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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

Good point. We gave them $100 Billion dollars, 600,000 small weapons, shoulder-launch rockets, freshly pressed uniforms, rations, microwave ovens. The USA has nothing left to bargain with, now that our military has been neutered by Joe and his "woke" Generals.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: SeventhChapter
a reply to: crankyoldman

Both. There is the collective and then the subset of each individual POV. Each POV is predicated on that individuated aspects desires and goals and the reality reflects the inner vibrations. The collective reflection is more complicated. Freewill being the guiding force in both POV's. The collective moves glacially slow to the individuals with increased awareness.

This makes sense to me. What’s even more complicated is why we are all here incarnated during this timeline. One theory is we knew exactly what our life would be like before we decided to incarnate into a physical body. If that’s possible, time as we perceive it on this planet is not the same in other dimensions. Is the “war” already determined from that perspective? Yes we have free will, but are these choices we make, already predetermined to infinity?

At the moment one could say there are two very distinct overlapping realties that some can see clearly. To simplify, those for whom the jab is a life saving effort, and for those who see the jab as a death choice. Neither side can understand the other. First time I've seen anything like this. By comparison, 911 reflected .5% who saw it as ritual/control event, so no real conflict.

It’s almost like there are two different groups with entirely different realities traveling to their destination, but we all have to first pass through each other to get there. From my perspective. What I do not understand is what happens to those who chose to separate from source. Are we actually losing a part of ourselves?

The choice point within the collective on that jab divide occurred a bit ago. So, in essence, folks will get to play out their choice in an overlapping reality for now. Those who want the jab protection not protection will get that = sadly.

These people are mostly being manipulated. The laws of the game should not allow for people to be deceived into making these choices.

As for the greater plan, that's exceedingly complicated as there are a myriad of timelines, a myriad of beings, a myriad of individuals involved and all playing out their due course of experience. The neutralizing of the ghouls aspect is what complicates it all, so we individuals can only glimpse small parts of the plan(s) by design. But we of course can see our own personal plan, and part in the big plan, should that be important to each, as nothing prevents that.

Agreed. The events on this planet during this time seem to be quite significant in the grander realities. Why is duality allowed, do you think it’s to create a polarity for us to learn lessons we need to learn?

. What I do not understand is what happens to those who chose to separate from source. Are we actually losing a part of ourselves?

Excellent question. The answer to that is complicated. A simple version would be that certain beings decided, for whatever reason, that they would live "outside" the bounds of unity. That they would be the anti unity by setting up their own separate existence. The first problem is that isn't possible. The second is that all beings exist by accessing the unity field, whether they know it or not. The third problem is this effort can only exist at the lower vibrator rates, so they have very few options to do this, and must keep their prey in the lower vibrations to remain in power and hidden.

The separatists cannot exist on their own without the source of life. So they must consume those they see foolish enough to be in unity consciousness in order to stay alive. Silly. They are still connected to source regardless, so a return is possible, but many simply will not do it no matter what, or cannot at this point. So when food dries up they return to source anyway. Some do break the pattern and, strange as it seems, their experience is rich = hell and back sort of thing.

On the other end of the spectrum are things that are not now, nor ever were, connected to source. One's PC computer, a Clone, a Droid, a complicated demon/egregor etc. Those have no connection and are subject to ending their existence at any moment. Bladerunner (not the crappy director's cut btw) depicts this a bit. The droids are complicated hammers and shown as such. Bladerunner revisited is an attempt to humanize the droids oddly enough, as many have irrational concerns about their fate including some clones and droids.

In short, choosing to separate is a game one cannot really win in the end because All is All. If one does not develop enough individuated consciousness to maintain that individuated form within unity, they return to the unity field. There are many other possible conclusions of course, but this is basic form.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: hangedman13

Good point. We gave them $100 Billion dollars, 600,000 small weapons, shoulder-launch rockets, freshly pressed uniforms, rations, microwave ovens. The USA has nothing left to bargain with, now that our military has been neutered by Joe and his "woke" Generals.

The funny thing about Woke Milley, I myself think he's a gray hat at worst. He facilitated the reveal of the woke crap, as everyone is talking about it because of him. And the Afghanistan event is clearly a White Hat PR bonanza, without him it doesn't happen it seems. I view him like James Comey, who, oddly, hasn't tweeted since JANUARY 20th!

I'm giving Milley a pass for now given Joe's flame out lies with him at least in part.

Who knew?

edit on 24-8-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Kamala Harris left Singapore late due to an 'anomalous health issue' in Hanoi.
Speculation is that it may be referring to Havana Syndrome.


posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: butcherguy
Kamala Harris left Singapore late due to an 'anomalous health issue' in Hanoi.
Speculation is that it may be referring to Havana Syndrome.


