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Is anyone else seeing a frightening rise in this kind of talk?

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posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: GolgothaBridge
Anyone who has seen a documentary of Germany immediately pre-ww2 will be familiar with this kind of talk. Just with until the unvaccinated have to wear identifying arm bands...


Illegal NAZI reference 10-yard penalty replay 1st down.

When you bring up nazis you already lost the argument,

That is just BS. You don't lose the argument when you mention Nazi's; that is an idiotic perversion of Godwin's Law. Which actually just uses the term Nazi as an example of the effect of overused comparisons. If every thing is like the Nazi's it devalues the term and the comparison. You see the same thing happening with racism now. If everything is racist, people stop caring when people cry racism.

You don't lose any argument though, especially when those you compare to acting like the Nazi's are indeed acting like the Nazi's.
edit on 16-8-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: correction

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo I couldn't have said it better myself. I sometimes wonder what its going to take to get everyone to wake up to what is happening and the blatant agenda being pushed down our throats at a scary pace


posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 03:54 PM
It is all part of the main dehumanization of certain segments of society. It started being most prominent with the smears during the trump campaign and presidency. If you were for trump, then you were by association a white supremacist or racist. This was done to an entire group people to put them into a category that deserves nothing but contempt. It was a push closer to the dehumanization of one group.

This continued with the George floyd / blm nonsense. If you were against either of those movements you were instantly grouped with - you guessed it - white supremacists and racists. Once again pushing the dehumanization of a group of people that disagreed with the official narrative.

This has continued now with this pro vax vs anti vax narrative. Many people are pro vax and are against the covid vax. They are being grouped in another category that encourages the dehumanization of them.

The tactic seems to be to dehumanize and demonize a group of people. Then set the obedient (knowingly or unknowingly) slaves against them. This will allow them to move on certain groups with little to no pushback from the masses. This is a common tactic of these types of regimes / ideologies.

If you cant see this occurring then I would advise you to open your eyes. Listen to the dept of homeland security, the joint chiefs of staff and the mass media - the most dangerous threat to the country is - white supremacists. They even openly admit that they have no credible Intel on any threats, but continue to make this statement in public.

This is done to further validate what they have been setting up with their slaves. The dehumanization of a group to allow actions taken against them to be considered perfectly fine.

If people could only learn from 1930s Germany. See the writing on the wall and realize that the picture is so much bigger than the immediate.

I will leave you with this...

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

a reply to: Mysterychic88

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 06:55 PM
I agree totally, Imperator2.

My doctor told me not to take the covid vax due to a history with allergic reactions, so I have an excuse for something I don't want anyway. I am also seeing those that agree some cannot get it, but still think they should be removed from society and outright saying it doesn't matter if the shot kills you for an allergic reaction, greater good. Or will tell you doctors on TV said you should take it anyway (and not knowing the reason one may not be able to take it) your own doctor doesn't know anything, or is a Trump supporter. I've had both.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:10 PM
This isn't about a virus any more, if ever. It's about the fact large swaths of humanity will look for ANY socially justifiable reason to claim superiority over others and eliminate them in any way they think they can get away with.

Every corner of the world from the sandbox to the middle east. Any excuse will do.

Most of humanity are despicable mindless drivel, but I still wouldn't advocate for genocide.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: BigOldCaddy
My own younger brother actively hopes for my demise for not taking the vaccine, so if it's bots and trolls posting these things on social media, they're successful.
Even after I explained that my personal doctor advised me to not get the vaccine due to existing medical issues and my current medication regimen, my brother still thinks I should get it, regardless of the potential for my death. I've since ceased communicating with him. The media hysteria has won.

Dom't you know? "The benefits outweigh the risks."

If he really cared about you he wouldn't be trying to convince you to get the shot. He probably only cares that everyone get thebvavcine regardless of the outcome to the individual. It's impersonal, and I've met quite a many people who think that way. If the shot kills someone they say it was an unfortunate event.

Kind of ironic that they think otherwise when it comes to people who haven't got the shot.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: NeuronDivide
I'm absolutely seeing a huge rise in this kind of talk on social media, especially on facebook. Just yesterday I read many dozens of comments from people saying exactly this kind of stuff on a sponsored ad for vaccination by the Austalien government. It's truly sickening.

New South Wales is basically under a joint effort between police and their army in locking people down, and shutting businesses down.

They've already been locked down for like two months. And they're pushing the Delta fear heavily, despite the vast majority of NSW citizens pushing back against jt. Probably why they're doing this "Operation Stay Home" BS. People are being fined up to A$5000 for breaking the rules set in place.

