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Is anyone else seeing a frightening rise in this kind of talk?

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posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

They say it to create taking points.. like jennifer Aniston for example... as assoon as she said she had disowned her unvaxed friends. Its suddenly in the news cycle planting seeds into people's minds.

Then you get people on the news for example a political channel called LBC. They will say " so what do you think, would you do the same as jennifer Aniston?"

Then people call and give their 2 pence make it sound like it's a national shared sentiment. Of course they cherry pick the ones that agree with the message..
edit on 18-8-2021 by lSkrewloosel because: H

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 03:00 AM
The separation of people and groups from each other is the logical extension (IMHO) of the leftist "intersectional" ideology and similar regressive/progressive ideas.

Basically, I don't like you and have imagined or invented difference, so you need to go and stand in the corner over there. I don't have to have rationality on my side, or even logic, I just to have "feelings".

If you are unvaccinated then you are different from me in some way. You are probably transphobic and racist, so should be moved away from me. I have no evidence of that, but I have “feelings” and my “feelings” are always right.

edit on 18/8/2021 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 05:12 AM
It's very hard to explain, but there are out of the box methods the enemy attacks with today.

The fight over masks will keep Americans busy arguing with themselves.

This will help take attention away from the enemy and this will slow Americas progression.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

It will never be us vs them while they make it me vs you

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: Kentuckymama


we live in a prison

we are being manipulated by our base instincts

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Yes, we are. Our Enemy knows which buttons to press.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 08:38 PM
This is like watching a train roll downhill in slow motion towards an edge of a steep cliff, while the drivers (engineers?) are too busy scamming the passengers out of their hard-earned money to notice the danger, and when telling everyone what's happening, being called crazy.

A long time later, when the train is much closer to the edge, so everyone can see what's happening, people start to panic and angrily exclaim their disappointment and shock about what's going on and how no one warned them.

I can only roll my eyes as I watch the events unfold, and shake my head as the people that called me crazy for telling them what direction the train is going towards, are now taking the events as granted, as if it was always business-as-usual.

It's remarkable to me, how the cave people just won't believe what you can easily see so clearly if you just bother to step two meters out of the cave. And they refuse to come with you, but then act all shocked, when what you told them becomes true.

It's also astonishing, how many 'crazy' thing have passed and changed into 'normal, widely-accepted everyday reality'.

If you even mentioned microchips under the skin to anyone in the eighties or most of the nineties, everyone was convinced you are completely bonkers. You could probably get locked up for even suggesting such things.

Fast forward just a few tiny years, and suddenly animals being microchipped 'so they can travel with you' is the norm that no one questions. How can things flip-flop so suddenly?

Microchips under the skin is the norm for humans as well already - not as widely utilized -yet- but it's already happening, and people go about their daily business as if there's nothing weird about that. Prisoners, volunteers, and who knows who else have had microchips under their skins for a long time now.

The world is turning to a police state and people that used to be diligent and freedom-oriented, afraid of the big brother and all, are suddenly not only comfortable with that idea, but completely happy about it. Yes, bring more fascism so those pesky non-vaccinated monsters can be brought to be capped (read my post about The Tripods if you don't understand this reference) so they can live like us civilized vaccinated people.

Everything is political now, no one thinks with their own brain anymore, whatever the official 'authorities' tell them, that's what the masses believe, you can't escape this madness anywhere. All it takes is one crazy, probably at least partially manufactured event (crisis-reaction-solution, 'Don't let a good crisis go to waste' and all that), to make the whole world go haywire and destroy your freedoms and make people spy on each other and report to the government, like in the worst Orwellian nightmare.

Who knew it could happen so suddenly?

It hasn't happened suddenly, when you look at things from a wider perspective with open eyes. The writing has been on the wall for a long, long time. The truth has been leaking out little by little, you could have known -something- like this was always planned and always going to happen even in mid-1990s! You just couldn't know when it would happen, or what form the madness would take specifically.

The bilderberg group (excuse if I refrain from capitalizing their name out of contempt) has their yearly agenda, and this chinese flu-nonsense couldn't have been more perfectly fitting to those agendas.

