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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

The History of Israel.

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: carewemust

You can call me out as to saying Dec 18th. I have a battle worn skin that can handle a lot.

What's coming on December 18th? I can't "call you out" on something when you're the one holding the secret.

Beats me, but it's 45 days out from election day.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 03:48 AM
The # is this?

At the end they all have bags over their heads like Shia Labeouf did.

Idk wtf this is but it's weird as all hell

edit on fSundayAmerica/Chicago3303699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
This looks an ominous decode - POTUS ALL CAPS + 3x !!! tweet, at 08:47:30


1) Timestamp points to posts:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5bf34e No.562875 šŸ“
Mar 6 2018 00:05:18 (EST)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5bf34e No.562842 šŸ“
Mar 6 2018 00:02:58 (EST)
Why is this event BIG?

What does it signify?
Why is NK out of the news?
As The World Turns.

WATCH the water.

2) Tweet DELTA of 01:53 points to post:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: wmN+33xv No.149467638 šŸ“
Nov 14 2017 21:25:09 (EST)
For the coming days ahead.
Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?
Does he need money?
Does he need fame?
What does he get out of this?
Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.
Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose.
Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting?
Why didnā€™t HRC give a concession speech?
When was the last time a presidential candidate didnā€™t personally give a concession speech?
What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to brainwash?
At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become the minority?
What about voting machines?
Who owns the voting machines?
What about voter ID laws?
Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh.
Would the chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each passing year?
What does ā€˜red lineā€™ mean?
Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?
What strings were immediately cut?
Follow the money.
When does a bird sing?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4547 No.10672384 šŸ“
Sep 16 2020 15:51:34 (EST)

Note the clock hands at 10 and 2 gives 12th and that 8 days from 12th takes us to day before Dec 21st!

3) CAPS only gematria gives 268, 1608, 3143 (simple, english, jewish)
Equivalents: world health organisation, prince william duke of cambridge, operation urgent fury, BUNKER APPLE YELLOW SKY

#268 Deutschebank: FAKE NEWS

I thought the tweet itself was worth mentioning again in that there's an echo there of John Paul Jones's words in it. 'Surrender? I have not yet begun to fight!'

originally posted by: Hamlin

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: IAMTAT

So again, someone describes in detail the plots and schemes against us. Tells us it is hopeless and inevitable.

And then in a sentence at the end tells us we will win. Without disclosing the plan or how we will do it. They just say believe and stick together.

Kumbaya it gonna do it.IMO

I mean at some point you have to look at yourself being gullible enough to fall for a cold reading scam over and over?

And I get the whole Q helped us research, Q pointed us in these directions. But that's not what Q was doing. Q was trying to control you. Telling you things would happen, that haven't. Telling you he had everything and everything was going to be fine. It isn't(for you anyway).

You wanted it to be true so much you are out of touch with reality.

I mean Aallanon you've been aggressively telling people Trump will still win since the election day. Why the change of mood?

A lot of people invested a lot of time into this, you can already see people trying to distance themselves. The same people 2 years ago had gone full Qrazy about missile attacks, emails, servers, house arrests and "the plan".

I guess where you are going now is not going to be all of you. The "plan" was to string you along to the election and win a 2nd term. It failed. Plan over.

This statement is full of faulty assumptions, in my opinion.

originally posted by: summer5

originally posted by: Aallanon
Why doesnā€™t Trump Declass everything?

Why Doesnā€™t Trump fire everyone.

Why doesnā€™t Trump expose the fraud, the child molesters, the dirty politicians and judges?

Why has Q not posted anything of substance in over a month (almost 6mos. IMO)?

Why does anyone fighting for us look like a bumbling idiot?

Why are the people that make and bring you the news so anti Trump/anti America? It ainā€™t TDS.

Why do so many side with evil? Again IMO

Why is it so hard to just do the right thing?

Where do we find hope?? Does it exist?

I am tired of waiting.

My thoughts exactly at this point in time.

Especially to do with pedo's. How many children/babies are being harmed and or killed each day? Why wait and sit on it? If I had any power and knew of evil happening I sure wouldn't wait days, weeks or months. Get the MoFo's rounded up and nail them to the wall.

