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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:25 AM
MelQ has a few future proves past up...

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:31 AM
Some interesting numbers and dates in this Jeff Bezos announcement

Here's what the world was like when he started Amazon.

Who knew Jeff Bezos was so sentimental? (Well, besides readers of my free e-book, Jeff Bezos Regrets Nothing.)

On Wednesday, he announced he'll step down as CEO of Amazon in favor of Andy Jassy on July 5--that's 39 days from now, according to my count.

Why that date? Because it will mark the 27th anniversary of when Bezos originally filed papers to incorporate the company.

27 = 3x3x3
39 = 3x 13 (bloodline families)

July 5th = 7/5 = 75 = 3x 5x5

July 5th is also the day after Independence Day

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: crankyoldman

Interestingly here in the UK yesterday, one Dominic Cummings gave a monumental 7 hour 'evidence' at a select committee hearing. I didn't watch it all due to work, but caught the beginning and the end.
The part that got me at the beginning was him talking about Gain of Function and Fauci's involvement!
His evidence against our Health Secretary Matt Hancock was damning.
Repercussions today in House of Commons.

There is an argument to be made that the most famous mass death events, the Plague and Spanish Flu, were entirely man(alien)made. There is also an argument to be made that most of the illnesses we accept as common didn't exist to any degree before the jab arrived - and/or GMO foods and pesticides.

That said, it begs the question: What exactly was so horrible about life on earth prior to countless labs doing bioweapon research? If the alleged reason for all this virus/lab/manipulation was/is to prevent mass death from an illness... 2020 proves the effort was the biggest failure in human history - masks and standing apart from each other was the big solution. Trillions to come up with that?

On the flip side, when fakeroo Rona is tied to Wuhan, the effort proves to be even worse then the efforts to mitigate. Like a fire department setting fire to the town homes to prove they are a worthwhile investment, then only showing up after the entire town has burned to the ground.

No matter the excuse given, genetic manipulation is for evil purposes period.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:42 AM

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: PraetorianAZ

Chris Pratt posted the following on his Instagram page on 9th November 2019 "This is my first time executive producing on a movie! And I can finally post about it!!! The title "Ghostdraft," turned out to be problematic for various reasons so we started looking at other options... We went through:

Generation Alien, World War A, Generation Gone, Saving Private Ryaalien, WWZ2 but with As not Zs, HORIZON WHITESPIKE, HERO movie brought to you by Verizon, Jurassic Draft, GENERATION Draft, Miller Genuine Draft, City Slickers, Alien Dawn, Rapture Dawn, Apocalypse Dawn, Hero Dawn, Destiny War, Saving Tomorrow, and The Tomorrow War.

THE TOMORROW WAR THE TOMORROW WAR!!!! And that's when it hit me.... We're calling it #TheTomorrowWar"

Another human extinction type movie. Gotta be hundreds since the late 90s. Ya think they're trying to tell us something?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Yep. I live in a very large major left leaning city and went to a graduation ceremony last night. There were HUNDREDS of people attending but VERY FEW masks. It was outdoor in a stadium, but down below under the bleachers and in the courtyard people were sardines and I saw hardly anyone wearing masks. Huge deal for this city.
I'm chalking it up to most folks being vaxxed and feeling "safe" not necessarily independent thinking, though.
edit on 27-5-2021 by SideEyeEverything because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

1) MSM tells us if they did it differently = 0 deaths
2) MSM tells us it was Trump's fault = America's worst
3) POST 570 = something much different

[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED]
[population growth control/pocket billions]

An effort set up by leaders around the world.
EVENT 201 = video leak of simulation prepping for event.
Vaccine takes minimum of 3-5 years to roll out (higher death toll)
Virus = Death/Fear = Shut down world = chaos to launch WWIII

Trump wins = They never thought she would lose
Impeach fails = Trump must not win re-election = stop at all cost
Forced to roll the dice = launch despite Trump being in charge
Consider Trump's options in dealing with this:

- Their best case scenario: ENEMIES WAITING FOR THIS MOVE
- he is the reason doctors couldn't save you/his fault/impeach ego dictator
- Too many asleep / unbelievable / most not ready to handle this scenario
- High risk to pull 2 sides into chaos/civil war
- President Trump told public about HCQ. How did world react ?

