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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 12:15 PM

Elizabeth Warren is a total and complete idiot. Granted, she gleefully squealed during her campaign she was "thrilled to celebrate her b-day and planned parenthood" so idiot may be too high an IQ for this one.

She can make this horror of the "unbanked" banked with one swoop of the pen. She can simply force banks to accept anyone who applies and control monopoly = there is actually only ONE bank with many branches so doing this is not an issue. Oh wait, she's a banking stooge chosen because she is an idiot.

Are the unbanked part of this unicorn class of people who can't ID to vote too? These people are living in 1950!


While I'm on the subject of banking.

This is kind of funny. In California now if you are a certain skin color you can appropriate certain amount of "whatever" from any store you like without fear of being asked to either pay for it or be arrested. So the above image implies to me at least the throwing in of the towel of social order.

Maybe the reason this is happening is due to all the unbanked.

From Pelosi's district: Why every Target store in San Francisco has reduced hours

A Target spokesperson reached out to SFGATE Thursday to confirm why the stores' hours were reduced. And it really was as simple as ... they're dealing with an uptick in retail theft.

It's due to "a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents," said spokesperson Brian Harper-Tibaldo.

"For more than a month, we’ve been experiencing a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents at our San Francisco stores, similar to reports from other retailers in the area," said Harper-Tibaldo.

edit on 28-7-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Skada

The spreadsheet predicted a major drop in the US population from 332 million in 2019 to only 99 million in 2025 (-70%).
edit on 7/28/2021 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: more

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 12:27 PM

Lots of hitler stuff ^^

This just keeps getting more weird

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Ah, thank you for that.
Strange, 70% reduction...
A lot of baby boomers are die-ing, in my family alone. I dont think that the reduction will be that drastic, unless it is planned that way.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 12:47 PM

First, if anyone is watching this/her for information I would argue the are a lost cause at this point. That said.

This is PURE mind control and its best. Remember, AOC is an "actress" who was "like literally a bartender" when her brother entered her into a casting call for a Soros branded United States House Rep = fact.

Notice where we've gone. Facts no longer matter, but what matters are feeelz. But even more impressive, it does not matter what you feel based on events, it just matters what you feel in your imagination. 20 years ago her statement would have made her mentally ill and unfit for any office, including 7-11 manager. Now, not only is her statement the story of a hero, it is enough to lock up "the white supremacists and patriarchy" representatives that caused her to IMAGINE she might be raped and created wholly made up mental anguish.

Now before you think "ah cranky isn't this a bit over the top?"

How man times have you heard someone in your realm say something like this, "I was almost in a car accident today, my nerves are shot, I need you to...?" when in fact no car accident happened.

How many times have you heard in your realm "I'm feeling really intimidated right now, I feel you are bullying me so I'm going to need you to...?"

We've reached the point where you can imagine a horror and claim trauma over it, and you can demand of society they bend to the need created by the fake mental aguish. And to question this trauma is to inflict more trauma. All because the mental health patients are running the asylum and they don't even know it.

edit on Wed Jul 28 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 12:54 PM
Found this Mcafee Related site - For the Diggers - I haven't seen it mentioned (apologies if it was
) So I'll just leave it here


edit on 7282021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:02 PM

JUST IN - Pfizer now sees $33.5 billion in 2021 vaccine sales, up from $26 billion, and says a third dose of its COVID19 shot "strongly" boosts protection against the Delta variant.
10:48 AM · Jul 28, 2021

In 2011-12 Pfizer revenue was $65 billion, but in 2020 they only made ~$42 billion. Source

If I’m understanding this right, the reason we had near zero flu cases this past year is because the PCR test used by governments across the world couldn’t tell the difference between Covid-19 and the flu. So they called it all Covid-19.
Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing

And all the people who were saying this months ago were called conspiracy theorists and heavily censored.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said new data shows the delta variant, which accounts for more than 80% of the new infections in the U.S., behaves "uniquely differently'' from its predecessors and could make vaccinated people infectious.

"Information on the delta variant from several states and other countries indicates that in rare occasions some vaccinated people infected with the delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others,'' Walensky said in announcing the new guidance, a reversal of what the CDC recommended in May. "This new science is worrisome and unfortunately warrants an update to our recommendation."
USA Today

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:13 PM
File under "crises actors..."

