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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: HackScribbler
I see they moved the goalposts in the Trump trial. Now they're going to call witnesses.


Some would say that is what the Trump team wants.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Actually you’re not too far off. We’re entering a Grand Solar Minimum, and they’re predicting global temperatures to go down in the near future. Solar storm activity and sunspot activity is what controls the global climate - NOT manmade anything.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: HackScribbler

They're about to reconvene and the latest word from people reporting on this is no witnesses. They're considering deposing Beutler and allowing the transcript to be read into the record.

Same difference if you ask me.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
What did Nancy and Mitch know and when did they know it? I think it is evident that the “insurrection” on the 6th was planned ahead of time. It will be very interesting to find out who was involved prior to the start.

From what I have read and seen about how security works at the capital the sargeant of arms had to have some direction and who are the people that can direct them? That question should get many questions moving and expose some players.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: HackScribbler
I see they moved the goalposts in the Trump trial. Now they're going to call witnesses.


Some would say that is what the Trump team wants.

You know, and he must, that any witnesses for the left will perjure themselves. That's part of their MO.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
a reply to: underpass61
We are trying to wake up most of the population. It takes a lot of patience to play the long game. I am very impatience living my prime years in the age of instant gratification. Just have to think about the majority of perspectives that don't think and have no mindfullness.

Around where I live, I don't see many at all "waking up" and I doubt anything is going to do it short of dropping it all on them and watching their fear and confusion consume them. One couple we know literally have a family rule that no one is allowed to say the word "Trump", it's that bad. It's going to be quite a show.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
a reply to: underpass61
We are trying to wake up most of the population. It takes a lot of patience to play the long game. I am very impatience living my prime years in the age of instant gratification. Just have to think about the majority of perspectives that don't think and have no mindfullness.

Around where I live, I don't see many at all "waking up" and I doubt anything is going to do it short of dropping it all on them and watching their fear and confusion consume them. One couple we know literally have a family rule that no one is allowed to say the word "Trump", it's that bad. It's going to be quite a show.

Adults acting worse than children. It's pathetic.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Caled

They’ve just been pouring radioactive waste and water into the Pacific for the last 10 years straight. 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. And it’s like nobody cares, or everybody has forgotten or something….but this is still a gigantic problem with no solution.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: Caled

They’ve just been pouring radioactive waste and water into the Pacific for the last 10 years straight. 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. And it’s like nobody cares, or everybody has forgotten or something….but this is still a gigantic problem with no solution.

I've always been puzzled as to why they just don't expand the storage area inland. They're in a 30-mile exclusion zone.

It's not like they lack real estate.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:41 AM
Am I the only one that thinks calling witnesses is going to backfire? Prosecution already caught falsifying evidence which should throw out the whole trial...getting sworn testimony and I'm sure video evidence to back it up...Will the truth ACTUALLY come out? I won't hold my breath but how are witnesses taking the stand and lying under oath going to help their cause? Because that's exactly what it will be.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
What did Nancy and Mitch know and when did they know it? I think it is evident that the “insurrection” on the 6th was planned ahead of time. It will be very interesting to find out who was involved prior to the start.

From what I have read and seen about how security works at the capital the sargeant of arms had to have some direction and who are the people that can direct them? That question should get many questions moving and expose some players.

That would be the stake. I real the Sargent of arms was told to stand down. Show the video where one of the supporters are begging the guards to do something, call for help. Show the video where they scream antifa and a guy pulls a guy down from busting a window. This is the platform, to fight on..

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
a reply to: underpass61
We are trying to wake up most of the population. It takes a lot of patience to play the long game. I am very impatience living my prime years in the age of instant gratification. Just have to think about the majority of perspectives that don't think and have no mindfullness.

Around where I live, I don't see many at all "waking up" and I doubt anything is going to do it short of dropping it all on them and watching their fear and confusion consume them. One couple we know literally have a family rule that no one is allowed to say the word "Trump", it's that bad. It's going to be quite a show.

Yeah. That is frightening that they would ban the name of a President in their household. Last time I checked, he never owned any slaves, unlike Washington and Jefferson. Hell, Jackson was the most Nero-esque President we ever had with what he did to the Natives and the Trail of Tears with the Louisiana Purchase.