I think if there is a big election sting actually happening, the investigation is probably still ongoing. If they know that the higher ups know of the fraud and that they are knowingly certifying and pushing through a fraudulent election, they would want to catch all of that as well as the fraud that has already occurred.
edit on 13-12-2020 by TheBadCabbie because: because

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: IAMTAT

Iā€™m not blaming you TAT. Iā€™m just pointing out the futility and banality of it all.

I really respect your opinion so all I ask, what do you think of all this? I know you stated that you would rather hope than give in to despair? But tell me what is there to hope for? Who can we put our faith in?

It seems to me that Q was designed to appease us.

In the four years Iā€™ve been following Q. Nothing of what they said is come to pass.

Q is full of crap.

Well fact is regardless of how we might spin it Q is just a LARP. Whether it's a kid in a basement, Britney Spears, Regis and Kathy Lee, JFK Jr, or Michael friggin Jackson, that person or persons are playing the role of this Q persona. Q is full of crap by definition, unless Q really is an all powerful godlike entity that transcends all space, time, and dimension. That's okay though, because it's an entertaining and informative ride, in my opinion. Anyway, just saying. I'm not saying it's all false, I'm just reminding everyone that it is a LARP by definition.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Aallanon

Aall, re Why?

Because we have to be SHOWN for the TRUTH to sink in!

Otherwise we will just be tricked again in another decade.

We have to feel that we've lost it all in order to ACTIVELY want to protect it in the future.

It's like a relative going in for an op with a 20% risk of death - you want to get things in order with them before they go in, and you appreciate them doubly when they come out safely.

I'd say that you've reached your PRECIPICE and are taking a step back - you see the stampede of bison, racing towards you, as less risk than putting on a parachute and taking a Leap of Faith?

That's quite possibly part of the plan. Q has said as much in more recent posts, hasn't she?

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I'm dropping this UK local news here, just in case. It contributes to our findings on Imperial College, which rigged the sensationalist projections on the virus.

Basically, it's a letter I received this morning from Imperial College, asking me to take part in COVID test research by taking a test they'd send me which a courier would then pick up.

1) Are they basically drumming up business for deep state? Going out to get people tested to increase numbers,

2) If one tests positive then they inform contact tracing, giving them more people to tell to isolate and/or test,

3) Imperial college, IPSOS MORI, the NHS and Track and Trace working in coordination,

4) NHS gave them data of who to sample - presumably based on elderly or those who've had serious illness in the past,

5) If this is seriously research, for them to build a new model on, then they must be sampling at least 10,000 people in order to significantly assess the UK population as a whole - so why are they using couriers to pick up the tests, at say Ā£20 per pickup.

6) I'd note the 3 names on the bottom of the first page - may be worth digging on!

ETA - I've just been told that my 12 yr old grandson has also been asked to take part in the study!!! For 2 people living a hundred yards away to receive it implies the letter is going to 100s of thousands of people - at Ā£20 a pop for couriers. Ā£20 to 50 million on couriers for a piece of research sounds extremely high.

Hehe. I was going to suggest that you swab an apple, but I saw that you already began to have naughty thoughts before I got around to it. Make sure that if there is some affadavit with it that you refuse to sign it or lose it or something. Don't get yourself in trouble over it.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 04:21 AM
As always, Victor Davis Hanson has his finger on the pulse of what is really happening.

How weird that the party once of the Bushes and Romneys is now the party of the working-class deplorablesā€”earning the everlasting hatred of the NeverTrump elite, whose interest in conservatism was mostly its bicoastal cultural cachet, not in any concern with bettering the plight of millions of the working lower middle classes. The losers of a sustained class war are now felt by the winners to deserve it as proper recompense for their alleged illiberality.

The summer of COVID-19, quarantines, riot and arson, and an absence of confidence in the sanctity of voting ended with a lot of scarsā€”and we will always bear them from now on.


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Are we sure that the dismissal from SC isn't due to a filing error? Like, seeking the wrong form of relief???

The dismissal simply states that Texas lacks standing for the suit, and offers no other opinion.

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: IAMTAT

So again, someone describes in detail the plots and schemes against us. Tells us it is hopeless and inevitable.

And then in a sentence at the end tells us we will win. Without disclosing the plan or how we will do it. They just say believe and stick together.

Kumbaya it gonna do it.IMO

Indeed it will not, I agree.