- re-organized gov response teams to handle pandemic crisis
- President Trump negotiates with global partners (oil, food, etc)
- US military & logistic teams able to spread limited resources efficiently
- TP shortage shows us public over-reaction (what if it was food/water)

SPEED KILLS (instead of fighting = join & go faster = flipped the script)
- "Operation Warp Speed" = 3-5 years reduced to 9 months
- their plan unable to make necessary adjust to KO world with full force
- WH TASK FORCE = pulls Fauci & Co into his circle with Pence leading
- Any press statements must be reviewed & approved by WH Task Force
- Daily Press Conferences = Trump visible & speaking with public offering hope
- President Trump spent BILLIONS to pre-order vaccine (unexpected)
- Longer it goes = More awake = seeing & sharing expert inconsistencies
- WHO/CDC/NIH/Big Pharma/politicians/MSM/Big Tech/university connections

- Without complete picture + narrative in play = "we know nothing, Jon Snow"
- Consider news being used to wake up & distract/protect those in harms way
- Find peace with the clues, guidance & delta drops being shared with us
- Use this to be a mirror & multiply joy.

edit on 27-5-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:55 AM
Was this already covered? Putin told the US to stop with the satanic BS or he was going to put a stop to it himself.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

This is a head-scratcher for me. My church said the same thing.

But from my perspective, its the vaxxed that should KEEP wearing them. If they are infected, they in all likelihood won't know it and be super-spreaders. Most unvaxxed folks are gonna know they're infected and self-quarantine (hopefully).

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: carewemust

What IS Durham investigating? Does anybody really know?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Operation Warp Speed!

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: panoz77
Was this already covered? Putin told the US to stop with the satanic BS or he was going to put a stop to it himself.

Putin is supposed to have "directed energy" weapons, and is using them here in the USA, according to Fox News. (They are used from inside box trucks.)

I wonder if Vladimir is taking requests?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:36 PM
The Secret History of Diplomats and Invisible Weapons

The alleged use of a “sound weapon” against U.S. Embassy officials in Cuba harks back to a Cold War medical mystery.

In 1965, medical workers began showing up at the American embassy in Moscow, drawing blood from the employees inside. The American diplomats were told that doctors were looking for possible exposure to a new type of virus, something not unexpected in a country known for its frigid winters.

It was all a lie. The Moscow Viral Study, as it was called, was the cover story for the American government’s top secret investigation into the effects of microwave radiation on humans. The Soviets, it turned out, were bombarding the embassy in Moscow with low-level microwaves. The “Moscow Signal,” as officials in Washington called the radiation, was too low to do any obvious harm to the people in the building. At five microwatts per square centimeter, the signal was well below the threshold needed to heat things, as a microwave oven does. Yet it was also a hundred times more powerful than the Soviets’ maximum exposure standards, which were much more stringent than those of the United States. That was cause for alarm.

In October 1965, Richard Cesaro, the DARPA official in charge of the project, addressed a secret memo to the agency’s director, Charles Herzfeld, explaining the justification for this new research effort. The White House had charged the State Department, the CIA, and the Pentagon to investigate the microwave assault in secret. The State Department was the lead on the program, code-named TUMS, and DARPA’s responsibility, Cesaro explained, was “to initiate a selective portion of the overall program concerned with one of the potential threats, that of radiation effects on man.”

Thus was born DARPA Program Plan 562, better known by its code name, Project Pandora, an exploration of the behavioral effects of microwaves and one of the more bizarre episodes in the history of Cold War science.

Initially, the Pandora scientific review committee seemed to go along with Cesaro’s enthusiastic proposal to move directly to human testing. The committee even suggested recruiting human subjects from Fort Detrick, Maryland, home to the army’s biological research program (the conscripts assigned to Fort Detrick have been a continuous source of human subjects for Defense Department research for decades; subjects there have been exposed to everything from yellow fever to hallucinogenic drugs).

Heck of a story!

DARPA Program Plan 562 - Project Pandora:

Dr. Jose Delgado is covered in above video clip.

Tribute to Jose Delgado, Legendary and Slightly Scary Pioneer of Mind Control

Neuroscientist based at Yale in 1960s controlled bulls, monkeys and humans with brain implants and envisioned a “psychocivilized society”

Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado - Neuropsychopharmacology

The Missing Manuscript of Dr. Jose Delgado’s Radio Controlled Bulls

November 15, 1970:

“The human race,” he says, “is at an evolutionary turning point. We're very close to having the power to construct our own mental functions, through a knowledge of genetics (which I think will be complete within the next 25 years); and through a knowledge of the cerebral mechanisms which underlie our be havior. The question is what sort of humans would we like, ideally, to construct?” He smiles. “Not only our cities are very badly planned; we as human beings are, too. The results in both cases are disastrous.
NY Times

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Just let it go then.

