save it. the Internet is too open and we cant handle all the information available to us, its too easy to confirm biases because many think they understand things they really dont, all of us.

democracy requires respect, negotiation, compromise and suppression of our negative emotions like our dislike of being told we are wrong about things. social media doesn't allow any of this and only shows people what they want.

Yes, and with luck and calm competent leadership maybe we'll find a way to come together despite our differences and take all this out on the propagandists and the politicians and the corporations and not each other like they want us to do.

Makes me weep that people fall into the trap of hating on and fighting each other and not the real enemy.
edit on 15-8-2021 by GravitySucks because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:08 PM
Where's our intellectuals?
It's time they grow a pair and unify the people
This isn't about differing ideologies,
it's preserving basic human rights and freedoms earned through blood sweat and tears.
The opportunity to be on the right side of history is now.
edit on pmSundaySunday21000000008pm8 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: GravitySucks

I don't think people are as far apart as you believe. The media is going to accentuate the difrences but ignore commonalities. The news gains nothing by showing how alike we are.

Politicians have been using diversity against us pitting one group against another, This is just a form of control and Obama started it and Trump took it to new heights. But I do believe overall people will see through the smoke and mirrors and a real candidate will show up its happened throughout history.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Yep. They pit us against each other on every fracture line there is. Race, ethnicity, age, sexual preference, gender, you name it. The people we need to work on are the ones who fall for it.

ETA: It started much, much longer ago than you state.
edit on 15-8-2021 by GravitySucks because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: rsvpzxc

Are you going to ignore signs on the doors of stores, asking/demanding that customers who've not been jabbed stay out??

I saw one just today that said rural Alabama.

The panic mongering has begun to do its job.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: all2human

But if they preserve basic rights and freedoms, it means that people less smart than them get to do things they would consider dumb. Therefore, they cannot have that.

Freedom means the freedom to let people be stupid.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: all2human

But if they preserve basic rights and freedoms, it means that people less smart than them get to do things they would consider dumb. Therefore, they cannot have that.

Freedom means the freedom to let people be stupid.

along with letting them suffer the effects of their stupidity.

as i said you have rules and regulations in a LIMITED fashion for CLEARLY dangerous, too much power and exploitive practices.

but everything else its up to the person not to misuse, ignore safety or common sense

for example
making laws against public available hand grenades . good idea

making lawn darts illegal because people did things like letting CHILDREN use them unsupervised and/or they used them STUPIDLY (ex throwing them straight up in the air and standing near them or throwing them in area people are around) to which someone got hurt/killed.
then allowing them to sue (and win) because THEY WERE MORONS...



posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Well, a solid majority do keep our lights on and water flowing,
are the backbone of infrastructure
built the very recliner some seem to command.
We keep the boogeyman at bay
Though Hindsight is 20/20, it's not for the short sighted
Every advancement of a society rapidly reverses when one group suppresses another.
Assuming a person is not advocating Eugenics,slavery or prefer living in the dark ages
stupid is what stupid does, and on occasion what one says.

edit on amMondayMonday21200000008am8 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 11:10 PM
Bots and trolls?

Anyone who thinks this should visit sites like reddit. You can view the people saying stuff like this posting history and see it is very much real people stating it.

Make a post saying something like 'the covid vaccines do not prevent you from catching or spreading covid, they only reduce the severity of symptoms if you catch it.' and see how quickly you get downvoted to oblivion.
Even when you provide links to official government health websites, science journals and the manufacturers of the drugs themselves etc.

Any way, doesn't matter if real people or bots and trolls, the end result is still the same. This is indeed happening and is becoming more frequent with each passing day.

I personally have not seen anyone who doesn't want the vaccines wish death, prison or life restrictions on those who are getting the shots, but I am see plenty of pro-vaccine folks wishing all kinds of terrible sh*t on those who are questioning their narratives. Especially the kids who have grown up with the internet and social media being as normal for them as TV and radio were for us.

Stressful times for those who want control over their own life and body.

Question as always is what do we do about it? How do we stop this runaway madness?

How do we cancel these damn politicians etc that are using fear to drive a wedge amongst the people.

The un-vaccinated are not the enemy. They are not to blame for covid. Those responsible for engineering it, releasing it and taking away freedoms and destroying small businesses and peoples livelihoods, THEY are the ones we should all be going after.

Goddamn politics, it's always the same. We fight among ourselves instead of going after the people pulling the strings, then we act surprised when nothing changes, and our species just gets worse.

