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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: imthegoat
Breaking on FoxNewbs

Trump campaign takes fight over Penn. election, ballot laws to Supreme Court

Think its gonna happen finally? Maybe...maybe...not?

After what Roberts said and the tantrum he threw? I doubt it. He's a POS traitor.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: imthegoat
Breaking on FoxNewbs

Trump campaign takes fight over Penn. election, ballot laws to Supreme Court

Think its gonna happen finally? Maybe...maybe...not?

After what Roberts said and the tantrum he threw? I doubt it. He's a POS traitor.

In one of the election suits docketed at the Supreme Court last week, the court gave the defendant until January 14th to respond.

That's shows someone in the Supreme Court is attempting to delay addressing election issues.

There needs to be a coup inside the court to oust corrupt Justice John Roberts... led by Clarence Thomas.
edit on 12/20/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: imthegoat
Breaking on FoxNewbs

Trump campaign takes fight over Penn. election, ballot laws to Supreme Court

Think its gonna happen finally? Maybe...maybe...not?

After what Roberts said and the tantrum he threw? I doubt it. He's a POS traitor.

In one of the election suits docketed at the Supreme Court last week, the court gave the defendant until January 14th to respond.

That's shows someone in the Supreme Court is attempting to delay addressing election issues.

There needs to be a coup inside the court to oust corrupt Justice John Roberts... led by Clarence Thomas.

Oh yeah, they're playing their usual obstructive games. For adults, they act like 5-year-old playground bullies.
edit on 12/20/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Some of the most complex military operations in the history of our country?!

WTF is he talking about here?

Yes, excellent Question. One possibility is logistics and secondly it has become increasingly difficult to determine who is friend or foe in the modern battle-space...Domestic enemies of State?

According to Wictor comment:
"The nature of the evidence to be presented will be such that the states themselves will reverse their certifications. You're asking why one of the most complex military operations in American history "is taking so long." Think about that question."

"We even have the dates: The actual operation began August 10, 2020, and the kinetic phase began November 9, 2020. The shaping of the battlefield? Who know how long THAT was? Things got real in December of 2019, when the pandemic started in earnest."

Ok, what if any event occurred on Aug 10?

Wictor commented around 100 times (including pounding naysayers & shills into oblivion) in his video...

"Pence is the Operations President while Trump works on deals with the entire world."

"Trump has no plans to declare martial law. Anybody who tells you that is living in a fantasy world. WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT? The evidence Trump has WAS HACKED. He doesn't need anything else."

"We're going to see a presentation BEFORE January 6. That's all YouTube will allow me to say."

Wictor seems to have extraordinary faith in VP Pence and Miller.

There will be no transition to the Biden administration:

Row explodes between Pentagon, Biden transition team

Guessing Space Force has nothing to do with alien threats (sigh) and is focused on preventing EMP attacks, protecting American satellites and destroying enemy satellites. We are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.?

If Wictor wisdom is right about all this and the Sidney/Flynn/Wood/Rudy circus show is simply providing the "Fog" of war and the real MOAB will be dropped on Jan 5-6 and will be the shot heard around the world...that will be quite a show.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

In my view, within a year they will economically, ideologically, and spiritually destroy us. As I said somewhere in this thread or another, I think our founding documents need to be moved to a safe place NOW.

I empathize with this notion, however I think the spirit of America has returned in a way that will not allow this to happen. The people and the military are behind Trump and it is time for humanity to cross the rubicon once again.

a reply to: Caled

Don’t feel bad. Keeping the faith is hard. Everyone I know thinks I am crazy. Which is ironic; these people are all acknowledging the level of fraud and abuse, and that if Biden or Harris enters the Whitehouse (which they won’t) we will never have an honest election again. And they accept that. That’s what is actually crazy.

There is nothing easy about it. I have found that humor is the right way to deal with it.

I speak with confidence with my co-workers and the Facebook mob and have thoroughly learned to enjoy the "fantasyland" "depressed trumpet" "loser trump boy" "conspiracy theory looney toon" attempts of mockery.

I remember trying to tell people about Epstein back in the mid 2000's, when I bring this up in regards to being called a crazy conspiracy theorist, I like to say " It is great to know you believe Epstein killed himself."

There are many different layers of difficulty in this awakening. There are also the fellow conspiracy theorists who have gone down the dark rabbit holes and are extraordinarily cynical. With good reason I might add.

When you see the darkness, how do you maintain faith in humanity? How is it possible to believe in Q and Trump?

For me it is quite simple. I always knew it would have to be the military that would save us from the NWO. I had absolutely no clue how it would come about, just had a strong faith that this would be true.

I believe the lowest point of my life when it comes to these topics was election night 2016 when I thought that Hillary was going to win and Trump was controlled opposition, lol how wrong I was!

I remember laughing a laugh that I will recall on my deathbed when I realized that Trump won, till this very day that memory will change my mood.

Trump proved over the next year that he was anti-globalist through policies and then bam Q hit!

The sheer genius of tapping into the 4chan humor/research skills blew me away. The memetic warfare that has crippled operation mockingbird continues to make me laugh.

