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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: carewemust

care, if we build on doobydoll's Parting the Waters analogy, with the Waters being "We the People" who reunite to drown out the Pharoahs after the Jews/Israel have divided the waters, then:

Saving Israel for last is analgous to the waters cutting off, for ever, the Pharoahs from God's chosen?

As Water = information, this is also a metaphor for drowning out the MSM by moving to an Internet v2 - which they are simply not granted access to?

I think the parting of the water reveals the final steps to freedom.

The water could be the old MSN under devine intervention. Only they can reveal the path to those who they have deceived for so long and fed with a spoon.

It will be humbled by it's lack of power against new truth and swept aside long enough for the last steps to be taken.

Then the MSN will be left to turn, like they have been programmed to do since their inception. They will turn on the nearest available excuse and target for their own apparent weakness and failure to keep the illusion of self control.

The Pharaohs who chase in anger, the mistresses and Masters, the hiders of truth.

Drowned and swept away.

Meanwhile, the sun breaks through the clouds across the water on a new beginning.

The surface is calm once more.

Although water moves, it is still a captive in a big pond.

We overcame that a long, long time ago.

Just how long ago is another story isn't it?

Easy looking up into infininty isn't it?

Water eh? So much hidden.

And so many questions.

edit on 16/2/2021 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 02:38 PM
You guys might be interested in this, in 2011 a band came out called " The vaccines " created on the same day that the 2020 Covid19 was announced.

Careful, subliminals are everywhere.
edit on 16-2-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 02:43 PM
edit on 16-2-2021 by SKEPTEK because: inappropriate

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Caled

the chair on the right doesn't seem to touch the floor properly.

Hi Caled. Looking at my dining room set right now and it looks like the whole thing is floating off the hard wood floor. That's because I put felt protectors on the bottoms of each leg so as not to scratch my floor. Looks exactly like the foot of the chair you're referring to in the pic.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 02:56 PM

Interesting article...

In this gripping manifesto, the citizen journalist who uncovered the identities of the Salisbury assassins sets out his optimistic vision for news gathering in the 21st century.

In July 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed in eastern Ukraine. Why? In pre-digital times it would have taken weeks or months to get an answer. These days, the truth can be found at warp speed. A former office worker, Eliot Higgins, saw a post on YouTube of a Buk missile launcher trundling down a street. “Gold star sticker to the first person who geo-locates this video,” he tweeted.

Seven minutes later one of Higgins’s followers solved the mystery. They suggested the Buk had gone through Snizhne in eastern Ukraine, a town under the control of pro-Moscow rebels. Higgins looked at the clues – a two-lane road, three distinct trees, red roof. He pulled up Google Earth. It matched. The launcher was going south. The question now was where had the Buk come from, and which state had fired it at MH17?

The book – written with the novelist and journalist Tom Rachman – is also a manifesto for optimism in a dark age. It argues that “cyber-miserabilism” – the doomy belief that big tech and bad actors have permanently screwed our democracy – is wrong. Instead, Higgins hails the internet as an “extraordinary gift”. In his view, facts still matter, accountability is possible, and people still care about the difference between truth and lies.

We Are Bellingcat by Eliot Higgins review – the reinvention of reporting for the internet age

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 03:07 PM
from GE telegram account

On the photo that was being discussed, could the head/neck have been changed? Not sure if it is my eyes but it doesn't look like the guy further from "Trump" has a reflection even though the bottle next to him does - could just be my eyes.

Also on the subject of photos/possible doubles, on Jan 20 with RSBN covered Trump in FL, IIRC I didn't think the man in the SUV looked like Trump and the live video I was watching at the time was glitching when he went by. I don't have a link but you can google the video.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 03:15 PM
I believe the guy between Eric and Ivanka is Tiffany Trump's boyfriend, Michael Boulos.

Where's Tiffany? Where's Melania?

The young tall guy with the mask on standing in the doorway with the blue fleece sweater looks like Barron to me.

This looks like Nov./Dec. of 2020 since there are masks and some Christmas decorations.

Everybody is 100% focused on Jared except for who I think is Barron.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 03:20 PM

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Look just above Kushner's head and you see the top half of a wooden CHAIR (You're "chair on right") but also a table top, with no bottom half and taken down to floor level!

Hi Rel. It looks like a 'sunken' dining room to me. We just don't see the steps down because of the angle.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: bradychick
a reply to: TigerDrew

blown up - doesn't look like him to me....

If John Madden and Boris Johnson has a love child...

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 03:54 PM
Notice anything?

"UK detects another 15 cases of South African Covid variant – while officials spot 42 infections of ANOTHER strain with same SA mutation that makes jabs slightly less effective."

Earlier today the same article with info-graphic had UK "33" new variants; it's even in the URL but, now 42 and "56" dropped to "55"

From magick 'case' numbers to now magick variants.
Population has been hypnotized by mainstream media. They respond like Pavlov’s dog. Politician are crowd pleasers. They are stuck in the narrative. Those with critical thinking with the tough common sense questions are censored. Media jackals are protecting their bread and butter: selling fear.

Meanwhile...Sounds like a payoff.
edit on 16-2-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 03:58 PM


posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

Haha! I remember one year, I parked my car after work. All four of my tires were sitting in small puddles of water each. Didn't think that one through. Well, we went into deep freeze overnight, and my car was completely frozen in place to the ground by next morning. The puddles of water froze and my tires would not move, lol. Don't park in puddles! Fun times! ETA: I should add, I plugged my block heater before heading indoors the night before.... Oh, and one more prevent your car doors from freezing shut, spray your door seals with cooking spray, and put freezer bags over your wing mirrors securing them with an elastic.

edit on 16-2-2021 by CanadianMason because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2021 by CanadianMason because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2021 by CanadianMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:10 PM


posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:16 PM


posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
Don't know if this is actual or bs but anyway.

If photos not showing let me know.

Ok not showing.

never mind will find it



posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:19 PM
Former President Trump released a scathing statement Tuesday afternoon targeting Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell.

Ouch, Mitch.

Where does President Trump release his statements? On what platform or website?

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Update. Ok I see it went through disregard above.

Yeah its interesting.

edit on 16-2-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:39 PM
Maybe there is more to the "game" "story." The curios thing is the clip is one second long. What's the point? Why is he even in CD anyway? And why, for the love of god, do his grandchildren spend ALL, and I mean ALL of their time around this guy?

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:43 PM
As Ghost Ezra points out, tomorrow is a 1 Year DELTA on #3872 GAME OVER!

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 73bdd5 No.8168745 📁
Feb 17 2020 21:29:50 (EST)
To be blunt….


What instrument is BLUNT?

edit on 16-2-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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