Holy crap if it were not for our tech, I'd think we were still living in biblical times with how so called modern, civilised, intelligent humans behave.

I'm honestly waiting for people to start being burned at the stake as 'covid witches'.
edit on 15-8-2021 by AtomicKangaroo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
Bots and trolls?

Anyone who thinks this should visit sites like reddit. You can view the people saying stuff like this posting history and see it is very much real people stating it.

Make a post saying something like 'the covid vaccines do not prevent you from catching or spreading covid, they only reduce the severity of symptoms if you catch it.' and see how quickly you get downvoted to oblivion.
Even when you provide links to official government health websites, science journals and the manufacturers of the drugs themselves etc.

Any way, doesn't matter if real people or bots and trolls, the end result is still the same. This is indeed happening and is becoming more frequent with each passing day.

I personally have not seen anyone who doesn't want the vaccines wish death, prison or life restrictions on those who are getting the shots, but I am see plenty of pro-vaccine folks wishing all kinds of terrible sh*t on those who are questioning their narratives. Especially the kids who have grown up with the internet and social media being as normal for them as TV and radio were for us.

Stressful times for those who want control over their own life and body.

Question as always is what do we do about it? How do we stop this runaway madness?

How do we cancel these damn politicians etc that are using fear to drive a wedge amongst the people.

The un-vaccinated are not the enemy. They are not to blame for covid. Those responsible for engineering it, releasing it and taking away freedoms and destroying small businesses and peoples livelihoods, THEY are the ones we should all be going after.

Goddamn politics, it's always the same. We fight among ourselves instead of going after the people pulling the strings, then we act surprised when nothing changes, and our species just gets worse.

Holy crap if it were not for our tech, I'd think we were still living in biblical times with how so called modern, civilised, intelligent humans behave.

I'm honestly waiting for people to start being burned at the stake as 'covid witches'.

well stated and seen none better post on it IMO

sadly the trolls, bots and ignorant asses are warming up their hot pockets and dew in preparation to rant to it.


posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 12:19 AM
Pretty ironic a guy named donttreadon me removed my post, claiming it was a ' serious' violation and term abuse? Wtf!?

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 05:24 AM
Anyone who has seen a documentary of Germany immediately pre-ww2 will be familiar with this kind of talk. Just with until the unvaccinated have to wear identifying arm bands...

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: GolgothaBridge
Anyone who has seen a documentary of Germany immediately pre-ww2 will be familiar with this kind of talk. Just with until the unvaccinated have to wear identifying arm bands...


Illegal NAZI reference 10-yard penalty replay 1st down.

When you bring up nazis you already lost the argument,

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
Bots and trolls?

Anyone who thinks this should visit sites like reddit. You can view the people saying stuff like this posting history and see it is very much real people stating it.

Make a post saying something like 'the covid vaccines do not prevent you from catching or spreading covid, they only reduce the severity of symptoms if you catch it.' and see how quickly you get downvoted to oblivion.
Even when you provide links to official government health websites, science journals and the manufacturers of the drugs themselves etc.

Any way, doesn't matter if real people or bots and trolls, the end result is still the same. This is indeed happening and is becoming more frequent with each passing day.

I personally have not seen anyone who doesn't want the vaccines wish death, prison or life restrictions on those who are getting the shots, but I am see plenty of pro-vaccine folks wishing all kinds of terrible sh*t on those who are questioning their narratives. Especially the kids who have grown up with the internet and social media being as normal for them as TV and radio were for us.

Stressful times for those who want control over their own life and body.

Question as always is what do we do about it? How do we stop this runaway madness?

How do we cancel these damn politicians etc that are using fear to drive a wedge amongst the people.

The un-vaccinated are not the enemy. They are not to blame for covid. Those responsible for engineering it, releasing it and taking away freedoms and destroying small businesses and peoples livelihoods, THEY are the ones we should all be going after.

Goddamn politics, it's always the same. We fight among ourselves instead of going after the people pulling the strings, then we act surprised when nothing changes, and our species just gets worse.

Holy crap if it were not for our tech, I'd think we were still living in biblical times with how so called modern, civilised, intelligent humans behave.

I'm honestly waiting for people to start being burned at the stake as 'covid witches'.

No-one will be forced to get vaccinated. Unvaccinated people might just be precluded from particular jobs, careers and activities for a while. It’s a small price to pay for personal freedom and choice.

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