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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

MSBC is right. Putin is the adult in the room. We have nothing to fear from that quarter.

Besides, he is Europe's problem, not ours.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:09 AM
YouTube has already removed the exclusive interview with Trump with David Brody, host of the "Water Cooler" and suspended the account of Real America's Voice. Unbelievable! They didn't like the fact that he said he never admitted defeat nor conceded.

Now RAV won't be able to live stream on YouTube Saturday's rally.

edit on 23-6-2021 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I disagree. Putin gets up to the same behavior as the West, but less of it because of the constraints imposed by his political situation, and limits forced by the resources he can mobilize for foreign adventures. I don't see the "adult" there, although as a politician he certainly displays more stability than our (cough) president.

As for who's "problem" he is, yeah, that is a situation. With major western European powers gaming the politics, it is hard to see why the USA should provide nuclear cover for them. Berlin and Paris definitely need a huge wake-up call.


posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

As pointed out in an earlier post, Putin doesn't do anything we haven't done.

I consider him the adult based on his overall behavior. He is mature and consistent whenever he speaks or acts. He takes no crap, but is not so full of himself he struts around like king-sh*t.

Contrast that with our "representative" who thinks he's some kind of stud, What. A. Joke., or any other weak-a** Euro leader. The exceptions are the Scandinavian countries, which stand up for themselves.


edit on 6/23/2021 by Creep Thumper because: F**king auto-correct.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: doobydoll
Hello everyone.

I've not been on ATS for quite a few weeks so I'm way behind on this thread - i hope i haven't missed too much.

Guys I don't know if anyone is familiar with the topic regarding the sharing of our medical information, in UK it's 'NHS Digital' or something and it's a thing where GPs give them all your medical information to be shared globally . ..

Well, I don't want my GP to share any of my personal medical information with anyone so I downloaded a copy of an 'opt-out' letter to send to my GP and today i printed it out.

This is the text in the opt-out letter . ..


''Dissent from secondary use of GP patient identifiable data

Dear GP,

I am writing to give notice that I refuse consent for my identifiable information/and the identifiable of those for whom I am responsible (delete as appropriate) to be transferred from your practice systems for any purpose other than my medical care.

Please take whatever steps necessary to ensure my/our confidential personal information is not uploaded, and record my dissent by whatever means possible.

This includes adding the 'Dissent from secondary use of GP patient identifiable data' code (Read v2: 9Nu0, CTV3, XaZ89 or SNOMED CT: 82724 1000000103) to my/our records.

I am aware of the implications of this request, understand it will not affect the care that I/we receive and I will notify you should I change my mind.


Guys without going into details, this living darkness is absolutely everywhere. I've seen/can see it. i feel it. The demons are unleashed on Earth like a vast plague of black locust-type things. They are being forced out of their underground lairs/dens. Some are gigantic, Huge. Others are small/smaller. They are hiding in shadows. The energy they emanate is destructive, vicious, vile, dark. I can hardly bear to think about them/focus on them because it makes me feel their energy and it's just too dense and dark it's unbearable. I don't wanna do it. It knows I and others can see it.

My trust and Faith is in Jesus Christ our Saviour, and Almighty God.
Please Lord, hurry.
In Jesus' name. Amen.

DD, check Rel's post a few pages back about his experience with tracking. Effing nuts!

What is interesting is the world is "opt out" now, you are considered in agreement unless you agree not to agree, but only if you had a clue as to what you agreed to, but even then, the drone class can't understand either your need to opt out, or what is required to opt out so they just hang up and scroll their darpagram feed. Gee that was cynical of me.

edit on Tue Jun 22 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

Hi Cranky.

I have never had a covid test and I don't even possess a mask. A jab = no chance.
NHS rang me a few weeks ago asking if I've had the jab lol. No I replied. I was asked why. Good grief I felt like I was being quizzed over a crime or summat. I've had countless letters too 'urging' me to get jabbed. It's nothing short of harassment.

Then this morning I hear there's a new Indian Delta variant emerging lol - Delta+. The next fear-fix is being lined up for the perpetually-terrified.
I'm bored to death with it all.

Next year will see an end to the lot of it. Next year it all comes to a head. What makes me say that, one might ask.
The Spiritual meaning of Hebrew letters/alphabet.
Resh and Tav, 20th and 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet.


''The Reish, the 20th Hebrew letter, means head, leader and beginning. It is the symbol of choosing between greatness and degradation.''
'' It contains the secrets of Beresheet בראשית, the beginning.''


''Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Meaning mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. It represents the restoration Tikkun תיקון of all of existence. It is a return to the essence and purpose of one’s life. It represents completion, before beginning again with the original Oneness of the Aleph.

The Tav shows us that the end was set from the beginning, as Tav is the final letter of בראשית Beresheet, “In the Beginning”, the first word of the Torah/Bible. It is the idea that the Creator set in motion all of existence in order to reach a final state of perfection, the fulfillment of all of creation. It is also the completion of Truth אמת Emet.

