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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Phoenix

will have Trump accused of being dictatorial by MSM/DS even as he implements legal moves.

He is already accused of that no matter what he does. It's a constant drone by the left, including out of Hussein's piehole.

At this point, I say, so what! Who cares what the lying fake news media thinks or says. And, the DS can kiss our ###es.

edit on 12-12-2020 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 07:14 PM
What’s ‘tifa riled up about now? Why Olympia?

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
What’s ‘tifa riled up about now? Why Olympia?

This maybe:

Republican Loren Culp, who lost the race for Washington governor, is suing Secretary of State Kim Wyman, claiming she botched the election by allowing thousands of people to vote illegally, a claim Wyman said there is no evidence to support.

Culp's lawsuit against Wyman, also a Republican, highlights election results in Clark, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Skagit and Thurston counties.

In the suit, the Culp campaign claims, without evidence, that ballots were sent to 10,000 dead people and 7,800 of them voted.

They allege thousands of ballots were sent to people who moved, and others received duplicate ballots.

“We want a free and fair election, and this one wasn't free and fair,” said Stephen Pidgeon, a Culp campaign attorney, on Friday. “I'm not saying it's fraudulent. I'm just saying it wasn't free and fair because the obligations imposed on the Secretary of State, she didn't meet.”

The Secretary of State's office said they have not been served by a lawsuit yet and cannot comment on potential litigation.

In a statement earlier this month, Wyman's office debunked Culps' claims and said, "We have safeguards in place before, during, and after each election, and conduct numerous audits throughout, to ensure all election functions and processes are operating properly and accurately."

Which can be disputed in this posting of mine: HERE

Wyman said she hasn’t seen any of Culp’s evidence, but suggested several possible explanations that don’t point to voter fraud. Homeless people are assigned a residential address close to where they live, even if it’s under a bridge, to determine which local candidates and issues they can vote on, and can have their ballots mailed to a shelter, a post office or a courthouse, she said. People who list a mailing address that doesn’t exist will have their ballots returned to the local elections office by the post office.

So nothing wrong was done because she doesn't view it as wrong.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 07:59 PM
Just a short word on Q overall.

I often refer to the philosophy of Q, the core repeated aspects. Think for yourself. Only at the precipice. Nothing can stop what is coming. Future proves past. Trust the plan.

I find it interesting that the people who seem to revel in attacking (negatives) people's hopes always focus on "trust the plan"... they endlessly say things like "How's the plan going?" or just mockingly say "Trust the plan" when there is a moment of doubt. They rarely miss an opportunity to attack a moment of weakness. It's funny that a demon (should you believe such things) is attributed the same modus operandi. But when you look at the more biblical references of Q, then you have to imagine that the alternative will be out there.

But here is the thing, regarding delivery of promises, this is the place where people lose faith in whether Q is real or not...

Now, to me, there is one of the phrases that stands out the most when it comes to this.

Future proves past.

I have learned one thing, more than anything else over the last 20 years of studying the hidden world. Advertised plans don't come quickly. When you see clearly the intended actions of a group, in your mind, you start to panic or react immediately. Once you have a fully formed concept of what is to come, you think (understandably) that it is imminent. That tomorrow, you might wake up, and it will drop on the world like a nuclear bomb.

Well it doesn't. The train actually moves quite slowly. A motorbike doesn't turn like in the film Tron, at right angles... in reality, at high speeds, they bank and curve over a fair distance. Sometimes, it can take years for things to manifest.

In 2012, I studied the supply chain. So disturbed by it was I, that I got scared that we were going to see imminent false flags, and that we're all going to starve... societal breakdown. So I stocked up, got prepped so to speak. And yet, 8 years later... only now is that starting to come to light. Even then, it seems like it might take a while to have an impact.
Just look at the panic buying... people react as though things are going to collapse tomorrow. It is a panic response.

So when you see Future proves Past... or wonder why the Q actions aren't immediate, then consider the above. In world affairs, "as the world turns", it is a slow moving train. I firmly believe many of the things in the Q "predictions" will come to pass... but it might not be until next year, maybe into the year after... and the future will prove the past. Because the information seems good. Many of the things in Q I have researched before Q came about (publicly). If you dig, there is far more info out there than even Q points to... and that is where "Think for yourself" comes in.
Find someone, or a company that seems a bit dodgy, with a bit too much power and look into who runs it. Where their money goes. What charities they support. Promotional campaigns. Who the people party with, who they marry... all that kind of thing. Before you know it, you'll start seeing a whole network. Half the time, one way or the other, it'll end up leading back to Bill Gates or China... maybe the Clinton Foundation... or one of the big families.

Most people don't look.

If anything, the Q information (or questions to be more precise) doesn't go far enough. But it shouldn't be all on a plate.
Research and finding the truth of things is just a matter of focusing your attention. You shouldn't want to be told, you should desire to work it out for yourself. Confirm what others have said. Discover your own jigsaw piece. I can tell you now, that everything fits together. It is all out there.

So when I see the funny jabs of "how is the plan working out for you", I just laugh. It's easy to forget so many things. Like...

Why was Biden chosen to run? Best choice?????????
Why did he choose Kamala??????? Best choice ???????

The contrast on choice has been turned up to 11.

Show not tell. Turned up to 11.

Everything seems very surreal/unreal, why is that? To those who have been a wake for a while now, it is SO in your face, it's like a joke. But this isn't for us. This is for the sleepers... the deep sleepers, like a loud alarm clock. It's for the slower folks, who need it painting clear and loud. The masses.