I hope they get put their foot down and resist more heavily.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

Yeah well from what I've seen take their advice because just about every vaxxer I've come across is 3/4er's retarded & has # for brains.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: MrNewWorldOrder
No-one will be forced to get vaccinated. Unvaccinated people might just be precluded from particular jobs, careers and activities for a while. It’s a small price to pay for personal freedom and choice.

Getting told "get the vaccine or lose your job" and similar to you is not being forced?

Yes, technically speaking, we currently have a choice. Just as we always have a choice when a gun is held towards our head. I mean you do not have to do what your gun toting captor tells you to do, as long as you're okay with a shot to the head.

But hey, a head shot is still a choice isn't it.

Nah sorry, it's not a small price to pay when your options are lose the freedom to decide what happens to your body, or lose your means to survive.

Would you be okay with such measures had covid never existed and they decided to start doing such things regarding the common flu back in 2019?

I use the flu and that year as here in Australia, more people died from the common flu during 2019 than has died in a year of covid.

How's that quote go?

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Sorry I shall never agree with sentiments such as yours. That's how you get dictatorships in my opinion.

It's not compulsory yet, but that may change in the very near future if current events are any indicator.
edit on 16-8-2021 by AtomicKangaroo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: GFBufCA

Most of humanity are despicable mindless drivel

Indeed they are.

I have read quotes that say Misanthropes are not born, but are created. I would have to disagree with that. As humans have never ceased to disappoint me for as long as I can remember.
edit on 17-8-2021 by Uknownparadox because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Phage

But when it's in line at a grocery store... how are those bots getting into those peoples mouths?

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:20 AM
My step sister and her "wife" are about as left wing as you can get. They jump on any left wing agenda and run with it. The vaccine is no different and they say the same thing. "If you refuse to get the vaccine, you should be shut in and refused any type of freedom." "If you have a job you should be fired."

So its just not the trolls or bots. There are probably millions of these toxic people preaching the same hate.

Biden air drops thousands of unvaccinated illegals into our communities but I am supposed to take an experimental vaccine? Now they are saying you need a booster after 8 months? So, two shots and then a third. Where does it end?

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: Bearack
a reply to: Phage

But when it's in line at a grocery store... how are those bots getting into those peoples mouths? essage/

Also, we have this example, these are the types of people we are dealing with.
I could fill the pages with examples like this.
edit on 17-8-2021 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Phage

I find most of the stuff on social media is easily dismissed as trolling behavior.

However, what I do kind of find to be on the rise is people who are cutting out people with different political persuasions. Or vaccination related. And quite a iot of those types are democrat and/or liberal.

In general people are way over convinced their opinions are correct and unassailable. Which is pretty odd considering how much learning comes from making mistakes (or more bluntly being wrong about something)

Not saying the right isn't just as judgemental--its just the ones that really still do believe in heaven and hell tend to treat better because of it.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 01:35 PM
I get it, it's not the science that's the issue. We all know that part of the issue is people don't trust the government or the new and not fully approved or tested technology. Just to clarify, Trump and Biden don't get along, but Trump paved the way and Biden implemented this over a change in power. I don't see alternative motives being an issue here. You have to give the man credit where credit is due.

For the following paragraph, keep in mind that I have an engineering degree and love doing research. Most of the people who died after taking pfizer or moderna vaccine died of tylonal overdose daminging organs. Apart from that, mRNA had a 10x chance of causing anaphylaxis, so I took my EpiPen. Don't have one? That's ok, the nurses and pharmacy techs do. Will it overwrite your DNA? On in cells it can encounter within about 12 hours, remember it has to be stored cold or it breaks down quick, and your body is warm. Also, it's mRNA, and produced no replicating spikes, not actual viral code. Now has it been around long enough to know about long term effects? It lasts 12 hours, so yeah by day one that's all the data you need. Also, it's been around since the 90s when moderna invented it, and they had not used it due to the higher risk of anaphylaxis.

I'm vaccine-cautious, and I got the pfizer shot. Nothing against moderna, in fact it might be more effective. Now I have an issue with vaccines due to the MMR vaccine and a genetic flaw which effects the way my body (and one of my kids) reacted to the vaccine. To be fair, it's the way your immune system interacts with the Rubella virus, not limited to the vaccine, that is the issue. Also, this is a rare disorder.