However, as soon as the Tav is reached, we begin again immediately by going back to the Aleph, the one source of everything. The end is never really the end, but the beginning of something new.''

2022 is the Resh and the Tav = the end of the old and beginning of the new.

Hebrew = energy-filled living words/letters.

Fingers crossed for 2022. Hope I'm right.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

They're trying to get people to get the shot by claiming the AstraZeneca and Pfizer jabs are effective against the Delta variant.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:34 AM
Re: Russia

As a lover of eschatology and Bible prophecy, I like to keep an eye on Russia (Gog/Magog). Prophesied in Ezekiel 38/39 and called Gog (the leader) and Magog (the land), who will lead a coalition of smaller nations (Turkey, Syria, more) against a peace-time Israel.

But if you are not of this particular spiritual inclination, it may not be on your radar or of interest.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:40 AM
From TheRealKimS
I love coincidences!

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:49 AM

Related Mr. Whale feels that "tether" is a very criminal aspect of the crypto market. He suggests that Tether is doing quantitative easing for the crypto market. Could be Pool is pointing at BTC crashing, which would tie to the removal of mining operations in China and Iran this week and of course 3G, CCP ultimately tying to Humans As Currency.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

CT, I hear you on the comparisons with Western pols. It is just that my idea of "adult" is something other than what we see from pretty much all the national leaders these days.

Check, Putin is not into meaningless virtue signaling. He is 100% for the Russian State, and some chunk of that policy benefits the Russian People. I have no problem with that and understand his outlook. And I also don't care for the knee-jerk "blame Russia" mentality of our Dems and RINOs; that helps nothing.

Where I differ is when people want to praise Putin ... at which point I wonder, "why?" Okay, he does his thing for Russia. But he does "other stuff" as well, and it is not all automatically approval-worthy. I think his military adventures are calculated risks intended to distract the Russian people and bolster his own support against other actors in the Russian political-economic system who would like to displace him and run the show in Moscow their way. In a way, that is understandable ... but it is not praise-worthy.

The other part is that I think too many people are quick to criticize NATO for ill-advised things they get up to, which is maybe 10% of what they do. In other words, people miss the boring 90% of NATO's works -- which has successfully kept a lid on Europe's tendency to engage in continent-wide warfare. This is where the USA's nuclear shield plays a dominant role. Imagine NATO without that ... NATO would collapse, and quickly. That whole scenario is a can of worms ... and not just for Europe.

We live in a world that in many ways is still a product of World War II. What scares me when I look at Europe (including Russia) is that I see the same forces in motion that powered the events of the 1930s. If a true "unified Europe" (that respects basic human rights) is to emerge, the dynamic that produces the same old confrontations has to be broken. And that is something that will be hugely difficult because of sheer number of competing nations in Europe.

Cheers (and respectfully as well)

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything
From TheRealKimS
I love coincidences!

In this Timeline , seems like the SKYs the Limit

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything
Re: Russia

As a lover of eschatology and Bible prophecy, I like to keep an eye on Russia (Gog/Magog). Prophesied in Ezekiel 38/39 and called Gog (the leader) and Magog (the land), who will lead a coalition of smaller nations (Turkey, Syria, more) against a peace-time Israel.

But if you are not of this particular spiritual inclination, it may not be on your radar or of interest.

The Russians will be at the center of some kind of large conflict.

We can see the way the wind is blowing in the West. Practically every western country is now multicultural. Russia is multicultural in terms of having a variety of cultures and ethnicities within its borders ... but that situation exists more or less on Moscow's terms and does not look to be an agent of change as far as Russian culture and political stability go. That "we'll do it our way" stance is going to result in increasing pressure on Russia. As long as outsiders believe the Russian nukes are viable and that the Russians have the will to use them, Russia will be mostly left to its own devices. If something happens to weaken the reliability of the nukes or Russian will to use them ... watch out.

As far as the prophesy goes, it sounds more likely to occur if Russia were to undergo some kind of chaos and spawn a multiplicity of competing regions.


posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: doobydoll

They're trying to get people to get the shot by claiming the AstraZeneca and Pfizer jabs are effective against the Delta variant.

Yes because they're desperate to keep the fear hot.

I have a little chuckle to myself every time I hear about a new variant/mutation lol. I'm wondering how many 'variants' we'll see before people get as bored as I am with it all.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
a reply to: Stevenmonet

Sadly very often in international politics Putin looks like the only adult in the room. Do I trust him? I don't know. I don't trust him any less than any of our western big league politicians (piece of cake).

It does feel like the west is trying to bait him into doing something stupid so we have the narrative advantage in whatever follows (read justifying a strong reaction). He may be doing the same with us.

I love the idea of a Europe that includes Russia culturally, economically and in security matters. I am European. I am convinced Russia wants and needs this to keep China from moving the Sino-Russian border to the Urals (among other things).

