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Finally! Forensic Election Audit in Maricopa County (AZ) Begins Next Week

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posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Boadicea

He’s clearly biased.

He is an expert. He is informed, knowledgeable, and experienced with a strong opinion based on his knowledge, information and experience -- not biased.

And has an agenda.

Maybe. I'm more inclined to call it a mission or a purpose. If an expert has reason to believe the election was rigged, then I would damn well want and expect that expert to say so. And, most important, to prove it when given the opportunity to do so. And that's exactly what he is in the process of doing. He will either prove it or he won't.

Likewise, if someone is going to claim there is NO fraud and that the election was fair and honest, then I damn well want and expect THEM to prove it. Unfortunately, it's those who claim there was no fraud that are fighting every effort to prove it tooth and nail. That's an agenda.

If the dems tried to pull this, the right would lose their mind.

Oh lordy. Screw Dems and Pubs! They're all as useless as tits on a bull.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 11:40 AM
UV scanning at Arizona audit appears to show them using Jovan Pulitzer’s infamous technique

The methodology behind the Maricopa election audit has been kept under wraps, but video of the audit appears to show the technique that many had hoped to see.

Looks like a real audit might just be happening. Instead of just counting the same illegal fraud votes yet again.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Looks like a real audit might just be happening. Instead of just counting the same illegal fraud votes yet again.

As it should be. That was always the demand -- a genuine thorough forensic audit -- by the voters. And it was always the stated purpose of the audit.

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

My biggest fear is some kind of sabotage. I pray we get through this with no one harmed.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
UV scanning at Arizona audit appears to show them using Jovan Pulitzer’s infamous technique

The methodology behind the Maricopa election audit has been kept under wraps, but video of the audit appears to show the technique that many had hoped to see.

Looks like a real audit might just be happening. Instead of just counting the same illegal fraud votes yet again.

Let's hope the scanning system(s) aren't controlled opposition that ends up "proving" a limited amount of fraudulent/counterfeit ballots flooded the vote counts 😉

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Okay. Fair enough and true enough... but too cryptic.

What do you know that we don't???

No taunting and running

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

No taunting and running

Good luck with that.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Boadicea
He’s clearly biased.
And has an agenda.
If the dems tried to pull this, the right would lose their mind.

EXACT OPPOSITES: Democrats Illegally Blocked Republican Observers from Entering Vote Counting Areas – Republicans Allow the Whole World to View Maricopa Audit

What the auditors in the Maricopa audit are doing is best in class. I have never seen any audit provide as much transparency as this audit in Maricopa!
This should be the standard going forward for every election in every state. Similar audits of the ballots should be performed before the results are certified in every state. This process will get better and become more efficient in the future, and this process will provide voters the confidence that their results are valid and include only valid votes.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 03:34 PM
Doug TenNapel Explains the T-Shirt Color-Coding System Used at the Maricopa County Forensic Audit (VIDEO)

Yellow T-Shirts: Dealing with mail-in ballots, there are five tables for this group, ballots then moved to the green table

Green T-Shirts: Not exactly clear what ballots they are looking at

Blue T-Shirts tables: The group allegedly inspecting folds

Red T-Shirts: Not sure

Orange T-Shirts: Election observers

There is a video at the link.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Which state has asked for law enforcement protection for the auditors. Is it New Hampshire or is it arizona?

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

Which state has asked for law enforcement protection for the auditors. Is it New Hampshire or is it arizona?

I haven't heard about this in Arizona, so probably New Hampshire.

I do recall hearing at one point that AZ State police would be protecting the audit, but nothing about the auditors themselves.

I hope they do have protection and security provided by the state. They should. If there is fraud to be found, that's big time crime. Someone would go to pretty extreme lengths to destroy any evidence.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 07:33 PM
Arizona Republicans STRIKE BACK – File Motion of Their Own Against State Democrats – Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward Delivers Update on Maricopa County Forensic Audit

Next week the Arizona Supreme Court will rule on a motion brought by the Arizona Senate that the courts do not have the authority to infringe upon the Senate’s ability to manage the audit as they see fit and that any civil action by the Democrats to stop the audit through continued court action crosses the line of separation of powers afforded by the United States Constitution.

Arizona Attorney General Brnovich Rejects Call for Probe of Maricopa County 2020 Election Audit — Another Attempted Delay by Democrats

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich rejected calls by Democrats for an investigation into possible irregularities in the newly begun Senate audit of the 2020 Maricopa County ballots.

Soros-funded Secretary of State Katie Hobbs cited media reports to push for an investigation into security lapses.

This next one makes me angry. We all know that details on the audit itself have been few and far between. This was a press conference for a former State Senator and the head of one of the auditing teams (Cyber Ninjas) to explain the process for the public. But this (local?) reporter was so surly and rude and obnoxious, demanding answers about who was funding the audit, that the reporter would not let the auditor even speak about the audit process. By all means ask the question, and by all means follow up later on that question, but it was not a press conference about the funding, and it was not the appropriate time or place to push it.

Audit Team In AZ on Thursday Night Describes Process Involved in Audit – Liberal Media Screams and Demands to Know Who Is Paying for It

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: Boadicea
Except the Right would’ve done the same.

If the Dems were in charge of this audit, the Right would be going ballistic.

I was a Republican for 40+ years. They are more aggressive. I left because they kept moving further and further Right.

However, I’m hoping for integrity and professionalism from those in charge of the audit.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 09:58 PM
It will be interesting to see the results of this with all the claimed shenanigans.

If the claims are true, it will be explosive.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Thank-you. The Sheriffs protecting the audit is what I was referring to. As bits and pieces of ongoing audit results begin to leak, it's causing a lot of uneasiness.

