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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 27 2021 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

This scenario does sound pretty dystopian and dismal. Unfortunately, there are people who have to physically experience and witness horrific atrocities in order to shake them out of their stupor and wake them up. Like the German citizens who had to be paraded through the concentration camps after WWII in order to see the genocide that was taking place in their own backyard. I don't know exactly what to expect but I get the feeling these vaccines are going to lead to some harsh revelations. Regardless of what happens in the end, we win
edit on 27-5-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I think the character "Guy" in The Riot Club is based on Michael Gove, he ends up as President of the club. Other characters seem to be based on David Cameron, Boris Johnson and George Osborne!

Here's a story Michael would NOT like you to see, from the Daily Record - the video in it has become "unavailable":

In a video, first revealed on the Guido Fawkes political blog , a 20-year-old Gove is shown in his days at the Oxford Union in a full kilt, before revealing what's under it - nothing.

Gove removes his boxers for the stunt, before tossing them into the crowd. He then makes a bawdy joke about a colleague wanting to get into his boxers.

Michael Gove could add to rich history of Tory sex scandals as embarrassing 'five-in-a-bed romp' details emerge

Gove, who was born in Edinburgh before being adopted and being brought up in Aberdeen, says that there is still no proof that he has honoured tradition and gone fully commando.

The film is an interesting portrayal of the blackmail angle - David Cameron, Boris Johnson, George Osborne and next(?) Michael Gove, all make the Top Echelon of the UK government and, purportedly from the film portrayal, all were conspiring witnesses to a savage assault at University - they all had the goods on each other so supported each other's rise.

George Osbourne is as corrupt as they come. Just search what he has his fingers in.

By the way...remember the council/mayor guy in Liverpool that was charged or whatever last year, he knew about the tunnels under Liverpool. I have that from a very good source who I will not disclose.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: worldiswatching
I thought the tunnels under Liverpool were a pretty well known fact, no? So what was this guy charged with in relation to the tunnels?


posted on May, 27 2021 @ 07:46 PM
12000 Years of Human History Show Surprise Effects on Nature

Study paper | Interactive map

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Justoneman

Trump was caught between a rock and a hard place if he didn’t push to get the vaccine out they would have allowed the virus to shut down the world for several years. By that time things would be so desperate for businesses and families, people and the masses relying on the government would do just about anything to get back to normal. By getting the vaccine out it forced the DS hand faster than they wanted and as a result you see the flood of items Biden and Co are pushing to keep the narrative going.

Trump helped push the vaccine companies to make a good product, he wasn’t in the lab making it. I took his stance as the vaccine is there if you want it but it shouldn’t be forced. If what we are seeing turns out to be true and the vaccine is really a terrible thing who does the blame fall on, Trump or those companies?

He really was in a no win situation and by backing the vaccine I think he shows trust in those manufacturers. Again, if they willingly created a vaccine that was meant to intentionally harm people I think that is on them not Trump. It is possible there are other motives behind it such as Med Beds or other healthcare items, it could be. I think we will find out before winter

Too many here thinking Donald Trump is our saviour. Seriously, would you wait for somebody to save you or would you choose to save yourself? If Q is what I've said all along then Trump is just a pawn on that chess board. Carry on

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 07:55 PM
One of my site members made a Great info graphic on the voter fraud. Thought you folks might like to see/have it.
Clearly a lot of work went into it.
They also have more coming soon. If you like this one, I will post those as well.
It should enlarge even more to magnify view if clicked on.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 07:57 PM
Funny illogical story, there must be more to it besides Chicago.

Marie Newman accused of bribing potential primary opponent not to run


Rep. Marie Newman persuaded a potential primary opponent not to run against her by offering him a six-figure job in her congressional office upon her victory, a contract the Illinois Democrat violated, a lawsuit filed by Iymen Chehade alleges.

“In an effort to induce Chehade not to run against her in the primary, Newman offered Chehade employment as Foreign Policy Advisor and Legislative or District Director,” the lawsuit states.

Why she is allegedly wrong:

“Mr. Chehade’s latest claims are not only completely fictitious but frankly ludicrous, and they represent nothing more than a desperate grab for money,” Pat Mullane, a Newman campaign spokesperson, said in an emailed statement.

“While Mr. Chehade sought a job with Ms.Newman, he was not hired because he not only misrepresented his qualifications but was ill-suited for a senior role in a congressional office, as demonstrated by his interactions with Ms. Newman and her campaign volunteers,”


Newman’s lawyer, Douglas Letter from the House’s Office of General Counsel, acknowledged the contract was signed by Newman in a filing earlier this month.

