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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:18 PM

Finally, as famed lesbian @kittypurrzog notes, there are now -- among Millennials and Gen Z -- more people identifying as trans than lesbian. She has previously argued that masculine girls are now encouraged to identify as trans, causing a decrease in the lesbian population:

@Glen Greenwald thread

How did this happen across 2 generations? Who knows if the number games are even a close estimation but one only needs to glance at the media.

What’s really in our water??!!

Magnus Hirschfeld's World League for Sexual Reform and Institute of Sexology laid all of the foundations for worldwide Sexual Revolution in the early 1900s, it linked activists from Prussia to USA. As soon as WWII was over they unleashed that 💩💩 on the West. Another dark chapter from that era of Germany (Weimar).

Wake up time...soldier...

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:22 PM
Tweet from Wyoming Senator Cynthia Loomis

#BREAKING Fedwire and the other Federal Reserve payment rails are offline. Banks are reliant upon these networks to do business. Let’s work together to ensure we have a faster, more reliable way to send payments. #innovation

Ripple Officially Registers As Wyoming-Based Business

Wyoming moving toward decentralized currency?

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:29 PM
According to Ghost Ezra, GameStop shares more than doubled in 4 hours after noon today:


Recall that hedge funds tried to short GameStop Feb 1st and lost billions when it's share price rose significantly!

I wonder how much the hedge funds are losing today?

edit on 24-2-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

If you actually read what the guy who talked to Maxwell said, she didnt exactly confirm any tapes on Trump OR Clinton. She just said she "doesn't know where they are". And I think she was talking in generalities about the known hidden camera set-ups that Epstein had in all his houses. Assuming this part is true, there must be TONS of tapes of all kinds of powerful people. That begs the question - Why hasn't even one of these tapes seen the light of day?

Perhaps they do not exist anymore? Perhaps they never existed at all? Perhaps much of what we hear about Epstein in popular culture is one gigantic exaggeration?

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Hypernominaization in a nutshell:

Failing system, but no one imagined an alternative to the status quo, politicians, citizens were resigned to maintaining the pretense of a functioning society.This delusion became a self-fulfilling prophecy, the fakeness was accepted by everyone as real.


sounds familiar...

Sounds like the United States of America - cicra 2021.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Young Pharaoh was kicked from CPAC because he criticised Israel and made a factual connection between Mossad, Israel, and Jeffery Epstein
link to video clip

Whats really funny (or ironic, I guess) is that the tagline for this years CPAC is "America Uncancelled". LOL

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Isn't Spiers the dude who supposedly barfed up some kind of "black goo" right before he died?

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:46 PM
What’s Next For Quantum In 2021

Quantum technology is going to revolutionize the future. Whatever else one might say about the Trump administration, one of its major achievements was revolutionizing how the US addressed this potentially disruptive technology—including its possible threat to the world’s encryption systems—especially at the federal level.

President Trump signed the National Quantum Initiative passed by Congress, increasing funding for quantum research by $1.25 billion. The administration also established the National Quantum Coordination Office at the Office of Science and Technology Policy; prompted the Department of Energy to establish a series of Quantum Information Science Research Centers at its outstanding national labs; and created the Quantum Economic Development Consortium to encourage commercialization of quantum technology and components. 


I found this interesting write up on the Quantum Financial System posted by a Swiss located offshore consulting firm:
Quantum Financial System in Detail

To coordinate a national research effort encompassing Federal agencies the academic community, and industry leaders already underway, The White House National Quantum Coordination Office has released A Strategic Vision for America’s Quantum Financial System Networks.  February 2020

Fosterswiss. com

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 04:01 PM
Joe, you may need to contact the manufacturer. I have a tankless. A leak can damage the mother board for those who don't have one. I think the plumber is going to have to order the parts and you need a head start if they are drag assing along to come look. I had an issue with mine not running hot all the time and it turned out after taking it apart three times it was my new shower head I had bought was TOO low of a flow. AOC was happy I am sure.

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: steaming

I got a leak in my tankless water heater last week because of all the crazy weather. My house is still under warranty, but its been almost impossible to get any plumber on the phone to come fix it. I wish these guys would make their way over to San Antonio as well.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Coincidence ?
Of course Not...

....Flashback 2010 - Don't blame the pill for estrogen in drinking water

..... Their report suggests that most of the sex hormone -- source of concern as an endocrine disruptor with possible adverse effects on people and wildlife -- enters drinking water supplies from other sources. The report appears in ACS' journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Their analysis found that EE2 has a lower predicted concentration in U.S. drinking water than natural estrogens from soy and dairy products and animal waste used untreated as a farm fertilizer. And that all humans, (men, women and children, and especially pregnant women) excrete hormones in their urine, not just women taking the pill. Some research cited in the report suggests that animal manure accounts for 90 percent of estrogens in the environment. Other research estimates that if just 1 percent of the estrogens in livestock waste reached waterways, it would comprise 15 percent of the estrogens in the world's water supply.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I remember that Ripple crypto. Danish firm called BiChip has a contract with the US Navy for microchip implant that can integrate with Ripple. Spooky crypto currency stuff. I prefer Bullion coins, thank you very much.

Speaking of Wyoming...

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
I'd rather not be forced to use any type of currency at all tbh. Anything outside of energetic currency...