Late yesterday (Sunday) evening, the Arizona judge issuing audit-related rulings, resigned. He cited "conflict of interest".

It's fun "seeing" this Arizona NBC writer trying to not be his real liberal self in this article.

Arizona Election Audit Sunday Night update: g/75-ba2c322b-3127-4816-822d-e9384304a077

As idiot Al Sharpton whined on his Sunday MSNBC show: "The results of this corrupt Arizona audit could give White Supremacists Trump supporters more ammunition to falsely accuse Joe Biden of not being a legitimate President!"

All Democrats are squirming. This is fun!

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Boadicea
Except the Right would’ve done the same.

If the Dems were in charge of this audit, the Right would be going ballistic.

I was a Republican for 40+ years. They are more aggressive. I left because they kept moving further and further Right.

However, I’m hoping for integrity and professionalism from those in charge of the audit.

Democrats are conducting two detailed smaller scale audits for US House races. One in Iowa and one in California. Local Republicans are noting the irony, but otherwise not getting emotional like Democrats do every time the words "fraud" or "cheated" are uttered in connection with Joe Biden being crowned President.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: Annee

However, I’m hoping for integrity and professionalism from those in charge of the audit.

That's about our only hope. We know that integrity and professionalism isn't coming from either party.

However, to that extent, I'm glad that this audit has both parties in their sights so to speak. The Senators who voted for the audit are Pubs, but the Maricopa County Supervisors fighting it are also Pubs, along with Dems in general.

If wrongdoing is found, both sides will face the music.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
It will be interesting to see the results of this with all the claimed shenanigans.

If the claims are true, it will be explosive.

Yes, it will be.

I'm still not convinced how much is hype and and how much is genuine. None of us are, obviously. Hence the audit. Beyond a couple things that are not in doubt (such as the SofS illegally changing rules prior to the election, and defying a court order to cease), or the Sharpiegate debacle, most accusations are not something we can even know.

I'm in this weird position once again where I have no specific expectations, but at the same time I expect anything. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Well darn! Your link is broken. I tried finding it myself, but no luck.

It's just one more example, though, eh? It's the norm at this point! Locally, the reporting has been over the top. Every single solitary report is begins by denying any fraud, by blaming Trump or his supporters, by somehow discrediting the claims. Now that national media is paying attention -- is forced to pay attention -- the crazy has really gone up a couple notches.

I saw a local report asking folks about the audit, and when the person thought the audit was a bad idea, the reporter just confirmed his response, "So you think this is just political posturing from the losers?" But if someone supported the audit, then the reporter challenged the person, "Why would every court throw out these cases if there were any substance to the claims?"

Forgetting, of course, that the courts obviously haven't thrown out this case... or Antrim... or Windham...

Unbiased reporting has long been a thing of the past, but today's reporting doesn't even pretend to be unbiased.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 04:25 AM
BREAKING: Arizona Judge Recuses Himself From Election Audit Case To Be Settled in the Morning After Democrats Shop Around and Hire New Attorney Who Previously Interned for Judge

This evening in Arizona, the Maricopa County Superior Court Judge, Christopher Coury, who oversaw the case related to the Democrats’ challenge to the audit currently going on in the county, recused himself from the case. The reason is that the Democrats shopped around and found an attorney who interned with Judge Coury and hired him. When the new attorney was introduced today for the first time the Judge was forced to resign from the case.

What a desperate trick. But that's not new.

I can't see the new judge halting the audit permanently, but perhaps temporarily. Never say never though.

If it did happen, I doubt we would see what may have already be found (if anything). I would expect a gag order from the judge at the same time. I wonder what kind of non-disclosure agreements have been signed by the auditors as well.

Politically speaking, halting the audit midstream would not fare well for the Dems. But it might be better than the criminal consequences of wrongdoing found.

Either way, more national attention on the audit is a good thing.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 04:32 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
BREAKING: Arizona Judge Recuses Himself From Election Audit Case To Be Settled in the Morning After Democrats Shop Around and Hire New Attorney Who Previously Interned for Judge

This evening in Arizona, the Maricopa County Superior Court Judge, Christopher Coury, who oversaw the case related to the Democrats’ challenge to the audit currently going on in the county, recused himself from the case. The reason is that the Democrats shopped around and found an attorney who interned with Judge Coury and hired him. When the new attorney was introduced today for the first time the Judge was forced to resign from the case.

What a desperate trick. But that's not new.

I can't see the new judge halting the audit permanently, but perhaps temporarily. Never say never though.

If it did happen, I doubt we would see what may have already be found (if anything). I would expect a gag order from the judge at the same time. I wonder what kind of non-disclosure agreements have been signed by the auditors as well.

Politically speaking, halting the audit midstream would not fare well for the Dems. But it might be better than the criminal consequences of wrongdoing found.

Either way, more national attention on the audit is a good thing.

According to Epoch Times, it was Cyber Ninja's that hired him. Could be an honest mistake, or could be they had some 'legal advice' directing them from an insider playing controlled opposition. He's a very junior attorney apparently. Either way, not a good result.

Maricopa County Judge Recuses Himself from 2020 Election Audit Case

According to a copy of the recusal obtained by the news outlet, the court received filings at 4 p.m. that included names of new attorneys, including Viskovic, who worked at the office of Coury “as an extern within the past five years.”

Viskovic now holds a position as a junior associate at Kolodin Law Group PLLC, which is representing the Florida-based cybersecurity firm Cyber Ninjas in court. Cyber Ninjas is one of four firms hired by the state Senate to conduct the audit.

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