Apparently the mysterious "Havana Syndrome" just hit the embassy in Hanoi.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 12:53 PM
link>articles>PMC 7152513
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy For Covid-19 - NCB1

Seems the "Ministry of Health" knows much about this. Smacks of the Malaria situation with the cure Ivermectin.

Clinical trials are taking place right now and this addresses the high possibility that the use of stem cells early is effective at treating the most dangerous phase of C-19. By using the stem cells it helps treat and heal and reduces the overall death rate.


Some highlights:
1. Stem cells are easily accessible, meaning not rare. The cells can be harvested from various tissues. The one most are familiar with is umbelical cords but they can also be harvested from bone marrow, adipose tissues and other sources.

2. They are multipotent stem cells. This means once introduced into the body it spreads to all of the organs in the body.

3. MSC's can be Easily expanded to clinical volumes.< Just think about that. Easy to produce volume and dispense to
clinics. A life saver.

4. MSC's can be stored for repetitive use. No need for scarcity. It is available for ill patients when there is a need.

5. Clinical Trials are currently underway and there have been ZERO adverse reactions using stem cells. Quite a difference
from the experimental shots.
6. Safety and Effectiveness has been documented.

The FDA has approved the use of experimental vaccines but has not used stem cells, even in an experimental form to treat C-19.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:02 PM
poso reporting.

At first glance one thinks...

But. As I mentioned the other day, we know Afghanistan is C_A country, or an actual C_A Country. So it makes sense to send their boss to try and get them out. Which, is it really something we all want at this point? My guess, the concern is who will say what if left behind rather then concern for the lives of the people.

Regardless, the optics are horrifying. CCP Blinken sidelined during the EXACT thing his job was created for is remarkable.


posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Somebody might have one of those Havana 'Voice-to-skull' Ray guns...or some powerful psychics???

Americans stationed in Germany are latest victims of Havana Syndrome (Aug 18, 2021)

At least two US officials were treated after developing nausea, severe headaches, ear pain, fatigue, insomnia and sluggishness, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The attacks have also occurred in China, Russia and Austria, and have long been suspected to be connected to Russia. Many victims were intelligence officers or emissaries working on Russian-related issues.

A CIA task force headed by an official who was involved in the search for Osama Bin Laden is currently probing the cause of the hard-to-diagnose symptoms, which have reportedly afflicted as many as 200 Americans.


This is where it gets interesting, because a "CIA task force headed by an official who was involved in the search for Osama Bin Laden" strongly suggests that the task force is composed of remote viewers, because they were actively involved in that search for Bin Laden. If that high octane speculation be true, then that highlights the second half of that very revealing sentence, that this task force is "currently probing the cause...of the symptoms." Now I don't doubt for a moment that that's all they're looking for. They're probably also looking for some sort of confirmation (or denial) that the Russians really are behind these attacks. In other words, they're looking for whose behind them and if possible what the objective(s) is or are. But again, what intrigues me here is that they're looking for the actual cause of the symptoms.
Dr. Farrell speculation

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:12 PM

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posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:27 PM

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posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:30 PM
We can rest easy now.🤪🤦‍

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:33 PM

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posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
They won't recognize being enslaved because most people don't even recognize our current enslavement or the prison that we are in right now. This is hell on earth and they're proceeding to take us to the next level. I think that all the people will be relocated to urban areas. We will no longer be allowed to sprawl out all over the globe. We are going to be confined to congested cities so the elite can restore the rest of the planet back to natural ecosystems that only they will have access to. Natural habitats will be off limits to the rest of the population in order to preserve it. If people want to travel or vacation, VR and augmented reality will take care of that. Everyone is going to be plugged into Smart Cities where you'll be played like a Sim character through your biometrics. Human responses and interaction will become more and more automated until people evolve into actual walking, talking robots. They may even forget they were ever human at all

The main work industry for humans will shift to building the A.I. system and once it's powerful enough to manage the entire planet, humans will become unessential. I think the bottom line is that the elite want Earth to themselves. They see us as vermin who've overrun the planet. In order to fix things, we have to eliminate our carbon footprint. But they're not going to eliminate their carbon footprint. They have no intention of sacrificing their opulent lifestyle. We will be the ones to make the sacrifice. Just as we've always done. Their goal probably is to ship the majority of the human population to Mars or the moon. Then the Earth will finally be their kingdom

edit on 24-8-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:49 PM
Big Pharma has notified us of an incoming threat.
What to do??? How can we spin this. Hand up...I know, I know.

Let's weaponize the people against the cure. We will use Religion, our old stand by. The Playbook that has been used in the past and worked really, really well.

Aborted babies...that will get people over the moon upset.


The stem cell company noted earlier and others do not use aborted fetus. They use umbilical cords from DONATED chords from the birth parents. No money changes hands.
A Dr. verifies and certifies that the chord is free from diseases such as HIV and AIDS.