That is evidence in itself. It's why we want things to happen NOW! or TOMORROW!!! But not everyone is so switched on, that they spend day after day researching and studying conspiracy websites. We are exceptions, not the regular Joes. It is frustrating, but yet, you don't want to leave anyone behind. You are fortunate, and the price you pay for understanding and foresight is you have to have much more patience. You are way ahead of the curve. In some cases, years ahead.

Take pride in that, but accept that maybe you need to find ways of spending your time while looking out for clear signposts.

After 9/11... I remember for nearly a year, I was watching everything so closely.... just waiting for the next thing... and it didn't really come. But that was when I noticed the narrative. A to B to C to D.... and here we are now. 20 years later.

So just keep all this in mind.

Much love friends.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:37 PM


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:38 PM
Awkward Digital General clip being forced to interact with Alex Jones.

He really should stop taking his "supplements", as he looks like hell.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom
I can try. Not sure how to do it in pm.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Awkward Digital General clip being forced to interact with Alex Jones.

He really should stop taking his "supplements", as he looks like hell.

I feel like Flynn wouldn't even care about his glasses and just lay a smack down right then and there.
edit on fSaturdayAmerica/Chicago2308699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

PM sent

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

PM for you, might need to use second link as I opsied

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: carewemust
SCOTUS is on Christmas and new year's vacation?

Don't see it on their calendar.

I've linked to their calendar several times in this thread. But I understand how tough reality can be for those who think SCOTUS is the answer.

Supreme Court Calendar:

Like Congress, the Supreme Court does NOT respect, or give a damn, about those who pay their salaries, health insurance, and other expenses.

Both bodies adjourn, and fly away, without saying a word..or putting a notice on their webpages.

The Supreme Court is GONE until January 8, 2021, unless we see otherwise next week, at

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Jones looks like hell because he knows he's going to be exposed if the DS (which my neighbor is calling Das Soros) dumps him as a counter point.

Poor Alex "the Tool" Jones, always doing what he's told, but trying to sound like an independent voice.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I suppose you have to wait for them to cast their illegal votes for Biden for it to be an actual crime.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

Jones looks like hell because he knows he's going to be exposed if the DS (which my neighbor is calling Das Soros) dumps him as a counter point.

Poor Alex "the Tool" Jones, always doing what he's told, but trying to sound like an independent voice.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:14 PM
Could Presidential Directive 51 come into play? Part of it is COG classified.🧐

"Tom Clancy's : The Division (2016)" bringing up Directive 51 (Sleeper Agents to be activated when SHTF)...

Just spooky fiction, right.🤔

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:18 PM
My feelings on all this.
I feel POTUS pretty much advertised what the SCOTUS Decision was going to be last night with that one tweet to be brave and wise he made earlier in the day. They did it according to the law and that was the best possible thing for them to do. As many have mentioned more or less, by doing that is closes the door for the left to cry foul or they are in POTUS pocket or whatever their choice of wording is for the day. They established they are following the law. At least there is appeasement for this round anyway.

What frustrates me are the wishy washy "Patriots." After 3 years of what has been suppose to be a learning curve more or less, they still just fall apart if anything goes the least bit sideways and turn into the same little puddle of tears they makes memes of the left doing. Pitiful really.

So many of us share information day after day after day for those who work and dont have time to dig themselves. They get the nutshell versions, but enough to understand the basics and they act like they understood it all, but still they fall apart. It is hard to fight off the temptation to fall into a apathetic state sometimes. I knew the minute I posted the SCOTUS RULING last night it was going to be a mess and my stomach cringed at the thought of it. Not because I was worried about it because I know better, its just such a headache to watch the whining session repeat its history once again.

Now then, Just spitballing with this one below.
Biden isnt President until his hand is on that Bible and he says I do after the reading of the swearing in oath. Maybe our ghostly friend does mean the 20th. Of course thinking outside the box here,, but what better day for lightning to strike. Swarm the podium and arrest him right then and there in front of the whole wide world. Wouldn't that be a real kicker. All the big tvs set up around the area start playing videos of the crimes. POTUS has been using that tact lately in his last few rally's. He would still be POTUS at that point wouldn't he?

Not to mention how many of all the ones we know to be criminals and involved in all this will be there for the swearing in. Round them up to and arrest them under that EO from 2018 that we keep sharing. The whole world would see that too. That would be quite the roundup in one swoop. All of them sitting there all smug and thinking they got away with it, only to find themselves behind bars an hour later.

A girl can dream cant she?!

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: tanstaafl

Conversation with spouse last couple days, much like you put forth.

SCOTUS not be all end all to this election fraud no matter the ruling as one set of polarized people would still be dissatisfied enough to resort to violence, rioting or insurrection on wholesale basis - no real resolution there.

Next step is invocation of 2018 E.O. based on issuance of 45 day report on foreign influence on a U.S. election. The asset freezes and other measures will have Trump accused of being dictatorial by MSM/DS even as he implements legal moves.

The "45 days" is misunderstood to the point of generating false "action" date predictions.

See Section 1a. and 1b. at:

Can't say that I blame most Q-followers, due to the lack of communication from Q at this critical time. We tend to create specific action dates of our own, to fill the void created by Q's darkness/silence. (The same happens in certain religious, though they dates are more generalized.)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

I was told to not say that. What ever. Look some places are not started through the best of intentions even though they are looked upon as a good thing.
edit on 12-12-2020 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: carewemust

You can call me out as to saying Dec 18th. I have a battle worn skin that can handle a lot.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:04 PM

Another day passes without an arrest or a declassification or even a firing

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