Like you said, I am really going to enjoy people losing it and, of course, try to help those that will listen to help guide them towards sanity. That is if they arent forever lost. Funny how they have been the conspiracy theorists the last few years peddling media one liners as God's given truth. All I can say is...

Welcome to the BOOMERANGATANG!!!

edit on 13-2-2021 by BoomGiggle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 12:08 PM
The Raskin guy is a piece of work

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Parksy1981

Cheers for the link Parksy!

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: BoomGiggle

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
a reply to: underpass61
We are trying to wake up most of the population. It takes a lot of patience to play the long game. I am very impatience living my prime years in the age of instant gratification. Just have to think about the majority of perspectives that don't think and have no mindfullness.

Around where I live, I don't see many at all "waking up" and I doubt anything is going to do it short of dropping it all on them and watching their fear and confusion consume them. One couple we know literally have a family rule that no one is allowed to say the word "Trump", it's that bad. It's going to be quite a show.

Yeah. That is frightening that they would ban the name of a President in their household.

Funny thing is when I found out, it wasn't even in a direct reference to Trump himself. We live a quarter mile from Trump National golf course and the husband and I were talking about something that happened "near Trump's" and his wife quickly admonished him for saying the word out loud. He gave me a sheepish look while I sat there in stunned silence. Like I said, it's baaaaad.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Mister science/sjw said that the radioactivity will
‘harmlessly disperse into the ocean, like mixing a drink’.

This is pretty much verbatim.
Does anyone remember this?

I may have a sc somewhere.

# 1370

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 12:37 PM
The Donald... a world leader in Irish legend.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 12:38 PM
Reading that Biden has now ordered the NG to stay in DC through 2021....anyone need a banana?

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

Disclose TV reporting that the military will stay in DC through the end of the year.

This is interesting. Look at what happened in Myanmar. The military took over for a period of one year. Awhile back I was under the idea that what may happen is that the military may have to remain in control long enough to oversee new special elections.

People wondering why troops are being sent back into Syria? The idea here is that Trump is not some secret President. His term ended at noon on Jan 20. Right now it's the military in control. It's no secret that the Pentagon brass didn't agree with Trumps drawdowns. It is therefore no surprise that once Trump stepped down that they sent troops back in. If they had had it their way those troops would have never left. Joe Biden not needed.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
The open internet was a huge tool to fight against the deepstate propaganda and we have lost it under Q/trump.

I've seen you mention this net neutrality thing more than once.

You do realize that there wasn't really any official net neutrality until 2015, and even then it wasn't a law or anything, it was some new FCC opinions/rulings, that were simply reversed in 2017 - right Also, if memory serves, the new rules were never even implemented. So, what you are talking about is much ado about absolutely nothing, certainly not anything remotely like your mantra that 'Trump killed net neutrality'.

I agree with the idea of net neutrality, but it needs to be done right. IFirst, it needs to be a law, and second, it needs to be simple. Say, 3 sections dealing with each of the 3 different usage scenarios (this is off the top of my head, so I'm sure I'll miss something or get something wrong):

1. ISPs
ISP's are not permitted to throttle users connections to any specific sites or destinations, and are only allowed to throttle individual users speeds by means of an unbiased algorithm whose sole purpose is to maintain platform performance integrity for all users, equally.

2. User Platforms (content/opinion creators/providers are the users)
a) User platforms may not act as content providers by choosing what opinions they will and will not allow to be voiced. The only content that is permitted to be banned is content that is directly advocating criminal behavior or physical violence. The meaning of violence in this regard is limited only to physical violence. There is no Right to not be offended.
b) User Platforms are immune from lawsuits for any user content, unless such content a) advocates physical violence or other criminal activity, and the User Platform has been notified of said content and has not either 1) responded to the complainant informing them that the content in questions does not constitute actual threats of physical violence or other criminal behavior, or 2) taken action to remove it within 48 hours of such notice. Also, only the complainant(s) or the target(s) of the threat has standing to sue under this section.


3. Media Platforms (content/opinion creators/providers are employees of the platform itself)
Media Platforms are liable for damages resulting from any false or misleading content they publish that damages any other person. So, don't knowingly publish lies or misleading information.

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