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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 25 2021 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Caled

Possibly that's why babies and young children are so empty headed. They haven't mastered a language, so their thought process doesn't go beyond animals.

I wonder if a kid was raised without any language from birth, how would they develop concepts and rationalization?

Most everything that makes us human is gleaned from language; morals, insight, understanding. I guess it's probably more like a caveman than animals. Doesn't language and intellect go hand in hand?

I understand deaf people are taught to communicate, but what's the process for "thinking"? I certainly can't fathom it.

A human, deaf and blind... how do they develop? It's fascinating. I'm sure there's rare examples of autism in those cases, like numerologists that spring forth. But yeah....language is key.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
First, I think you are right. And probably also to kill most of us. But here is the real head scratcher. Why? I’m not driven to control people like a lot of people I know, but really…what is the whole point of being an overlord of stupid people? I can’t imagine there is much fun in it any more than being in charge of a bunch of toasters. There is an endgame to all of this. We’re all missing something. Some piece of information.

originally posted by: pheonix358
The Elite want nothing more than to dumb us down, we know this!

Now, the rub. The system in place here is hierarchical in nature. The top dictates all. When the top is removed, or compromised, the lower echelons fall to pieces, as they are incapable of acting alone or creating a new leader. This is the double edged sword. They are weak yes, but dangerous. Hence why The Plan is more methodical then flash. Cornered rabid rats with nothing to live for and nothing to die for are a problem.

That paragraph reminds me of General Colin Powell's presentation on how to win the Iraq War. On a TV special report, Powell put up a snake-looking graphic of Iraq, with Saddam Hussein's face as the head. He said, "we will cut off the head of the snake, and the war will easily be won."

In my mind, that's how you can turn a lot of things around. As with election-cheating, large-scale actions are not needed, in order to be victorious. There are a relative few "leaders" causing most of the trouble. (I must stop there. ATS rules.)

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:01 PM
Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa. I found the pieces of evidence presented & postulations on the location quite fascinating.

Declassified CIA file on the Richat Structure to study Geomagnetic anomalies back in 1967. Results of findings? Redacted. Apparently still classified.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Just watched it this morning. For sure is an interesting development. I’ve watched other videos on the eye and Atlantis and I think it’s a possibility more so than in the a Atlantic Ocean

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:04 PM
This could blow up very bigly:

Mafia boss’s YouTube claims rattle Turkish government

The notorious real-life mob boss Sedat Peker has electrified Turkey with a series of YouTube videos over the last three weeks in which he has levelled an array of allegations – including murder, rape, rampant corruption and drug trafficking – at prominent Turkish government figures.

Peker’s seven episodes to date, of a promised 12 in total

the videos have racked up more than 30m views. The video series, titled Sedat Peker vs AKP (Erdoğan’s ruling Justice and Development party), briefly became the world’s top rated television show on the Internet Movie Database until the entry was removed on Monday.

Little by little, the gangster has painted a picture of extensive collaboration between organised crime networks and top officials. 

It is widely expected that the remaining episodes will address gun-running over the border to Syria and rumours about figures buying oil from Islamic State several years ago.
While Peker has not touched “Brother Tayyip”, as he calls the president, the takedowns of Erdoğan’s inner circle make clear he is the ultimate target.

Peker’s next video is due to be released on Sunday.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:06 PM

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

"This is actually getting to be like the court scene in Idiocracy, "

Are you calling me an idiot ?

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:32 PM
MelQ has a few good connects here.

Side note, DJT's team, fix the timestamp color. It sucks.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa. I found the pieces of evidence presented & postulations on the location quite fascinating.

Declassified CIA file on the Richat Structure to study Geomagnetic anomalies back in 1967. Results of findings? Redacted. Apparently still classified.