“Although the agreement was signed by Congresswoman Newman in her personal capacity (because she had no official capacity in which to act before her election), it purports to bind her in her official capacity to hire Mr. Chehade in her Congressional office,” Letter said in the filing.

So evidently they did sign an contractual agreement but it is void because he's a doody head and she wasn't elected yet anyway, which, is the only reasons she would have signed a contract of that nature to begin with.

Blow it all up. The least important thing is government idiots like this. During the Federal government shutdowns a few things were problematic, but we could work around it if people would pull their heads out of their...

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: worldiswatching
I thought the tunnels under Liverpool were a pretty well known fact, no? So what was this guy charged with in relation to the tunnels?


Maybe you should admit you were wrong about no pregnant women in uk getting vaccinated then we can talk? As I said I don't agree with any person getting vaccinated.

Have you seen the tunnels , but yet say they are well known like an urban legend or something? Did you do anything? Tunnels were maybe well known here but you missed my main point, the guy that got arrested knew about them, as in visited.

Aromatherapy isn't always the answer just saying.It's good sometimes.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:13 PM
The Cover-Up Continues: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein

While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was a likely factor in the Gates’s recently announced split up, what these same outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates–Jeffrey Epstein relationship. Indeed, the mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier.

Gates already had a documented connection to a business run by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sisters in which Ghislaine had a financial stake, which may offer a clue as to the nature of the “business links” alluded to by Nigel Rosser. Furthermore, the odd nature of Gates’s relationship with Isabel Maxwell, who has ties to the PROMIS software espionage scandal and to Israeli intelligence, is documented in a 2000 article from the Guardian.

Of all the alliances and partnerships Isabel negotiated during her early years at CommTouch, it was her dealings with Microsoft cofounders Bill Gates and Paul Allen that put CommTouch “on the map.” Microsoft’s cofounders did much more than put CommTouch “on the map,” however, as they essentially intervened to prevent the collapse of its initial public offering, a fate that had befallen Isabel Maxwell’s previous company, the McKinley Group, not long before. Indeed, CommTouch kept pushing back its IPO until a massive investment from firms tied to Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen was announced in July 1999.

Another indication of a relationship between Epstein and Gates prior to 2001 is Epstein’s cozy ties with Nathan Myhrvold, who joined Microsoft in the 1980s and became the company’s first chief technology officer in 1996. At the time, Myhrvold was one of Gates’s closest advisers, if not the closest, and cowrote Gates’s 1996 book, The Road Ahead, which sought to explain how emerging technologies would impact life in the years and decades to come.

In addition, a former colleague of Myhrvold’s at Microsoft later developed her own ties to Epstein. Linda Stone, who joined Microsoft in 1993 and worked directly under Myhrvold, eventually became a Microsoft vice president. She introduced Epstein to Joi Ito of the MIT Media Lab after Epstein’s first arrest. “

The Blue World Alliance also went under the name Globalsolver Foundation, and Xavier Malina, Christine Maxwell’s son, was listed as Globalsolver’s liaison to the Clinton Foundation. He was previously an intern at the Clinton Global Initiative.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: worldiswatching

Welcome back Staffordshire1..

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy


The Cover-Up Continues: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein

While the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation intermingled, and the latter had ties to Epstein and Maxwell, it also appears that Epstein had significant influence over two of the most prominent science advisers to Bill Gates over the last fifteen years—Melanie Walker and Boris Nikolic.

Melanie Walker, now a celebrated neurosurgeon, met Jeffrey Epstein in 1992 soon after she graduated from college, when he offered her a Victoria’s Secret modelling job.

The close relationship between Prince Andrew and Melanie Walker came under scrutiny after Epstein’s former housekeeper at the Zorro Ranch property, Deidre Stratton, stated in an interview that Prince Andrew had been “given” a “beautiful young neurosurgeon” while he stayed at Epstein’s New Mexico property. Given that only one neurosurgeon was both close to Prince Andrew and a part of Epstein’s entourage at the time, it seems highly likely that this woman “gifted” to Andrew was Melanie Walker.

During her time at the Gates Foundation, Walker introduced Boris Nikolic, Gates’s science adviser, to Epstein. Today, Melanie Walker is the cochair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Neurotechnology and Brain Science, having previously been named a WEF Young Global Leader. She also advises the World Health Organization, which is closely linked to Bill Gates’s “philanthropy.”

