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Finally! Forensic Election Audit in Maricopa County (AZ) Begins Next Week

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posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 08:48 AM
President Trump: Deploy National Guard to Provide Security for “Brave Patriots Doing the Forensic Audit” in Arizona

The Republican Party is demanding that Governor Ducey of Arizona immediately provide large-scale security for the brave American Patriots doing the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election. Governor Ducey will be held fully responsible for the safety of those involved. State police or National Guard must be immediately sent out for protection. The Democrats do not want to have this information revealed, and they will do anything to stop it. Governor Ducey must finally act.

I'm not sure how much Trump's sudden interest in the audit will help/harm anything.

But I don't like the reference to "the 2020 Presidential Election." It strikes me as misleading and misrepresenting what is happening. This is an audit of an Arizona county's General Election in context with Arizona's state laws. The auditor's are not looking only at the presidential race, or any particular race, but rather the particulars of the process and execution of the process. The auditors are not auditing the entire nation, or even the entire state; just one county. The findings and results will only directly involve and affect this one county, tho it could very well be the start of other municipalities and states finding comparable issues.

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

That is pure Bull, phage

Which part? Republicans?

“I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, an influential conservative activist, said in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”

Had to reach back 41 years for that tidbit, how about just a few more years then to Dem history in Chicago or period from 1865-1965 and voting rights vis a vis dems.

As Biden would say " awe! come on man! "

My personal take is independent audits free of influence or interference should have taken place immediately after any questions cropped up in any state or county along with bipartisan support to ensure fair results.

But that's not what occurred at all is it? So here we are wondering why neither side may accept results as enough time has gone by for any result to be ordained by those with control of voting apparatus.

I agree other poster who said "proof" will be a required item upon any announcement - but that should have been case all along.

edit on 24-4-2021 by Phoenix because: add

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 09:50 AM
How will they "audit" the validity of IDs for the mail-in/mail-out ballots ? 😧

Can they even tell if anything is fake/forged/counterfeit ? 😧

Waiting for at least 16 deflections . . . . . . . . . 😸

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Phoenix

There is more than one quote there.

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Ultimately, we need greater power for the voters, less power for the critters. For example, nationwide ballot initiatives. I'll add a nationwide referendum system of sorts that would allow the people to nix any legislation the critters pass at the federal level.

Would elimination of the electoral college be the ultimate manifestation of this idea?

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: Boadicea
Just want to say, I agree pretty much with everything you’ve posted.

I have no issue with audits.

I just get tired of the nonsense.

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Pisses me off when President Trump chimes in on something like he's had the information all along, but kept it to himself.

It doesn't matter WHO reveals the damning evidence. Does it??

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Don't worry.
He's lying. Same as ever.

edit on 4/24/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: carewemust

Don't worry.
He's lying. Same as ever.

That makes me feel better than believing President Trump was/is withholding valuable information.

posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: carewemust

That's why I tried to provide comfort.

But you didn't know he's a liar? He lied to you an awful lot.

edit on 4/24/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: Phage

Would elimination of the electoral college be the ultimate manifestation of this idea?

Hmmmmm..... maybe, but not necessarily in a good way.

I would listen to and entertain such an idea, but I don't know how it could be done without our Republic -- with its protections for individual rights -- becoming a Democracy, along with mob rule.

People cannot be trusted with that kind of power. They will abuse it. Whether thru ignorance, fear, greed, or whatever.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Boadicea
Just want to say, I agree pretty much with everything you’ve posted.

I have no issue with audits.

I just get tired of the nonsense.

Thank you, Annee. I appreciate that, especially from a fellow Arizonan.

I'm tired of the nonsense too. I don't see any way past it without an audit that leaves no stone unturned. Whatever is found, we can deal with it and move forward. With the best facts as we can know them.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

Pisses me off when President Trump chimes in on something like he's had the information all along, but kept it to himself.

It IS maddening. He speaks from a seeming position of knowledge and power... but when he actually had the power and position to do something about it, he failed. I know he was surrounded by enemies -- and frenemies -- but in the end, he didn't get the job done. And now he simply comes off as empty arrogance.

It doesn't matter WHO reveals the damning evidence. Does it??

Nope. What matters is that we all can know the truth -- wherever it comes from, however it happens. And if that were Trump, then great! But it wasn't. And I'm not hopeful that inserting himself at this point is helpful. Big Media doesn't want to touch this audit with a ten foot pole. If they must, then they invoke Trump for the mass hysteria sure to follow.

So he needs to let Arizona get on with the job at hand, let the auditors find what they find, and we'll all find out together.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 05:02 AM
I'm seeing an interesting and intriguing dynamic at play...

Republicans and conservatives are downplaying the AZ audit, sure that any relevant evidence has already been destroyed or hidden or covered or something...

Democrats are already sure that the auditors are manufacturing evidence as we speak to create more fake news and fodder for the gullible conspiracy theorists.

Republicans are convinced the auditors will find nothing. Democrats are convinced the auditors will find something.

Rachel Maddow is already stating at as a certainty. No need to wait for the audit results!

War Room: Rachel Maddow Is Worried about what AZ Election Audit will Find — She Knows Georgia Is Next (VIDEO)

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 05:12 AM
Ruh Roh! #BluePenGate is becoming a thing!!!

I won't link to the Twitter account, because I'm going to be petty and just not give this reporter the traffic... but a reporter from a local Big Media outlet signed up to be an observer. She was updating her Twitter throughout the day. Including that the auditors were preparing to use blue ink pens until she told them the machines could read both blue and black ink. (This is true). The auditors checked, found she was correct, and replaced the blue pens with green and red pens.

Good job, right? Disaster averted!!! (Seriously.)

But of course it's becoming the quite the mocking point on Twitter... and I'm sure it will grow legs and we'll hear much more about it...

You heard it hear first!

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Are you not concerned with who is carrying out this audit, Cyber Ninjas?

Cyber Ninjas Chief Executive Officer Doug Logan is a supporter of the “Stop the Steal” movement and has retweeted numerous posts claiming the 2020 general election was rigged against Donald Trump

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 05:26 AM
Dbl post
edit on 25/4/21 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Boadicea

Are you not concerned with who is carrying out this audit, Cyber Ninjas?

Not especially. I'm more concerned with their findings, and whether or not they can back it up with real proof.

Cyber Ninjas Chief Executive Officer Doug Logan is a supporter of the “Stop the Steal” movement and has retweeted numerous posts claiming the 2020 general election was rigged against Donald Trump

Okay. And?

I would expect an expert in the field who has detected or perceived election fraud/tampering/interference to want to "stop the steal", wouldn't you? I would also want him to! He made some very bold claims. He now has the opportunity to prove it. Or not. This is how it works. It's put up or shut up time.

I certainly am not going to automatically believe him. But neither am I going to automatically believe glorified newsreaders stating that there is no election fraud... which they cannot know, and have no desire or intent to prove.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

He’s clearly biased.

And has an agenda.

If the dems tried to pull this, the right would lose their mind.

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