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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 25 2021 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Works for me, but you might want to make some with nooses as they are supposedly going to hang him.

Might want to make one for Podesta also as it appears he may be going before a firing squad according to same article

That Snippet:

Rear Adm. Crandall asked the panel whether they had heard enough, and it said it had. It recommended Brennan receive capitol punishment in the form of being hanged by the neck until death for the myriad atrocities he had committed against America and its people. Rear Adm. Crandall agreed, and he declared that Brennan’s execution be held on Monday, June 7, which, incidentally, is one week after John Podesta is scheduled to face a firing squad for his crimes.

Agin the Link

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
If I am going to fight some coons I should have the gun.. Those Son's of B's can get nasty

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 11:15 PM

KU V21.17 25052021 2333gmt to 4953 incl DECODE tools

1) DATA updates only;
a) @mikepompeo tweets to May 25 2021 16:27:22
b) @DanScavino tweets to May 24 2021 21:11:46
c) @Littleb29872980 ((Q) Storm Rider) tweets to May 25 2021 21:18:41

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 11:24 PM
This should probably be in one of the vaccine threads, but since this one has fairly well turned into an ad hoc thread loosely surrounding what the "end game" might be for whomever your personal boogieman is, I'll ask it here.

How important is one's RH factor outside of pregnancies and blood transfusion? I can think of nothing but those two.

The reason I ask is a "friend of a friend" is absolutely convinced RH + women who get the vaccine are going to end up sterile. She's a medpro and uses words I've never heard before, so it's hard for me to make sense out of what's she says at times. She also admitted to discussing it on the chans, so...yeah...large grain of salt. Anyway, something about the mRNA in the vaccine allegedly prevents the placenta of RH + women from being viable. Not a lot to go on, I know. So far, I haven't been able to find any sort of breakdown by blood-type for adverse reactions to the vaccine. I have heard and read anecdotal tid-bits of women bleeding heavier than normal after the jab. Not exactly peer reviewed material.

What prompted me to ask was a conspiracy theory I was told years ago about RH negative folk being hybrids. This had to have been 30 years ago, now. The theory went on to posit that when time came to "cleanse the Earth", it would be via a virus that only affected RH + folk. I can't remember the finer points, it's been too long. That and I've never really been into CTs until the last year or so. I'm still catching up on crap from the 80's.

My thoughts on this are not fully formed, so apologies if this is a bit disjointed. Let's assume the above is possible. Not the hybrid part, the other parts. I've seen several in this thread mention depopulation. Only 15% of the total population is RH negative. Roughly 500 million of us. I need to take a break from my on readings. I'm seeing coincidences almost every where, now.

I really have no idea what I'm on about. I imagine more reading is what I'm after, even though I said I needed a break. Anyone familiar with the RH negative hybrid theory and can point to further research? Also, any site than can breakdown adverse reaction by blood-type? I'm having no luck with VAERS.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, building on "as you mentioned kirk"... and I referenced it in a decode of Prince William's tweet earlier...

Is this an accident from Star Trek, or cabal commsL James Tiberius Kirk:

James - St. James the Less, brother of Jesus Christ and who St. James' Palace is named after:

St James's Palace is the most senior royal palace in the United Kingdom. It gives the name, Court of St James's, which is the monarch's royal court and is located in the City of Westminster in London. Although no longer the principal residence of the monarch, it is the ceremonial meeting place of the Accession Council, the office of the Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps

Tiberius - Roman emperor at time of Christ's death (A.D. 14 - 37 = 23 years)

During Tiberius's reign, Jews had become more prominent in Rome, and Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus Christ began proselytizing Roman citizens, increasing long-simmering resentments. In 26 AD he removed himself from Rome and left administration largely in the hands of his unscrupulous Praetorian prefects Sejanus and Naevius Sutorius Macro.

Kirk - Scottish for CHURCH

Why would Star Trek's main character allude to Romans, Jews, Churches, Palaces and Courts (+Scottish Rite?)

Maybe Prince William was triggering a GO by deep state to use aliens/Project Blue Beam to create a new One World Religion?

edit on 25-5-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: 1010set

If correct about the vax stopping RH+ women having children then I'd point out this does not mean the end of RH+ humans.

I'm RH+ but born to an RH- mother, so RH+ fathers can have RH+ children with RH- mothers.

Also it may be of interest that once an RH- mother has birthed an RH+ child, it becomes more difficult for her to carry RH- children - something to do with the RH+ foetus having caused the mother to create RH- antobodies in the womb blood supply. Again, I know this because my RH- younger brother ribs me for almost killing him.

