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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 4 2021 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: dashen
Not necessarily.

Honestly the hit/miss ratio from the speculation in these threads is pretty bad.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
Life, as usual.

A rather simple answer about something with so much complexity.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: daskakik
A very simple, generalized generic statement to make it difficult for anyone to challenge or poke holes in

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: FlyingFox

Speaking of the Schuman resonance thing, did anyone else find it nearly impossible to sleep last night?

What do people do with their time if they can't sleep at night. Read? Stare at the darkness? (I've never had insomnia)

I only slept 4 hrs last night. I listen to various trance music, or old Art Bell episodes, or lectures from philosophical mystic teachers. That usually knocks me out in about an hour or like last night took 3 hrs.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. You must be a super high-energy type...both physically and mentally. Congratulations!

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 12:40 AM


posted on May, 4 2021 @ 01:04 AM


posted on May, 4 2021 @ 02:09 AM


posted on May, 4 2021 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow


Salvation = first trailer = May 10, 2017
Q1 drops = October 28, 2017
DELTA = 171 (May - Oct = 6 months)

Season 1 premise:
- life-changing asteroid heading directly to Earth in 6 months
(asteroids = code for big secrets / impact = public reveal)
- Billionaire scientist / pivotal player = Darius Tanz = DT
- keep project secret/ tell the world = chaos/code talk/wormwood
- Russia - US stand-off WWIII / Noah's ark / project ATLAS
- US president secretly ill (losing memory) / assassination attempt
- underground hacktivist group / secret group infiltrate US government
- man and machine (AI) working together to save earth

Season 2 - premiered June 25, 2018:
- POTUS fake death / returns in public fight for 2 over Presidency
- 2nd civil war/social media used to attack & cause chaos & division
- Supreme Court must decide who is rightful president/internet shutdown
- bitcoin used to secretly transfer $ for assassinations & crimes (shadow group)
- Coup head arrested/found dead in his cell before giving info on shadow group
- use of Hollywood style masks to hide identity / hidden nano-tech & railgun
- COPE = exposed as self-help doomsday cult / followers give up possessions
- Q17 = mysterious group of 17 powerful billionaires secretly control world (cabal)
- Why did railgun miss... human error or Asteroid adjusted speed (hummingbird)
- Proof found in Antartica - scientist matches energy bursts to railgun attempts
- Hail Mary = nuke Asteroid but fallout kills all not in bunkers.. or do nothing
- Spoiler alert: S2 cliffhanger "Whatever it is... it's here"
(note: show cancelled... left us with "The Lady or the Tiger" ending)

edit on 4-5-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Firstly, just a general note... there is so much information and so many links coming in that I've spent most of my logged on time capturing these. I have received around 50 new Qproof graphics alone!

Now to reply to PFS:
I'm a great sleeper, once I'm out I'm out until morning, but that night I stayed at my mother's and when I woke it looked as though i'd moved and thrashed about over every inch of the bed with sheets and blankets all over the floor - usually I wake in pretty much the same position I fell asleep. Very odd!

This flows into some other oddities over the last few days:

1) I've been taking blood pressure readings for 3 days - because my GP rejected my repeat medication request. Pretty surprised to find I now have an average of 112/82 and 72 beats/min. Considering I'm on high blood pressure pills and beta blockers (and the latter ran out 2 days ago), these readings are lower than the 125 to 140 over 85 I've had for the last few years.

2) On the more esoteric side - some strange animal events over this weekend:
a) Driving over to mother, I had to swerve to avoid a falcon with a broken wing trying to hobble across the road "in a flap",
b) Two miles further along there was a dead deer in the road,
c) At ma's house, a massive bee (a Queen?) had got into the house. Not good as ma is allergic to them so I had to catch and remove it,
d) Later, during supper at my brother's nearby, TWICE birds crashed heavily into the conservatory glass above us. We also ate the most perfect lamb I've ever been served - I'm a "Jack Sprat could eat no fat" and there wasn't a gram of fat on the cuts on my plate.

3) Ma gave me 2 18ct gold french/german wrist watch heirlooms, about 100 years old, to pass on to my daughters as they belonged to my grandmother and her sister - Both had "17 jewels" engraved on the clock faces.

Just a really odd sequence of events for me.

edit on 4-5-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 04:19 AM
Im still back in the page after page of a circle j going round and round, but I do have this to say as far as the
National Guard goes.