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: pheonix358
It has to be military combined with the DOJ. You can't just whisk people away, without Barr taking to a podium and explaining why they were arrested/detained.

Something like that, at least. I could see the military coming with the charges, if DOJ were unwilling. I agree in that I would think they would want anything like that to be very above board and as highly visible as possible though, especially if we're talking about a large number of arrests/tribunals at once, or in a short time frame.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 04:34 AM

A term applied to energy produced by human beings and animals that other entities use to feed from. It is also used to refer to the energy that is produced by suffering that entities feed. From books by Robert Monroe. Maybe a play on the French word Louche.

Reversal Networks are collecting life force from the collective fields of all earth inhabitants and producing more subtle black forces and miasma. The much sought after spiritual energy contained in these fields is called energetic Loosh by the cabals. In this context, loosh is referred to as the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans when feeling threatened, harmed or being killed, that results in the traumatizing pain and suffering that is experienced and recorded in the body, mind and soul. This trauma and pain gets recorded in the earth body itself. For centuries the NAA have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code. This has been given to secret societies and institutions for the purpose of Mind Control and Social Engineering, in order to harvest Negative Emotional Energy or loosh from the masses.

With the current acceleration of the electronic era, which promotes transhumanism and an array of Artificial intelligence technologies both overtly and covertly, the exploitation to extract negative emotional energy from humanity is at an all-time high. Our planet is being deluged with negative mind control programming and AI broadcasts that target the negative Ego Filters that have infiltrated every fiber of society. This is in order to elicit extremely negative emotions and painful trauma from the constant bombardment of harmful images, behaviors and actions. These programs encourage cruelty, brutality, and violence, which are being massively super-imposed upon humanity and the earthly kingdoms at this time. Extremely charged negative emotional energy, such as that achieved during Satanic Ritual Abuse, contains hormonal adrenalin cascades that course throughout the cellular energy within the human body, blood and brain. Under such intense extremes of painful suffering, the blood and flesh becomes charged with heightened molecular content, which is highly prized by Negative Aliens and Satanic forces. This is why they delight in the torture, suicide and killing of human beings, especially the innocent souls unable to protect themselves, like children.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 04:39 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Yep , its pretty evident that there is and has been a change of management being done behind the scenes.

I just don't recall in the last several decades seeing the CIA being targeted in public like that.

I don't remember anything noted historically since Kennedy's infamous 'thousand pieces' quote.

originally posted by: carewemust
Has anyone heard (or know) why the Supreme Court let this case build up with so many "add-ons", and emotion investment from millions of citizens, while knowing all the time they would strike it down?

Perhaps to promote awareness on the issues among the public? Perhaps to provide distraction so that their hotline phones would stop ringing so much and they could finish their vacation planning with their afternoons? I dunno.

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

FISA military tribunals coming in 24h. Grab your popcorn, it's happening!

Time to wake up the people out there. Please share the world!

Its Habbening?

The thing I didn't like about mewe was that I was expected to become a member just to view their content. That's a deal breaker for me, which has me favoring parler and gab over it for social media alternatives. Their content can be viewed by unregistered browsers, which is preferable in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
Thank you for posting that for me.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 04:57 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
Military tribunals and massive arrests of treasonous state officials is in order.

Sure would be great to see...

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: texasgirl

Oh no,call martial law,suspend the constitution and then a call of no confidence in the government. then a new constitutional convention.

Disagree. The last thing we would want to do is change the constitution right now in my opinion. Even with good intentions and ideas, you open the door for opposing forces to propose really crappy amendments that could wind up being approved. The house should be cleaned before the furniture is refinished, in my opinion.

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: pheonix358
For heavens sake ... trust the plan!

It is that simple.

You are witnessing a confusion attack.

You don't know what is happening and neither do the enemy.

Buckle up baby.


Just to play Devil's Advocate, but have you considered "Trust the Plan" was tailor-made to deter True Patriots(tm) from taking action? For sure, some of the "digs" have uncovered things based on "crumbs" from Ku. But what substantive, preserve-the-Republic actions have happened?

Still nursing my theory that MI was watching the Election steal in real time. Hoping the coup will be exposed. But, as is oft said, "Hope isn't a plan."

