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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Noice value add PFS!

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: crankyoldman

I never understood why anyone would send their DNA to a company. Companies get sold. Companies don't always abide by their promises.

I have asked a few people, "why in the world would do that?" The most cringe worthy answer? Because the kit was a Christmas present from so-and-so.

My wife did it for her family history is lost due to being adopted. We have found a lot of siblings including some Native Americans that has been one of the most fantastic stories of our lives to meet several sisters and one of two brothers. Mom was part Indian and one sister is mostly. Mom and Dad were 'foolin' around with more than one.... I am glad she was not aborted. So are our kids. She was part Irish and the parents that adopted her were Irish ancestry. What a great family they were to invite a strangers child into their lives.

edit on 16-2-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 01:16 AM
Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is the battle of perceptions and information. 5GW is also a cultural and moral war, which distorts the perception of the masses to give a manipulated view of the world and politics.

We are no longer fighting a defined adversary in a defined battlespace for a defined period of time. Instead the 5th generation mission space is a continuous global battle of narratives that will play out over both virtual and physical space and encompass a range of violent and non-violent actions and effects.

And so to war...The slow escalation through the phases towards the open commitment of military forces in phase 5 will be achieved with subtly and ambiguity to such an existent that it will be difficult to know at which point the phase of conflict has changed. It will be extremely difficult to set ‘Red Lines’ and threshold for when to act. We may well find ourselves way past the point of intervention without having realized we were even in a contest, akin to the fable of the boiling frog. In this event the adversaries setting of the narrative will have achieved, at least partially, the desired outcome, without the commitment of forces to the lethal fight. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, This is the supreme art of 5th Generation War.

However, in 5GW, the state of war will never be declared as the adversary will seek to impose its values on another through the cognitive effect. The next conflict, be it between a state, a non-state or a combination of the two, will certainly be an economic and a social contest, whether or not it becomes a lethal military fight: it will be a contest over the cognitive mission space.

Source Fifth Generation Warfare, THE ART OF WAR, COGNITIVE EFFECT [PDF]

The successful application of the Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic" (Rees 2009, following in the spirit of Clarke's Law, propounded by the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey) "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". The Fifth-Generation warrior hides in the shadows, or in the static.

From "The Handbook of 5GW: A Fifth Generation of War?" by Daniel H. Abbott.

Initially, theorists associated with fifth-generation warfare (5GW), such as Abbott,198 Herring,199 Safranski,200 Slog,201 and Weeks,202 attempted to define 5GW. A more thorough understanding by Slog defines 5GW as the secret deliberative manipulation of actors, networks, institutions, states or any [0GW, 1GW] 2GW/3GW/4GW forces to achieve a goal or set of goals across a combination of socioeconomic and political domains while attempting to avoid or minimize the retaliatory offensive or defensive actions/reactions of 2GW, 3GW, 4GW powered actors, networks, institutions, and/ or states.

5GW is the battle of perceptions and information. In 5GW, violence is so discreetly dispersed that the victim is not even aware that it is a victim of war and the victim is not aware that it is losing the war. The secrecy of this warfare makes it the most dangerous warfare generation of all time.

Source: Fourth and Fifth-Generation Warfare: Technology and Perceptions page 209. Interesting this came from a Dr. Waseem Ahmad Qureshi, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan and a line from his abstract states:
"The basic framework of modern warfare was elaborated by Carl von Clausewitz in his magnus opus On War."

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 02:59 AM


posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

I am just catching up and waaaay behind. I apologize for taking so long to respond. I appreciate your clarification on Jackson with regards to the Louisiana Purchase. I was a bit extreme with the Nero reference. Sorry to use such negative hyperbole to stain and deflate his impact on U.S. history.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

To be fair we have no idea when that photo may have been taken Rel, it could have been before the 20th Jan

... however if you look in really closely IS that Trump in the background ? or a body double ? It really doesn't look like his face ! Is that the main purpose of the photo ? to imply that Trump is elsewhere and doing other things. Also, who is taking the picture, is there a family member missing ?

