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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe
"long dead" we don't know that. "no tapes" we don't know that, either. But if this is your assumption the only question I have is why are you still following the Q thread because the Epstein scandal is a big part of the drops

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Who is this Michael Henderson though? Last night there was a guy claiming that Biden had been shot, but it was pretty easy to see that that person was just a trouble maker. I wonder if the Michael guy is one too, or if he has solid info on that.

This Michael Henderson is saying that the shoot out was confirmed, but didn't say by who or where.
From: Reagan National Airport Live Stream (1)

The Michael Henderson guy is making it up as he goes along. The question is why are people falling for it? Some people want to be centre of attention amongst others in this present climate of crazy conspiracies. There is no full out assault in DC or were there thousands of rounds fired. How can people not see that people are simply making it up?

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: tommyjo

Does the Biden Administration make the White House visitor's log public? The log would indicate what level of activity occurs at that location.

edit on 2/24/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: tommyjo

People are falling for it, due to the vacuum that was created when "KU" and others stopped making posts.

I sadly knew this was going to happen, and did warn people about it during my first complaint over the Fog of War that "KU",[snipped], and others had created with their absence in messaging. This type of misguided following is what Friendly Fire looks like in an "Information War".
edit on Thu Feb 25 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 08:35 PM

“this The Trump administration withdrew its support for release of the logs, and is not making visitor logs available to the public, though some comments suggest the logs could be made available "five years after Trump leaves office". This has led to several groups suing the government again, demanding the release of such logs, which should be seen as a matter of public record.

The Biden Administration has stated that it will return to the policy of publicly releasing White House visitor logs, while subsequently noting that the amount of visitors would be comparatively lower, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.”

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: tommyjo

Does the Biden Administration make the White House visitor's log public? The log would indicate what level of activity occurs at that location.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

I've been on that stretch many times and it can be dangerous if you're unfamiliar with it. There are two lanes in both directions that run down the middle of the canyon. It's fairly steep and you can easily get going too fast on the downhill if you're not careful. That time of the morning traffic would be light and he was probably checking his GPS directions too.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 08:56 PM
Beat poet, publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti dies at 101

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the poet, publisher, bookseller and activist who helped launch the Beat movement in the 1950s and embodied its curious and rebellious spirit well into the 21st century, has died at age 101.

“Am I the consciousness of a generation or just some old fool sounding off and trying to escape the dominant materialist avaricious consciousness of America?” he asked in “Little Boy,” a stream of consciousness novel published around the time of his 100th birthday.

Lawrence Monsanto Ferlinghetti (March 24, 1919 – February 22, 2021) was an American poet, painter, social activist, and the co-founder of City Lights Booksellers & Publishers. He was the author of poetry, translations, fiction, theatre, art criticism, and film narration.

A Coney Island of the Mind is a collection of poetry by Lawrence Ferlinghetti originally published in 1958. It contains some of Ferlinghetti’s most famous poems, such as “I Am Waiting” and “Junkman's Obbligato”, which were created for jazz accompaniment.

“I Am Waiting” (1958) ... for Alice in Wonderland to retransmit to me her total dream of innocence".

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 09:02 PM

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: LadyLurker
this video

makes more sense everyday...

Fixed. Amazing that video still exists.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 09:11 PM
The FED shut down and the Sheep story seem to connect. FWIW, what power does the "congress" and Actor Joe have if the FED is destroyed? Trick question: None, they're a corporate entity who derives their power from the ability to collect payments for the FED.


Q "What are sheep?"

From BAIN Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: DisruptionAhead for Transaction Banking

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: tommyjo

is this what he sort of stirred, it does mention 1000

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: PokeyJoe

I've been on that stretch many times and it can be dangerous if you're unfamiliar with it. There are two lanes in both directions that run down the middle of the canyon. It's fairly steep and you can easily get going too fast on the downhill if you're not careful. That time of the morning traffic would be light and he was probably checking his GPS directions too.

There is a stretch of road leading up/down from Los Alamos that is just like that, it would be easy to let it get away from you if you didn't brake check often on the way down. They call it the hill.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 09:40 PM
Dan Tweet seems odd to me.