Let me know when you have some proof...of anything.
Congrads on 10,000

Proof, is in the Eye of the beholder, I suppose. In some instances "Proof" is declined because it goes against traditional, institutional positions.

Direct evidence, or circumstantial. Group think, or individual thought. Two types of society, open, and secret. If the world was truly a open society circumstantial evidence would be cause for a investigation. But when a closed society is actually running a society, that circumstantial evidence would be thrown out.

The circumstantial evidence is mounting at a faster rate, than can be thrown out.

Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. w

Who do the "Secret Societies" work for, and hide? What evidence would you accept? Many things are "Alien", from our reality.......

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: onehuman

Anyhow guess what just popped up? Another from RRN. Since many of yo are on the fence about this one, I will just leave the first snippet and the link if you wish to read the rest of the article.

"As the Deep State lodged its final and fruitless bid to eliminate Donald Trump by convening a bogus Grand Jury to hear fabricated evidence of non-existent tax fraud, the United States military arrested yet another Deep State asset who had eluded justice for far too long. On Monday morning, U.S. Special Forces arrested Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff at his Potomac, Maryland home."

As the Deep State lodged its final and fruitless bid to eliminate Donald Trump by convening a bogus Grand Jury to hear fabricated evidence of non-existent tax fraud, the United States military arrested yet another Deep State asset who had eluded justice for far too long. On Monday morning, U.S. Special Forces arrested Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff at his Potomac, Maryland home.


The Real Raw News site uses the following disclaimer:

Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.” Disclaimer

But I have to wonder if that is enough to protect them legally if they are making up horrible stories about real-life, named individuals. And saying they have been found guilty of heinous crimes. In some cases even saying they have been executed for those crimes. The stories are presented realistically and without obvious parody, humor, or satire.

Most publishers, especially those of limited financial means, seem pretty concerned about being sued, even for materials that are explicitly fiction, like movies or novels. They often include a disclaimer such as “All characters are completely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.”

RRN has to be pushing their luck by naming real names. Are they counting on the fact that most high profile politicians would want to avoid hashing out such lurid claims in court?

After all, anyone can file a lawsuit. Even frivolous suits often require an attorney to get them dismissed. Which costs money. Which most publishers wish to avoid spending. Would the risk be worth the money they make on internet clicks? Or is RRN backed by some deep pockets?

Those here who enjoy research might want to look into who is behind Real Raw News and whether they could even possibly have any actual inside information that apparently no one else has.
edit on 5/27/2021 by cimmerius because: clarity

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:57 PM
Posobo is releasing a new book on Antifa.

Worth viewing the promo clip (I don't see it to embed), it is well done and is pretty much a "future proves past drops - news unlocks map" sort of clip.

At the moment Jack as 1.2m followers, maybe many watched the clip, which is all that is needed IMO.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
Media Bias Fact check satire

Those here who enjoy research might want to look into who is behind Real Raw News and whether they could even possibly have any actual inside information that apparently no one else has.

Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”

The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.

Funded by / Ownership
Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Media Bias Fact check satire

Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.

Content Re-Use Policy:
We at RRN have no objection with others sharing our content, providing third parties do not monetize our content. Please include a link back to the original article if you are copying our text verbatim. Thank you.

Still my new favorite site. Twain was a satirist
edit on 27-5-2021 by CrazyFox because: fun times

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Totally agree.


posted on May, 27 2021 @ 01:54 PM
Ha, cute!

False for Now

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 02:03 PM
It's NBC .... of course there is a spin on it ... though a much softer one . ... but the statistics show the MSM bombardment maybe boomeranging on them
Tides and Awareness are turning ... Amongst people I know and run into ... the percentage is more like 90% lol

Study: Nearly one-in-five Americans believe QAnon conspiracy theories

Washington, we have a problem — politically, informationally and societally — when 15 percent of Americans agree with the QAnon statement that the U.S. government, media and financial worlds “are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.”

Or when 20 percent agree with this statement: “There is a storm coming soon that will sweep away the elites in power and restore the rightful leaders.”

Or when another 15 percent agree that “Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”
It’s hard to call something fringe when approximately one-in-five Americans believe these statements, especially one that true patriots “may have to resort to violence” to save the country

General Flynn on Truth Unveiled

edit on 5272021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

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