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 06:47 AM
Military Times on upcoming SCOTUS

Are we down to 2 now?

With the Inauguration Day in the past and a peaceful transition of power executed, Committee for Justice president Curt Levey said now is the perfect time for the justices to exercise their “civic duty” to address the legality of state officials changing state assemblies’ election laws.

No one can get too upset with what they would decide,” Levey said.

Can I get another fortune cookie please?

Apple and Fakebook are butting heads

Facebook vs Apple

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Do you let your vehicle idle 24/7?

Not sure about these days due to cost but back in the 80s and 90s I used to let my VW diesel run overnight in extreme temps.

I wonder how PokeyJoe's doing this morning? Not sure if he's posted yet, just catching up.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Noice value add PFS!

One thing I have realized over the last couple of months is that this thing is, indeed, biblical in nature. I have a story to tell about all of this, but the time isn't right until it's over. Some may recall that a few months back I had told the thread I had to make an unexpected trip out to Oregon to relocate my ex. Well, the craziness began then and hasn't stopped since. In the past I may have just chalked it all up to "bad times. These things happen", but we blew by any chance of everything just being happenstance some time ago. We are fully into "otherworldly" status now and there is no convincing me otherwise.

Everyone needs to be prayerful right now. Times may be tough right now, but try to keep love in your hearts. What is happening right now is biblical in nature, so people need to be prepared for what that entails.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:14 AM
That picture is reversed. The first thing that drew my attention was the part on President Trump's hair. Then if you look at the Secret Service shirts, you can see the emblem is on the wrong side. And the handset on the phone. And flipping the picture puts everyone's glasses in reach of their right hands. Why did he reverse the picture?

Flipped back:

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: pteridine

Also Ghost Ezra links to this Scavino FB picture, here:
1) Look at the body language, 3 have legs crossed in a defensive, receding pose away from Jared Kushner, and Eric and Don Jr have hands in front indicating a "closed" body language towards him.
2) The lack of Empathy in their faces to Kushner - looks like he's being QUESTIONED!
3) His hair is uncharacteristically untidy (tussled at the back),
4) The 3 security people are also unusual in such a picture - are they there because Kushner is under house arrest? Note they all have the same emblem on their right chest (left as we look at them).
5) Pres. Trump has his Presidential overcoat on and a BLUE tie (=Knowledge/Information). If he's a private citizen then why not Smart Casual in his own home?
6) Pres. Trump has his hands in pockets - never seen that before! He is also withdrawn from the group, behind them... indicating a distancing from Kushner?

Symbolically, are we "seeing the back" of Jared Kushner?

Or is he being given his chance to seek forgiveness? Whilst pushing his work on the Abraham Accord.

We have been told to be ready to FORGIVE - it makes sense that the Presidential family set the example?

edit on 2/16/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Caled

Imo that picture is definitely some sort of come to Jesus moment for the Trump clan and Kushner. Like Sufi said, I've never seen POTUS with his hands in his pockets before. That seems out of character for Trump. He looks both defensive and upset. Don Jr kinda looks like he is ready to get up and kick Kushner's ass. In fact, everyone in the room looks like they're either annoyed or angry. Wish we could see Ivanka's face. And maybe the rest of her too.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Sadly a great many ... I just cannot wake up my family and closr friends despite frequent hard core attempts. I am now banned from mentioning anything that they perceive to be 'conspiracy theories'.
Despite me giving them a lot of info, they are just not interested in looking into it. The starting problem is that they just cannot accept some kind of 'deep state' (that does not not have their best interests at heart) because it just seems to incredible to believe. Therefore any thinking to the contrary is rejected out of hand as being totally fantastical ! Especially with the stranglehold that these 'Fact Checkers' have coupled with the Media (re: the good old trustworthy Beeb in the UK).
It is going to have to take something fairly major to start happening to be able to get them to ask questions - which I then of course can answer.

