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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 12:50 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

I don't understand the format of these Project Veritas videos....where they repeat various clips over several times, as though it's a continuous interview. Unless it's just a purely NLP structure, to embed the information subliminally. But, it's so blatant, that it can't fail to be noticed consciously.

I don't know. Maybe the subconscious part isn't as important as I had thought. But, it annoys me personally.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

From the looks of Jan 6th chairman Bennie Johnson, he's getting close to the same fate as Rep. Elijah Cummings. Too much fried and greasy food has taken its toll.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 02:21 AM
Just thought I'd point out that today, August 25th is a 5by5, Eyes On day.

With that said, I'm off for some kip... hopefully the Mr Pool posts will all make sense to me in the morning!

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 07:50 AM
Taliban Joe. smh

He’s not making these tactical and strategic decisions. He’s just taking the arrows to the chest shielding the puppet master.

Mid terms will be one of two things;

1) bloodbath for Dems
2) election fraud that makes 2020 look like a jay walk violation.

This is a good time to start looking at freedom friendly cities, counties, states for relocation. I fear local govt much more than the Feds. Much more day to day impact on our lives. In my opinion of course.

edit on 25-8-2021 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 07:52 AM
Kamala Harris: Possible Havana syndrome incident delayed Vice President's flight to Vietnam

Vice President Kamala Harris' departure for Vietnam was delayed by several hours Tuesday afternoon after her office was informed by the US embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam, of a "report of a recent possible anomalous health incident."....

Can the Afghan Crisis get worse ? You Bet ...

In private, Qatar warn US officials of 'growing crises' at bases housing Afghans: Internal report

.....But privately, Qatari officials are warning their American counterparts that the situation at U.S. facilities, where thousands of Afghan evacuees are being housed, is growing more dire, according to an internal State Department report obtained by ABC News.......

edit on 8252021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

This movement is about (1) exposing a corrupt system...
and (2) returning power back to the people.

GOAL = Endless Drama / Division / Fighting / Fear / Blame / Mirrors

1. Create division & push 2 groups closer to their breaking points
2. Promote & target Trump as the leader of the anti-vaxx group
3. Blame CV surge on anti-vaxx - MUST re-mask/lose jobs/no schools

- RUN HEADLINE 1 = Trump head of anti-vaxx/CV surges/reason for lockdowns.
- RUN HEADLINE 2 = Trump says "take the vaccine" but... Too late...Lockdowns.
- RUN HEADLINE 3 = Trump ignores CV/super spreader/reason for new lockdown.

Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated

1. Eyeballs: First story runs / Other outlets pick up (total views)
2. Social media reactions (shares/comments/likes/dislikes/key words)
3. Fuel to fire: Paid-influencers/Fake actor video clips/bots/FF/editorials

- Regardless of what President Trump does - a version of same script runs
(think = AS mocking "Trump like a godfather" call AFTER transcript released)
- Even when intentions are good, the traps are laid to twist & deceive
(think = bricks/plants in protest to spark chaos/burn down neighborhoods)
- Our energy, words, actions = used to spin whirlwinds to destroy ourselves
(think = "when looting starts, shooting starts" = clips replayed over & over)

1) CHOICES = aren't always easy / better with a clear head
2) CHOICES = aren't always clean / impact others / WE are all connected
3) CHOICES = think for yourself / research / facing our fears of unknown

Imagine "Gillian's Island" scenario, castaways surviving a shipwreck.
They survived the storm, and find themselves on a small, deserted island.
Surrounded only by water, with only some coconuts to sustain basic life.
Passengers & crew could fight or "embrace the suck" & work together.
They wait 30, 60, 90 days... then realize that maybe "no one is coming".
An option of building a raft & sending a team to search for help is raised.
The captain calls everyone together to discuss risks for both options.
1) We can all stay here / hope / pray until the coconuts run out.
2) We can build a raft & send a few to try and find help.
The captain allows everyone to make their choice.
Making a choice = facing your fears = accepting responsibility for it.

Info on CV19 comes in many different forms - not just a rally.
We dig: sharing videos, research, & news on a daily basis.
We find: promising alternative treatment options available.
We see: opinions, fears, paid influencers & fake distraction stories.
We know: some people dying with CV-19 (real & imaginary).
We know: some people dying from vaccine reactions (real & imaginary).
Key = Offering / fighting to protect an individuals freedom of choice.

President Trump chooses his words carefully... listen:
- Take the vaccines... Take the vaccines.
- You got your freedoms.
- But I happened to take the vaccine.
- But if it doesn't work, you'll be the first to know.
- You have to maintain your freedoms... get your kids back to school.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Explains Monoclonal Antibody Treatment

Fauci: Early use of monoclonal antibodies can cut risk of hospitalization, death up to 85%

After slow start, demand for COVID monoclonal antibodies treatment skyrockets


edit on 25-8-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 11:24 AM
I cannot believe this isn't C_A coms. Of all the places to travel, these "students" decide to travel to a war torn backwards region where there is a perpetual travel warning from the Feds.