If they are there doing nothing or even if they are there doing whatever it is they are suppose to be doing that we aren't privy to, it was President Trump that brought them in which we can all agree on yes? So why isn't President (choke) Biden just sending them back home. He should have the power to do that right? He is technically in charge now, so they should be under his domain of charge right? IF they are doing nothing he should just say Time to go home boys, save the tax payers some money.

So why hasnt he moved them out? Someone, Something, is keeping them there. What could that possibly be? Are they keeping people out or keeping people in?
We saw Pelosi being escorted around. We even saw her looking pretty shaky one day as it "appeared" she was being told exactly what to do from her lone female escort. She looked downright scared. She even begged for more guard at another point in time. This is just 1 example.

For awhile there and even still now we are seeing things going on around the White House that arent exactly normal. The lights going off at 11 pm. Odd coming and goings at night.

I havent caught up yet so this may have already been answered, but do we know yet what was going on when they called Joe to the floor the other night? They had snipers set up and fences put back up.

Nobody knows what the guard is really doing there throughout the day and night. We cant possibly know because we arent there to know. Who knows whats going on during the day inside where we are not allowed. The MSM sure isnt going to tell us and Im not so sure they know either. The point is you cant pretend to know and speak as if you do by saying nothing is happening there. YOU DON'T KNOW either way. Maybe one or two of you do with your backgrounds, but if you do, you arent going to say either.

The in your face most obvious point is the fact that they are STILL THERE and HAVE NOT been ordered by
the New Commander and Chief to go home. Why?

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Been very light headed over last few days. It's usually a sign my blood pressure has dropped, which is not good in my case as I have slightly low blood pressure normally. Last night I was cursing myself as I had left my monitor at my clinic.
I had never connected my BP drops to Schuman before!
Sometimes it has dropped as low as 64/43 and I'm still walking around which completely blows the Dr


posted on May, 4 2021 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Wow... 64/43?

As in 6+4+4+3 = 17???

My GP doesn't want me to go to the clinic... they want me to just email my readings in!

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: onehuman

Hi Onehuman,

1. Barriers = visible / quietly screaming to all something isn't normal
2. Lack of Press Curiosity = why aren't questions being raised daily ???
3. Politicians quiet on both sides = both sides know but not talking ???
4. DC Capitol Protocols = POTUS required to wait for official request ???

Two sources offering clues:
(1) Senate Committee Hearing on Capitol attack - Feb 23

The witnesses:
Metropolitan Police Dept. acting chief Robert Contee III
former US Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund
former Senate Sergent at Arms Michael Stenger
former House Sergent at Arms Paul Irving

- Sen Scott's asks about NG / Barrier (Skip to 2:38:00 - 2:44:44 )
- 3/4 of witnesses left days after Jan 6 & now out of the loop (don't know shield)
- suggested "current capitol police leadership w/ acting sergent-at-arms" know
- who are these new leaders (not named / quiet / unresponsive to questions)
- nature & classification of threat determine info that would be shared

(2) Document reveals new details of dramatic Mike Pence call during Capitol attack: "Building not secure"

- Kash Patel on record that President Trump pre-approved 3 days before event
- POTUS approval was pending an official request from Capitol police / leadership

edit on 4-5-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 05:59 AM
Im still quite a few pages back trapped in the whirlpool of the need to have the last word queens. (sigh) You guys really do know better...

Anyhow, as far as the National Guard goes still being in DC, one thing nobody has seemed to address is this.

We can all agree President Trump brought them there yes? He was their Commander and Chief and had every right to being them there for whatever reason.

Thing is we have a New Commander and Chief now with President (choke) Biden. Why hasnt he sent them home if they are there for no reason and not doing anything? He has every right to send them home or keep them as well.

There are 100's of them there. Nobody can claim to know what they are or arent doing there through the day inside. We cant possibly know because we arent there to witness it. Even if the MSM knew I highly doubt they would tell us, but frankly I dont think they even know.

Clearly Someone or Something wants them there or they wouldnt be there. Biden at any time could come out and say time to go home troops, save the tax payers some money, your job here is done.

Yet he hasnt, so Why Not? There is a reason they are still there. We can speculate all day long, but thats all it will be. Clearly though Something is going on and they need to be there for whatever reason.

ETA: Sorry about the dbl post, my wifi crashed when I hit send so I didnt realize it had gone through the first time. Mod can delete if they want
edit on 5/4/21 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: onehuman

Why Washington's National Guard is still in D.C. - 4/28/2021

“We're at the one of the Senate buildings near the Capitol, and we're just standby," Conley said. "We're there, physically present, ready to respond in case anything was to happen.”