I will be getting my second dose this week, and will update after I get it to let you know how it goes.
edit on 17.8.2021 by GolgothaBridge because: Clarity

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: Mysterychic88
Over the last couple of weeks as I have been traversing social media I am starting to see an alarming rise in people openly calling for the unvaccinated to be separated from others, being refused health care, cease to be employed and even downright killing us or allowing us to die.
What is truly startling is the glee they seem to express in brazenly stating these things and other people are agreeing with them!

I mean this is the sort of stuff I would imagine would have been common place in 1930's Germany.
How as a society have we fallen so far that it is now seemingly acceptable to voice such abhorrent opinions in the open.
How do we deal with people whose mindset has been so thoroughly poisoned that this is their new norm.
I do find myself thinking that these are the ones that the government set out to condition the most, if enough of the citizens they serve start calling for this en mass then who are they to refuse all in the name of "safety". They are weaponising us against eachother all to serve a far darker purpose which in the end will only benefit them. Now this may be the ramblings of a mad woman but this is where my gut sits on this.

I am wondering if anyone else had noticed this recently?

I am also trying to link some screenshots I have saved as examples of what I have seen recently but can't figure it out. I will keep trying.


You are exactly correct. They are using the pandemic to identify the rebellious and pressure them using political correctness and media manipulation and fear. America is on the edge of destruction. Wake up and realize the game the left is playing.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 04:13 PM
Yes...and it's gone global. NWO vaccination fascism.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Phage

i checked out your links.
these vaccines did not go through the vigorous testing a medication should go through in order to be used by people in need of care. 10 to 12 years of testing is usually what is done before the FDA can determine if a medication is safe or not; or even if the medication does what the maker claims. the most i saw in the links was a 25 month testing. not near enough time to gauge a medication.

they don't know whether or not the medication will work against covid 19.

true the technology has been around for a decade. this technology has not been tested properly for use as a vaccine.

thank you for the links,

i still hold on to my original opinion.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: subfab

I keep seeing this argument and the timelines are way off. On average drugs start being used within 3 to 6 years after development. Depending on the priority the drug company puts on the research.

Now since you think something was skipped please tell us what? No steps were skipped at all what happened is they didn't have to worry about funding and several things were allowed to occur at the same time meaning you didn't have to run a study than another after that another. You simply do all 3 at the same exact time most of the time the money is not available for pharma to do that.

So what was normally done that hasn't been done? The irony is these vaccines have been tested more than any medication in the history of our planet. Just about every country has their own studies going on the vaccines there has never been this many doctors and scientists working on any medication.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: GolgothaBridge
Anyone who has seen a documentary of Germany immediately pre-ww2 will be familiar with this kind of talk. Just with until the unvaccinated have to wear identifying arm bands...


Illegal NAZI reference 10-yard penalty replay 1st down.

When you bring up nazis you already lost the argument,

No. He didn't lose the argument. It is a completely valid reference. Maybe a lot of people don't understand what fueled WWII and the Nazi's.

Nazi Germany started off being manipulated by IG Farben which was a massive conglomerate pharmaceutical company known as the modern day Bayer.

IG Farben Pharmaceutical Corporation

IG Farben (aka Bayer) was behind all chemical warfare and biological warfare of the Nazi's. The chemical showers to kill the Jews- Bayer.

Bayer had the Nazi party round up Jews, Gypsies, Gays and Russian POWs and they were put in Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen where they were injected with viruses against their will. Then Bayer would study them and kill them and bring in another group, inject them with viruses again.

His analogy of this forced vaccine is valid. The Pharmaceutical companies that were split up have merged into giant conglomerates that should be illegal under AntiTrust Laws. Pfizer, Bayer, GlaxoKlein....they are monopolies. Monopolies are illegal under AntiTrust laws after what Bayer did during WWII.

Bayer was split up into Bayer, Basf and Aventis at the end of WWII. But for some dumb reason Bayer was allowed to re-merge into its giant conglomerate in the last decade. When that happened, these other smaller pharmaceutical companies ALSO merged into giant pharmaceutical conglomerates to compete with Bayer.

And all of them should be broken back up into their original smaller competing companies under Anti-TrustLaws.

When the world is dealing with giant pharmaceutical monopolies, this is what happens...peer pressured vaccines and forced vaccines that should have never been granted emergency use to begin with.


Only this time, it isn't just Bayer doing it, so are the other pharmaceutical monopolies like Pfizer.

He has a valid comparison with modern media and pharm companies and forced shots today being compared to what Bayer-IG Farben did in Nazi Germany in WWII.

edit on 18-8-2021 by MapMistress because: (no reason given)

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