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Finally! Forensic Election Audit in Maricopa County (AZ) Begins Next Week

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posted on May, 2 2021 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: jrod
No sane person thinks that a fringe group that is pro Trump that is completely unqualified to do a vote count will come up with an accurate count.

This group has already decided that Trump won, now they will do a fraudulent recount and claim that Trump won.

I am amazed that you guys will not believe the actual vote count that was done securely because you do not like the results but will believe this circus of a fraudulent recount because it strokes your confirmation bias.

It is sad to watch the collective IQ of ATS plummet and so many of ATS believe the great lies of Trump and friends.

The only reason anyone so far has come up with opposing this is fear of finding how wrong you were in defending a fraudulent election. If there is nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear.

Who’s paying for it?

The attitude I’m getting is “It’s a waste of time and tax payer money. Move on”.

Opposition, no matter what or who, is part of the normal process.

If it were reversed, the Reps would be trying to stop it.

(This is just a logical comment - not a personal side)

Who paid for it the first go around ?



Kline received a series of official rebukes and reprimands for his legal tactics against abortion providers, and in 2013 his law license was indefinitely suspended by the Kansas Supreme Court, which found "clear and convincing evidence" that Kline committed numerous violations of conduct rules, which included providing false testimony.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

So you can't believe Biden got the most votes but you have no problem believing a divisive President (even among his own party) whose approval rating barely broke 40% (and that's counting polls by Right Wing media outlets) did gain the most votes in history?

according to what we are told, he got the most votes in history, next to his opponent, who campaigned from his basement, and got just enough votes to beat Trump. So many who didn't vote before did this time, and there was a reason. Believe it or not, many on the right decided that the results we got from Trump outweighed the negatives. (which aren't really in dispute, just exaggerated by some)

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: Annee

Opposition, no matter what or who, is part of the normal process.

If it were reversed, the Reps would be trying to stop it.

(This is just a logical comment - not a personal side)

I would have liked to see more Dem involvement and cooperation in the process, rather than outright opposition.

But others disagree -- obviously!

Well, you are reading mostly slanted Right news.

I’m 74 — so I do remember when there was more compromise and cooperation.

Then came the Neo-Cons (I was still Republican at the time). Not the first time in history of a disenchanted political flip.

I experienced this first hand — in my timeline. It was like a brick wall built overnight.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Annee

Well, you are reading mostly slanted Right news.

I don't disagree. I am definitely relying on Gateway Pundit to a large degree, but I follow up their sources and links, and I do keep an eye out for other sources with good information.

I will also say that I have no use for any sources that push the "false" or "unfounded" or "baseless" or any other adjective to declare the elections fair and honest. Any and all such claims are literally false, unfounded and baseless because the due diligence has not been done. Until now. Hopefully.

I’m 74 — so I do remember when there was more compromise and cooperation.

Then came the Neo-Cons (I was still Republican at the time). Not the first time in history of a disenchanted political flip.

I experienced this first hand — in my timeline. It was like a brick wall built overnight.

I don't have quite as much experience under my belt, but I'm not a newbie either, and I remember those days as well. A far cry from today, and like you, I recall that it happened practically overnight.

Speaking to this particular matter, I do wish the Dems had -- at some point, even if not initially -- come to the table and contributed to the process. If they had concerns, then they could have offered compromises and alternatives. The response from the Republicans would have been informative and illustrative of their underlying motives, etc.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

So you can't believe Biden got the most votes but you have no problem believing a divisive President (even among his own party) whose approval rating barely broke 40% (and that's counting polls by Right Wing media outlets) did gain the most votes in history?

The short answer is yes.
Put it this way: I haven’t worked since the election. My state lost a good nurse and the fed lost a good taxpayer.
I look forward to believing in our government again and becoming a contributing member of society again. Even if that means accepting that there really are 80 million Americans this dumb.
edit on 2-5-2021 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-5-2021 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

That's why I don't have my hopes up of ever getting a fair audit. The Democrats stole that election and most knows it. They will do anything to interfere and corrupt the vote. They know that if we actually get a real audit by qualified individuals they will be shown to have lost by a landslide.

Their going to bribe, threaten or murder if necessary.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Yes, anyone involved in rigging the election will be desperate to stop this audit... and desperate people do desperate things.

I am optimistic though that if widespread fraud/interference/tampering took place, that the audit will reveal/expose enough truth for the public to know this. I am also optimistic that enough honorable and conscientious people are working/observing the audit that any further effort to undermine/compromise the audit will also be caught and exposed.

And we have one thing going for us: The machines have already been inspected, copied, and whatever else they needed to do, and returned to the county. So we have that. If the machines are crooked, we will know. And they can't do a damn thing about it.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I havent heard anything leak out so far, I wish this was GA instead of AZ, not sure how much fraud was really there.