I honestly thought it would take a bit longer, but I always had a bad feeling about the year 2020 and I always hoped I wouldn't have to go all the way there. Now I know the reason.

No one should be shocked at this point, who has followed events even a little bit - if you have known about microchips, UFO coverups, Majestic-12, Roswell Incident, Military-Industrial Complex, CIA, FBI and other alphabet gang coverups and crimes, reverse engineering of E.T. tech, Area 51 (when it was still an actually relatively secret base), government black ops, government coverups, all those projects from 'Blue Book' to Paperclip, Mockingbird - I forgot the names of all those murder-projects, like the NASA thing.. should really have been expecting something like this, and known how masses have been dumbed down, so OF COURSE they tow the 'party line' (there's basically only 'one party' that's just seemingly and superficially divided so people have the illusion of choice).

The more 'educated' someone is, the more likely it is they're informationally dependent on the government teet and do anything to defend the official story. They might even be brainwashed a bit, at least indoctrinated and conditioned. The more famous someone is, the more wealthy someone is, the more they have to lose, so the more they can be controlled.

It boggles the mind, how someone can be shocked that the 'educated' or the 'famous' are so oppressive and ready to throw innocent into the jail. These people never 'educated' themselves, they were spoonfed lies all their lives, what do you expect?

You can't become a doctor without having to swim so deeply within the system that the system basically owns you and your thoughts. Try to have a contradictory opinion when you have reached a position where people actually listen to you and your word has weight in the world. You'll see what happens. And they know it, so they won't rock the boat.

Then there's the whole matter of virtue signaling that earns these 'celebrated glitterary' their 'pats on the head', that they have, like Pavlovian dogs, become completely addicted to. It can of course take many forms, but these people know it's coming, so they do anything and everything to defend the party line against the people, as long as it gets them their rewards. They don't care about the truth or what's good for the people, as long as the gravy train ticket is valid.

So, from one train to another, I think it's time to end this post.

Just please stop being shocked at the expected that you could've seen from miles away if you had been paying attention.

edit on 18-8-2021 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

there are more of us than them, I think a population will only be pushed so far

This is a nice sentiment, but you forgot how long and how thoroughly the frogs have been boiled in water, whose temperature has been ever-so-slowly risen constantly.

By the time the frog realizes what's going on, its muscles are too soft from the hot water for it to be able to jump out, and it will perish.

The population has been dumbed down, distracted, lied to, manipulated. Artificial poverty and scarcity, distraction tech-industry. Useless movies, TV shows, manufactured fears, keeping people tired by useless toil, most of which is unnecessary, and the other half could be given to machines, robots, etc. Everything being tied to money, and then people shackled into this system by money and the lack of it. Every waking moment being full of worry about money in one way or another.

Money was supposed to be a convenient form of exchange, but it has been made into a chain to control people. 'Wage Slave' is not a hyperbole, that slavery is very real. No one sitting in a cubicle every day is going to feel free, unless they're enlightened or something.

Useless celebrities doing their bit to transform good people that are ready to help others and sacrifice for the fellow man and work for the common good, into demonic satanists that worship the masonic death cult symbolism and obscene depravity, oversexualized clothing styles and provocative dance moves as normal, everyday things. Heck, I've even seen cutesy skull+crossbones pillows sold for kids in a department store.

People have been bombarded with this crap (and more) relentlessly from every possible source they turn to for relaxation, distraction, entertainment, escapism, etc., so much that you can't be free of this stuff even if you try as hard as you can. Sooner or later you'll see someone wearing a skull shirt or some celebrity flashing the masonic finger symbols (even japanese idols in concerts do this all the time, often WHILE wearing the skull+crossbones-symbol in their clothing and other gear!).

Hypnotism is real, suggestions work, advertisers know this, and have been using all kinds of very powerful techniques against the people for ages, and only gotten better at it every year. Why do you think they push for ads EVERYwhere, including in the middle of youtube videos nowadays? Is it because those poor corporations can't survive otherwise, or could there be a more sinister motivation in there somewhere in the background, like keeping people glued to advertisement as much of the time as possible, because that way, they can push as much symbolism and sub-conscious programming in people's tired minds as possible?