Now more then ever I am more confident that not only will Trump stay in office, the arrests that are going to go down are going to be the D5 avalanche we have all been waiting for.

Hang in there Frenz, the show is just getting started

edit on America/ChicagoSundayAmerica/Chicago12America/Chicago1231pmSunday3 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Earlier this month, Sidney Powell said the Kraken was released a few months ago.

This morning, Lin Wood said Sidney Powell is referring to a huge covert operation.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:34 PM
Another Kovidcide...

A prominent Russian scientist who was working on a COVID-19 vaccine was found dead with a stab wound after plummeting out his window in St. Petersburg, according to news reports.
NY Post

Those faulty Russian windows, again.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:37 PM

“I was born for the storm, and a calm does not suit me.”

― Andrew Jackson

edit on 20-12-2020 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Has anyone received an email from the Oath Keepers? A group that I am a member of made up of ex and current police, ex and current military anyone who has taken the oath to protect and defend.
There is an open letter to President Trump sent to me. You maybe able to find it at their website at Sorry buy I am a dinosaur on the computer or I would post the letter here or at least a link to it.
If anyone else has received the letter please share it with the group or a link to it.


mod note
I think this is the letter

edit on Sun Dec 20 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
What is known about Pat Cippolone?

A gentleman who was in the Big White House meeting last night claims he is a leaker.

A high-level overview of yesterday's White House meeting.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: carewemust

That's not good is it?


posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 04:40 PM
Patrick Byrne

My involvement is I was in the room when it happened. The raised voices included my own. I can promise you: President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers. They want him to lose and are lying to him. He is surrounding by mendacious mediocrities.

In addition, any suggestion if there was talk of a military coup or martial law is also a flat lie. 100% false. I was there for 4 1/2 hours, I heard the entire conversation, that is a 100% fabrication.

I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims military coup/martial law were discussed is 100% fabrication. Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff “get the president to concede“ while they stall Trump. Meadows + Lawyers Eric, Derek, GC Pat Cippollone (leaker).

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 04:50 PM
If your deciding on what holiday movie to watch this week, May I suggest:
Willy Wonka and his Cannibalism Factory

The missing chapter in the book about “Spotty Powder” is interesting and disturbing.
A way to fake a sickness to get out of school, but the power is made of finely ground humans.

The lost chapter, titled "Spotty Powder," was found in Dahl's desk after his death, and it was written in mirror script: backwards, like Da Vinci wrote his journal. The chapter was cut because it implies that Willy Wonka is not only a cannibal, but that he also feeds children their enemies, just like Polynesian islanders and Titus Andronicus.

These people are sick

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

I always watch "Holiday Inn" on Christmas Eve.

I also enjoy this every year.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Caled
We took our cocktails before basic training and I was sick as a dog at one point. I had to wrap myself in those scratchy green blankets to sweat it out.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Alchemst7
Joking aside, back in my military school days we were given a number of vax cocktails and directly afterward they would make us run a 3 mile sprint. None of us ever got sick (that I know of) and any excuses for sub-standard performance was DENIED.

More than once i got vaccinated for things repeatedly and when I aske why the Sgt was asking me if I had a copy of my DD214 in my pocket showing my shot records or I was taking it again... I never carried a copy, I just had to "suck it up buttercup". You can drag that piece of paper out into training unless you keep it in plastic. Did anyone carry that. I am sure there were a few.
Hated getting sick every time and when I had a choice to not take them anymore as a civilian I haven't taken one since.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Some of the most complex military operations in the history of our country?!

WTF is he talking about here?

Exactly... maybe something like a massive sting operation to catch the worlds worst of the worst in an election fraud scheme that equates to sedition and treason, and as a bonus, getting all of the marxist/commie heads of big tech and the MSM at the same time as enabling or out right participating (Zuckerbucks funding the on the ground election fraud movements). If they did what they could/should have done, and were behind this Solarwinds 'hack' and used it to accumulate all of the electronic evidence of the scheme...

Well, thats the only thing I can think of that would fit the bill...

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

In basic at Fort Mac we were "vaccinated" three times for polio. Massive overkill.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

A deep dive into the world of Willy Wonka shows that at best it's a dystopian world of hopelessness and East German styled secret Police, at worst it shows us a society on a full collapse with very few businesses still holding onto power away from governmental directives.

Imagine the power a candy company would have in a society were food choice and amounts are dictated by a governing body. The importance of the Wonka Factory begins to make sense, and inversely the perverse inclinations of Wonka seems realistic in comparison to leaders of business today (looking at you Gates, Bronfman, Weinstein, and others)

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Whew, never heard that one before. On the lighter side...
After that movie was completed, Charlie was offered a contract to do two more Willy Wonka movies. He turned it down and left Hollyweird for good and went on to become a veterinarian. He did spend several months in Germany for the filming. He was a long time customer of my Dad's photography business. Around 10 years ago he was featured in "Veterinarians on Call", a Pfizer funded video series that highlighted the work of large animal veterinarians. He owns and runs the Countryside veterinary clinic in Lowville, NY.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: elementalgrove

I like you : )

Edit made into separate post...
edit on 20-12-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

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