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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

They are harming our Republic almost to a man and woman.

This is part of the story of why the State v. State suit was rejected; for lack of standing. The real victims of state voter fraud is The American large. imo, this is the appropriate framework for a class-action federal suit.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: RsaWarhawk
The last thing we would want to do is change the constitution right now in my opinion. Even with good intentions and ideas, you open the door for opposing forces to propose really crappy amendments that could wind up being approved. The house should be cleaned before the furniture is refinished, in my opinion.

1,000% agree. There is only one precedent for a Constitutional Convention in our history, and that one went totally sideways. A Convention was called to make minor changes, and they ended up totally scrapping the original and totally rewrote it.

No, that would not end well, for anyone who loves our country as it was founded.

While I disagree that there i nothing wrong with the Constitution (the biggest problem is the lack of built-in penalties for violating its provisions), changes can be safely made by simply proposing amendments, as has happened over the years.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

nvm - cavv beat me to it!
edit on 13-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 11:24 AM
Yeah you also forgot China granted 18 Trademarks to Ivanka, which are very very difficult to obtain, from China in 2016 and yes one of them is for voting machines. Its the forth of fifth one on the list

Oh that right lets ignore this and focus our attention elsewhere.

a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: TheRaxVirus

Surely the granting of a trademark is a positive thing?

1) Does it not mean that China accepts that their businesses can NOT produce rip-offs of her products?

2) If Ivanka trademarked in China, for example, "U.S.A. official voting machine", then wouldn't China be in breach if any of their businesses manufactured tampered dominion voting machines and sent them to America with labels saying "U.S.A. official voting machine"?

Isn't the idea of trademarks to protect ones trade?

It would be useful if there were an english language version of your linked document - without that who knows what they actually say.
edit on 13-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 11:45 AM
Anyone notice Trumps Tweets don't have the election fraud disclaimer now? Or is it just me?

Not sure if it's been mentioned but Sky News Aus is trending!!!!


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Parksy1981

Parksy, I get this Aussie Sky News article come up:

Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party

In essence this exposes which companies and government departments, across the world, have employees whose first loyalty is to the Chinese communist party!

This could kick-off a cleansing of the CCP from our governments and companies?


A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world

“Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members - who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,” she said.

“Along with the personal identifying details of 1.95 million communist party members, mostly from Shanghai, there are also the details of 79,000 communist party branches, many of them inside companies”.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Just in time for the showdown at the OK Corral.


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel, thanks for expanding my post, I'm pretty pants at it on mobile (on laptop on evenings). Just thought it was odd that it was trending, plus the Trump tweets dont appear to be censored, something is a happening.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Parksy1981

To expand on this it coincides with Ron @CondeMonkeyZ doing some stellar digging on US politicians meeting with Chinese politicians..

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Sidney Powell has avoided the "No Standing" excuse used by the Supreme Court, by submitting 4 cases to SCOTUS with Plaintiffs who have skin in the game.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Parksy1981
a reply to: Parksy1981

To expand on this it coincides with Ron @CondeMonkeyZ doing some stellar digging on US politicians meeting with Chinese politicians..

Who is really in charge of Illinois?

The Mobster or the Commie?:

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: Parksy1981
Anyone notice Trumps Tweets don't have the election fraud disclaimer now? Or is it just me?

Not sure if it's been mentioned but Sky News Aus is trending!!!!

I noticed that as well. There are "possibilities" involved in that.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

I think he's suggesting what I for one have worried about since day one - that Trump is controlled opposition.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: brewtiger

Rudy & Team = teach us/witness testimony reveal massive state fraud
MSM/States push "Safest election in history" = more proof of FAKE NEWS
Texas curveball = summarizes fraud proof in suit submitted directly to SC
Texas curveball = requires PA,GA,WI, MI to "show their hands" in defense
SC denies = MSM push "Trump's last hope is finished" / keeps streets safe
SC denies = Provides best proof for the need for FED VOTER ID going forward
Team Sidney = uses TX peek to make final adjustments/submit EMERGENCY FILINGS
Does this move lead to the ultimate win or just one step closer... who knows.

BT, good point ^^^. Though the PA response was horrendous.

(weirdness - as I post this Roger Whitaker's "I've got to leave old DURHAM town came on...)

Fun fact: We know Harris is not VP Elect, and how do we know? SC said so. By refusing to accept the TX case for standing, they prove, at the moment, that Joe and Kammy are nothing of conseQuence.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Jeffrey Epstein spotted at Zorro Ranch• Dec 6 2020

ABQ Raw, a YouTube channel, "claimed" that Epstein was "spotted" on the ranch while sitting inside a "red vehicle".

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:47 PM
Did you all see the winter storm hitting the mid west right now is called Flynn

The storms upon us.

I’m on the road no time to add links

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Jeffrey Epstein spotted at Zorro Ranch• Dec 6 2020

ABQ Raw, a YouTube channel, "claimed" that Epstein was "spotted" on the ranch while sitting inside a "red vehicle".

Looks like that shot was taken from the air. The question is by whom?

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

That picture was supposedly taken after he had reportedly died, but it was taken shortly after those reports. The picture is not a new one, nor was it taken at a ranch, but rather was taken at the island.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Wearing crocs, definitely him!

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