At the WEF, Walker wrote an article in 2016 entitled “Healthcare in 2030: Goodbye Hospital, Hello Home-spital,” in which she discusses how wearable devices, brain-machine interfaces, and injectable/swallowable robotic “medicines” will be the norm by 2030. Years before COVID-19 and the Great Reset–inspired efforts to change health care in just this way, Walker wrote that while the dystopian scenario she was painting “sounds crazy . . . most of these technologies are either almost ready for prime time, or in development.” Of course, a lot of those technologies took shape thanks to the patronage of her former bosses, Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates.

In the case of Boris Nikolic, after being introduced to Epstein through Walker, he attended a 2011 meeting with Gates and Epstein where he was photographed alongside James Staley, then a senior JP Morgan executive, and Larry Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury and a close Epstein associate. According to the mainstream narrative, this is supposed to be the first time that Gates and Epstein had ever met.
edit on 27-5-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: worldiswatching

Exactly, Trump is just a piece and he has played his part well if you believe in that there is a plan. Trump is not the savior but he is exactly what was needed at the time to take on the DS. To be honest I can’t think of anyone else in the world that could have garnered the same reaction from the Cabal.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: worldiswatching

Welcome back Staffordshire1..

I really don't understand, please explain? I thought that person was banned long ago?

You seem to post not very often and when you do say very little, why is that?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: worldiswatching

Exactly, Trump is just a piece and he has played his part well if you believe in that there is a plan. Trump is not the savior but he is exactly what was needed at the time to take on the DS. To be honest I can’t think of anyone else in the world that could have garnered the same reaction from the Cabal.

I can, "We the people" are much bigger than any Trump or any leader.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:45 PM

It seems "Nature" has discovered the all illusive and rarely accepted concept of Human Created Immunity. Strange no one in 12000 years ever thought this.

Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime

Many people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 will probably make antibodies against the virus for most of their lives. So suggest researchers who have identified long-lived antibody-producing cells in the bone marrow of people who have recovered from COVID-191.

This quote is hilarious. They aren't created because the are not needed. Our bodies have better things to do then create endless antibodies for things we no longer need to manifest.

But these cells recede soon after a virus is cleared from the body, and other, longer-lasting cells make antibodies: memory B cells patrol the blood for reinfection, while bone marrow plasma cells (BMPCs) hide away within bones, trickling out antibodies for decades.

Sab = agreed.
edit on 27-5-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: worldiswatching

Re Tunnels under Liverpool... Do we have a map, similar to the U.S. one, of dumb tunnels under the UK?

As an aside, I drove past a village with BARROW in the name. It made me start thinking whether there is any symbolic link between the use of the following burial methods and the tunnels/underground bases of their day:

a) Long Barrows - Norse, UK, Scotland including "passage tombs",
b) Pyramids/Labyrinth,
c) Greek underground burial chambers as of that belonging to King Phillip of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great),
d) Roman Mausoleums,
e) Megalithic Dolmens.

Was the practice of making underground BUILDINGS for their leaders, rather than just burying them in soil, perhaps a tribute to their record of building underground tunnels and cave systems?

Why did greek warriors look forward to descending to the frightening river Styx? Was it the promise of a never ending underground supply of Adrenochrome after death?

Why did the romans store the gladiators, animals and slaves in tunnels UNDER the colliseum?

It would be interesting to see how many famous burial sites are close to tunnel systems - maybe they were used as hidden entrances to them!

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

linky agin

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 09:12 PM
Having fun yet?

Enjoy the Show

Plan making sense now?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: worldiswatching

The tunnels are probably used in the fulfilment of the Eli Lilly contract for adrenochrome, based in Liverpool and covered in an earlier part of the thread.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 09:20 PM
Latest Storm Rider tweet implies new leaders are being beta tested - should be an interesting one to look for evidence of! Tweet timestamp: May 27 2021 21:12:56

U.S. Mil . & All_ied forces have started Psyops testing procedures.
Placing New leaders through the world. These important Beta tests are studied by the White ha.ts to see how the citizens will respond in these countries/
🎥 🍿

The "Placing" is worrying because it implies not chosen by the people - but then maybe these are interim military transitional leaders?

ETA - SRs pinned tweet on Nash's equilibrium is no longer pinned... it's been there for ages! Has Game Theory been surmounted?
ETA2 - Hmm... pinned tweet has returned now!
edit on 27-5-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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