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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Your post reminded me of this. Earlier today, White House advisor Dan Scavino tweeted a short video clip. The Skull & Crossbones image was on the side of a military helicopter in the clip.


Not a skull and crossbones. It's the Punisher logo. And used by many military groups, including private contractors. There were guys in tan military looking gear at the Boston Bombing who were wearing it too.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Nobody is elected on that day, that's presidential inauguration day so that day is too late.

You know what I meant. Nothing matters except who is inaugurated on 1/20/2021. Biden can have another aneurysm by then for all we know.

Who will be Kamala's Vice President?

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Your post reminded me of this. Earlier today, White House advisor Dan Scavino tweeted a short video clip. The Skull & Crossbones image was on the side of a military helicopter in the clip.



posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: carewemust

I suppose you have to wait for them to cast their illegal votes for Biden for it to be an actual crime.

It's too late then. Our demon-possessed judges say you're to officially file your complaint before the crime.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:43 AM
Yes indeed, we were in a river going the opposite direction to natural lore/law and atm just like the high tide mark when it is neither going out or in in that now mument, anchor.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: 1320Q17yes

It feels like the downward spiral is rapidly spinning like a cyclone or water down a drain. It's a strong force and there is so much pressure for those of us who are swimming against the current. But the awakened ones are securely anchored to the upward flow and we're not letting go. We're pulling in two, opposing directions like a tug of war. Fighting for which path we are going to follow---either entropy or syntropy. Fear or Faith. As long as they don't give up and we don't give up, the tension will keep building as we pull farther and farther away from each other until the 'rope' finally snaps and we are set free

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:44 AM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Not yet sabre but sounds like a sunday afternoon task to delve into!

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: carewemust

You can call me out as to saying Dec 18th. I have a battle worn skin that can handle a lot.

What's coming on December 18th? I can't "call you out" on something when you're the one holding the secret.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Nice catch care!

So I'm guessing an emphasis on Skull&Bones means that something is happening with either Mueller or John Kerry.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: Enderdog

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Your post reminded me of this. Earlier today, White House advisor Dan Scavino tweeted a short video clip. The Skull & Crossbones image was on the side of a military helicopter in the clip.


Not a skull and crossbones. It's the Punisher logo. And used by many military groups, including private contractors. There were guys in tan military looking gear at the Boston Bombing who were wearing it too.

The "Punisher" image seems to be the skull without the crossed bones. They both mean "pain incoming" don't they?

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:57 AM
Dog comms from the Biden family? tweet link.

Time for shut eye!

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 12:59 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: carewemust

Nice catch care!

So I'm guessing an emphasis on Skull&Bones means that something is happening with either Mueller or John Kerry.

Might be. You're better with those group/club connections than I am.

Here's my focus 24/7, until we've achieved success.

Election developments:

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Who will be Kamala's Vice President?

Kamala can only become Vice President if Joe Biden is inaugurated. If something happens to Joe then Kamala will not be Vice President, nor can she assume the position President.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1
Thank-you. I wrongfully assumed that Kamala would be sworn in on January 20th, and that she'd have to pick a VP before being sworn in.

The media is already turning sour on Joe. Boring, no Q&A, rare appearances, surrounded by DOJ couldn't get a worse President...

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 02:04 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
A lot comes down to belief in this:

To my ear, it sounds like Trump's punch line was set-up by Hillary.

Think about what this means, either way.

Hey... I know this may be out there but does this have to do with the inversion (true=false false=true) thing? Where Clinton was using Fake News as a weapon and then Trump flipped it on her/them?

Like take this for example:

Also twitter has scrubbed the Antifa tag and is now using Counter Protestors
edit on fSundayAmerica/Chicago1602699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 02:15 AM
There's not one single media outlet covering the DC march. Hilarious! It's so freaking obvious what's going on!

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Because Kamala is the prize. She is the chosen one; they have to get the old white guy out of the picture, pronto!


posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: pteridine

Hi Pteridine / Cranky,

What happened just after SC ruling?
Sidney Powell Announces EMERGENCY FILINGS in Georgia, Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin!