Here is "DJT" from last week's golf pic, and another pic for comparison.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: tommyjo
To tree or not to not important.
The things that bother people are the irregularities of the Whitehouse routine after an election that had many irregularities, itself. Does Biden live there? Does Kamala live at the Naval Observatory? Why does the Whitehouse go dark at 11pm every night after appearing to be deserted all day? Where is Joe Biden? Why are there troops in DC with razor wire topped fences?
Is the person appearing to be Joe the historical Joe Biden or an actor?

Well the tree was important due to the fact that some conspiracy theorists thought that it had been completely removed. That would have meant in the crazy mad believers of the fake White House that the fake set people has messed up badly. That is how they roll!

The lights are simply on a timer. For the next 4 years they will no doubt continue to go out at night and people will still be puzzled?

The lights out at the White House isn't just a Biden thing? Even during Trump's presidency his WH staff were reporting lights out at 11pm was routine.

From Summer 2020.

The White House, however, has insisted that there was "nothing new" about the lights-out incident.

"This is nothing new," White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley told Newsweek on Monday. "The White House lights go out at about 11 p.m. almost every night," he said.

Newsweek Link

It is reported that Harris is currently living in Blair House until the work on the Naval Observatory is completed.

Well if Biden isn't living in the WH then why are US Marine Squadron HMX-1 wasting their time to fly into the south lawn and fly him to the likes of Walter Reed or Joint Base Andrews? Why are the USAF 89th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Andrews then flying him from there to various destinations using their fleet of Presidential/VIP aircraft with the Air Force One call sign?

Yes all the Biden and Harris flights on USAF 89th Airlift Wing aircraft have been with the call sign AF1 and AF2 respectively.
The clue is in the destination airports ATC comms with the USAF aircraft. It will be no different when Biden likely takes one of the VC-25As (Boeing 747s) to Houston, Texas this Friday?

The question is why are the conspiracy type not listening to the ATC comms, but rather just relying incorrectly on flight tracking software where they just assume that the call sign is the serial/tail number? Ah, they cry! Can't be President if the flight tracking label doesn't indicate "AF1".

The ATC comms are the key here. Anyone can listen to those ATC comms for departure/arrival.

Have a listen to some of my recordings using remote receivers. AF1 Biden and AF2 Harris flight covered. Details of the flights, aircraft used on the audio file descriptions. All have been USAF 89th Airlift Wing.

Soundcloud AF1 AF2 Biden Harris ATC recordings

Even the USAF acknowledge the first flight back on Feb 5th.

COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF | President Joe Biden arrives and departs Joint Base Andrews, Maryland Friday, Feb. 5, 2021 for his first trip with the 89th Airlift Wing as the 46th President of the United States. The President was greeted by U.S. Air Force Col. Kimberly Welter, 89th Airlift Wing vice commander.

USAF 89th Airlift Wing Facebook link

That routine of lights out and AF1/AF2 movements is going to be the same over the next 4 years and no doubt people will continue to be puzzled. Puzzled as to why Trump isn't addressing the nation as POTUS or having access to USAF Presidential/VIP aircraft and flying with the call sign AF1.

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 10:04 PM
So it has always been told to us that there are no coincidences. Well, when the truth finally does come out and is revealed to all. It is going to be up to us to bear the burden of trying to make sense of what was once thought to be astonishingly impossible. We will need to share the light and reason with the people who haven't awakened yet to evil wicked that ruled this world. We are all on one big giant team, trying to preserve ourselves from our selfish overlords. I was working on my online courses this evening and this particular lesson regarding leadership just happens to be the theme for this most recent week's lesson. With so many masks still asleep at the wheel, these blind vessels are going to need guidance and be lead properly through the labyrinth of truth as the Movie we have all been watching and participating in destroys the control system as it crumbles and collapses live in a Truman show like moment. In that moment, we all need to be able to lead. I know I have failed you guys myself and don't blame you if you don't bat another lash in my digital direction. I know I am the last person that is qualified to speak on the subject of leadership amongst some of you vets that truly have experienced actual combat or have ran a successful business. But I would be doing everyone a continued disservice if I ignored sharing this will you all.

My teacher Dawn, said that "Leaders need to respond to individuals based on their needs rather than their faults. Good leaders do this well. They don't lead out of a predetermined package of behaviors, but size up every situation and discern what must happen to reach the desired goal; similar to a Quarterback reading the defense before the snap, then calls an audible from the line of scrimmage. Good leaders remain flexible and may change their response, based not on what a person deserves, but on what need to succeed.