Roll on that day x

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

The trouble with Biblical is people's eyes tend to glaze over. We've had it pounded into our heads for a while now.

I agree with you, but people will only receive the message if they want to. For some it will be too late.

I'm curious what members think about the Rapture. Not the thread for it though.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is the battle of perceptions and information. 5GW is also a cultural and moral war, which distorts the perception of the masses to give a manipulated view of the world and politics.

We are no longer fighting a defined adversary in a defined battlespace for a defined period of time. Instead the 5th generation mission space is a continuous global battle of narratives that will play out over both virtual and physical space and encompass a range of violent and non-violent actions and effects.

And so to war...The slow escalation through the phases towards the open commitment of military forces in phase 5 will be achieved with subtly and ambiguity to such an existent that it will be difficult to know at which point the phase of conflict has changed. It will be extremely difficult to set ‘Red Lines’ and threshold for when to act. We may well find ourselves way past the point of intervention without having realized we were even in a contest, akin to the fable of the boiling frog. In this event the adversaries setting of the narrative will have achieved, at least partially, the desired outcome, without the commitment of forces to the lethal fight. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, This is the supreme art of 5th Generation War.

However, in 5GW, the state of war will never be declared as the adversary will seek to impose its values on another through the cognitive effect. The next conflict, be it between a state, a non-state or a combination of the two, will certainly be an economic and a social contest, whether or not it becomes a lethal military fight: it will be a contest over the cognitive mission space.

Source Fifth Generation Warfare, THE ART OF WAR, COGNITIVE EFFECT [PDF]

The successful application of the Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic" (Rees 2009, following in the spirit of Clarke's Law, propounded by the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey) "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". The Fifth-Generation warrior hides in the shadows, or in the static.

From "The Handbook of 5GW: A Fifth Generation of War?" by Daniel H. Abbott.

Initially, theorists associated with fifth-generation warfare (5GW), such as Abbott,198 Herring,199 Safranski,200 Slog,201 and Weeks,202 attempted to define 5GW. A more thorough understanding by Slog defines 5GW as the secret deliberative manipulation of actors, networks, institutions, states or any [0GW, 1GW] 2GW/3GW/4GW forces to achieve a goal or set of goals across a combination of socioeconomic and political domains while attempting to avoid or minimize the retaliatory offensive or defensive actions/reactions of 2GW, 3GW, 4GW powered actors, networks, institutions, and/ or states.

5GW is the battle of perceptions and information. In 5GW, violence is so discreetly dispersed that the victim is not even aware that it is a victim of war and the victim is not aware that it is losing the war. The secrecy of this warfare makes it the most dangerous warfare generation of all time.

Source: Fourth and Fifth-Generation Warfare: Technology and Perceptions page 209. Interesting this came from a Dr. Waseem Ahmad Qureshi, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan and a line from his abstract states:
"The basic framework of modern warfare was elaborated by Carl von Clausewitz in his magnus opus On War."

Good post ETMN. It sounds like what is happening currently.
Dems failed to prove their case for impeachment over the weekend because the evidence they presented was then shown to have been altered, forged, in order to deceive the court into convicting an innocent person. Lost their case.

Then this morning I'm reading on the t'internet 'news' that house managers are celebrating a successful impeachment, a win, victory.
Dem voters on the social medias going along with the delusion and shouting '57-43 Trump lost' - totally ignoring the fact that they needed at least 67 to win. And they actually believe it. Why? How?

Before meditation this morning - What is this fookery? I ask.

Spirit reminds me of the importance and power of sound.

Sound, vibration, frequency, can organise particles to create shapes, forms, movement, etc. Spirit shows particles/grains jostling around on a membrane, when particular sounds vibrate the membrane all particles run to different groups and form a pattern. Any change to the sound, frequency, causes the lighter particles to break/destroy the pattern and run around to create a new/different pattern/form/shape. Sound is able to create forms and patterns, and is able to destroy them, too.
Mankind responds the same way.

