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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

A few like Dr. Farrell have postulated that Russia may be a secret partner with the US, India, Japan, Australia informal alliance to deal with the CCP issues. Australia now has a formal alliance with Japan which allows Australian military troops on Japan soil. Earlier this year Putin cancelled a large missile arms shipment to China and sold to India.💣

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:19 PM
Quite possibly irrelevant but putting it here since music and memes pop up in Q... something of the q drops has been reminding me of something "poetic" recently then it just came to me as these lyrics. As well, with the mention of virus in the lyrics and "you can free the world" it really makes me feel like it is a movie or at least "nothing new under the sun" I hadn't heard the song in about ten years and it seems so current. Plus, its a beautiful song.

Massive Attack - Safe From Harm

Midnight rockers, city slickers
Gunmen and maniacs
All are featured on the freak show
And I can't do nothing 'bout that, no

But if you hurt what's mine
I'll sure as hell retaliate

edit on Fri Dec 18 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: ex tags and trimmed quote IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: RsaWarhawk

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: angelchemuel

I'm telling y'all. This is going to end up as being the biggest hack in the history of our planet. EVERYTHING has been infected/compromised. Whomever these hackers really are, they are sitting on the motherlode of data and information. The leaks/releases/fallout of this is going to be EPIC.

Just spitballing here what if it was Q who hacked it all?

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: CoramDeo
"People whose politicians have been feeding them contracts, grants, privileges and immunity for decades aren't suddenly going to vote 3rd party."

Good point. Like I said up the page, not impossible, but plenty of those RNC heads are very entrenched. They're not just going to run off crying because someone pinched or pushed them. We're talking about an institution that has long since been corrupted by the globalist cabal, to be clear. Trump got through because he worked that system as far as I can tell, not because that system approved him.

Again - it would be much, much easier to just oust the RINOs.

And in case it isn't obvious - easier, in this case, doesn't equate to easy. Just easier and much much faster and cheaper than trying to build a 3rd party from scratch.

That said - if anyone could do that, Trump probably can...

I'm on the fence on this argument. I would be willing to assist either effort with my electioneering skills. Both strategies have merit. Either might work. Probably has to be one or the other for either to work though. I dunno.

Anyway, I wrote that not to say you're wrong or disagree so much as to re-emphasize that there are entrenched forces there. They won't just wither up and go home, most likely. They're probably pretty good at sending punks like us that think we're gonna take over their party running home to mama. Either way they'll have a lot to lose if they give up their spot just like FF said, so they will fight for it.

Now if there is a genuine anti-corruption movement that actually gains traction, then that will probably create a vacuum which makes such a proposition much more likely to succeed. In fact, such a vacuum may already exist in some fashion what with the events of the last few years(early retirements and such), but I'm not sure about that.

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Caled
That's really an interesting video. The only card you see him holding is the King of Diamonds, in multiple shots. Also, the use of red and blue is significant. Also, the designs used throughout are the same type (but not the same design) as the curtains in the Byrne/Flynn videos. I had to watch it a few times.

This is also interesting. The king of diamonds:
The King of Diamonds represents a blond man, self-important, haughty, fearsome, deceitful; in a word, a bad man. He is quick to anger, determined and revengeful. This card often signifies a man in a dangerous occupation. In spite of his flaws, many women find the King of diamonds very attractive. › king-of-diamonds-...

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
I had the oddest experience yesterday and this song came out and found me. I have no other explanation and I have never heard or listened to it before. It just showed up on my cell phone. No coincidences right?

The Man That Sold The World. by David Bowie.
At the 2.29 and 3.0 points Bowie holds up the King of Diamonds.[Other parts as well but really pronounced there.]
He says he came face to face with the man who sold the world. He also says that he thought he had died alone, a long time ago. Maybe a clone reference?
"We Never Lost Control". Ku posted 'We have it all", but did Ku ever say anything about control?
To be honest I don't know what to think because to understand how odd this is, I never listen or have songs on my cell phone.
"Who knows, not me."

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: summer5

originally posted by: Caled
That's really an interesting video. The only card you see him holding is the King of Diamonds, in multiple shots. Also, the use of red and blue is significant. Also, the designs used throughout are the same type (but not the same design) as the curtains in the Byrne/Flynn videos. I had to watch it a few times.

This is also interesting. The king of diamonds:
The King of Diamonds represents a blond man, self-important, haughty, fearsome, deceitful; in a word, a bad man. He is quick to anger, determined and revengeful. This card often signifies a man in a dangerous occupation. In spite of his flaws, many women find the King of diamonds very attractive. › king-of-diamonds-...

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
I had the oddest experience yesterday and this song came out and found me. I have no other explanation and I have never heard or listened to it before. It just showed up on my cell phone. No coincidences right?