What parent is stupid enough to think this is a good idea, during a PLAGUE no less??? Paris = no, Patagonia = no, Outback = no, War torn Taliban Afghanistan = you bet!

Dozens of California students, parents stranded in Afghanistan after summer trip abroad

More than 20 students and 16 parents from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon, Calif., visited Afghanistan on summer vacation. Now they are among thousands of people who are waiting to leave the country amid the chaotic U.S. withdrawal that has caused political unrest across the nation, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Cajon Valley Superintendent David Miyashiro alerted school board members on Tuesday that he would be meeting with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to discuss the situation, the Times noted.

Miyashiro told the news outlet that the families traveled to Afghanistan on special visas for U.S. military service and that the school district was able to provide government officials with information on the families as they work to locate them.

The stranded students reportedly attend different schools within the school district.

Cajon Valley Schoo is East of San Diego.

edit on 25-8-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 11:32 AM

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
I brought up biosensors and coincidentally, the WEF tweeted this video about a mask with embedded biosensors:
This face mask can tell you if you’ve got COVID-19

The sensors are based on freeze-dried cellular machinery that the research team has previously developed for use in paper diagnostics for viruses such as Ebola and Zika. In a new study, the researchers showed that the sensors could be incorporated into not only face masks but also clothing such as lab coats, potentially offering a new way to monitor health care workers’ exposure to a variety of pathogens or other threats.

We’ve demonstrated that we can freeze-dry a broad range of synthetic biology sensors to detect viral or bacterial nucleic acids, as well as toxic chemicals, including nerve toxins. We envision that this platform could enable next-generation wearable biosensors for first responders, health care personnel, and military personnel,” says James Collins, the Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering and Science in MIT’s Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) and Department of Biological Engineering and the senior author of the study. utm_content=23086_Covid_mask_test&utm_campaign=social_video_2021

These sensors are external but at some point, for ecological and security reasons, the push will be to have them injected into your body. The argument will be, "If you want to ditch the mask then take the chip"

A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be The Future Of Pandemic Detection

The Defense Department is helping to fund a new study to determine whether an under-the-skin biosensor can help trackers keep up — by detecting flu-like infections even before their symptoms begin to show.

Its maker, Profusa, says the sensor is on track to try for FDA approval by early next year.
edit on 25-8-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
I cannot believe this isn't C_A coms. Of all the places to travel, these "students" decide to travel to a war torn backwards region where there is a perpetual travel warning from the Feds.

What parent is stupid enough to think this is a good idea, during a PLAGUE no less??? Paris = no, Patagonia = no, Outback = no, War torn Taliban Afghanistan = you bet!

Dozens of California students, parents stranded in Afghanistan after summer trip abroad

More than 20 students and 16 parents from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon, Calif., visited Afghanistan on summer vacation. Now they are among thousands of people who are waiting to leave the country amid the chaotic U.S. withdrawal that has caused political unrest across the nation, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Cajon Valley Superintendent David Miyashiro alerted school board members on Tuesday that he would be meeting with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to discuss the situation, the Times noted.

Miyashiro told the news outlet that the families traveled to Afghanistan on special visas for U.S. military service and that the school district was able to provide government officials with information on the families as they work to locate them.

The stranded students reportedly attend different schools within the school district.

Cajon Valley Schoo is East of San Diego.


"Travelling student" is a classic cover for CIA operatives. Nobody really buys it, but like Scott Adams once said, "They don't have to believe you. They just have to be unable to prove you're lying."

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 11:47 AM
This is going to get interesting .... Quick

Pentagon: US troops must get their COVID-19 vaccines ASAP

More than 800,000 service members have yet to get their shots, according to Pentagon data. And now that the Pfizer vaccine has received full approval from the Food and Drug Administration, the Defense Department is adding it to the list of required shots troops must get as part of their military service.

The Austin memo does not dictate a specific timeline for completing the vaccinations. But it says the military services will have to report regularly on their progress. A senior defense official said that Austin has made it clear to the services that he expects them to move quickly, and that this will be completed in weeks not months.

I'd say when I signed up - this wasn't part of the "Contract" and the ADDED requirement voids my Service .... but thats me
Time will Tell - after all the Military is so proud of the Commander in Chief ....

edit on 8252021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 11:58 AM

Coms, has to be. The optics on this is good for about 7 people, the rest this is really bad.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 12:25 PM
Even on the streets of Kabul, the Taliban is trolling Joe.