Sound, vibration, applied to a container of different-sized particles will cause only the 'Light' ones amongst them to rise above all the rest.
Heavy, dense = dark. Light = Light.

Spirit then shows me the Biblical parting of the waters - I am above the scene looking down. I see two walls of water one on the left and one on the right with a path or road between like the Bible story. I see dark silhouette figures/people on it, walking along it. They are not hurrying, they are walking, relaxed, and discussing how high the walls of water are but they don't seem to be aware at all of the dangerous situation they are in. The water is HUGE both sides. Spirit shows both sides collapsing in on the path and the dark ones suddenly realise too late there's nothing they can do. The water then becomes one body of water again and the dark ones are no more.

Spirit makes me feel like the water is alive and aware, a living conscious entity, and it is watching the dark figures, waiting for them to walk further along the path until the time is right.

I think Spirit is saying that we the people, mankind, are the body of water and we have been divided, by words/sound. The dark ones, TPTB, are on the path between and they are marvelling and consumed with pride at their power to divide us right down the middle - look, they say to each other, we have power like that of God, we have divided these waters/people.
Showing off their achievement, they have become blind to the catastrophic danger they have walked into.
When the time is right, the living waters/people, left and right, will unite and crush those that think they are safe on the path in the middle of it all.

I think this is what Spirit showed me.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:19 AM
I keep staring at "President Trump" in that picture. Is it just me, or does it look more like Boris Johnson? Look at the tie too. Only Boris would wear a tie that was wrinkled like that.

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: Caled

Imo that picture is definitely some sort of come to Jesus moment for the Trump clan and Kushner. Like Sufi said, I've never seen POTUS with his hands in his pockets before. That seems out of character for Trump. He looks both defensive and upset. Don Jr kinda looks like he is ready to get up and kick Kushner's ass. In fact, everyone in the room looks like they're either annoyed or angry. Wish we could see Ivanka's face. And maybe the rest of her too.

edit on 2/16/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Caled

Not Boris Johnson but looks more like a particular actor - his name just won't come to me for the mo ! It definitely doesn't look like Trump though, something to do with the eyes.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: Caled

Imo that picture is definitely some sort of come to Jesus moment for the Trump clan and Kushner. Like Sufi said, I've never seen POTUS with his hands in his pockets before. That seems out of character for Trump. He looks both defensive and upset. Don Jr kinda looks like he is ready to get up and kick Kushner's ass. In fact, everyone in the room looks like they're either annoyed or angry. Wish we could see Ivanka's face. And maybe the rest of her too.

It's Kushner explaining to DJT and clan why they absolutely cannot get on Gab.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:52 AM
That picture has to be old. The table behind them has mercury glass Christmas tree decorations. There is no way those are still up anywhere.

originally posted by: TigerDrew
a reply to: Caled

Not Boris Johnson but looks more like a particular actor - his name just won't come to me for the mo ! It definitely doesn't look like Trump though, something to do with the eyes.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:57 AM
Ghost Ezra I haven't figured out how detailed to be w/respect to caps errors

The wives were just as wicked as the husbands. It's a partnership. Both have to agree before they make their pact and commitments. Both are charged. Both complicit. Watch the wives. Mitch McConnell wife is a watcher.
"were" instead of "are" may be consistent with charged and no longer are wicked.
Missing " 's "

McConnells wife has Ccp ties.
Missing apostrophe. I don't know if CCP is an important correction

Back to the future. Tennet. Independence Day. Matrix. White Squall. Wonder women 1984. Songbird (new covid movie).

Tennet vice Tenet extra N
Wonder women vice Wonder Woman "e" vice "a", cap W? new?

with apostrophe s = new's ?

In looking at the family picture post, I think it does look like either Kushner is defending himself or explaining something that the others don't like. The Trump figure looks like a body double but the resolution is not the best.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: TigerDrew

Good point on whether it was a Pres.Trump body double!

Melania or Barron could have taken the photo.

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