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There is no actual evidence of voter fraud; here's how we know:

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posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:22 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: rnaa

LOL indeed!

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: rnaa
russians i think busted the water pipe in georgia, and they stopped the count in multiple states. nothing to see here.

Russians burst a water pipe? Proof? If not, you're right, nothing to see here.

originally posted by: Hogleg
votes leaving the country going to spain and germany to be tabulated or manipulated. nothing to see here

Really? You have proof? If not, nothing to see here!

originally posted by: Hogleg
I watched it live, as the votes were adjusted around 4am or so. Nothing will be done about this.

Yeah that was an error to do with manual input, it was picked up and rectified. Nobody is questioning whether the person who made the error was acting for the Reps though. That would be good to know.

originally posted by: Hogleg
The billionaires have spoken and this was the most transparent election in history of elections on earth, perhaps the galaxy or the entire universe. orange man caused all the world's problems. global warming, flat earthers, the china flu, antifa, blm, and pronoun-tards.

You know Trump has put more Millionaires and Billionaires in government than any president before him? So this lies squarely at Trumps feet.

I don't understand this idea that Trump is for the little man, Billionaires are even better off now than they were before. So many Billionaire donors have been elevated to Gov posts.

got any of that proof you're crying about?

Me, crying? No mate, that's you, you're so insecure you needed to make digs at my country? I'm laughing and not with you either.

You've shown your true colours today. Making childish remarks, editing my quote to make a personal attack and attacking my country?

Pathetic, truly pathetic.


The Guardian
Business Insider
News Week
Washington Post
Vanity Fare

☝️ take your pick...

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:24 AM


posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: djz3ro

It's not that he was for the lil guy.It was because he was the first president in many many years to stand up for the USA, instead of apologizing and bending the knee. it was his middle finger to the world.

He made NATO start paying us more to protect your countries. He fixed nafta agreement. He did this while thwarting an attempted coup, and getting impeached. the left never gave him a chance.

You reap what you sow

That you do and Karma is a bitch!

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: djz3ro

you changed mine first

anyway......i'm done

I snipped away the conspiracy theory stuff at the top and bottom to address a specific point. It's how it works on ATS.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:28 AM


posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg

originally posted by: djz3ro
I'm busy with the kids, so I'll be quick...

originally posted by: Hogleg

Florida explained. Also, Judicial Watch is a Right Wing activist group, so is biased towards Trump.

originally posted by: Hogleg

This nonsense again? From the horses mouth. More debunking. The Burning Platform, as far as I can tell, is a website by Jim Quinn, on the website it says he's a libertarian but he seems to be a Conservative Radio host. I may be wrong.

originally posted by: Hogleg

Can you explain what this has to do with the election and your feelings that fraud was committed please? This seems off topic.

originally posted by: Hogleg

So this one shows that the dead relative was a Democrat, the daughter who now lives in her deceased mothers house is a Republican and was unavailable for comment. Seems a clear cut case of voter fraud by a Rep voter.

originally posted by: Hogleg

Twitter? C'mon! And the same bullsnip you posted above. Hugo Chavez had nothing to do with Dominion machines.
This Conspiracy Theory has been fact checked!. And here is what Dominion themselves have to say.

originally posted by: Hogleg

Again? I've provided a few links showing these companies aren't related to Chavez.

originally posted by: Hogleg
coomer with gates no connection with covid or the election

Ooh, more Twitter nonsense! And off topic Twitter nonsense no less!

originally posted by: Hogleg

So after some digging, it seems after they went bankrupt earlier this year they were bought over by Spanish company Service Point Solutions whom, in turn are owned by UK Banking group Paragon. So they're a spanish company now, essentially. Sort of makes sense, no?

LOL your funny... i just grabbed the first few links that popped up. they started scrubbing info weeks ago, i got your proof a hangin

What does that even mean? "Got your proof hanging"? It's clear to anyone you put no effort into it, still you shared links that Xerto and Care post all the time, so I countered them with more factual ones.

Didn't expect someone on the Right to concede though...

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg
anyway......i'm done

You don't really have anything left anyway, all your Orangeman Good, Old Man Bad points have been debunked

(post by Hogleg removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:08 AM


(post by Hogleg removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:14 AM


posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:15 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Hogleg

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: rnaa

LOL indeed!

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: rnaa
russians i think busted the water pipe in georgia, and they stopped the count in multiple states. nothing to see here.

