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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 03:46 PM


posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Never lose sight that many agendas are at play, And plenty of players ....

Some have a lot of Hopium it seems for Q based topics to just go way .... As a side note imo,
Synthetic Biology is just another term for man playing God.

If disease and viruses weren't profitable , then they wouldn't be patenting the secret. They profit from treating not curing.....

edit on 472021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 04:36 PM
I know there has been a lot of disagreement about viewing the information from outside sources in relation to this thread, but there is one source that I have found very interesting and it looks like his info will be provable in the next couple of days. I'm talking about JHTH, which is also LW's source it seems. Back in January, he made this post:


I was just told that there are two possibly three signed executive orders, undated until the appropriate time, SERIOUSLY restricting firearms and ammunition. Part of the EO includes restrictions within MILES of government or federal lands, creating huge gun free zones

Now there is talk that JB will be signing EO's regarding gun control tomorrow. Since JHTH was pretty descriptive as to what his contacts told him, this should be verifiable when the EO's are announced.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 04:38 PM
He did promise one a day revelation. Day 1...

Link to article

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I didn't gloss over that. I pointed out that that isn't the same as what some people are saying, that it changes the DNA.

And, of course, the original point, the spike protein mentioned in the original paper is from the virus and not the vax so fear-mongering about the vax based on that is a moot point.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 05:13 PM

Ironically if one has the right DNA it is the only thing that will keep one alive.

But,,, getting jabbed blood... hmmm.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
SR retweeted this link:

The SPARS Pandemic Of 2025: Echo Chambers And Vaccine Opposition

I think SR spends alot of time scrolling through ATS board. I posted on all that last year and someone created a thread on SPARS.

I have recently been wondering if SR is really a member of ATS looking for some kind of bizarre glory by reposting what people are saying in these threads in disguised, Q type of posts. SR even adds random bits of news, puts letters and numbers in [the killbox] to form a "secret message", rehashes and/or rearranges previous Q posts, etc. - but, yeah very obvious that SR is copying member posts on ATS and hoping he/she/they don't get called out on it.

Still interesting, but I seriously doubt they are involved with or any part of Q... whoever or whatever Q is/was.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
One would think Adam Schiff would be called out for this, but Pelosi? Now that should be dug into a bit. Did she use this as a form of extortion to keep her position as Speaker?

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

He may be copying his info from somewhere or someone else but I don't think it's ATS. I'm actually the one who stumbled upon SRs Twitter acct back in Jan when his acct was brand new and he only had like 15 followers. I'm the one who posted his first tweets in this thread. A lot of his info is underwhelming and unsubstantiated (imo) just like so much data that's floating around these days. But he mentions quantum computers --specifically Q12SSG. I'm searching and can't find any info on this. Either it doesn't exist or it secretly exists but he correlates it to Q. We are in the Quantum era and countries/corporations are vying for quantum supremacy. That's the one piece of data he puts out that sparks my interest and why I continue to watch his tweets

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 05:54 PM
Is Joe still VP of Ukraine? Could that explain the conflict?

Petri Makela seems to be a good account to keep up on the conflicts going on in Ukraine Russia Region.

Readiness checks will take place in ALL military districts including the Northern Fleet, the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka. All types and branches of troops will take part in them.

Petri replying to this ^^^ tweet.

This is actually a full mobilization of the Russian armed forces into combat readiness.

Everything from sleepy Siberian depots and air force bases to nuclear submarines and the tank divisions.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Speaking of Patrick Howley, a few weeks back he went on a tweeting rampage about how he had inside info on the Vegas shooting and how it was a cover for a botched assassination attempt on SA Prince Mohammed bin Salman which corroborated with one of SRs early tweets. I posted about it. Another reason why I haven't completely written SR off as a larp

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Some have a lot of Hopium it seems for Q based topics to just go way ....

How people come to such a conclusion will always be a mystery to me.

Synthetic Biology is just another term for man playing God.

Not a big deal to some.

If disease and viruses weren't profitable , then they wouldn't be patenting the secret. They profit from treating not curing.....

True, not sure what that has to do with what was being discussed, though.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 06:12 PM
Jon Rappoport is a brilliant Jab researcher. You can learn stuff to educate yourself but probably should not bother sharing said information with friends and family, as things are always more complicated then anyone who wants to argue is willing to bother with.

Figure it out.

Are the peanut allergy people who, will ground a plane out of fear, sure that jabs are not made in a factor that also processes peanuts???

Not sure of the origins of this...

Cases DO NOT equal symptoms but equal a positive test using the wrong/flawed test delivered by incompetent people afraid of losing their jobs.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Speaking of Patrick Howley, a few weeks back he went on a tweeting rampage about how he had inside info on the Vegas shooting and how it was a cover for a botched assassination attempt on SA Prince Mohammed bin Salman which corroborated with one of SRs early tweets. I posted about it. Another reason why I haven't completely written SR off as a larp

I think he's been on Alex Jones show recently. In a similar fashion to Q, these characters like SR monitor the social media fever on what is trending, some regurgitation of old conspiracies, and sometimes with events/persons that gone cold and interject their own snippet based around all of this is a classic intel tactic. Some folks call this 'Dyeing the waters' to map the networks, then go silent and watch the flow to see what sticks and/or leads to anything/anyone. Depending on the outcome dictates another similar post or complete change of topic or shotgun blast of many posts (dyes) then go silent again. SR does not have many followers so may be part of a wider network or just a lone wolf. Who knows.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Cameoii
JohnHereToHelp (JHTH) could be our first legitimate "insider", post-Q. If Biden's gun E.O. aligns with JHTH's prediction, I'll bookmark him in my Top-Sites speed dial. It's been months since anyone warranted such special treatment, lol. Thanks for the heads-up Cameoii!

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: carewemust

If he does pan out, you might be interested in some of the interviews I've heard with him. There were some very far out there, but interesting releases at the end of 2020.

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 07:15 PM

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I'd say at this point, everybody is suspect because everyone is ambiguous. Not one person has stepped out of the fog showing themselves to be trustworthy and benevolent. Including DJT and Q

posted on Apr, 7 2021 @ 08:06 PM

This should be the most red pill of red pills for many.

When this happened, a army of non-china trolls/shills/provocateurs flooded every single internet access point with meth-head level hostility demanding everyone accept the Original Narrative.

It was preposterous, the hate, the anger, the rage that was aimed at forcing everyone to accept what should have been self evident.

Why? If the events were exactly how they described, as in, poor non-defunded officer sick-nick was killed by Trump supporters gleefully bashing his head in with a fire extinguisher then why would an army of penny a post goons be needed to force the Original Narrative?

All Original Narratives MUST BE A LIE!!!

I have said this about the Original Narrative for two decades and here for three years, and this demonstrates the pattern. It also proves this pattern cannot exist unless an army of goons sells it seconds after it is needed, with rage, hate, anger, and irrationality beyond compare. Force.

Now, three months later, the population has moved on to the outrage over POC Trans folks not being pilots, and will not compute this happened EXACTLY how it is designed.

One playbook. Over and over and over. Some take hold, like the insurrection & 911. Some don't. anyone remember the goog shooter?

We're going to see the population's head explode when the George Floyd Original Narrative blows up - this time it was planned. This time the Original Narrative was meant to create the future conflict, the trial delayed, the unrest in reset mode.

Pray for a hung jury, mistrial or serious delay due to Joe having health issues.

All Original Narratives must be a lie, arguing about them is paragraph one in the playbook - stuff the Narrative down the sheep's throat and then encourage them to argue about the minutiae through CIA playbook tactics.

(post by CanadianMason removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

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