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Is anyone else seeing a frightening rise in this kind of talk?

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posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:50 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: MykeNukem

You make moronic comments.

I wouldn't disagree that vaccines work. Just not THIS "vaccine".

That has nothing to do with the argument, anyway, just a strawman.

Is a vaccine required for a perfectly healthy person? Probably not.

Is a vaccine required to flatten a flattened curve?

Is the vaccine required for children?

There are lot's of questions involved with making an informed decision.

Anyone who doesn't acknowledge those concerns is "ignorant".

What do you disagree with about the effectiveness concerning this vaccine?

Do you not understand that we pump vaccines into perfectly healthy children daily? Why? Because they work. Many vaccines are required to send my kids to school. They survive shots.

We never flattened the curve in America. Not even once.

I raised 2 sons already.

They didn't have anything injected into them that wasn't tried and proven over dozens of years or more.

They do what they want now, but neither have required the C-Jab.

The mRNA "vaccines" are also classified as "novel". There is a reason for that.

If we are talking traditional vaccines, that's different than "novel" vaccines.
edit on 8/15/2021 by MykeNukem because: sp.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman
if the experimental mrna gene therapy injection works why do you care who gets covid you are protected. you want to save my soul or something? if you care that much about me keep your gene therapy experimental injections and and just give me some money.

edit on Sun, 15 Aug 2021 00:53:50 -050050vp226x2021-08-15T00:53:50-05:00 by rsvpzxc because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman
as soon as they let me sue them i`ll be the first in line to get that poison shot,there is a reason they are protected from being sued, if you believe in your product you don`t need protection from being sued. one other thing you do not have a constitutional right to never be sick, i have a constitutional right to not be forced into medical experiments. your desires do not over ride my constitutional rights.

edit on Sun, 15 Aug 2021 01:04:17 -050017vp226x2021-08-15T01:04:17-05:00 by rsvpzxc because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: rsvpzxc

I got my 2 shots of moderna in April…feeling fine, when i go to the store i carry a mask in case it’s policy to wear a mask…I’m not sweating any of this crap coming from the internet

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: Mysterychic88
Over the last couple of weeks as I have been traversing social media I am starting to see an alarming rise in people openly calling for the unvaccinated to be separated from others, being refused health care, cease to be employed and even downright killing us or allowing us to die.
What is truly startling is the glee they seem to express in brazenly stating these things and other people are agreeing with them!

I mean this is the sort of stuff I would imagine would have been common place in 1930's Germany.
How as a society have we fallen so far that it is now seemingly acceptable to voice such abhorrent opinions in the open.
How do we deal with people whose mindset has been so thoroughly poisoned that this is their new norm.

Well, you can't reason with people like that. But I speak from experience that people who talk like that will do some shocking things. I grew up with a person like that. My sister is that way.

My older sister has a very weak immune system. Everything she caught kept her sick for weeks to months. And she was a blamer, always blaming everyone else for the diseases she caught even though she caught them first.

For example, when she was a teenager, she caught mononucleosis from kissing some boy. She was sick for 2 months wanting sympathy. And she overplayed the whole "poor me, everyone feel sorry for me thing." So I and my little sister wouldn't give her the sympathy she wanted, because she caught mononucleosis from kissing a boy. Her own fault. We laughed. We were children.

So my older sister got angry and spit on our toothbrushes. The next thing you know, my 8 year old sister wound up in a doctor's office with mononucleosis too. And she was 8 years old. Never kissed a boy.

I, on-the-other-hand, did not get sick or if I did catch it, my immune system fought it off without incident. So my older sister came unglued that I didn't get sick. She said she had been spitting on my toothbrush everyday to give me mononucleosis. She contended that since I didn't get sick that I was "evil", "devil's child", "like Damien from the movie the Omen who never gets sick."

My mom came unravelled that she was spitting on our toothbrushes to try to make us sick and now she had to care for an 8 year old kid with mono in addition to her.

So people with weak immune systems that always blame everyone else for the things they catch, they cannot be reasoned with. They never accept responsibility for their own immune systems- it's always someone else's fault.

When the reality is that they are capable of doing many things to build their own immune system, they just don't want to make an effort. They want a quick fix pill or shot and everything gets blamed on others.

People with weakened immune systems have the most mutations to Covid because Covid has more opportunities to mutate in their body since it takes longer to fight off. So those with weakened immune systems are causing the bulk of Covid mutations.

The same holds true of the vaccinated. Those with weakened immune systems who are vaccinated and catch Covid after vaccinated, Covid will mutate more in their bodies because it takes longer to fight off the Covid.

But many of them will never admit to being the cause of a disease even if they spit on your toothbrush. It's always someone else's fault and you can't reason with them.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress

originally posted by: Mysterychic88
Over the last couple of weeks as I have been traversing social media I am starting to see an alarming rise in people openly calling for the unvaccinated to be separated from others, being refused health care, cease to be employed and even downright killing us or allowing us to die.
What is truly startling is the glee they seem to express in brazenly stating these things and other people are agreeing with them!

