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There is no actual evidence of voter fraud; here's how we know:

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posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: johnnylaw16

I commend you with your rational and fact based approach to the election results. As you have noticed by the responses, this is an uphill battle on here.

So many posters rely on what they want to be true and will dismiss anything that does not align with their confirmation bias.

While this site being a fringe site is riddled with trolls, professional manipulators and focus groups trying to see what catch phrases stick, there are many more who truly believe 'alt-right' narrative.

Many here will continue to believe the narrative that somehow Trump's team will flip 3 states or the Supreme Court will rule Trump the leader, damn the facts!

What Trump's team hopes to do is throw out as many Biden votes, which by is stealing the election through fraudulent means, exactly what the are accusing Biden of. It is a atraight up projection.

When someone cheats to win, they believe the only way someone can win is by cheating.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: rnaa

But we've had lots of elections like this.

I was talking about how we voted with mass mailings at this level, not whether it was close or not, or hotly contested. Massive mass mailings opened up doors for the possibility of fraud not there before.

edit on 29-11-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: BruceZuckerberg
“ Yes, Trump's lawyers have said that they have tons of evidence and affidavits. And yes, there are a lot of videos out there purporting to explain exactly how this election was stolen. But literally none of that matters unless it is put before a judge and a judge deems it admissible”

So what you’re saying is that it all comes down to a judge’s “opinion”. What if that judge is (like most humans) biased? Or worse, what if they’re paid off or have family threatened? I’m not saying this is what’s happening, but are you entirely precluding that possibility ? Your logic seems to include the caveat that these judges are angels when we know that’s not the case.

We have multiple levels of appeal. If one judge were corrupt, there are checks and balances to ensure that errors are corrected. You seem to watch too much tv--paid off judges and threatening families is not a normal occurrence.

Should also add that the judges are from different political parties. The judge who dismisses someone's cherished case may be from the same political party as that person.

While I don't doubt that there are judges who decide the merits of a case based on political affiliation, I suspect the number nowadays is far less than in previous decades (or centuries) thanks to changes in government and in the legal system itself.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Another "there is no evidence" person 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Did u not watch the PA hearing where more ballots came back than mailed out? That's only 1 instance of many there and other states. So much more. You're just looking or not willing to look. Either way, there is TON of evidence.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: BruceZuckerberg
“ Yes, Trump's lawyers have said that they have tons of evidence and affidavits. And yes, there are a lot of videos out there purporting to explain exactly how this election was stolen. But literally none of that matters unless it is put before a judge and a judge deems it admissible”

So what you’re saying is that it all comes down to a judge’s “opinion”. What if that judge is (like most humans) biased? Or worse, what if they’re paid off or have family threatened? I’m not saying this is what’s happening, but are you entirely precluding that possibility ? Your logic seems to include the caveat that these judges are angels when we know that’s not the case.

We have multiple levels of appeal. If one judge were corrupt, there are checks and balances to ensure that errors are corrected.

like the Supreme Court

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16
originally posted by: tanstaafl
"Already been done. Can't help it if you are deliberately ignorant."

Sad excuse for not putting forward evidence.

What? Refusing to regurgitate just because you are incapable of admitting what is in front of you?

Rotflmao! Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself... again.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16
He has lost this battle. That is the point of the thread. If there were any legitimate evidence of fraud, we would see it put forth by Trump. He has not put it forward. Do you have any cogent response to this fact?

Yes. You are deluding yourself.

But don't worry, your delusion will be exposed soon.


posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: djz3ro
I challenge you to put before the court of ATS one verifiable example of mass voter fraud, just one. Shouldn't be hard since it's so obvious. Not gonna hold my breath.

Already been done. Can't help it if you are deliberately ignorant.

Read through, I provided debunks for every piece of "evidence" put to me on this thread until the person I was debating with started with base insults.

Which is what I expected when you lot are presented with actual facts.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
Read through, I provided debunks for every piece of "evidence" put to me on this thread until the person I was debating with started with base insults.

Your debunks are worth far less that the MSM 'debunks' of Biden corruption, which are pure fiction.

Which is what I expected when you lot are presented with actual facts.