Very interesting. Don't have time to watch the video at the moment, but were these CIA files just recently declassified by chance? The timing is very interesting with all the UFO talk. If they really are running Blue Beam, we should expect "new" archaeological evidence. They're going to try and rewrite our past to claim the old "Gods" are aliens. And if you listen to Delonge, he has intimated that it's the Greek "God's" in particular. He makes it sound like they aren't very nice.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Further UK odd comms, the Queen giving VIRTUAL Audiences to new Ambassadors - Royal family tweet at 15:47/3:47 GMT:


1) Is the virtual Queen CGI... Is she alive?
Look at the off-centre URN on the table... is this indicating she's dead? Maybe reinforced by the Gold-leaf Book (...of the Dead?) behind it?

2) Other symbolism:
a) DARK painting to right of LIGHTs in front of MIRROR,
b) Clock set at just after 12 o'clock,
c) White flowers... Orchids or Magnolias?
d) Painting behind Queen is the (City of London corporation) The Lord Mayor's Water-Procession on the Thames c. 1683
e) The furniture is extremely plain for Buckingham Palace!

3) Timestamp of 15:47 points to post #1547

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: f6ee4f No.1798425 📁
Jun 18 2018 11:52:59 (EST)

Anonymous ID: d8a362 No.1798338 📁
Jun 18 2018 11:47:16 (EST)

well it's pretty cryptic so here is a wild guess…

→ ??? the demiurge ??? just kidding, I don't know. Someone involved in space programs and 'majestic 12' type of intel.

Morning sun brings heat.
→ predetermined code / command for initiation of a plan, authenticity check. Likely, multiple governments are responding to this call for initiation, hence dropped here.

Full moon coming.
→ proper revelation of nature of the moon and other bodies in our solar system

Undiscovered stars learned.
→ this refers to gifted anons figuring something out, which was the condition upon which something about our solar system or moon would be revealed to public.

Missions forward.
→ a particular plan for missions is being initiated, proceed (in part a message to anons)


Ability to share [open].
(Heat) on who?
(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?
(Undiscovered) facts emerge?
Ability to move forward?
Occam's Razor.


Timestamp encodes May 25th, within a mirror of 911.

edit on 25-5-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
First, I think you are right. And probably also to kill most of us. But here is the real head scratcher. Why? I’m not driven to control people like a lot of people I know, but really…what is the whole point of being an overlord of stupid people? I can’t imagine there is much fun in it any more than being in charge of a bunch of toasters. There is an endgame to all of this. We’re all missing something. Some piece of information.

originally posted by: pheonix358
The Elite want nothing more than to dumb us down, we know this!

Now, the rub. The system in place here is hierarchical in nature. The top dictates all. When the top is removed, or compromised, the lower echelons fall to pieces, as they are incapable of acting alone or creating a new leader. This is the double edged sword. They are weak yes, but dangerous. Hence why The Plan is more methodical then flash. Cornered rabid rats with nothing to live for and nothing to die for are a problem.

That paragraph reminds me of General Colin Powell's presentation on how to win the Iraq War. On a TV special report, Powell put up a snake-looking graphic of Iraq, with Saddam Hussein's face as the head. He said, "we will cut off the head of the snake, and the war will easily be won."

In my mind, that's how you can turn a lot of things around. As with election-cheating, large-scale actions are not needed, in order to be victorious. There are a relative few "leaders" causing most of the trouble. (I must stop there. ATS rules.)

Can I give 10,000 stars?

I remember Powell repeating those words at every opportunity when I was a young something or other, and speculating that it was a very clever psyop.

Even had a wide variety of theories about what the objective could possible be.

EVERYONE thought I had completely lost my mind.

I'm not saying they were wrong.

And none of those original theories were even close IMO.

After years of occasional reflection I came upon what I think is a pretty solid theory.

Or maybe I'm just nutz.

I think those few carefully crafted and often repeated words were both completely honest and extremely deceptive at the same time.

Bad guys took it literally as expected and reacted in some ways that were very helpful to the good guys.

This was very important because good guys had a lot more weaknesses than most could know.

Excellent leadership, brilliant plan, and our brave young men and women saved the day for us.

And a lot of good luck.

Enemy's stupidity was also immensely helpful.