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Caled

If you listen to any video with a guy named Gene Decode he talks heavily about the DUMBS and uses a couple maps to help along with earthquake tracking maps around the country. His belief is when there is seismic activity at a certain depth it is specifically targeting the underground bases.

There is more to it obviously which he explains in some of the videos. To me it seemed to be reasonable. He also looks worldwide not just the US and has some interesting thoughts about DUMBS all over. The last one I saw was about Libya and Mauritania. According to him he North Africa area has been hit pretty hard recently. He has some satellite images that go with it along with some symbols used at these locations that is interesting

CB, these were screen grabbed when this topic first came up in 2018.

One is from Channel Islands, the other from the Caribbean (can't remember exactly) within a short period of each other.

We've looked at if off and on, but at this point my guess is they are using filters on the graphs to remove those that have the bomb characteristics.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Coincidence ?
Of course Not...

....Flashback 2010 - Don't blame the pill for estrogen in drinking water

..... Their report suggests that most of the sex hormone -- source of concern as an endocrine disruptor with possible adverse effects on people and wildlife -- enters drinking water supplies from other sources. The report appears in ACS' journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Their analysis found that EE2 has a lower predicted concentration in U.S. drinking water than natural estrogens from soy and dairy products and animal waste used untreated as a farm fertilizer. And that all humans, (men, women and children, and especially pregnant women) excrete hormones in their urine, not just women taking the pill. Some research cited in the report suggests that animal manure accounts for 90 percent of estrogens in the environment. Other research estimates that if just 1 percent of the estrogens in livestock waste reached waterways, it would comprise 15 percent of the estrogens in the world's water supply.

Couple this with the very pewblick push to demonize the hormone balancing treatments by attacking athletes and steroid use. Estrogen is here to stay because Barry took roids and it interferes with the "integrity of the game." Hormone levels of men from 100 years ago = wrong, man-boobs = good.

Emasculate and make "toxic maleness" the demon while pushing gender confusion, disorientation and victimhood.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

You sir are right on the money, err water.👀 Think it's safer to drink right out of a backyard creek with the source from the mountains before it flows past any chem plants. Meh, the damn chem trails took care of that water freedom. C'mon man, is anything safe anymore. Mother Earth is getting pissed. Damn!

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
I'd rather not be forced to use any type of currency at all tbh. Anything outside of energetic currency...

Indeed, I'm with you there.😎

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 05:16 PM
Ghost Ezra seems to be hinting that Pres. Trump's speech at CPAC, on Sunday Feb 28th, is linked to a big Stock Market crash on Thursday 25th (tomorrow) or Monday 29th?


Followed a while later by:


For some reason there is an emphasis on JUMPERS:
a) Wall St crash Oct 29th 1929 "Jumpers",
b) 911 Jumpers (and lost financial records)... 91129

Is this a reference to time travel or Teleporting? Jumpers 2 - film

Or to an "Un-ravelling" - as in a knitted jumper.

edit on 24-2-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 05:43 PM
Rep. Elise Stefanik: Gov. Cuomo is a ‘criminal sexual predator’ and should resign

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a “criminal sexual predator” who “must immediately resign” over a former aide’s detailed sexual-harassment allegations, a member of Congress from upstate New York said Wednesday.

Governor Cuomo has earned his title as Worst Governor in America, and now every New Yorker knows that he is a criminal sexual predator,” Stefanik said in a prepared statement.

“I already called for Gov. Cuomo to resign over his mishandling of nursing homes, the [death toll] coverup, and for threatening Assemblyman Ron Kim,” Malliotakis told The Post.

“These allegations are disgusting and, if true, are all the more reason why Cuomo needs to go.”


posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: tommyjo

Aren't you the same one that was saying the other day that world leaders don't have body doubles? It's pretty hard to take anything you say seriously after such a foolish statement. And the magnolia Jackson planted was removed, not trimmed back, by Trump.

I'm referring to the utter stupidity that Biden has been cloned or that there is two Biden's in play. The two-Biden's claim is based on ridiculous conspiracy die-hards trying to analyse still pics and videos and getting it so badly wrong.

I think that you need to re-examine your claim about the Jackson Magnolia. The initial plan was to have it completely removed due to it being deemed unsafe and especially when helicopters land on the south lawn.

If you had completed proper research you would realise that the Jackson Magnolia wasn't removed but simply cut back.

If it had been removed then you wouldn't have been seeing images like this from 20th January 2021 with both Magnolias still there. The Jackson Magnolia just had a rotting limb removed after initially being scheduled for total removal.

See 7:33 for south lawn shot from 20 January 2021 with Trump leaving the White House.

Link to 7:33 in video.


See news report which includes an interview with Scott Aker the head of Horticulture, US National Arboretum. Also records details that it was Melanie Trump who having reviewed the tree review signed off on the trimming.

Image link from January 5th, 2018. The tree was trimmed back in late December 2017.

A magnolia tree, known as the Jackson Magnolia, stands alongside the South Portico of the White House in Washington, DC, January 5, 2018, following a major trimming due to concerns about the tree's health and long-term viability. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Getty Image Link

This is what the Magnolia looked like in 2017 before trimming. (Tree on left)

Getty Image Link A

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Post with a simple Hint.

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