I don't see much merit in this argument. Exactly what actions do you think that 'True Patriots' would be planning or carrying out in the absence of the popular online LARP known as Q? If it were an evil Q type thing, I would think it would be aimed at getting patriots to do stupid stuff. Break the law, destroy their credibility, or something like that. None of that is supported by Q's writing either though. Those invitations to break the law or blog about stupid stuff just aren't there. His research suggestions all seem to lead to pretty solid info, so that notion doesn't seem to dovetail with the facts of what the LARP presents.

Anyhow, I share your hopes of a bigger investigation happening and justice to come. I guess we'll see what happens.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: interupt42

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: 0bserver1

Yeah but Powell is having a really off night. Sheā€™s 0-4 with 4 strikeouts.

Yeah the Kraken has not been very effective.

The swamp is deep and don't be surprised if her and trumps legal team are feeding the people and trump himself what they want to hear as a stalling tactic until its to late and CHIDEN is POTUS.

Hard to believe a once reputable legal team could be this incompetent without it being on purpose?
Heck they didn't even do the filing correct like if they were rookies.

You think Powell could be controlled opposition? I had also considered the possibility that she was behaving deceptively for some other puspose, ie muddy the waters, bait bad actors into foolish behavior, etc.

Have you seen evidence of intentionally sloppy filing errors on her part that have sabotaged her own efforts? If you have I'd like to see the reporting on it, please. I missed that if it has been reported.

originally posted by: Frodolives
I don't see any way to prevail. The game was rigged and the consequences of fixing it were too damaging to the nation in the end I fear. A military option is not a solution.

Really disheartening.

I disagree. Why not? I suspect it's actually probably the best option. There is no non-damaging option. There is no option that would not wind up getting at least a little messy. The alternative outcome from not fixing if if you are able to fix it is rather bleak...
edit on 13-12-2020 by TheBadCabbie because: because

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 05:54 AM
Reply to CP[/post]

Attorney General William Barr knew about two contemporaneous federal investigations into Hunter Biden for months ā€” and worked to keep them from the public ahead of the election, according to a new report.

The nationā€™s top law enforcement official avoided providing information about the probes to Republicans in Congress without explanation, a person familiar with the matterĀ told the Wall Street Journal.

originally posted by: [post=25623354]Creep Thumper
Turns out Barr "hid two federal probes into Hunter Biden for months".

We already know the explanation. He's a DS POS.

Who is an outsider to turn towards for important jobs with highly specialized skill sets? Especially, when they are all swamp creatures doing their part in the puppet play to encourage America, and the world, that they are the perpetrators of facts that you can 'believe'. That whatever we the people say is of little importance and has to be squashed at every angle because it might harm our 'democracy'. Oddly, just like the "1984" Orwellian classic.

They are harming our Republic almost to a man and woman. "Et tu Brute" oh yea unwashed masses. They have their prize in plain sight and are salivating to finish. Are there enough White Hats to fight the Black Hats? Or are they Grey hats playing both ends against each other, I am sure they will decide which team they belong after the dust settles?

edit on 13-12-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
Just a little reminder of what is REALLY going on. 45 days from the election... December 18th. This document refers to A United States election. "I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat".

This is where focus should be. This is still in effect... the election result might not matter, and could be re-run. Who knows. But I'd really urge everyone to re-read this executive order given how much we know regarding foreign interference. This EO really does have massive broad powers focused abroad. China... Germany(?) Where else?

Exe cutive Order

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

Issued on: September 12, 2018

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit Americaā€™s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of A United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(b) Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies and, as appropriate, State and local officials, shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating, with respect to the United States election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1(a):

(i) the extent to which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results; and

(ii) if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data.

The report shall identify any material issues of fact with respect to these matters that the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security are unable to evaluate or reach agreement on at the time the report is submitted. The report shall also include updates and recommendations, when appropriate, regarding remedial actions to be taken by the United States Government, other than the sanctions described in sections 2 and 3 of this order.

The show hasn't even begun yet. They're still gathering evidence. The above is where the action is.

I agree. Quite possible. That's what I'm thinking, hoping.

originally posted by: Aallanon
Why doesnā€™t Trump Declass everything?

Why Doesnā€™t Trump fire everyone.