Powell's 'creative' few words were not to be taken so literally as to mean that we cared even a little bit about hunting down Hussein and his top brass hiding in Baghdad or somewhere.

He just wanted to make sure they were bunkering down somewhere safe. As far from the battlefield as possible kind of place.

Not just those few words though, I see quite a few other actions in the days leading up to that fateful first night of the air war that seem to have intentionally (by the good guys) caused the bad guys to react in some small way that turned out to be a significant advantage for the good guys.

I don't believe in coincidences, and I don't think Powell could believe what he heard when first told of how the bad guys reacted to his feint.

He couldn't have possibly imagined that the plan could ever have worked that well.

The bad guys moved nearly all of their most important people AND equipment FAR away from the battlefield.

And then Powell turned out the lights.

In every single part of Iraq he desired.

The bad guys apparently didn't see that one coming.

Zero communication ability remained for enemy leadership far away from all their solders who had been given very stern orders to not do ANYTHING until they received specific instructions from their chain of command.

Suddenly, and permanently, the bad guy's 'body' was permanently severed from it's HEAD-Quarters.

And we easily won the war.

We are much better now at almost everything.

Or maybe I'm just a homeless woman who found an iPhone while looking for cans and started typing random things.

Does it matter?

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: brewtiger
The Drug that Cracked COVID

I don't think folks understand the ramifications of this statement.

Taking invermectin for Parasites = safe.
Taking invermectin for The Rona = potential death.

Either it is safe or it isn't and there is no reason to ever use unsafe anything. But the implication is that "intent" (intend-ed use) is the mitigating factor.

Folks will counter with "well, if you use the wrong drug that doesn't work then you run the risk of having no drug to help you at all."

The origins of this trope is Patents and control, not health. When one accepts the "license" and the "union membership" which affords loans/debt/insurance/certificates etc. then one is FORCED to abide by the rules and NOT the oath. If one decides to avoid the ruling class, then they are "unapproved" "outlaws" etc.

Practicing medicine without a license - funny I practice guitar, but I don't practice my profession (practice law and medicine, all else is performed). The reason this is "law" is is medicine/doctor etc. are copyrighted - owned, so to "use" those terms is forbidden in the same way using Micky Mouse to sell your house is forbidden.

If folks didn't see this with the HCQ issue then they are willfully blind. The pandemic we've all feared arrives, Fauxci says we'll all die without the unproven and unapproved efforts of distancing and masks, but "unapproved" use of any meds is punishable by imprisonment. "Right To Try" is on your own, the med mafia world controls its members.

Fun anecdote. When I first experimented with using turpentine for health I had my 14 year old niece read the scary label. She did. I then took a swig. So much fun. BTW, it works realllllllllly well for symptoms of The Rona and costs pennies if that. Sadly it is an old timey remedy that went from being lost in a few generations to being criminal in just a few more. But, you can use it on horses for injuries - no scary label, same with invermectin.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, re MelQs #650 decode in your post:

I'm still trying to understand why it is just 56 exclamation marks (BEATS)!

However, I did realise a week or 2 ago that they form a MIRROR of the post number:

56 !s, Q ... 650

Maybe it just means May/June.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
First, I think you are right. And probably also to kill most of us. But here is the real head scratcher. Why? I’m not driven to control people like a lot of people I know, but really…what is the whole point of being an overlord of stupid people? I can’t imagine there is much fun in it any more than being in charge of a bunch of toasters. There is an endgame to all of this. We’re all missing something. Some piece of information.

originally posted by: pheonix358
The Elite want nothing more than to dumb us down, we know this!

Now, the rub. The system in place here is hierarchical in nature. The top dictates all. When the top is removed, or compromised, the lower echelons fall to pieces, as they are incapable of acting alone or creating a new leader. This is the double edged sword. They are weak yes, but dangerous. Hence why The Plan is more methodical then flash. Cornered rabid rats with nothing to live for and nothing to die for are a problem.

