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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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(post by More1ThanAny1 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:07 PM
Cool, I finally caught from the future live.

So someone said to me yesterday the oddest thing to me. "I don't how DJT pulls this out, he's done, Joe won" Besides this being full blown Tokyo Rose stuff, all I heard was mind control. Nothing but "face the reality, the fraud was effective, we have one idiots." I said "hmmm, so you want this, the fraud to dictate your future?" "No, but it is what it is."

This mind control thinking is THE ENTIRE POINT OF Q. The notion of "accept defeat when we say so" is obscene. Let's do this another way. Dr. "You child is going to die, accept it." Parent "I do?"

In our lives we move forward for what we believe in, not end it because some CCP troll who gets 25k a year to be a jerk says "accept defeat." Or because Eric Fang Fang Swallswells says "DJT is a Russian agent and I am not CCP, so accept what I say."

In light of that, let's look at the reality the shills and trolls want people to accept.

Show me these "blue states."

There is only one national election - President. The Constitution put the electoral college in place to prevent 16% of the counties in the US from deciding what the other 84% percent do. Or, to put in another way, the electoral college was put in place to prevent PA, WI, GA, MI from conspiring in a secret to determine what 46 other states do.

"Yes cranky, but Joe cheated and we're victims, Beijing Rose tweeted so." Yes, exactly, because every soldier that fought in a war just read the leaflets dropped from planes and surrendered because the analog version of a tweet or post told them too.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:07 PM


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:08 PM
I don't know if this has any bearing on all the Chinese troops and the plane going down.
However, Boris has said he will be deploying the Navy to protect our fishing waters from the EU when we leave officially at the end of the month. He also announced a couple of weeks ago how much more funding is going into our Armed Forces, particularly the navy where they will be deployed to the Mediterranean and South China Seas I believe t was.
Even Trump has announced more spending on your military. Defunding the C_A. I don't know, just feels like there s a lot of sabre rattling going on in the background right now.

So when I look at all this, I can't help but wonder if SCOTUS (I understand and agree with their ruling unfortunately) have also weighed up this ruling, not just so it has to be presented again, but also knowing it would show how many people will/do support Trump...almost a call to arms if you will, as we have seen with the peaceful marches and Trump flying overhead.

I just feel t is all joined up somehow.

Boris to deploy Royal Navy


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: imthegoat
originally posted by: tanstaafl
"I'm talking about canceling their vacation...

Can 4 of them cancel their vacation term? Or, would they each decide individually? Or would it have to be 5-4? Or unanimous?"

"A full court meeting of the Supreme Court judges was held on August 6 where the cancellation of all vacations effective from that very day was announced"

Taken from here. That would make it seem they're not taking any vacations.

Ummm... wtf?

I'm talking about the US Supreme Court, not the Supreme Court of Bangladesh...

Without context that made me laugh. With context more so.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: carewemust
The U.S. Supreme Court has ACCEPTED the Texas vs GA-PA-WI-MI case?!? That's huge!

Where? The docket link doesn't show anything like that...?

In the text of the link provided the SCOTUS says the request is denied because there is not enough time and ordered Pennsylvania to continue to separate the ballots based on the time they came in so that when they do get time, they will review the case.

One of use is confused.

I thought cwe's comment was about the Texas case. What you are referencing is from the GOP case against PA only. The one that denied the relief, but the case is still pending. Speaking of which - wtf are they waiting for already...

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:19 PM


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Without context that made me laugh. With context more so.

I'm still not sure if imthegoat was just having a laugh, or if just read the headline from the google pre-bot...

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:23 PM
Hi All
Anyone need some morale support?
Respectfully, and with restraint,
I promise I am making an effort to provide truthful insights.
If nothing else use this as an alternative interpretation.
I could be wrong, but you could be wrong, so let's try our best to double check each other!

I wanted to shed some light on the hidden meanings of popular Q phrases.
sorry for being such a mysterious lurker and infrequent poster
I figured the best approach was to mimic Q
People here are used to crumbs
I don't want to overwhelm with all the ideas I'm baking
Many of my connections are not, at least not yet, relevant to the discussion
I am personally interested in the corruption of Truth in this world which is not limited to what has been made public.
Think bigger.