People are unaware, unshielded, unprepared, so when they watch some videos, movies, or listen to some music while they're tired, their sub-conscious receives tons of this kind of manipulation constantly. When they do this every day, and don't realize what's going on, they're going to swallow so much BS, I am frankly surprised things are as good as they are.

Against this background (although I went into it very briefly), you can probably understand the slight, though understandable naïvete of your statement.. "people can only be pushed so far" may be right if you start pushing and pushing them overtly and aggressively in the physical world, and the people are fresh human beings that haven't been brainwashed and conditioned for decades.

But people of today's world have proven they will let the 'authorities' push them AS FAR AS THEY WANT TO PUSH THEM. They will push them ALL the way without much resistance, and when the resistance comes, the frog's muscles are too softened by the now-almost-boiling water, so it won't make a difference.

Other than that, I am very optimistic about the future.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: anonentity

If someone says "Have you had the Jab", just say "Yes it was great".

First of all, that's not something anyone SAYS, that's something someone ASKS (and you should use a question mark).

Second of all, you are actually encouraging people to LIE? What's wrong with TRUTH?

Only TRUTH shall set you free! I am not going to lie, how little of faith do you have to think you have to lie??

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: GolgothaBridge

Our Enemy knows which buttons to press.

Why would you capitalize 'enemy'? Do you respect them (whomever you are referring to)?

It's detrimental and destructive (even to yourself) to think and see the world in those terms. There's no 'enemy'.

There's the old saying that 'Love yourself and your enemies' - but there are even better sayings, that say 'If you understand someone and they understand you, they will never become your enemy'.

I can, on the surface and purely materialistic worldview-way of thinking, see that there's a case to be made for using such terminology, but if you think more cosmically and take karma and spiritual necessities into account, then you see that the direction you choose to designate as 'enemy', is actually helping you, because they're forcing you to deal with your karma and possibly hang-ups as well, thereby cleansing you in one way or another.

So even the worst enemies are really useful to you, so how can you really call them 'enemy' anyway? Besides, anyone that wants to shoot me dead, for example, would be a great liberator to me and I would thank them for a long time for such a deed, because such an act would release me from this prison planet.

If I ever experience an accident that almost-kills me, and then I am 'brought back to life' by some quac..doctors, I will probably curse those people for the rest of this incarnation (as many actually have, when they experienced this kind of eventuality - if you research the 'OOBE'-phenomenon that has happened to accident victims, you can find out that the doctors and such were a bit shocked to get anger and disappointment instead of gratitude and 'thanks for saving my life'. The astral world is so much better than this one, that when someone violently pulls you back from that, it's like someone violently waking you up from the most beautiful and wonderful dream to the dull and dreary, painful mundaneity).

I don't have a 'death wish' per se, but I do recognize this planet as the prison that it is, and I want to serve my sentence dutifully - it doesn't mean I have to like being in prison to do it.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

I simply suggested that response, to end the conversation, if you have had the Jab and then start to read the disturbing reports of side effects. You are not doing that individual any good by explaining to them why you have not had the Jab. Stress is a bad thing for an already compromised immune system.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 03:46 AM
It would be alarming if it was a genuine outpour from the citizenry, but I really believe this is a message being promulgated by disinformation agents (that number over 1 million worldwide, I believe, who are paid to be the voices that you're hearing/reading) in an effort to foment a sentiment that is JUST NOT THERE. Please don't give in to the fearmongering, consider it a psy-op--a failed one--by powers-that-were that just can't stop trying to win a game that they have already lost.

Because I, for one, am sick and tired of the nonsense that life on Earth is today, when it could be such a freakin' PARADISE! I DO NOT ACCEPT THE STATUS QUO--WE ARE CHANGING IT NOW!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

I capitalized Enemy because I was using it as a title for a specific being, Satan.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: GolgothaBridge

I think this Vid has been posted before but if not, it was made back in March in iy he predicts that there would be mass vaccinations and the unvaccinated would be pressurized to have the vaccine.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

reminds me of what the jewish community said when asked about nazi germany

Why didnt you do anything or run away or hide or fight back

and the answer was that it happened slowly over time and before they knew it, they were on trains

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 11:25 AM
You argue that you cannot be forced to get the vaccine because you think there is some risk to it, and yet, you would argue that others must risk their lives by exposing themselves to you, when you refuse to wear a mask, social distance, take a vaccine or do anything to mitigate the risk of exposure. I think people DO have the right to refuse to do anything that might risk exposure from an individual.