That paragraph reminds me of General Colin Powell's presentation on how to win the Iraq War. On a TV special report, Powell put up a snake-looking graphic of Iraq, with Saddam Hussein's face as the head. He said, "we will cut off the head of the snake, and the war will easily be won."

In my mind, that's how you can turn a lot of things around. As with election-cheating, large-scale actions are not needed, in order to be victorious. There are a relative few "leaders" causing most of the trouble. (I must stop there. ATS rules.)

Can I give 10,000 stars?

I remember Powell repeating those words at every opportunity when I was a young something or other, and speculating that it was a very clever psyop.

Even had a wide variety of theories about what the objective could possible be.

EVERYONE thought I had completely lost my mind.

I'm not saying they were wrong.

And none of those original theories were even close IMO.

After years of occasional reflection I came upon what I think is a pretty solid theory.

Or maybe I'm just nutz.

I think those few carefully crafted and often repeated words were both completely honest and extremely deceptive at the same time.

Bad guys took it literally as expected and reacted in some ways that were very helpful to the good guys.


That demonstrates the point. Iraq and Libya became hell on earth without their leader to keep things in check. Powell and company knew this and wanted it - that was the entire point of the effort. You can tell when the leadership is in trouble, the drones lose their way and their minds. Leaderless drones do not develop smarts, skills, unity overnight despite what teeeveee insists. In can take decades up to eons.
edit on Tue May 25 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 01:17 PM
Further UK comms? BBC tweet, at 4:31pm GMT:

William Shakespeare, the first man to get Covid vaccine, dies of unrelated illness at 81

1) Why say "the first man", as "the first person" would be more natural?

81 = 9x9?

2) Original article of his vaccination was Dec 8th, 2020. So he died 5 months and 17 days later.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Well he was pretty near to that 6 month mark that those 'other' Dr's tell us we will start seeing people developing serious problems. Guess we will have to wait and see.


posted on May, 25 2021 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: onehuman

I wouldn't be surprised if a sample was knowingly taken out of an American lab and sent to Wuhan lab for other research (Gain of Function?) and later subsequently 'leaked' out of Wuhan lab. Course, we all know how the gov't has a serious issue of admitting to mistakes which sometimes develop into a crisis of opportunity.

Covid-19: First coronavirus was described in The BMJ in 1965

The paper concluded, “After considerable initial doubts we now believe that the B814 strain is a virus virtually unrelated to any other known virus of the human respiratory tract, although, since it is ether-labile, it may be a myxovirus.”

The virus was then imaged for the first time by June Almeida (née Hart), a virologist known for pioneering new methods for viral imaging and diagnosis. Almeida and Tyrrell were among a group of eight virologists to write to Nature in 1968, outlining their findings and naming the virus family coronavirus.

Almeida's work received new attention during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her little-known story was first published by the Herald in Scotland on March 8 and Chinese scientists credited Almeida's work, including techniques she developed.

A new COVID-19 testing lab in Guy's Hospital was named after June Almeida in September 2020.

Info-graphic Corona Timeline [PDF]

Funny how it was always just a simple cold virus until just after 9/11 and magically mutated into Covid-911.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
First, I think you are right. And probably also to kill most of us. But here is the real head scratcher. Why? I’m not driven to control people like a lot of people I know, but really…what is the whole point of being an overlord of stupid people? I can’t imagine there is much fun in it any more than being in charge of a bunch of toasters. There is an endgame to all of this. We’re all missing something. Some piece of information.

originally posted by: pheonix358
The Elite want nothing more than to dumb us down, we know this!

Now, the rub. The system in place here is hierarchical in nature. The top dictates all. When the top is removed, or compromised, the lower echelons fall to pieces, as they are incapable of acting alone or creating a new leader. This is the double edged sword. They are weak yes, but dangerous. Hence why The Plan is more methodical then flash. Cornered rabid rats with nothing to live for and nothing to die for are a problem.

That paragraph reminds me of General Colin Powell's presentation on how to win the Iraq War. On a TV special report, Powell put up a snake-looking graphic of Iraq, with Saddam Hussein's face as the head. He said, "we will cut off the head of the snake, and the war will easily be won."

