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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: Xactamundo
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
How do we know that the Qanon/Trump postings on Pepe or wewe or MeWe are legit?
Asking for a friend

Time is the only way to know if anything is really true. I deal with information, and from there if I have gathered enough, I can then go on to assign a possibility. If I find something possible, I then attempt to assign probability to any subject. And from there, its the same with a computer program, the if's, and, then's...

"If" President Trumps executive order of September 12th 2018, is true, "Then", it was put into place to be acted upon. It was just, a matter of time.....

"If", the time has run out, "Then", "&uc$ Antifa"
At all its levels, all of its controls, all of its mechanization's, democrats, and republicans.

So, "If", China supplied millions of fake ballots, and the orders came from Germany(Governmental Secret Society formally known as the CIA), "Then" The presidential order of September 12th, kicks in.

In the end, this isn't my circus, and they aren't my monkeys. I only know what the MSM tells me lol lol lol. but, I can guess

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Indeed it is difficult to see in the pic.

Have you heard about the software used to crack the Zodiac in the 'news'? Not sure why but I get an odd feeling it is going to be relevant with Cue somehow..


posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

So again, someone describes in detail the plots and schemes against us. Tells us it is hopeless and inevitable.

And then in a sentence at the end tells us we will win. Without disclosing the plan or how we will do it. They just say believe and stick together.

Kumbaya it gonna do it.IMO

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: nowayreally

PS- Trump just tweeted “ fight on”

If I didn't have Q-glasses to look through, I'd be thinking President Trump must be ignoring reality, because the ultimate authority in the land just told him to get lost, and he's declaring "fight on!".

It's interesting reading the posts from Twitter personalities I've been following since the election. Those who have not been "red pilled" are down. Those who are familiar with Q's teachings are still fired up. Angry at SCOTUS, but still looking forward to President Trump's next 4 years.

Did they tell him to get lost? I thought they told Texas to get lost... I thought Trump's lawsuits were mostly still weaving their way to SCOTUS. I'm having a hard time keeping them straight though so I easily could have missed something. In any case, I never really thought that SCOTUS was the avenue prior to the Texas lawsuit - which I still don't understand the reasoning for SCOTUS to claim Texas doesn't have standing. According to SCOTUS, rogue agents within a state government can make rules that violate the state's own constitution in order to conspire with 4-5 other states to decide who the President is by committing election fraud and that causes no injury to the US residents in other states? Of COURSE it injures everyone else! Every resident in every state has a right to expect that other states are reasonably securing and protecting their election process from fraud to the minimum standard that it doesn't impact a national election for either a president OR congress member. Those people, including the ones who are not my direct representatives, set policy, spend money and make laws that impact my life. Sometimes those laws are life changing or destroying.

In any case, I've always expected that this is going to come down to the Legislatures and Congress. Whether they decide at the state level that the fraud is so huge that they direct their electors to vote Trump instead of Biden or because Trump releases something so huge that everyone but the "4-6%' starts clamoring for Congress to step in or it's big enough that the military intervenes - I don't know the details. I just differed in opinion from most here in the belief that SCOTUS was the answer.

Personally I am holding out hope that the jaw dropping video "that will get Trump elected" is released and it shows all the big names (Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, etc) in a meeting openly discussing their plans.

Speaking of that video, someone (maybe Powell) made reference to it in a YouTube video posted a couple of days ago and it was taken down pretty quickly - did anyone happen to download it or have a link to it on a different platform?

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: zvezdar

SCOTUS didn't rule on the merits of the case.

But you can bet that they read the briefs. From both sides.

And said, "Nope."

It really doesn't work that way. SCOTUS's primary concern is ALWAYS about the precedent their rulings set and how that precedent will impact every possible application of it in the future. They have historically erred on the side of caution in this way. Their job is about determining if procedures were followed in determining cases, criminal and civil, and protecting the Constitution. I'm certain they read all of the briefs filed, I'm also certain that their decision was made based solely on the concern that allowing one state to have a say in another state's election process and results will lead to future acts that are more undesirable than this current situation. I don't agree but I understand the thought process and their long standing concern for the future consequences of their actions.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:57 AM
Or we're not who he thought we were. No single man can fix anything of this size and scope. We need to stop thinking chat rooms get us anywhere and lace up our boots.