This 'freedom' argument I keep hearing, is like saying, "Well, I can drink and drive if I want, it's my choice, my life and I'm a great driver," when the truth is, you're risking more than yourself. Drink and drive all you want, but stay off of the public roads.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Mysterychic88
Over the last couple of weeks as I have been traversing social media I am starting to see an alarming rise in people openly calling for the unvaccinated to be separated from others, being refused health care, cease to be employed and even downright killing us or allowing us to die.
What is truly startling is the glee they seem to express in brazenly stating these things and other people are agreeing with them!

I mean this is the sort of stuff I would imagine would have been common place in 1930's Germany.
How as a society have we fallen so far that it is now seemingly acceptable to voice such abhorrent opinions in the open.
How do we deal with people whose mindset has been so thoroughly poisoned that this is their new norm.
I do find myself thinking that these are the ones that the government set out to condition the most, if enough of the citizens they serve start calling for this en mass then who are they to refuse all in the name of "safety". They are weaponising us against eachother all to serve a far darker purpose which in the end will only benefit them. Now this may be the ramblings of a mad woman but this is where my gut sits on this.

I am wondering if anyone else had noticed this recently?

I am also trying to link some screenshots I have saved as examples of what I have seen recently but can't figure it out. I will keep trying.


In Canada Trudeau is now threatening people who don’t get the double dose…


posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: Brock12003

originally posted by: Mysterychic88
Over the last couple of weeks as I have been traversing social media I am starting to see an alarming rise in people openly calling for the unvaccinated to be separated from others, being refused health care, cease to be employed and even downright killing us or allowing us to die.
What is truly startling is the glee they seem to express in brazenly stating these things and other people are agreeing with them!

I mean this is the sort of stuff I would imagine would have been common place in 1930's Germany.
How as a society have we fallen so far that it is now seemingly acceptable to voice such abhorrent opinions in the open.
How do we deal with people whose mindset has been so thoroughly poisoned that this is their new norm.
I do find myself thinking that these are the ones that the government set out to condition the most, if enough of the citizens they serve start calling for this en mass then who are they to refuse all in the name of "safety". They are weaponising us against eachother all to serve a far darker purpose which in the end will only benefit them. Now this may be the ramblings of a mad woman but this is where my gut sits on this.

I am wondering if anyone else had noticed this recently?

I am also trying to link some screenshots I have saved as examples of what I have seen recently but can't figure it out. I will keep trying.


In Canada Trudeau is now threatening people who don’t get the double dose…


“If anyone doesn't have a legitimate medical reason for not getting fully vaccinated — or chooses to not get vaccinated — there will be consequences”

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: Jadette
You argue that you cannot be forced to get the vaccine because you think there is some risk to it, and yet, you would argue that others must risk their lives by exposing themselves to you, when you refuse to wear a mask, social distance, take a vaccine or do anything to mitigate the risk of exposure. I think people DO have the right to refuse to do anything that might risk exposure from an individual.

This 'freedom' argument I keep hearing, is like saying, "Well, I can drink and drive if I want, it's my choice, my life and I'm a great driver," when the truth is, you're risking more than yourself. Drink and drive all you want, but stay off of the public roads.

Then seal yourselves in hazmat suits permanently. I don't give a crap how inconvenient, embarrassing, or demeaning it is for you, we are not your servants, wet nurses, mommies, or bitches.

It's time you start taking some personal safety responsibility if you're THAT worried, and by taking responsibility, I do not mean berating and needling others into mollycoddling you. You are an adult, ambulatory, of sound mind, and therefore, not a helpless invalid wasting away somewhere. For those folks, there's enough options, use them. Get off your asses, and buck UP.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Jadette

If you are vaccinated and the shot does what it's supposed to, so what? You're supposed to be protected, right? So who cares? My great good lord, am I the only person who got the damn shot and actually thought it was supposed to protect me from the disease and not just socially me mark me out as holier than thou?
edit on 22-8-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

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