Being on "standby" is exactly what it sounds like — waiting in case the Capitol police call on them for assistance.

“We have riot gear near us in case we need to put that on and go out," Conley said. "We try to fill up the time with training. With that riot control stuff, there's lots of processes and whatnot … so we're not twiddling our thumbs all day.

"We're here to support the Capitol police until it's deemed that we're no longer needed."

Flashback February 12, 2021
National Guard could stay in DC until the fall, source reveals to FOX 5

An internal e-mail obtained by FOX 5 reveals members of the National Guard might still be in D.C. through the Fall of 2021.

The National Security Council is asking the Department of Defense to engage Capitol Police on planning for post-March 12th support, according to the e-mail.

Last I heard they re-ramped up for the Chauvin Verdict .. Pentagon chief approves request to extend National Guard protection of Capitol - approved till May23rd 2021

The number of Guard members will be reduced from about 5,200 to 2,300 as a part of Austin’s authorization, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said in a statement Tuesday night. The forces left are approved through May 23.

Meanwhile While protecting the Politicians Defense Department cancels all border wall contracts using funds intended for military missions 4-30-2021

“DoD has begun taking all necessary actions to cancel border barrier projects and to coordinate with interagency partners. Today’s action reflects this Administration’s continued commitment to defending our nation and supporting our service members and their families,” Brown added.

----- misc Guard News Today’s Headlines: Turmoil atop the California National Guard

A shake-up at the California National Guard results in the firing of one general and the suspension of another.

edit on 542021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
I don't have a need for that since I don't have a hopium addiction I need to keep feeding with every possible "maybe" out there.

OH? My bottle is full, I am saving mine for when I get some real hope. You are just so off it is funny. Are you sure you don't need to study more, because we see it so clearly dask? So clearly that some tutoring by Dash would greatly help if you would just sit back and ponder his posts more carefully than we see so far.

God has a purpose for us all. I hope you can see that mine was not to belittle your observations as much as we have to follow the truth where ever it leads us and not constantly ignore huge facts as dashen has been pointing out in so many posts to you this sub thread. You just can't undo the facts in the end and will have to face them one day.

I am facing them daily and surviving. You can too.

edit on 4-5-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 06:41 AM
What is going on with Incentive Q?. What do you all think? I know DJT has never been real keen on crypto... Maybe it's a different reason than he might lead us to believe publicly.

Also, I am a bit overwhelmed by the chans, and rarely ever venture to that part of the web. What makes up and determines a trip code? I never really wrapped my melon around the concept.

Anyways, I appreciate all of you as we move closer to this 5D conciousness. D5 reflection, if you will.
Been rather busy and strange last couple days.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Justoneman
He ritualistically comes to this thread to scrutinize, criticize, question and undermine the information, thoughts and ideas that are circulated here but in all the time that I've followed this thread I have never seen him share any of his own beliefs, theories or assumptions about this world or anything that's going on in it. He protects his own ideas from scrutiny which is rather gutless if you think about it

Sad but true. Probably not a computer bot. How much does that pay since we are working for freedom and he is working against it and pretending we can't be right.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: FlyingFox

Speaking of the Schuman resonance thing, did anyone else find it nearly impossible to sleep last night?

What do people do with their time if they can't sleep at night. Read? Stare at the darkness? (I've never had insomnia)

I only slept 4 hrs last night. I listen to various trance music, or old Art Bell episodes, or lectures from philosophical mystic teachers. That usually knocks me out in about an hour or like last night took 3 hrs.

Back in the 90's Art kept me up with all the information and speculation with some real interesting subject that gave us a chance to explore the facts that we had at the time. I believed very little but was inspired to think for myself by every bit of it.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: dashen
Not necessarily.

Honestly the hit/miss ratio from the speculation in these threads is pretty bad.

Honesty, you have stuck to that BS the whole time when we have told you that your nemesis Ku is not telling us times and dates but rather our own speculation, which is supposed to be wrong or right that gets vetted with real facts not pretend ones. We have sans you, decided to agree that no time lines are real and Sun Tzu or die is the real strategy and there is where you seem to be lost. Please, do the world a favor and go read some more information for about a year and then come back with your facts. Some of you people are not helping your own cause by attempting to ignore, ignore and twist reality.

Check mate!

edit on 4-5-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

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