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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Good points eg. Q has helped to sex up corruption research, helping to popularize important journalism that rarely gets enough airtime, while also providing an incentive for a little more organization and networking among freedom loving individuals. The willingness of the media to lie with abandon quite often, has rarely if ever been more clearly on display to the world than it is right now. Our cheetoh haired champion has made numerous moves that may benefit average Americans for years to come. These are all desirable outcomes, regardless of whatever else happens.

Thank you for your kind words!

It has been fascinating to watch the cognitive dissonance kick into high gear in order to maintain the illusion crafted by the Operation Mockingbird apparatus.

This cognitive dissonance, the choice to know, I believe is a larger part of the Q operation. It is one thing to tap into the realm of independent critical thinkers who have already been redpilled.

To unite them and begin the dissemination of information is one thing.

It is a whole different thing to wake up those invested in the lies of Operation Mockingbird.

Lol it is like trying to explain to a child that Santa is not real, actually Santa is pure evil.
edit on America/ChicagoSundayAmerica/Chicago12America/Chicago1231amSunday8 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
I've linked to their calendar several times in this thread. But I understand how tough reality can be for those who think SCOTUS is the answer.

Could do without the snark, especially since I have never said they were the only answer.

Supreme Court Calendar:

Yeah, seen it - but it doesn't show them being on vacation, now, or ever.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: carewemust


Last 3 posts by 0311Warrior:

1) 11/1 = GREAT DAY Fellow Patriots,
2) 11/22 = Wonderful Evening my fellow Patriots.
3) 12/11 = Terrific Evening My Fellow Patriots!

2) If #2 used a (6-6-9) word count hint in message,
KU669 = Article 3, Section 3 = Treason = ties to SC/recent events

3) Are "obscure", "terrific" & "spewing" hints in new post?
- "obscure" & "terrific" = unusual, see only once on QMAP
- "spewing" = can't find on QMAP, but links to POTUS "dam" tweet

- KU1433 = "obscure" statue = Vacancies Reform Act of 1988
- Dec 10, 2020 = POTUS just signs a new EO tied to this act (DoD)
- BO/POTUS have both used EOs to change order of succession
- Executive Order on Providing an Order of Succession within the Department of Defense

- KU1849 = Mueller is "terrific"
- Catherine Herridge highlighting lots of things recently?
Former Trump attorney John Dowd called Mueller 'terrific' after quitting Trump's legal team

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: Frodolives

First, thank you for your years of service. Certainly many more than my own.

I share your (and EMN's) sense of unease with the prospect of military involvement.

For two reasons.

🖸 Any kind of military action can get much messier than anticipated, and quickly. (Clausewitz, friction, and all that.)

🖸 I fear many of the three- and four-star people may be more concerned about their perks than defending the Constitution. I was not impressed, for example, with the quibbling of the CJCS about military involvement during the period in which there was widespread unrest on the streets of the USA, including the occupation of American territory by "autonomous collectives".

Clearly, defense of the Constitution against domestic enemies will be a measure unpopular with many people. That noted, if it is undertaken, those doing it need to be fully behind the operation and not seeking to remain 'acceptable' in the eyes of the media, the Democratic Party, or anybody else. Such an operation will be risky enough without flag rank officers being unsure if it is something they want to really be part of.

edit on 13-12-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I have thoughts, but regarding your qualification, I am CERTAIN of very little at the moment. Good starting comment on your part, though.


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: IAMTAT

I have thoughts, but regarding your qualification, I am CERTAIN of very little at the moment. Good starting comment on your part, though.


Cheers back at you.

2) I am CERTAIN that 1/20/2021 will become 'High Noon' for everything leading up to what we've been following here for several years.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Enderdog

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Your post reminded me of this. Earlier today, White House advisor Dan Scavino tweeted a short video clip. The Skull & Crossbones image was on the side of a military helicopter in the clip.


Not a skull and crossbones. It's the Punisher logo. And used by many military groups, including private contractors. There were guys in tan military looking gear at the Boston Bombing who were wearing it too.

The "Punisher" image seems to be the skull without the crossed bones. They both mean "pain incoming" don't they?

I would label the punisher skull more representative of a *natural law justice" eye for an eye, the strong protecting the weak, and punishing criminals without mercy
Ultimately it is the death penalty for a vast majority of crimes

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:18 AM
Would all the people, pelosi, schuff, biden, kamala, all of them, be present at inauguration? If so, would that be a good time to just surround and swoop them up?

Then go up to the podium and read off all the charges.
I dunno, kinda absolute last second kind of thing.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:20 AM
Just curious ...
Anyone see this ? (I may have missed it as I am taking breaks lol

Jeffrey Epstein spotted at Zorro Ranch• Dec 6 2020

ABQ Raw, a YouTube channel, "claimed" that Epstein was "spotted" on the ranch while sitting inside a "red vehicle".

Embedded video at link .....

edit on 12132020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Some resemblance, but not really enough focus to say one way or the other.


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:35 AM
Maybe he'll return from the "dead". I wonder if he voted for Biden 😳

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
Military tribunals and massive arrests of treasonous state officials is in order.

Sure would be great to see...

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: texasgirl

Oh no,call martial law,suspend the constitution and then a call of no confidence in the government. then a new constitutional convention.

Disagree. The last thing we would want to do is change the constitution right now in my opinion. Even with good intentions and ideas, you open the door for opposing forces to propose really crappy amendments that could wind up being approved. The house should be cleaned before the furniture is refinished, in my opinion.

Agreed this is one of the most dangerous beliefs in the whole game. And i want everyone to remember that during Obama's years their was a big push iI beleieve lead by obama to have a constitutional convention.
Mark levin, hannity, savage all of them pushing for a convention and 26 states had signed up for it. The ideacwas thst we would be able rt fix a few things wrong with it, the biggest being that a constitution convention allows for the entire thing to be scrapped and remade.

The constitution is not the problem, it is the enforcement of it

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

a reply to: IAMTAT

I have thoughts, but regarding your qualification, I am CERTAIN of very little at the moment. Good starting comment on your part, though.


Cheers back at you.

2) I am CERTAIN that 1/20/2021 will become 'High Noon' for everything leading up to what we've been following here for several years.

3) I am CERTAIN that sleepy Joe didn’t get more votes than anyone in Presidential history !

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Boy is that a “mirror” date

1 2 0 2 0 2 1

What is that in binary?
edit on 13-12-2020 by Aallanon because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Aallanon

Nothing. "2" is not a number in binary.

ETA: If the date is considered as a base-10 number, then in binary it is 0001 0010 0101 0111 0110 0101.

edit on 13-12-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Oh yeah. Your right

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

4) the lawsuit in Michigan county that was allowed to audit 22 dominion machines

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Aallanon

If one looks at it as a base-3 number, it comes out to 1276 in decimal.


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 09:01 AM
Actually I think it was an error in the converter. Disregard.

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: IAMTAT

Boy is that a “mirror” date

1 2 0 2 0 2 1

What is that in binary?

edit on 12/13/2020 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: MountainLaurel

4) the lawsuit in Michigan county that was allowed to audit 22 dominion machines

I find it incredible that anyone can get away with withholding the results of a forensic audit.

Could it get any more obvious that they bloody cheated?

GD frustrating.

If I were dictator, there would be executions. People aren't getting the message.

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