Building further, the above factors mean that if they are trying to kill off the RH+ population then unless they equally target RH+ males then they actually put the RH- population at higher risk!

Maybe this points to truth in the rumour of men becoming infertile too?

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Interesting find crazyfox!

I also noted provisions within it to:

a) Postpone recall petitions for Members of Parliament,
b) Power to require information relating to food supply chains (section 15 provision),
c) Suspension of death inquests,
d) Indemnity for Health Services,
e) Temporary closures of schools and child care,
f) Power to suspend Port operations (???),
g) Power to postpone other elections and referendums,
h) Powers relating to potentially infectious persons (Section 20).

Scary stuff!

edit on 26-5-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: 1010set
This should probably be in one of the vaccine threads, but since this one has fairly well turned into an ad hoc thread loosely surrounding what the "end game" might be for whomever your personal boogieman is, I'll ask it here.

How important is one's RH factor outside of pregnancies and blood transfusion? I can think of nothing but those two.

The reason I ask is a "friend of a friend" is absolutely convinced RH + women who get the vaccine are going to end up sterile. She's a medpro and uses words I've never heard before, so it's hard for me to make sense out of what's she says at times. She also admitted to discussing it on the chans, so...yeah...large grain of salt. Anyway, something about the mRNA in the vaccine allegedly prevents the placenta of RH + women from being viable. Not a lot to go on, I know. So far, I haven't been able to find any sort of breakdown by blood-type for adverse reactions to the vaccine. I have heard and read anecdotal tid-bits of women bleeding heavier than normal after the jab. Not exactly peer reviewed material.

What prompted me to ask was a conspiracy theory I was told years ago about RH negative folk being hybrids. This had to have been 30 years ago, now. The theory went on to posit that when time came to "cleanse the Earth", it would be via a virus that only affected RH + folk. I can't remember the finer points, it's been too long. That and I've never really been into CTs until the last year or so. I'm still catching up on crap from the 80's.

My thoughts on this are not fully formed, so apologies if this is a bit disjointed. Let's assume the above is possible. Not the hybrid part, the other parts. I've seen several in this thread mention depopulation. Only 15% of the total population is RH negative. Roughly 500 million of us. I need to take a break from my on readings. I'm seeing coincidences almost every where, now.

1010, I posted several of the actual experimental jab insert sheets and warnings. The reproductive problem is a thing, they know this, for both men and women.

Whether it is targeted to blood type would not be known for sometime. While they are skilledish, I doubt they have the ability to do that on a mass scale - too man variables.

In the end, it is jab roulette. It is experimental, it has killed more people then the last 10 years or so worth of jabs, it prevents nothing at all, and the reports of issues requires two things: Folks report back AND both doc and the jabbed have enough sense to see a connection. So far the report back percentage is tiny.

Anecdotally I have not interacted with enough people who got the jab to notice any particular changes, but at large, there is an impact, which, is likely connected to phone/wifi/emf/cell signals. That is when the issue you raised would kick in, upon the introduction of the elements from EMF waves, damages will be far enough from the date of the jab to be labeled a conspiracy theory by the med mafia. In essence "science baffled by millions of miscarriages, experts say it could not be related to The Rona jab of 2021."

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 02:24 AM
Let the Journey, Begin ...

Department of Defense
- The 5-month mission in DC is over.
- Equipment & remaining 1000 NGs in the process of moving back home.
- QRF = Quick Reaction Force

National Guard to depart Capitol nearly 5 months after Jan. 6 riot
Full press conference: (if interested)

edit on 26-5-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

The masks
the drops & clues everywhere
the weirdness so many noticing
the word play
the increasingly weird narrative
videos / online talking instead of in person
the revelations & reversals now coming daily
President Trump starting to become visible / rallies planned
Now NG is going home... mission over

All connected... signifying something bigger ???
- mirrors posts Rel sharing from the other side of the pond
- eg. Carrier Strike Group 21 = led by British

Time to Shock the world ...