Rudy & Team = teach us/witness testimony reveal massive state fraud
MSM/States push "Safest election in history" = more proof of FAKE NEWS
Texas curveball = summarizes fraud proof in suit submitted directly to SC
Texas curveball = requires PA,GA,WI, MI to "show their hands" in defense
SC denies = MSM push "Trump's last hope is finished" / keeps streets safe
SC denies = Provides best proof for the need for FED VOTER ID going forward
Team Sidney = uses TX peek to make final adjustments/submit EMERGENCY FILINGS
Does this move lead to the ultimate win or just one step closer... who knows.

- not what we think needs to happen / our time table
- not a straight line, but a massive flow diagram with lots of branches
- ultimate path taken also depends on the decisions made by others
- but all actions have been anticipated & accounted for
- Eventually getting us to CHECKMATE

What happens if a U.S. presidential candidate dies before the election or inauguration? Part 1 of 2.
- Timing is everything
- "Glitch" becomes a strong candidate for 2020 Word of the Year
- The new congress will be responsible for sorting it out

edit on 13-12-2020 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
A lot comes down to belief in this:

To my ear, it sounds like Trump's punch line was set-up by Hillary.

Think about what this means, either way.

Are you suggesting that HRC might be controlled opposition?

originally posted by: pheonix358

originally posted by: Aallanon

Another day passes without an arrest or a declassification or even a firing

For the enth time. You and the rest of us have no idea when arrests were made.

Past tense!

Just look at JBs photos before the arrest and after the arrest.

Just because you do not see does not mean that nothing is being done.

Actors play roles.

Now shadappa your face and enjoy the movie. (This sentence is designed to be humorous.)


That's an interesting possibility to consider. There might have been a million arrests of bureaucrats and politicians that have not hit the spotlight.

If it were you, and you were that senator quietly detained and informed that you were being charged with a dozen felonies and were given the choice of keeping it sealed or having it all nice and public, what would you choose? Would you go brag to reporters about it the next day, make sure those dozen felonies you were just quietly charged with get lots of press time, or maybe keep quiet about it and hope no one notices? Things to consider...

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Haven't I read here somewhere that because SCOTUS has thrown out the Texas case that the only step Trump now has is to call Marshall Law and bring in the troops?

First... it's martial law, not marshall law (sorry, just a pet peeve)...

Next... The Texas case came out of nowhere. It was not part of the plan. It was a surprise.

There are numerous cases still in the works.

But yes, martial law is on the table (I hope), but - and this is a huge bigly but - it will require that they really do have all of the evidence, to prove beyond any doubt whatsoever, the real results of the election, how the fraud happened, who was responsible, and have some big players who have flipped ready to testify.

tanstaafl, can you tell me what cases are still going? I'm pretty sure the PA case is still hanging out up there in limbo, do you know what else?

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: onehuman
My feelings on all this.
I feel POTUS pretty much advertised what the SCOTUS Decision was going to be last night with that one tweet to be brave and wise he made earlier in the day. They did it according to the law and that was the best possible thing for them to do. As many have mentioned more or less, by doing that is closes the door for the left to cry foul or they are in POTUS pocket or whatever their choice of wording is for the day. They established they are following the law. At least there is appeasement for this round anyway.

What frustrates me are the wishy washy "Patriots." After 3 years of what has been suppose to be a learning curve more or less, they still just fall apart if anything goes the least bit sideways and turn into the same little puddle of tears they makes memes of the left doing. Pitiful really.

So many of us share information day after day after day for those who work and dont have time to dig themselves. They get the nutshell versions, but enough to understand the basics and they act like they understood it all, but still they fall apart. It is hard to fight off the temptation to fall into a apathetic state sometimes. I knew the minute I posted the SCOTUS RULING last night it was going to be a mess and my stomach cringed at the thought of it. Not because I was worried about it because I know better, its just such a headache to watch the whining session repeat its history once again.

Now then, Just spitballing with this one below.
Biden isnt President until his hand is on that Bible and he says I do after the reading of the swearing in oath. Maybe our ghostly friend does mean the 20th. Of course thinking outside the box here,, but what better day for lightning to strike. Swarm the podium and arrest him right then and there in front of the whole wide world. Wouldn't that be a real kicker. All the big tvs set up around the area start playing videos of the crimes. POTUS has been using that tact lately in his last few rally's. He would still be POTUS at that point wouldn't he?

Not to mention how many of all the ones we know to be criminals and involved in all this will be there for the swearing in. Round them up to and arrest them under that EO from 2018 that we keep sharing. The whole world would see that too. That would be quite the roundup in one swoop. All of them sitting there all smug and thinking they got away with it, only to find themselves behind bars an hour later.