Projection, projection, projection... try something new.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: [post=25592649]djz3ro[

He has lost this battle. That is the point of the thread. If there were any legitimate evidence of fraud, we would see it put forth by Trump. He has not put it forward. Do you have any cogent response to this fact?

Trump still has a couple weeks to find a judge that will not dismiss the claims being made. Even if the ultimate result is that Biden becomes the 46th President there will be a large portion of the Country that will not accept that Biden was lawfully elected. Those people aren’t going away. The GOP will have gained 8 (or more) seats in the house and likely retain the senate. At that point I expect they will attempt to impeach Biden with actual evidence (not fabricated and extorted like the Russia hoax) and win the House in 2022.
If you believe the claims being made of election fraud are without merit, I’d love to hear your professional opinion of Hunter’s laptop where Hunter specifically lays out how their bribery and extortion racket works: remember, “10% for the big guy” ? As a Canadian I actually find it comical that a politician as corrupt and degenerate as Biden was picked to begin with but I guess that’s just American politics. I find it equally comical that Biden’s supporters think anything will be resolved in Dec other than nominally.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: [post=25592649]djz3ro[

He has lost this battle. That is the point of the thread. If there were any legitimate evidence of fraud, we would see it put forth by Trump. He has not put it forward. Do you have any cogent response to this fact?

Trump still has a couple weeks to find a judge that will not dismiss the claims being made. Even if the ultimate result is that Biden becomes the 46th President there will be a large portion of the Country that will not accept that Biden was lawfully elected. Those people aren’t going away. The GOP will have gained 8 (or more) seats in the house and likely retain the senate. At that point I expect they will attempt to impeach Biden with actual evidence (not fabricated and extorted like the Russia hoax) and win the House in 2022.
If you believe the claims being made of election fraud are without merit, I’d love to hear your professional opinion of Hunter’s laptop where Hunter specifically lays out how their bribery and extortion racket works: remember, “10% for the big guy” ? As a Canadian I actually find it comical that a politician as corrupt and degenerate as Biden was picked to begin with but I guess that’s just American politics. I find it equally comical that Biden’s supporters think anything will be resolved in Dec other than nominally.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: jidnum
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Another "there is no evidence" person 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Did u not watch the PA hearing where more ballots came back than mailed out? That's only 1 instance of many there and other states. So much more. You're just looking or not willing to look. Either way, there is TON of evidence.

Then why is it not being put forward in court? It's a simple question. Until it is, your purported evidence is worthless. Do you understand that?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Again with the projection... please do not accuse me of that which you are guilty of.


You think I hate the Left? I don't even hate the Right. I dislike Trump but he provides humour, so I don't hate him. In some ways I'll be sad to see him go.

Can you show me some piece of evidence I hate anyone?

originally posted by: tanstaafl
And now deflection...
Since I have stated many many times that I know with absolute certainty that vote fraud happens all the time with respect to both parties, your claim is pure unsubstantiated BS.

I've never once see you say voter fraud goes both ways. Every post I've read by you on this topic claims all voter fraud has been against Trump.

originally posted by: tanstaafl
No, that was just the result of the sloppy workings of these systems and casual irresponsibility of those running the elections processes.

Of course you'd say that. I'm actually sure it was too, I was being ironic. Thing is the fact the Left haven't latched onto this and accused the Right of doing that deliberately, why is that?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Hogleg

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: djz3ro

I'm just tired of foreign people putting us and our president down, telling us what we should do, just like that a$$ hat trevor noah, and samantha bee (she's legal now) stay in your lane, we still have borders until Jan.

day after day, night after night, for over 4 years we have heard the left spewing hate, laughing and mocking our president on every channel known to man. and no olive branch will fix this. we won't heel for the pedo

Once again, not putting you down, you have tried to do that to me several times here but I don't stand down for bullies. If you don't like my opinion, move on, don't respond. But you threw out a couple of personal attacks like a spineless coward.

You are really part of the problem with the world and you can't even see it!

it's an American thing you wouldn't understand, the brits have been putting the boot to you all for centuries,, go argue with those wankers. We sent them packing

I'm not telling you what to do, why are you trying to tell me what to do?

Here is you, a foreigner, telling me what to do?

Do you know what a hypocrite is? Go look in the mirror for clarification.