What's really going to blow THE PEOPLEs minds

links in thread:

edit on 26-5-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 06:08 AM
Similar to the NY bill. (FB censored me when I posted it but not my post about Fauxi committing crimes against humanity)
Get to go back to work today, yay.
Here is to hoping RRN is legit & tribunals are going on,
that I did not tank my phone interview yesterday,
and Peace/love/& harmony will be upon us soon.
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Jesse & Alex

edit on 26-5-2021 by CrazyFox because: Alex Jones & Jesse Ventura 10 years ago called it

edit on 26-5-2021 by CrazyFox because: Clarity

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

....and not a peep from you know who

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

Problem being the judge could drop a gag order on the discovered material. Sure, it gets us closer to the truth, but might be Quick and easy.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
So Dr. Fauci has now been forced to admit he told a bold faced lie under oath the other day about whether or not his agency funded any gain of function research in Wuhan. Now he is saying it would have been a "dereliction of duty" to not collaborate with "very respectable Chinese scientists."

This dude needs to be behind bars. Gain of function research is against the law in the US.

FAUCI Needs to be Investigated for committing MASS-MURDER, with JOE BIDEN as his co-conspirator in the cover-up.

It was just revealed that Joe Biden shut down an investigation into the Wuhan China lab for "potentially" developing/releasing COVID-19.


"Morons" still think Joe Biden won legally, and is on America's side. As usual, they are WRONG, 100% of the time.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: 1010set

If correct about the vax stopping RH+ women having children then I'd point out this does not mean the end of RH+ humans.

I'm RH+ but born to an RH- mother, so RH+ fathers can have RH+ children with RH- mothers.

Also it may be of interest that once an RH- mother has birthed an RH+ child, it becomes more difficult for her to carry RH- children - something to do with the RH+ foetus having caused the mother to create RH- antobodies in the womb blood supply. Again, I know this because my RH- younger brother ribs me for almost killing him.

Building further, the above factors mean that if they are trying to kill off the RH+ population then unless they equally target RH+ males then they actually put the RH- population at higher risk!

Maybe this points to truth in the rumour of men becoming infertile too?

Same in my family, grandma was RH- and my mom was the second sibling and one of the first babies in scotland to be saved with a blood transfusion. She has masses of immune related issues like lupus but is alive and grateful.

If intentional, what would be the benefit of targeting these pregnancies with a vaccine?

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

That's interdasting! So the NG "mission" in DC is over now? Could this be the start of something...?
For any of us who follow Whiplash347 - he forwarded a post by SavageDog25 this past Saturday the22nd who bluntly stated:

Forwarded from
F it. As soon as a text that i got busy. Short and sweet. Ill post it all at some point.
- Wednesday the 26th is ur sky event.
- Friday 28th- My fellow Americans tweet from the JFK account.
-Saturday 29th JFK b day

SO if Whiplash347 is to be believed, we should have some sort of sky event today? If he's referring to the "Full Flower Moon which will also be a Super Blood Moon", then I'm going to think that maybe he's (or she's) just trying to fit actual calendar events to his (or her) narrative. But I'll still sorta hold out to see if this JFK account posts the "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us" bit... but even then I'm still going to believe the possibility (likelihood) that these new people we are following are just playing everyone to get their "famewhore" on.

We'll see though. Obviously I'm still here with a bit of hopium left in my veins.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: igloo

What I don't get is why would they intentionally contaminate the vaccines with whatever various harmful crap we've been speculating about? I mean, it's THEIR side that is so excited about getting vaccinated. Why, in a battle for control of the planet, would you infect/sterilize/etc. your own people? I would assume that the people who are refusing to get vaccinated are mostly conservative and, being conservative, are likely to be very well armed. So why kill off your own "troops" while the other side grows stronger and more determined?

I am really having a hard time following this logically. The far left may want us silenced/killed/whatever, but they have to be intelligent enough to see that the vaccine push is only going to hurt their side... but maybe I give them too much credit.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:07 AM
My ex, and 2 sisters, are RHnegative. All are vaxxed. No problems, and younger sis just announced her baby will come Jan 22.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: 1010set

If correct about the vax stopping RH+ women having children then I'd point out this does not mean the end of RH+ humans.

I'm RH+ but born to an RH- mother, so RH+ fathers can have RH+ children with RH- mothers.

Also it may be of interest that once an RH- mother has birthed an RH+ child, it becomes more difficult for her to carry RH- children - something to do with the RH+ foetus having caused the mother to create RH- antobodies in the womb blood supply. Again, I know this because my RH- younger brother ribs me for almost killing him.

Building further, the above factors mean that if they are trying to kill off the RH+ population then unless they equally target RH+ males then they actually put the RH- population at higher risk!

Maybe this points to truth in the rumour of men becoming infertile too?

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: MayRenee
Must be a UK thing then, but we are not vaccinating pregnant women, or women of childbearing age (if they chose not to have one). But pregnant women are an absolute no, no.

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