1. They Need: They aren't afraid to admit they need to listen and get understanding.
2. They Read: They evaluate what has happened and what steps are best to take.
3. They Feed: They communicate what they have observed to key players.
4. They Heed: They act on the basis of their discovery, even if it means change.
5. They Lead: They provide direction to those involved.

Another thing I thought could be helpful to others is from John Maxwell's book "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. The aptly title chapter I will refer to here is called The Law of the Picture: The Leader Causes People to Thrive or Groan. To sum it up, in short, is that people often reflect their leadership. One cannot expect a follower to grow beyond their leaders. Just as one cannot expect the followers to turn out functionally different from their leader. People feel attracted to leaders like them, they also reflect those who lead them. Examples are as followed:

1. Attitudes- When good leaders rule, people rejoice, when wicked reigns, people groan.
2. Stability- When moral leaders rule, they establish justice; where compromising leaders tear things down.
3. Compassion- Good leaders express concern for the poor, bad leaders reflect no compassion for anyone.
4. Honesty- When leaders pay attention to lies, their staff begins to esteem the same deceptions.
5. Vision- Solid vision keeps everyone on track, chaos reigns whenever the vision lapses.

I will leave you with this Quote from Ben Horowitz:
"“Early in my career as an engineer, I’d learned that all decisions were objective until the first line of code was written. After that, all decisions were emotional.”

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: BoomGiggle

To add to your first point, I'd like to comment on one of the traits that I have seen in GOOD leaders, from UK boardrooms (up to FTSE100 level):


However, not the humility that most would assume I mean:

A good leader has the humility to treat individuals at any level of the organisation as an equal - when they need their truthful and frank inputs, feelings, needs, aspirations.

However the humility is "closeted" when they have to lead, clearly and strongly, by command and the organisation then follows the orders as they feel respected and part of the leadership structure.

There is a clear red line (or DMZ) between the consensus activities and the instruction/decision activities.

ETA - One could argue that you also need the PASSION of a preacher!

edit on 24-2-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: underpass61

Tiger was listening to...

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: tommyjo

Whilst the ATC recordings are a useful input, they are theoretically just as open to DeepDream manipulation as any other MSM output.

If AI programs can change pictures and text "in-flight" to our devices then it surely can be done with sound too.

I presume any agency can transmit at the same frequency as Airport X Aircraft controllers - and would the aircraft controllers even know? I presume they get the feed within the room as opposed to the feed on the airwaves?

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: tommyjo

From your Getty image 1 link - that looks more like a studio set where the high camera can look over the set walls? How on earth would PRESS in the real Oval Office get that picture? The camera must be a good 10 to 12 feet in the air? And there someone standing right underneath the camera with both his hands showing, so how is the camera being held in the air (assuming it's not on a dolly at a film set???)

So only a couple of photos; one in the dark outside with press and one that could be in a film set?

Where are the frequent shots we used to get of Pres. Trump leaving the briefing room and walking down the corridor behind, filled with WH staff? I haven't seen any of Biden doing the same!

Are you serious? Looking over the top of a studio set? Come on! Have you never heard of a telescopic photography pole and a wide angle lens?

Same photographer (Doug Mills) as the Biden image this time photographing a Trump meeting in the Oval Office. I guess he must have been in that old fake Oval Office set that Trump used

President Trump Meets With Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Greg Abbott, governor of Texas, left, speaks while U.S. President Donald Trump listens during a meeting at the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, May 7, 2020. Trump is promoting Texas for following his call to reopen the economy even as the U.S. continues to fight the coronavirus outbreak. Photographer: Doug Mills/The New York Times/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Getty Image

Failing to miss the blindingly obvious of the video footage of prominent Republican Senators. Think about it? Do you honestly believe that these mostly despised Republican Senators are not going to be called out by their fellow pro-Trump Republicans for claiming that they went to the White House to meet Biden/Harris?

Do you honestly believe that the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Louie Gomert, etc are just going to remain silent? Seriously?

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: Caled

Traitors in the news media and within the federal government itself, leaked so frequently, they forced President Trump to make the White House visitor logs private.

Since Biden has no such headwinds, he should return to making the visitor logs public.

BTW.. the Biden Admin says it is not able to make Trump Admin visitor logs public.

The Reason Why:

edit on 2/24/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

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