Maybe Ron Klain (@WHCOS) can pass this pic along to his boss?

And Kate Bedingfield (@WHCommsDir) can make copies for the media.

The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth - TV Series (2016– ). Kate Bedingfield is in 4 episodes.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 12:42 PM
The devil is in the details. They can (and did) only mandate the fully approved vaccine. Which does not exist according to the FDA documents provided. This is a sucker's game.

originally posted by: MetalThunder
This is going to get interesting .... Quick

Pentagon: US troops must get their COVID-19 vaccines ASAP

More than 800,000 service members have yet to get their shots, according to Pentagon data. And now that the Pfizer vaccine has received full approval from the Food and Drug Administration, the Defense Department is adding it to the list of required shots troops must get as part of their military service.

The Austin memo does not dictate a specific timeline for completing the vaccinations. But it says the military services will have to report regularly on their progress. A senior defense official said that Austin has made it clear to the services that he expects them to move quickly, and that this will be completed in weeks not months.

I'd say when I signed up - this wasn't part of the "Contract" and the ADDED requirement voids my Service .... but thats me
Time will Tell - after all the Military is so proud of the Commander in Chief ....

edit on 8/25/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 01:03 PM
If fans want to attend the NFL Raiders game they are going to have to take the knee along with the players. They are going to require fans to show their vax card but they had a dilemma. It is always about the $$$ plus they don't want angry fans who show up and get turned away. Anyone who shows up they will be ready and waiting to give the jab.

??? I just verified that it takes approx. 10 days for the vax to be effective so what is the point. It is not providing any protection to anyone.

Meanwhile we now have the pope weighing in with a message to Americans that getting the vaccine is "An Act of Love" despite the fact that the original cells used for research came from aborted fetuses. He has decided that it is morally acceptable. I really have to kuestion how the two reconcile especially if one of the commandments is do not kill. He worries me.

The pressure is ramping up.>sections>2021>08>17>nfl-raiders-...>sections>coronavirus-live-updates>blog>How-long-for-cov...

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 01:04 PM
The US military may soon declassify a secret space weapon

Senior military leaders, including Gen. John Hyten, the vice-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, have been discussing for more than a year whether to reveal a secret space weapon by providing a demonstration of its capabilities, the report says. The weapon system, the details of which remain obscure, was developed as a "Special Access Program," which is reserved for highly classified information.

The Trump administration considered revealing the space weapon as early as the annual Space Symposium conference in 2020, a prestigious event for the national defense community. The idea was to showcase the technology as a validation of the Space Force and Space Command, which is responsible for military operations in outer space. However, the conference was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This new weapon announcement would come as US military officials have increasingly spoken of space as a "warfighting domain." The Trump administration cited the militarization of space as a rationale for creating the Space Force, and it may be inevitable that space sees some form of conflict.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 01:19 PM
Really, really curious why Delta CEO, Ed Bastien used the term B.1.617.2 instead of the familiar Delta variant name. It does not make sense because after all he is not a research scientist. He also has come up with a clever twist. Starting in November any employees not vaccinated will have to pay for the privilege to work. Really disturbing.
This is even more threatening because starting in November he will be stopping the Pay Protection for unvaccinated employees. People do get sick or hurt in accidents that have nothing to do with C-19 so now they have no safety net. Part of their compensation is healthcare and this is a unilateral cutting of the paycheck. Does he have this authority?

I do believe that Delta has a union and I sure hope that they become involved because all of this is just not right.>sections>coronavirus-live-updates

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
If fans want to attend the NFL Raiders game they are going to have to take the knee along with the players. They are going to require fans to show their vax card but they had a dilemma. It is always about the $$$ plus they don't want angry fans who show up and get turned away. Anyone who shows up they will be ready and waiting to give the jab.

??? I just verified that it takes approx. 10 days for the vax to be effective so what is the point. It is not providing any protection to anyone.

Meanwhile we now have the pope weighing in with a message to Americans that getting the vaccine is "An Act of Love" despite the fact that the original cells used for research came from aborted fetuses. He has decided that it is morally acceptable. I really have to kuestion how the two reconcile especially if one of the commandments is do not kill. He worries me.

The pressure is ramping up.>sections>2021>08>17>nfl-raiders-...>sections>coronavirus-live-updates>blog>How-long-for-cov...

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

All part of Zero's plan?

"Barack Obama has made it clear that he thinks the world would be a better and more peaceful place if the United States were too weak to affect the course of events. Obama, along with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, has slashed missile defense, dramatically reduced investment in future military technologies, and broken promises to our allies. In addition, Obama is transforming our military into a politically correct force that no one will want to join."
Jed Babbin (2010)

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