We are losing our country though, even people on this board, imo everyone should be for election integrity. The MSM has got so many brainwashed into to thinking its somehow wrong to validate the votes. Both sides, not just 1 side, should have high confidence in the election.

If either party has suspicions, they should have the right to look at the ballots. If they find a half a million ballots that were clearly printed with a machine, it is what it is.

Cindy McCain doesnt think so

From the Texas AG like-georgia-video/

Maria Bartiromo: Let me switch subjects and ask you about election integrity. This is a subject that is taboo. We’re not allowed to question the 2020 election. We’re not allowed to question what is going on in Arizona or in Georgia. What do you say to what is going on in Georgia and how Texas is similar to that situation? I mean around election 2020.

taboo... like its child porn or something

Ken Paxton: Yeah, so if you look at election results from 4 years ago, Georgia and Texas were very similar. We fought off 12 lawsuits. We were sued 12 times over mail-in ballots. It was Harris County, it was Travis County, these big urban counties that wanted to mail out all of these ballots in violation of state law. Clearly what was not allowed by the state legislature. So, they did not want signature verification.

edit on 2-5-2021 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

You're right: If one side questions the results of the election, then everyone should be happy to have the results examined and either confirmed or refuted with facts and truth.

I am also hopeful that the vast majority of people understand this and agree. That's why Big Media prefaces every article with "baseless" or "unfounded" or "debunked" or "discredited" or outright "false." They have to get that in people's heads first, so they automatically question everything pertaining to the audit itself.

I don't think it's working. The more they fight the audit -- with no alternative or compromise -- the more people wonder why they refuse to let the audit prove that any/all election fraud claims are truly baseless, unfounded, debunked, discredited or outright false.

At some point everyone has to think "methinks thou dost protest too much..."

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 03:24 PM
From twitter and look ahead america
Elections Integrity Org Identifies 12,547 Illegal Votes Included In Georgia's 2020 Election Results - Exceeds Margin of Victory In the State

PDF report

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: 111DPKING111
From twitter and look ahead america
Elections Integrity Org Identifies 12,547 Illegal Votes Included In Georgia's 2020 Election Results - Exceeds Margin of Victory In the State

PDF report

Look Ahead America is a Right Wing Pro Trump group.

I’ll wait for an official state gov statement.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: Annee

😸[took a little longer than usual this time]😸

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

Last I heard GA is trying to do an audit but that prick Sec of State sued to block it.

Like Boadicea said WHY... if you did such a bang up job prove it then beat your detractors over the head with your superiority.

I hope GA keeps fighting, but we will see... now I just want the truth, the election will not be over turned there is no way the supreme court would over turn it even if its proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, they will do a narrowly worded decision that probably directs people to start getting on the same page for election security.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Annee

😸[took a little longer than usual this time]😸

Show me a current legitimate audit count in Georgia.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

If Biden is found to not be the legitimate president, any court siding with him would be illegitimate.

You don’t let the rapist finish the deed just because he’s inside of you. Unless you’re Tara Reade.
edit on 2-5-2021 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

The problem is -- as I understand it -- the courts can only rule on the law. If there is no law addressing de-certifying the certified results of an election, then the courts cannot rule on it.

As near as I can tell, the only legal recourse available is for the two separate Houses of Congress to impeach, convict and remove Biden and Harris from office. And if they cannot be specifically implicated, then I'm not even sure on what grounds they could be impeached. I think a damn good case could be made that they did not do their own due diligence to ensure the validity of their election, compounded by his best election fraud team ever fighting every effort to legitimize the election results. They were quite happy to take the office without showing their receipts. That's impeachable in my book.

On our side is that every single critter in the House of Reps is up for re-election next year. If clear fraud is found, it will be an election issue -- especially if they do nothing about it! Only a relative handful of critters in the Senate are up for re-election, but neither side has an effective majority, and both will want to keep at least the seats they have, if not gain some.
edit on 2-5-2021 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Annee

😸[took a little longer than usual this time]😸

Show me a current legitimate audit count in Georgia.

😃[see what I mean]😃

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 05:53 PM

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

If we keep fighting all the elections — no ones gonna be in charge.

There is a reason votes are certified.

As in the case of the hanging chads — changes were made. As will be the case this time for future elections — if necessary.

posted on May, 2 2021 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: Irishhaf

If Biden is found to not be the legitimate president, any court siding with him would be illegitimate.

You don’t let the rapist finish the deed just because he’s inside of you. Unless you’re Tara Reade.

He is legitimate because the votes were certified.

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