I mean this is the sort of stuff I would imagine would have been common place in 1930's Germany.
How as a society have we fallen so far that it is now seemingly acceptable to voice such abhorrent opinions in the open.
How do we deal with people whose mindset has been so thoroughly poisoned that this is their new norm.

Well, you can't reason with people like that. But I speak from experience that people who talk like that will do some shocking things. I grew up with a person like that. My sister is that way.

My older sister has a very weak immune system. Everything she caught kept her sick for weeks to months. And she was a blamer, always blaming everyone else for the diseases she caught even though she caught them first.

For example, when she was a teenager, she caught mononucleosis from kissing some boy. She was sick for 2 months wanting sympathy. And she overplayed the whole "poor me, everyone feel sorry for me thing." So I and my little sister wouldn't give her the sympathy she wanted, because she caught mononucleosis from kissing a boy. Her own fault. We laughed. We were children.

So my older sister got angry and spit on our toothbrushes. The next thing you know, my 8 year old sister wound up in a doctor's office with mononucleosis too. And she was 8 years old. Never kissed a boy.

I, on-the-other-hand, did not get sick or if I did catch it,[...]

Oh my.

That's a messed up sister you have, or had, hopefully she's better now?

Sleep with one eye open.
edit on Sun Aug 15 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

(post by rsvpzxc removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Mysterychic88

Some people might feel that way. But you know there are things like trolls and bots on the internet. Right? Often they mean to elicit exactly your reaction.

Millions upon millions of bots. And the AI driving these bots is referenced in Google's AI patents. The AI bots are so "lifelike" today you would never know you are engaging with a bot.

(post by rsvpzxc removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: rsvpzxc

well i refuse to be a lab rat

You're repeating yourself.
We get it.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 02:51 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 03:22 AM
when you have to use the word "technicaly" 🙄a reply to: Phage

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: MykeNukem


exactly how do you know that the covid vaccine works?
given that NONE OF THEM have been approved by the FDA

the only "approval" it has is for EMERGENCY use approval.

in fact the literature they give states this quite clearly.

along with the CLAIM that "if we take this, if everyone is vaccinated, ect" that covid will be gone


The cold hard fact is covid IS NOT LIKE POLO OR SMALL POX.
It is more like the influenza virus (common flu)

it has been around for hundreds of years, has mutated and WILL MUTATE , and can NEVER be wiped out.

so at best the covid vaccine can be like the flu vaccine .

IF (key word IF) it works and IF it is for the strain available...
the best it can do is IF you get it make the effects less..

it WILL NOT stop you from getting it..

so what all this means is we have an UNAPPROVED vaccine that as it says CLEARLY IN THE LITERATURE .........
"emergency USE approval...that it will do more good than harm"


edit on Sun Aug 15 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Mysterychic88

Some people might feel that way. But you know there are things like trolls and bots on the internet. Right? Often they mean to elicit exactly your reaction.

ahh where have i heard words of denial like you just posted before in history

oh thats right

from those supporting the mob during the french revolution
from those who feared hitler and nazi germany (does the man chamberlain ring a bell as one)
from those who supported the Bolshevik revoulution
from those who thought Mussolini was a great guy
from those who supported jim jones
ect ect ect

now does it mean that it for sure will or is happening as the OP said?
no it does not

does it mean that it should be so dismissed as you continually say?

hell no

again you are by your dismissal of even a chance it could be true , especially given the evidence already out makes you the reason for the saying

"those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it


posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: Mysterychic88

I see the hate flowing both ways. Even on this very site.

There is a great difference between the two.
One is rightly calling people who mindlessly ask for an untested jab morons, the other is going waaaaaay past name calling asking for humans to be incarcerated, force jabbed or even killed.

If you can't see the difference I am worried for you.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

Online today I saw an ugly post directed at a perfectly nice young man calling him a murder. He didn't kill anyone just made it clear he wasn't getting the vax under any circumstance. He commented on a post warning Canadians of travel passports etc. She said everything but threaten to have his behavior reported to child services. Very scary. Lots of confused and angry folks out there lashing out. I made my decision already. Nobody's sticking anything in me unless I've kissed it twice.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: ConcernedCanadian

Just imagine if you had done something like getting the Jab thinking it was just another shot, then doing the research and starting to freak out. This could get real nasty fast. I would just nod if anyone asks.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Covide and conquer. I'm more afraid of the wave of communism cooties 19 rode in on.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: olaru12 what I am comparing is their openly disturbing views on the unvaccinated.


posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

"They Want to Arrest and Jail All Unvaccinated Adults"

Some refuse to sign it , most do.

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