Also, I did say I was involved with politics at a grass roots level...

you see how it feels when foreigner is glee-fully besmirching your country.

well sorry i offended you, it's the arrogance from the left that gets to me.

In regards to the $hit show election... yes, I'm pissed off and mad about it...and so are 70 million Americans. no, I don't have a link. IMO this is a knife in the back of lady liberty. the left brag about changes they want to force on our country, and get all giddy when the say NWO or great reset.

They think they can just take down the borders and everyone roam freely around the world, no national sovereignty, no America. like the old coke commercial, everyone holding hands and singing. never going to happen.

I actually wasn't offended, I have thicker skin than that, i was making a point.

It's sad that the new administration wants to heal the divide but Trump fans are having none of it.

It would probably make America great again!

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: jidnum
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Another "there is no evidence" person 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Did u not watch the PA hearing where more ballots came back than mailed out? That's only 1 instance of many there and other states. So much more. You're just looking or not willing to look. Either way, there is TON of evidence.

Then why is it not being put forward in court? It's a simple question. Until it is, your purported evidence is worthless. Do you understand that?

Didn’t you say that these cases were being dismissed prior to any actual evidence being allowed? What evidence is allowed to be witnessed prior to dismissal by (potentially) biased judges?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: BruceZuckerberg

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: [post=25592649]djz3ro[

He has lost this battle. That is the point of the thread. If there were any legitimate evidence of fraud, we would see it put forth by Trump. He has not put it forward. Do you have any cogent response to this fact?

Trump still has a couple weeks to find a judge that will not dismiss the claims being made. Even if the ultimate result is that Biden becomes the 46th President there will be a large portion of the Country that will not accept that Biden was lawfully elected. Those people aren’t going away. The GOP will have gained 8 (or more) seats in the house and likely retain the senate. At that point I expect they will attempt to impeach Biden with actual evidence (not fabricated and extorted like the Russia hoax) and win the House in 2022.
If you believe the claims being made of election fraud are without merit, I’d love to hear your professional opinion of Hunter’s laptop where Hunter specifically lays out how their bribery and extortion racket works: remember, “10% for the big guy” ? As a Canadian I actually find it comical that a politician as corrupt and degenerate as Biden was picked to begin with but I guess that’s just American politics. I find it equally comical that Biden’s supporters think anything will be resolved in Dec other than nominally.

Wow, it is clear that you do not know how our government works. Only the house can impeach, which it won't because it is held by democrats. Only the senate can convict, and only on a two thirds majority, which it would not do because it is more or less evenly split. Even if both were controlled with republicans they would have no basis on which to impeach Biden. That is one of the stupidest things posted here yet.

"Hunter's laptop" was never verified as being anything of consequence. There is a reason that even Trump stopped touting and that no one is talking about it now. Use common sense. Again, if there were merit to things we would see them being litigated and pushed by Trump himself. And we are not seeing that.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: rnaa

But we've had lots of elections like this.

I was talking about how we voted with mass mailings at this level, not whether it was close or not, or hotly contested. Massive mass mailings opened up doors for the possibility of fraud not there before.

How many other elections have been conducted on US soil under a global pandemic?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: johnnylaw16
originally posted by: tanstaafl
"Already been done. Can't help it if you are deliberately ignorant."

Sad excuse for not putting forward evidence.

What? Refusing to regurgitate just because you are incapable of admitting what is in front of you?

Rotflmao! Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself... again.

There are a ton of people posting lots of stuff that they claim is evidence of mass fraud. I am sure that you have gobbled it up. None of that so called evidence is being put forward by Trump in court. Do you have any response to that fact?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: jidnum
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Another "there is no evidence" person 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Did u not watch the PA hearing where more ballots came back than mailed out? That's only 1 instance of many there and other states. So much more. You're just looking or not willing to look. Either way, there is TON of evidence.

Another there is "evidence" person?

Have you not read the thread and all its links? That's a rhetorical question, you clearly have not.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: johnnylaw16
He has lost this battle. That is the point of the thread. If there were any legitimate evidence of fraud, we would see it put forth by Trump. He has not put it forward. Do you have any cogent response to this fact?

Yes. You are deluding yourself.

But don't worry, your delusion will be exposed soon.


I'd love to make a friendly wager. At what point do you think that Trump will be declared our next president?

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