Why doesnā€™t Trump expose the fraud, the child molesters, the dirty politicians and judges?

Why has Q not posted anything of substance in over a month (almost 6mos. IMO)?

Why does anyone fighting for us look like a bumbling idiot?

Why are the people that make and bring you the news so anti Trump/anti America? It ainā€™t TDS.

Why do so many side with evil? Again IMO

Why is it so hard to just do the right thing?

Where do we find hope?? Does it exist?

I am tired of waiting.

Erm, he's trusting the plan, perhaps?

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: queenofswords

Anybody know how much they want for it?

What is it worth if advertisers don't pay you and then there are bills to pay?

Not much. I suspect we have a limited ability to attract money paying ads because the big ad agency's might be getting axed if they spend money in places where "hhhh hhhh hhuh hate speech might occur". I would like to thank Mark Dice for that observation and phonetic fun with all the h's in "hhhh hhhh hhuh hate speech ".

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

That chart is outdated.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:01 AM
Biden already pissing off "his people". I don't know what else they expected. He's a prime example of a nasty, dirty old white man.

If you want integrity you have to pick someone respectable.

Biden is considering that slime, Cuomo, for AG. You have to be completely blind to the truth to give this turd any more power. He murdered the elderly in his own state.

They don't like the "Orange Man Bad", but I'd say his actions speak for themselves. The rest of the world respects what he has done for all of us. The left is pissed because they have to buy that kind of adoration.

President-elect Joe Biden is already struggling to satisfy more liberal Democrats, many of whom are enraged he picked a 69-year-old white man with a questionable civil rights record to lead his Department of Agriculture.

Tom Vilsack, Iowa's two-term governor, is set to reprise his role as agriculture secretary, a position he held for the entirety of former President Barack Obama's eight-year administration. Even if far-left Democrats are seething over Biden's decision to name him nominee-designate.
edit on 12/13/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Sounds like Biden is trying to rebuild Zero's empire. How uninspired.


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:29 AM
LOL. Meme from Neon Revolt's channel on Gab.


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Frodolives
I don't see any way to prevail. The game was rigged and the consequences of fixing it were too damaging to the nation in the end I fear. A military option is not a solution.

Really disheartening.

I disagree. Why not? I suspect it's actually probably the best option. There is no non-damaging option. There is no option that would not wind up getting at least a little messy. The alternative outcome from not fixing if if you are able to fix it is rather bleak...

Look, I am not here to discourage nor dissuade anything from anyone. Most folks post about their beliefs in Q and what needs to happen. Some are chasing the noble child trafficking network sting, others the political corruption exposure, Lizards and Demons, Saturn and Jupiter, bloodlines and banking. All are likely partially or mostly true. Everything may be intertwined, who knows. Personally, I want all to be vindicated and have it laid out nice and neat, but I doubt "we the people" will most likely never get within 2% of the real truth.

I DO see the military involved certainly. Will it be effective? I hope so, but I don't like a worse case scenario. And believe me, we are getting to that point. There has been a war going on behind the scenes (more intense) in our government since at least 2016. That is apparent as hell to anyone with an IQ of 8 or higher. The collateral damage this nation is in now, is just that...fallout from the scorched earth war front trickling into our every day lives.

For the record, I served 23 years in the service. I know there are great and fine people in the military. I know they have the capability, the resolve, and the will to overcome should they be allowed.

Alas, I will just say this. I AM disheartened. As much as I loathe the media and our corrupt leaders I think I am angrier at that subset of creatures who casts actual "legal" votes for Team Biden. But then again I guess I never did understand mental illness all that well. It's a thing apparently.

Have I given up? HELL NO!
This is a Government coup funded by a hostile foreign nation at the least.
I will never accept that outcome for my children's and my grandchildren's future....nor anyone else's either.

I'll go back to lurking a bit as venting can often come off as whiny or arrogant. I don't want to offend anyone.
You guys are the greatest and we are after the same thing in the end. Justice, and the restoration of a once great country with all of it's minor imperfections.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:37 AM
Time to get some bearings...on EVERYTHING currently happening...

Allow me start the list rolling...Please add to this list...ONLY what you know to be certain.

So what do we know FOR CERTAIN?

1) We are secretly/not so secretly 'at war' with the DS and the CCP.

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