J6 Committee Hearing Has The Same Lawfare Producers, Directors and Script Writers as Christine Blasey Ford “Beach Friend” Hearing

David Laufman is seen below sitting behind committee witness Michael Fanone. Laufman was the DOJ-NSD official who interviewed Hillary Clinton during the fraudulent FBI Clinton email investigation of 2016; Laufman quit the DOJ and started working for Lawfare. Laufman then represented Monica McLean, the best FBI friend of Christine Blasey Ford who helped write the letter to Dianne Feinstein during their effort to block Justice Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Judge.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:31 PM
From the site:


There is no translation of VRIL from German to English.

originally posted by: ZoraD1994

Lots of hitler stuff ^^

This just keeps getting more weird

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Caledbwlch

Just in case ya never heard of Vril -

The mysterious Vril Society – did a German secret society work with aliens to develop a groundbreaking energy source

The Vril Society, also known as Alldeutshe Gesellschaft fur Metaphysik or Vril Gesellschaft, were led by Maria Orsic (or Orsitsch) a noted Austrian medium. Orsic, born in Vienna, Austria, endorsed the German national movement to annex Austria with the German Reich. Her 1919 move to Munich, Germany put her in touch with fringe society, the Thule Gesellschaft, and exposed her to Thule’s edgy beliefs. This lead Orsic and several of her friends to form a similar secret society, the Vril Gesellschaft.

The Vril Society believed in an energy source henceforth unknown to science, that they termed “vril energy”. Vril energy was a fundamental, limitless, cosmic life-force energy, a power source that functioned harmoniously with the natural world. Part magnetism, part gravity, and part unknown, the Vril Society believed if vril energy could be transformed into a viable technological reality, it would serve two purposes. It would of course ensure German technical dominance over other nations and assist in furthering their objective to conquer the World. In addition, the closing of World War II made it clear to the Vril Society that a workable vril energy source would free Germany from their dependence on international petroleum cartels dominated by the German conquerors (particularly the United States and Britain). ........

edit on 7282021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:37 PM

A Target spokesperson reached out to SFGATE Thursday to confirm why the stores' hours were reduced. And it really was as simple as ... they're dealing with an uptick in retail theft.

It's due to "a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents," said spokesperson Brian Harper-Tibaldo.

"For more than a month, we’ve been experiencing a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents at our San Francisco stores, similar to reports from other retailers in the area," said Harper-Tibaldo.

Actually the problem in California is PROP 47 - all the criminals have figured it out and the word has spread. Doesn't matter the race, sex, religion or whatever else. This was voted in by the people. Reap what you sow.

Shoplifting, where the value of property stolen does not exceed $950
Grand theft, where the value of the stolen property does not exceed $950
Receiving stolen property, where the value of the property does not exceed $950
Forgery, where the value of forged check, bond or bill does not exceed $950
Fraud, where the value of the fraudulent check, draft or order does not exceed $950
Writing a bad check, where the value of the check does not exceed $950
Personal use of most illegal drugs (Below a certain threshold of weight

Those are the thresholds now, so if you live in California go to the store load up on whatever you need and just leave it's now legal just don't go over $950

Yes 4,238,156

No 2,871,943

SF is basically the car break in capital of the world right now -

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:39 PM
EXCLUSIVE: Why Were the FBI San Francisco & Las Vegas Field Offices Investigating the Murder of Seth Rich? New 302’s Subpoenaed Reveal New Intel

Now the FBI Field Office in San Francisco has admitted to having 302 documents in regards to Seth Rich’s murder investigation. You know, the same murder investigation that they claim they never investigated.

What’s a 302 you might ask? Well let’s start there.

Form 302 of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (302), the memorandum used by FBI agents to memorialize their notes taken during a witness interview, “302″ is the form used by F.B.I. agents to summarize an interview.

So why would they exist if the FBI never investigated Seth Rich’s murder? Well we now know that’s a lie, they absolutely did. Now we’ve tracked things to the FBI field office in San Francisco, including the fact that the FBI field office had Seth Rich’s laptop. How did it make it all the way to San Francisco from Washington, D.C. and why?