Russians burst a water pipe? Proof? If not, you're right, nothing to see here.

originally posted by: Hogleg
votes leaving the country going to spain and germany to be tabulated or manipulated. nothing to see here

Really? You have proof? If not, nothing to see here!

originally posted by: Hogleg
I watched it live, as the votes were adjusted around 4am or so. Nothing will be done about this.

Yeah that was an error to do with manual input, it was picked up and rectified. Nobody is questioning whether the person who made the error was acting for the Reps though. That would be good to know.

originally posted by: Hogleg
The billionaires have spoken and this was the most transparent election in history of elections on earth, perhaps the galaxy or the entire universe. orange man caused all the world's problems. global warming, flat earthers, the china flu, antifa, blm, and pronoun-tards.

You know Trump has put more Millionaires and Billionaires in government than any president before him? So this lies squarely at Trumps feet.

I don't understand this idea that Trump is for the little man, Billionaires are even better off now than they were before. So many Billionaire donors have been elevated to Gov posts.

got any of that proof you're crying about?

Me, crying? No mate, that's you, you're so insecure you needed to make digs at my country? I'm laughing and not with you either.

You've shown your true colours today. Making childish remarks, editing my quote to make a personal attack and attacking my country?

Pathetic, truly pathetic.


The Guardian
Business Insider
News Week
Washington Post
Vanity Fare

☝️ take your pick...

All left wing rags....nice try

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: Hogleg

It's a joke,,,,,they claimed a waterpipe broke so they had to stop counting.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:26 AM


posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: Hogleg

No, that's what people debating on these forums, on both sides. Both sides of the political divide have done this on this very thread.

You are blind!

You don't have to quote somebody's entire post, just the pieces you're responding to. You must be new to the internet and discussion boards.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

I'm just tired of foreign people putting us and our president down, telling us what we should do, just like that a$$ hat trevor noah, and samantha bee (she's legal now) stay in your lane, we still have borders until Jan.

day after day, night after night, for over 4 years we have heard the left spewing hate, laughing and mocking our president on every channel known to man. and no olive branch will fix this. we won't heel for the pedo

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:43 AM
So this is the post you got butthurt because I snipped it to respond to the middle bit....

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

4 years of russia, russia, russia, no proof, and impeachment. LOL that's enough to convince me. the depths of their hate spews out at all levels of government and MSM. Flynn put on trial for doing his job. burden of proof is overlooked if you are a Lefty

The burden of proof isn't just being overlooked by the Left, it's also being ignored by the courts because there is nothing that serves as proof. And not every Lefty hasn't shouted Russia for four years, some of us (the world over, including US) haven't even whispered it. It was stupid.

Then there's this bit that you shared a bunch of crap links to, nothing to do with any of the claims you made here. I think you made them up yourself...

originally posted by: Hogleg
Ballots in ditches, trash dumpsters, etc. dead people voting, people voting multiple times. Pick a date have a re-vote and see how those numbers change. But, I know that will never happen.

So no need to address it, don't want to be accused of being a fascist again 😂

originally posted by: Hogleg
Get ready for 4 years of china, china, china and hunter gate. we will treat the new administration the same way the Dims treated POTUS

See this is childish. The one but of hope I hold out for Biden is that he really seems to want to work with the Reps and pull the country together. But Trump has done a good job of sewing division and riling the Orangebois up against the Left. This division is going to weaken America.
edit on 29/11/20 by djz3ro because: Fix the layout

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: djz3ro

I'm just tired of foreign people putting us and our president down, telling us what we should do, just like that a$$ hat trevor noah, and samantha bee (she's legal now) stay in your lane, we still have borders until Jan.

day after day, night after night, for over 4 years we have heard the left spewing hate, laughing and mocking our president on every channel known to man. and no olive branch will fix this. we won't heel for the pedo

Once again, not putting you down, you have tried to do that to me several times here but I don't stand down for bullies. If you don't like my opinion, move on, don't respond. But you threw out a couple of personal attacks like a spineless coward.

You are really part of the problem with the world and you can't even see it!

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:51 AM


posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: Hogleg

I'm just tired of foreign people putting us and our president down

Can’t handle criticism of the tangerine tantrum king? Don’t go on international forums.

telling us what we should do

Yet you do it yourself.

laughing and mocking our president on every channel known to man

But you’ll have no problem doing it if Biden is president (you already have and he isn’t even pres yet lol).

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