In my mind, that's how you can turn a lot of things around. As with election-cheating, large-scale actions are not needed, in order to be victorious. There are a relative few "leaders" causing most of the trouble. (I must stop there. ATS rules.)

Can I give 10,000 stars?

I remember Powell repeating those words at every opportunity when I was a young something or other, and speculating that it was a very clever psyop.

Even had a wide variety of theories about what the objective could possible be.

EVERYONE thought I had completely lost my mind.

I'm not saying they were wrong.

And none of those original theories were even close IMO.

After years of occasional reflection I came upon what I think is a pretty solid theory.

Or maybe I'm just nutz.

I think those few carefully crafted and often repeated words were both completely honest and extremely deceptive at the same time.

Bad guys took it literally as expected and reacted in some ways that were very helpful to the good guys.

This was very important because good guys had a lot more weaknesses than most could know.

Excellent leadership, brilliant plan, and our brave young men and women saved the day for us.

And a lot of good luck.

Enemy's stupidity was also immensely helpful.

Powell's 'creative' few words were not to be taken so literally as to mean that we cared even a little bit about hunting down Hussein and his top brass hiding in Baghdad or somewhere.

He just wanted to make sure they were bunkering down somewhere safe. As far from the battlefield as possible kind of place.

Not just those few words though, I see quite a few other actions in the days leading up to that fateful first night of the air war that seem to have intentionally (by the good guys) caused the bad guys to react in some small way that turned out to be a significant advantage for the good guys.

I don't believe in coincidences, and I don't think Powell could believe what he heard when first told of how the bad guys reacted to his feint.

He couldn't have possibly imagined that the plan could ever have worked that well.

The bad guys moved nearly all of their most important people AND equipment FAR away from the battlefield.

And then Powell turned out the lights.

In every single part of Iraq he desired.

The bad guys apparently didn't see that one coming.

Zero communication ability remained for enemy leadership far away from all their solders who had been given very stern orders to not do ANYTHING until they received specific instructions from their chain of command.

Suddenly, and permanently, the bad guy's 'body' was permanently severed from it's HEAD-Quarters.

And we easily won the war.

We are much better now at almost everything.

Or maybe I'm just a homeless woman who found an iPhone while looking for cans and started typing random things.

Does it matter?

That demonstrates the point. Iraq and Libya became hell on earth without their leader to keep things in check. Powell and company knew this and wanted it - that was the entire point of the effort. You can tell when the leadership is in trouble, the drones lose their way and their minds. Leaderless drones do not develop smarts, skills, unity overnight despite what teeeveee insists. In can take decades up to eons.

Do you think everything from the early trump attacks on was an intentional and organized effort between a significant number of dem polititations and various international bad guys to create a leadership vacuum that would cause great harm to America?

I do.

Some here are gathering a great deal of evidence.

While others fight hard to keep the madness going

It isn't over yet.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 02:15 PM
Anyone familiar with New Eastern Outlook? They had a trove of articles on the CIAs biolabs and on DARPA and Gates. They've been online for several years. Their entire website has been disabled


posted on May, 25 2021 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa. I found the pieces of evidence presented & postulations on the location quite fascinating.

Declassified CIA file on the Richat Structure to study Geomagnetic anomalies back in 1967. Results of findings? Redacted. Apparently still classified.

Very interesting. Don't have time to watch the video at the moment, but were these CIA files just recently declassified by chance? The timing is very interesting with all the UFO talk. If they really are running Blue Beam, we should expect "new" archaeological evidence. They're going to try and rewrite our past to claim the old "Gods" are aliens. And if you listen to Delonge, he has intimated that it's the Greek "God's" in particular. He makes it sound like they aren't very nice.

De-classed in 2005. But, the file is least of interest in his presentation. Ha, yea, maybe Prometheus will return but that god was and still is worshiped by the Rockefeller society clan where the 'fire' (knowledge) is only given to the illuminated ones.

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