The only possible reason I can think of at this point is that Seth was alt-right-conspiracy theorist-racist.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: timewarpedbrain7

I wonder what would happen if they walked into a bank and helped themselves to $950.00? Would the rules still apply? I don't think so.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: timewarpedbrain7

A Target spokesperson reached out to SFGATE Thursday to confirm why the stores' hours were reduced. And it really was as simple as ... they're dealing with an uptick in retail theft.

It's due to "a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents," said spokesperson Brian Harper-Tibaldo.

"For more than a month, we’ve been experiencing a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents at our San Francisco stores, similar to reports from other retailers in the area," said Harper-Tibaldo.

Actually the problem in California is PROP 47 - all the criminals have figured it out and the word has spread. Doesn't matter the race, sex, religion or whatever else. This was voted in by the people. Reap what you sow.

Shoplifting, where the value of property stolen does not exceed $950
Grand theft, where the value of the stolen property does not exceed $950
Receiving stolen property, where the value of the property does not exceed $950
Forgery, where the value of forged check, bond or bill does not exceed $950
Fraud, where the value of the fraudulent check, draft or order does not exceed $950
Writing a bad check, where the value of the check does not exceed $950
Personal use of most illegal drugs (Below a certain threshold of weight

Those are the thresholds now, so if you live in California go to the store load up on whatever you need and just leave it's now legal just don't go over $950

Yes 4,238,156

No 2,871,943

SF is basically the car break in capital of the world right now -

In fairness the California election was entirely rigged.

Allegedly 17.8 million voted.

7 million in your count., leaving 10 million who allegedly had no opinion = absurd.

Soros proposition votes counted by Soros machines passing a proposition to be enforced (or not) by Soros DA's = pretty much rigged from the get go for the purpose of cultural annihilation.

Watch CA = rigging.
edit on 28-7-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: ZoraD1994

Lots of hitler stuff ^^

This just keeps getting more weird

I'm not surprised by that actually. I've thought all along that our "enemy" is the fourth reicht.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Nattybabe

Links working fine for me - and welcome Nattybabe!

Interesting coinkydinky on the t-shirts.

Just so you're aware, it's kinda etiquette here to avoid potentially doxxing thread contributors. I reckon many of us will be shocked if we find out just who we've been conversing with... anonymity puts us all on the factory floor, so to speak, which has greatly added to the teamwork.

I'm assuming you're also in the UK, so 1 more to add to the UK after-party?

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 02:15 PM
Oregon is doomed, any way you look at it.

Partner Aimee Wilson & House Speaker Tina Kotek:

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Are we watching a movie?

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
A few years back somebody somewhere on some site I was on, posted several photo's of one of the Rothschild women who apparently is always wearing a rather large caduceus looking thing on a chain around her neck. I'm pretty sure she is a female descendant, one of the older ones. Possibly sister to one of the brothers? Don't think she is an 'incomer' to the dynasty let's put it that way.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 02:26 PM
LOVE IT - VRIL, instructions to built craft through meditation they recieved - several team members disappeared, ran of with the VRIL? I'm thinking they went below the surface because I don't believe there will be off planet visitors until they can be sure we aren't gonna blow them up, steal their sh*t, throw them in a lab and then those military scientists will slice, dice, filet, etc...

Someone here wrote something like, we are experiencing every dystopian movie ever made or something of that nature. It looks like we are in for a dump of everything, it's not going to be nice and it's not going to feel good.

Baron VonTrump, Admiral Byrd, VRIL...I mean, yeah, ik it's true, but just about everything I was "taught" was a lie...

Here is a gem found in that content regarding Hitler's escape:

Taking advantage of Admiral Byrd’s status as a folk hero for his expeditions, he ordered Frank Gardiner Wisner to start the cover story. Wisner, at the time managed the US Navy’s censorship office and as a result of his ‘good’ work, later became Director of the Office of Special Projects, which in 1949, was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). This became the covert action branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. Wisner was told to create an organization that concentrated on ‘propaganda and economic warfare’.

originally posted by: Caledbwlch
From the site:


There is no translation of VRIL from German to English.

originally posted by: ZoraD1994

Lots of hitler stuff ^^

This just keeps getting more weird

edit on 7/28/2021 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

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