The U.S. have been constantly torpedoing any rapprochement between Russia and the western European nations. Would Russia become too dominant in such a unified Europe? It is something to be worried about for sure but I think it is possible to cooperate much closer with Russia while preventing that from happening.

I don't trust Putin any father than I could throw him, but you can trust him to put his country's interests first. Sadly, Trump was the only Western leader you could say the same about. Most of our so-called leaders seem to have little-to-no interest in the well-being of the country they lead.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:35 AM

Shills: It's swamp gas, Chinese lanterns, mass delusion. "Look, the truth is, there is no evidence and experimental vaccine with no proven track record causes damage."

Medical people who support this are up against the wall first.

Oh, fun fact. Vaers reported deaths ARE the new variant. It was really convenient.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

"As far as the prophesy goes, it sounds more likely to occur if Russia were to undergo some kind of chaos and spawn a multiplicity of competing regions."

Respectfully, not necessarily. Doesn't necessitate any internal conflict at all. Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran are already strengthening their alliances. I think the smaller nations will continue to look to Russia for aid and form up against Israel. Honestly, we're talking about a future prophesy, so could be a year, 5, 10 or more...

ETA: And I think the US will be long gone as we know it. Israel will be left alone without any allies. Biden isn't supportive of Israel, but I don't think we're there yet.
edit on 23-6-2021 by SideEyeEverything because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything
Re: Russia

As a lover of eschatology and Bible prophecy, I like to keep an eye on Russia (Gog/Magog). Prophesied in Ezekiel 38/39 and called Gog (the leader) and Magog (the land), who will lead a coalition of smaller nations (Turkey, Syria, more) against a peace-time Israel.

But if you are not of this particular spiritual inclination, it may not be on your radar or of interest.

The Russians will be at the center of some kind of large conflict.

We can see the way the wind is blowing in the West. Practically every western country is now multicultural. Russia is multicultural in terms of having a variety of cultures and ethnicities within its borders ... but that situation exists more or less on Moscow's terms and does not look to be an agent of change as far as Russian culture and political stability go. That "we'll do it our way" stance is going to result in increasing pressure on Russia. As long as outsiders believe the Russian nukes are viable and that the Russians have the will to use them, Russia will be mostly left to its own devices. If something happens to weaken the reliability of the nukes or Russian will to use them ... watch out.

As far as the prophesy goes, it sounds more likely to occur if Russia were to undergo some kind of chaos and spawn a multiplicity of competing regions.


From a different POV, There is Vlad 1.0 and Vlad 2.0. 2.0 arrived to attack the swampiest swamp before DJT and company. One way to tell, the swamp hates him and has turned him into a planetary boogieman. He plays his part well, I for one am not concerned as I watched his arrival years ago along with the increased eneMedia hate and provocations.

A some friends here reminded us, Black Hats will become White Hats, White to Black, Gray Hats O'plenty. The entire planet will one day flip the mirror.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:48 AM
eneMedia: "this DJT employee once had a parking ticket, for the love of god when will this nightmare end...?"

Remember this guy? eneMedia: Crickets.

Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign officials and founder of the organization “Youth to end Sexual Violence.” Joel was arrested in 2018 after engaging in sex with a child.

Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JOEL DAVIS was sentenced to 156 months in prison for enticing a child to engage in illegal sexual activity, 60 months for possession of child pornography, and 60 months for distribution and receipt of child pornography, all to be served concurrently. DAVIS previously pled guilty on January 16, 2020, before United States District Judge George B. Daniels, who also imposed the sentence.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “As he previously admitted, Joel Davis, founder of a non-profit called ‘Youth to End Sexual Violence,’ admitted to engaging in the very abhorrent behavior he had publicly pledged to fight. Davis, who also claims to be a Nobel Prize nominee for his work with his organization, engaged in sex acts with a minor, recording them, and distributing that recording to others – including an undercover FBI agent. Sex with minors is obviously never permissible, acceptable, or justifiable, and by virtue of his non-profit work, Joel Davis was acutely aware of the irreparable harm these crimes inflict on victims. Davis will now serve a lengthy time in federal prison, where he can no longer victimize minors.”

How many times have we seen this, the organization created to facilitate the behavior?

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I'd rather have Putin as America's President than Biden.

posted on Jun, 23 2021 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Cav, Gog is the communist Chinese politburo and Magog is China. Since China basically owns America especially all of the Communists democrats and most of the republicans that are in political power, their only roadblock to world domination is Russia. Russia and China have always been at each others throats as long as I can remember. Sure, Soviet Russia sold arms to China but the Chinese copied the weapons and armaments that they bought and cut Russia out, or, I should clarify, the Soviet Union. Now, I can't say Russia, now, is a free nation, but its a hell of a lot better off than when it was communist.

The Chinese believe that America will do their bidding when the time comes, now that the communists are in control at the moment. The main stream media backs all the propaganda stating that Russia is bad. I don't believe so, and President Putin is concerned he will have to fight China, the US and each ones allies. According to revelation, Russia will win, I think with Israel's help.

That's my take on it. Time will tell...

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