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: 0311Warrior
Terrific Evening My Fellow Patriots!

Do not worry about the shadows for they are meant to obscure.
Do not worry about the propaganda spewing from traitors.

Continue to Pray!

Stay Vigilant
Be Ready

For those of you who are my brothers and sisters in arms:

Remember your Oath

Psalm 91

Semper Fidelis

I don't know if it was planned but our Mil folks have contingencies for every pathway they can think of.
Your arrival has boosted the morale of those who were feeling down. Most of us are here for the long haul and have faith in our Q brothers in arms and the plan.
While it has been 50+ years since I last unassed a slick, I and many others are ready to help in any way we can if called on. I suspect that it will be all over by the time everyone figures things out so that the good-intentioned will not muddy things up and inadvertently put you in harm's way.

Thank you pteridine for putting it so eloquently;
This is exactly why I want to be careful.
It is possible that figuring out Truths on my own without necessarily following Q's lead could get in the way of the plan.
But as you say, the military relies on contingency for everything.
I know we here are factored in to calculations along with the chance of discovering and leaking classified information.
Useful for the plan but could go too far and give too much to the enemy.

At the same time, my own restraint could also be factored into the contingency.
Err on the side of, they probably accounted for everything.
But then they would know that I would refrain from posting certain things?
I struggle knowing there is a possibility that some of us are relied upon for prudence.
Even though there is contingency, it does not mean it is safe to post anything.

Deception is necessary.
One of us could theoretically figure out a deceptive strategy and post about it here, which could jeopardize the plan.
This is a sad limitation of Q that has been an internal struggle.

With this in mind, I hope someone can delete me if I or anyone stray too far.

Now for the fun. Here's a contingency for y'alls:
What if the enemy is fundamentally wrong about the laws of physics, but nevertheless has been trying to slowly bring reality under control by "reinventing" science? aka Einstein, aka N, aka quantum.
Think from the enemy's point of view.
If they use quantum computing to predict timelines as the main part of their strategy,
They will likely notice an obvious connection between Q and Quantum.
Therefore they are led to believe that they are playing the same game.
They could have been led to over-rely on timeline calculation of future events,
When in reality LaPlace's Demon is the more accurate conceptual equation.

What if white hats have a better computation method not based on idiotic theories?
If true this should be top secret and not all Patriots are in the know
Even if Q posted in support of quantum, it doesn't mean white hats rely on it.
If we have a better model than the enemy, this is 5D chess vs 4D chess.
Mathematically impossible! If you use Einstein's math, that is. Catching my drift?

So we should not refer to them as our enemy.
Q has pimped them and made them turn on each other.
Maybe even tricked them into changing their own plan...
Remember that their plan was in place for many generations.
Think about this...
How many kingdoms have failed for lack of succession?
When the king turns to dust, are their descendants capable or evil enough to continue their work?
Even if they had a plan in place for 1,000 years.
This is clearly a huge liability.
And they know this.
There is pressure to continue the bloodline plans that so many resources have been poured into.
But there is also arrogance because of the very plan of subduing people through convenient technology.
They think their new science could be more accurate than the ancestral plan.

They must know all this. This is their internal struggle. This is why Q is so effective.
The questions aren't just for us.
Imagine a delusional power monger so close to ruling the world but being slowed and forced to question themselves.
Lots of pressure to change the plan, especially because so many personal interests are at stake.
Different families and countries and organizations all with their own agenda.

I am sure there are secret research teams that have silently continued the development of true scientific understanding.
That's what I would do. They won't know how good their plan is unless they can reproduce it.
But it's also a liability to tell their allies everything about this.
Further, there is also the possibility that adding quantum calculations is what gives us the edge.
Maybe there is a double trick, make them doubt their plan
But reverse psychology, make them stick with their plan anyway because it's outdated.
We constantly mock them when we say,
Trust the plan.