The Man That Sold The World. by David Bowie.
At the 2.29 and 3.0 points Bowie holds up the King of Diamonds.[Other parts as well but really pronounced there.]
He says he came face to face with the man who sold the world. He also says that he thought he had died alone, a long time ago. Maybe a clone reference?
"We Never Lost Control". Ku posted 'We have it all", but did Ku ever say anything about control?
To be honest I don't know what to think because to understand how odd this is, I never listen or have songs on my cell phone.
"Who knows, not me."

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Trillium

Well, we are within a week of Christmas and a lot of DoD goes on shorter hours until the New Year has arrived.


Significant that Trump just signed an EO that officially makes 12/24 a FEDERAL Holiday for this year only?

Hasn't that been done before? *goes off to sesrch*

*comes back*


Following similar announcements in 2018 and 2019, the 2020 move marked the third time Trump has opted to designate Christmas Eve as a federal holiday.

From Snopes of all places. Probably the only thing regarding Trump they have marked as "True" 😂

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Thank you!


posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:35 PM
If you're looking to redpill someone, Bongino's podcast today is, IMO, excellent.

It lays out what most of us have known for awhile, but in a succinct and easy to understand way that ties Hillary's emails about U1 to Hunter/Joe Biden, Obama, and HC with recently released Strozk text messages. The hair literally raised up on the back of my neck with the simplicity and chronological description of details.

Rumble link

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Well I hope you are wrong otherwise we are in MAGA poop.....all of us!

Unless... it was the white hats on our side...

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:41 PM
where to begin .....

The Human Farmers

edit on 12182020 by MetalThunder because: 313 D 7 7 7

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:45 PM
LIVE: Maricopa County, AZ Board of Supervisors Meeting on Subpoenas Issued by State Legislature

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: crankyoldman

My 'newbie' take on this is that if Snowden s indeed pardoned by Trump it has to have something to do with getting Russia 'on side' against China..... I'm just a novice to these kind please


I'm really not all that cranky, kindness is easy.

@snowden is an enigma in the Q world - ignore real world for now. I found at the time his "story" to be absurd on every level. The anagram of his name - C_A does this anagram thing for fun, was something akin to "removes hope." Anyway, his moniker is spelled @snowden, @SNOWDEN, snowden, Mister Contractor which suggests we are dealing with more then one version or entity. C_A 5th column at the least.

Qdrops also suggest he may not even be in russia or Russia, as Q hinted at the China connection, which, in retrospect makes sense. He also stole, allegedly, over 1 million docs, and, allegedly, may have put some sort of malware or other on the NSA system among other contentions.

In essence, there is they PR created Snowden myth, which is farcical and whatever Q wants us to see him as. He may simply represent certain folks who have flipped on the C_A 5th, or he may be a person(s) who has information on the 5th, or he is a red herring.

Fun fact, I mentioned he was considered a terrorist at worst, a wanted man at best, and without issue Shane Smith of Vice - soros creation, was able to just pop over to russia or Russia to chat with the contractor without issue - getting into russia to film isn't easy. So was, evidently, Jon Oliver though his edited spot suggests it might have been fake. That makes no sense, why would renOgade's state department give them permission?

Flip side, I was not much of a fan of Assange either, but our departed friend Sky hammered on me until I was forced to move my POV up the ladder a bit. He also looks a helluva lot like a DJT family relation.
Both factor on this mess somehow, and both seem to scare a bunch of folks no matter what side they were on.

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:57 PM
Major moves on the surface that show something big may be happening behind the scenes...

NEW: Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the Biden transition, shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior administration officials tell Axios.

Pentagon Abruptly Halts Biden Transition Briefings, Leaving Officials "Stunned"

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

Makes sense...less suspicion if he declares it each year.

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Astrologer Ray Grasse on Trump:

While these turbulent energies continue for him well into 2021, I want to point out an important trigger that will be
In short, while it’s impossible to know specifically what will be happening for Donald Trump over the next couple of years, there’s no question that it will be a roller-coaster ride for him, both professionally and emotionally, and that these highlighted dates will warrant special attention.

Saturn & Jupiter

Think this would fit here?
Undiscovered stars learned?

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Trump advisor Steve Cortez says Joe Biden is compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.

Its starting.

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 02:05 PM
Something going on between Steve Mnuchin and Pompeo concerning the implementation of an " important executive order "

Mnuchin tweet

There is no disagreement between @SecPompeo and me regarding the implementation of the President’s Executive Order. We are coordinating closely on an interagency basis.

Pompeo tweet

There is no clash between Secretary @stevenmnuchin1and me. We are simply working to resolve interagency mechanics of an important executive order.

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 02:05 PM
This one is for F69...


Poor old joe, can't keep his face on straight it would seem.

posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: onehuman

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Astrologer Ray Grasse on Trump:

While these turbulent energies continue for him well into 2021, I want to point out an important trigger that will be
In short, while it’s impossible to know specifically what will be happening for Donald Trump over the next couple of years, there’s no question that it will be a roller-coaster ride for him, both professionally and emotionally, and that these highlighted dates will warrant special attention.

Saturn & Jupiter

Think this would fit here?
Undiscovered stars learned?


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