There may be some labs that do but there could be a certification like the SGS gives with a stamped symbol indicating that the stem cells are derived from approved sources. And that this has been verified. Also that SGS symbol can provide assurance that the cells have been manufactured in accordance with established guidelines.

These Fact Checkers always deploy the same tactic screaming from the rooftops and first up in the search are the military line-up of the Fact Checkers who are employed to drown out the truth.

Where or where did even one honest, sincere tv news reporter go who would be and could report this truth. I know a couple but are they brave enough to put all on the line. I see this as an opportunity for someone or some special tag team to spread the word. This is important.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

So that gives them a week to evac 10's of thousands of Americans and allies still in country....Joe has already said there will be no deals or extensions on said deadline. Sooooooo.....what happens when next Tuesday passes and we still have thousands of AMERICAN CITIZENS stranded in that 3rd world #hole? We just abandon them to the Taliban to murder or enslave or whatever the hell they have planned? Holy cow! People think Joe's approval rating is going in the dirt now? Just wait till something like that happens. If we really turn our backs on our citizens stuck in that country, and just say "Oh well, times up"....Joe Biden might seriously get impeached or court-martialed or something worse. YIKES!

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 01:59 PM

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posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 02:10 PM

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posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 02:33 PM
No doubt people will point to the collapse of Big Pharma and all of the other affiliated companies that provide support services. This does not have to be a given. Deployment into a more productive purpose. President Trump showed how this could be done when there was an urgent need for ventilators so we know this can be done.
We will need some of those manufacturing facilities deployed immediately to start manufacturing new Water Towers for cities such as New York. There may be other vulnerabilities and all of this redeployment should be considered a war time effort. We have done that before and we were great at it.
We just need to think outside the box with a positive orientation. We Can Do This!
Big Pharma can focus on beneficial vitamins and supplements, products to enhance people's health. Develop a product to remove the harms caused by the food additives that have impaired people's health. Develop products to enhance mental health and intelligence. There is so much they could be doing.

Then there will be those that will fear an explosive population growth compounded with an aging population hanging around and that the Earth cannot support this. That would seem to be an obvious but is it?

Big Pharma, it is time to deploy it in the right way, the ethical way. Enhance people's intelligence. With intelligence comes knowledge, retained knowledge. People will then be able to reason, understand about reproduction.

Things may be wobbly for awhile as the current population expands but that expansion is based on fear and uncertainty. If people have children out of fear of loss of children's lives due to Malaria ect. or the need for support for the aged or operating the family farm then when that fear is removed this issue will resolve itself.

Researchers instead of focusing on the next drug chemical creation can redeploy and do research on how to remove chemicals in the water ways, and chemicals in the ground and ground water.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
This NIH article clearly supports the use of Stem Cells for the treatment of C_19.
The biggest concern was the issue of supply and the rapid growth of these cells. Without this the treatment would then have the same limitations as the Heart and Lung machine.

However this is not the case.
Labs such as the one I referenced earlier do have the ability to grow Stem Cells fairly quickly and in very large numbers. These stem cells do not take up much room. In fact these labs act as a bank, not for money, but for stem cells.

What was not addressed is the SAFETY AND THE SOURCE of the Stem Cells.

This is an enormously important issue.

T1 and everyone really.

Give up the hopium on Stem Cells saving us all. That it utter bull. Here is why.

Prolotherapy (various versions) is pretty effective for injuries - I know this for a fact. If one wants to do their OWN stem cell addition to a sugar water injection the cost is outrageous. It works mind you, but say you've got a balky hip, and you need 4 injections to avoid a gazillion dollar hip replacement. Well, that is at least 5k for that service, which includes your own blood and sugar water and it will be out of pocket.

This idea of Stem Cells being the end all be all is trash hopium for everyone but the uber rich and even then... It rides the coattails of "we're going to colonize mars to save us all" instead of colonize the millions of square miles on earth that are doing nothing right now. All this stuff is designed to create despair because if it was only here now, for me, at a cost could afford, I'd be saved.

These type of headlines are pure evil by design and forget trying to cure Chyna flu, it is just the damn flu rebranded.

There is not going to be an answer from pharma on ANY OF THIS! Pharma got us into this by their own design, they are hardly the solution. How do I know? The shenanigans with the name change on the Pfizer jab. Even if they did, would a Stem Cell treatment be cheap? 45k dollars for a covid 19 treament, in order to pay for the millions who are "testing" positive we need to raise insurance rates by 3k per month. But insurance won't pay for the treatment because it is in the clinical trial phase for the next three years.

All BS. All of it.

Truly, leave all pharma headlines out of one's life, take personal control of one's life by looking at things one can do with the ASSISTANCE of others who are healers, not drug pushers, and ignore the endless supply of "one day we will have flying cars" headlines.

Who would trust pharma after this starts emerging? Trending on twit...

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 02:40 PM

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