Meanwhile some of them are still trying in vain to open up a dimensional portal.
They will try for eternity to break the laws of nature but they are only hurting themselves.
Think about how much money they have sunk into their plan.
Research buildings, education and training of scientists, bribing doctors, blackmailing politicians,
paid propaganda artists who post on certain sites...
and here we are doing this for free as a hobby! LOL free energy
God wins.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:23 PM


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

So how is it proven if the avenues available to have that hearing aren't open to that seeing the light of day?

In other words, if they choose truth over facts, and the chosen truth will be Biden in the Oval.

edit on 12-12-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:37 PM
Ron's twit is on fire today...with Chinese connections- @CodeMonkeyZ

Mad Dog from 2018:

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

About time Boris invested in guarding our costs!

I once managed upgrades to our coast guard onboard IT and was shocked to learn we had only 15 boats guarding our coastline!

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:40 PM


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Term limits.

Biden isn't talking about that.
The left don't seem to be telling him to do it.

I promise in 2022 and 2024 I will vote for any person running that pushes term limits as a major part of their platform.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:52 PM


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Aallanon

One small suggestion... don't pay too much attention to the specifics or allow yourself to get overly caught up in the play by play of what's happening in the present. What's going on right now is already done. It's in the past, it's history... it no longer matters. Instead, start seeing reality as a blank canvas for you to paint or imprint your own will upon. Do this through the practice of imagining the outcome that you want to experience in your future. Don't get too bogged down in the details. Keep it general. What you are really trying to do is conjure a feeling or an emotion. Just as they use 'black magick' by doing dark rituals that conjure dark emotions like pain, fear and panic, we can do rituals that summon the light. Whatever it is you have to do to lift your mood is your ritual. Whatever it takes for you to find your 'happy place' and lighten your emotions, uplift your spirit...listening to music, a walk down memory lane... laying under a blanket stars, staring into a bonfire... use your rituals to create an aura of peace, tranquility, love, excitement, bliss, hopefulness, faith, unity,c etc...

This is our magic. Our "sorcerer's wand" that we weld to bend the light

Just an idea
edit on 12-12-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel Deploying fleets for defense would make sense during transitions like the Great Awakening.
It is a "don't try anything" move that makes any opposition reconsider planned actions. Knowing where the deep state rulers are gives them pause thinking about the appropriately named Hellfire. Q drop #150 says we know where you are and what you say 24/7.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /lc4nimE No.149262582 📁 150
Nov 13 2017 13:04:46 (EST)
Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: Hamlin
a reply to: Aallanon

Why are the right so aggressive? What peril?

Don't tell me what I can't use either thanks, unless you are suddenly for censorship.

My opinion comes from Trump lost and Q failed.

Claiming someone's opinion is invalid because they don't agree with you is not good. Do you ignore all pro-Q/pro-DJT posters because they come from that opinion? Are you only interested in listening to people who agree with you? Maybe you should re-examine you stance, you seem to exhibit the same behaviours that you rabidly fear the left will impose on you.

Q said they never thought Hillary would lose. Q said Trump was needed. Q said Trump will bring justice. Q said they "have it all". Q said "these people are stupid". Trump lost. Q lost. What now? Was it just all BS or is this still part of the plan?
the right is aggressive? the right is aggressive?

You are blinded by your hate
the public servent in michigan telling former soldiers they know what to do and that trumpsters are going to pay... where is the condemnation from the left?

Then you have sworn affidavits of people being threatened for trying to observe the election!

You have the head of the GSA having her family threatened unless she provide that pedo biden money and transition space

we have antfia who have looted, burned and demanded police be killed across the country

we have the two county officials in Michigan who were foced to certify an election they knew was wrong because their family was threatened!
Don't you ever claim the right is aggressive, the leftist communist destroy our country from all levels in our country within and without

At the risk of getting banned shove your opinon up an orifice

edit on 12-12-2020 by RsaWarhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Thanks but my spirit is fine.

I just want once for there to be justice.

Just once I would like to see one of these smug bastards get what’s coming to them

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