A girl can dream cant she?!

It could happen I suppose. On the other hand, even without Trump being the president, there's still a lot he could do to help the cause of liberty, if he chooses to. There's a lot that a lot of Americans that aren't Trump can do, for that matter, if they choose to. I'm not sure what to expect. It seems pretty clear this isn't over. What comes next, I'm not sure, but I think the next couple of months are going to be real interesting current events.

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: tanstaafl

Conversation with spouse last couple days, much like you put forth.

SCOTUS not be all end all to this election fraud no matter the ruling as one set of polarized people would still be dissatisfied enough to resort to violence, rioting or insurrection on wholesale basis - no real resolution there.

Next step is invocation of 2018 E.O. based on issuance of 45 day report on foreign influence on a U.S. election. The asset freezes and other measures will have Trump accused of being dictatorial by MSM/DS even as he implements legal moves.

Insurrection Act will be invoked due MSM/DS driven rioting and mayhem in large cities with martial law right behind to maintain law & order by civilians while all three legal items are carried out upon those who committed and cooperated traitorous acts.

In order for people to stand down on both sides the evidence must be incontrovertible in scope and detail directly to the American population.

Sans that its probably civil war guerrilla style ala' anytime, anyplace, anywhere with no designated battlefields such as in the 1860's. Utter chaos, starvation, death and economic destruction is risk not to mention rumors of foreign intervention upon our shores by invitation of modern day Benedict Arnold's.

Smarter people than me know the above and wont let the last paragraph occur and know road ahead is painful but necessary to completely root out the evil for future generations which is why we're not seeing individual actors nor piecemeal efforts to arrest obvious players - going for the whole enchilada!


I know your prediction might seem pretty wild to some, but it seems not implausible to me. It could happen. I guess we'll see. You look at Q's statements, and 'the military is the only way' was certainly one of those important thoughts that she seemed to want to share. It certainly seemed related to dealing with corruption, based on the over arcing theme of Q's presentation.

I've often thought that part of Q's objective was to prep the public with information so that interested third parties don't get the wrong idea when the hammer gets dropped on bad actors. If the anti-corruption movement being presented is authentic, we can expect strong mainstream media obfuscation to accompany an anti-corruption blitzkrieg. You'd want to warn the public what's coming if you gave a damn, that's what I always suspected Q was relaying with those types of statements in his posts.

I also wanted to share this webpage that I thought was interesting with all of you. Check out some of the fine print there, I thought it was interesting. You guys might find it to be intriguing.

posted on Dec, 13 2020 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon

Another day passes without an arrest or a declassification or even a firing

originally posted by: elementalgrove

originally posted by: Aallanon
Whatever it’s intended effect the Q movement, While fun in the beginning, Only brings me anger and despair. Is that it’s intended consequence?

I think the intended effect of the Q movement is up to the individual and what it is they are seeking.

Q brought together a hive mind of individuals that have exposed more of the hidden deep state in 3 years then decades worth of independent research has resulted in.

It has built a movement that has merged independents/rational democrats/rational republicans and everyone in between. This has also extended globally.

It has destroyed the illusion of Operation Mockingbird.

I empathize with you about the struggle, I have struggled greatly in this past year, but it is not because of Q.

It is because we are collectively dealing with the tip of the iceberg of what the sick elites from around the world had planned.

Trust the plan, this is meant to cultivate faith.

Faith in ourselves, faith in God or whatever you wish to consider the intelligence of this universe/consciousness.

Faith in the good of humanity, something the dark elites have been trying to stamp out for generations.

Patience my friend, as we approach the precipice of great change.

It will be difficult, but it is necessary for us to move forward. Much like we do not move past our individual lessons in our lives until we have done the work.

It is time for the Great Awakening, we must hold the light for those who have no clue what level of darkness is to be revealed.

Gratitude and Love Frenz

Good points eg. Q has helped to sex up corruption research, helping to popularize important journalism that rarely gets enough airtime, while also providing an incentive for a little more organization and networking among freedom loving individuals. The willingness of the media to lie with abandon quite often, has rarely if ever been more clearly on display to the world than it is right now. Our cheetoh haired champion has made numerous moves that may benefit average Americans for years to come. These are all desirable outcomes, regardless of whatever else happens.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Be Ready?

Sounds heavy.

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