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: SonOfThor
a reply to: carewemust

Pretty sure it's over Bro

If it is, President Trump was not who we thought he was.

edit on 12-12-2020 by SgtSlotter because: Spelling!

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: IAMTAT

So again, someone describes in detail the plots and schemes against us. Tells us it is hopeless and inevitable.

And then in a sentence at the end tells us we will win. Without disclosing the plan or how we will do it. They just say believe and stick together.

Kumbaya it gonna do it.IMO

I'm just bringing the message.

As to "believe and stick together"...I still prefer that to 'conform now and wallow in defeatism'.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: zvezdar

Not some imaginary "nope" that is in your mind.

It's not imaginary. They said "nope."
And you can bet they read the briefs as well as looking at lower court decisions on the matter. Or do you think they operate in a vacuum?

There was no lower court ruling on the matter - this was the original filing because SCOTUS has sole jurisdiction over intrastate litigation. The even spelled that out in their ruling - that's also the reason why they accepted the lawsuit to issue a decision instead of declining it days ago. They specifically state that since they are the only court that can handle these matters they feel an obligation to review them all.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:01 AM
Why doesn’t Trump Declass everything?

Why Doesn’t Trump fire everyone.

Why doesn’t Trump expose the fraud, the child molesters, the dirty politicians and judges?

Why has Q not posted anything of substance in over a month (almost 6mos. IMO)?

Why does anyone fighting for us look like a bumbling idiot?

Why are the people that make and bring you the news so anti Trump/anti America? It ain’t TDS.

Why do so many side with evil? Again IMO

Why is it so hard to just do the right thing?

Where do we find hope?? Does it exist?

I am tired of waiting.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:06 AM
I'm dropping this UK local news here, just in case. It contributes to our findings on Imperial College, which rigged the sensationalist projections on the virus.

Basically, it's a letter I received this morning from Imperial College, asking me to take part in COVID test research by taking a test they'd send me which a courier would then pick up.

1) Are they basically drumming up business for deep state? Going out to get people tested to increase numbers,

2) If one tests positive then they inform contact tracing, giving them more people to tell to isolate and/or test,

3) Imperial college, IPSOS MORI, the NHS and Track and Trace working in coordination,

4) NHS gave them data of who to sample - presumably based on elderly or those who've had serious illness in the past,

5) If this is seriously research, for them to build a new model on, then they must be sampling at least 10,000 people in order to significantly assess the UK population as a whole - so why are they using couriers to pick up the tests, at say £20 per pickup.

6) I'd note the 3 names on the bottom of the first page - may be worth digging on!

ETA - I've just been told that my 12 yr old grandson has also been asked to take part in the study!!! For 2 people living a hundred yards away to receive it implies the letter is going to 100s of thousands of people - at £20 a pop for couriers. £20 to 50 million on couriers for a piece of research sounds extremely high.
edit on 12-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I’m not blaming you TAT. I’m just pointing out the futility and banality of it all.

I really respect your opinion so all I ask, what do you think of all this? I know you stated that you would rather hope than give in to despair? But tell me what is there to hope for? Who can we put our faith in?

It seems to me that Q was designed to appease us.

In the four years I’ve been following Q. Nothing of what they said is come to pass.

Q is full of crap.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:11 AM
I wish I never heard of Q. All they did was bring is false hope.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Parksy1981

Yes Parksy, I saw that an Aussie decoded the zodiac killer. Odd that it was decoded but didn't give any useful information - like his name!!

I wonder if it could lead to another software drop like Ghidra... this one allowing you to decode any code using 100s of thousands of different ciphers?

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: IAMTAT

I’m not blaming you TAT. I’m just pointing out the futility and banality of it all.

I really respect your opinion so all I ask, what do you think of all this? I know you stated that you would rather hope than give in to despair? But tell me what is there to hope for? Who can we put our faith in?

Q is full of crap.

I read Q using my own logic and skepticism where needed.
I, ultimately, place my complete faith in God and, by extension, our true POTUS, DJT.

Faith in God and Country is a hill I'm willing to die on.
edit on 12-12-2020 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Aallanon

Aall, re Why?

Because we have to be SHOWN for the TRUTH to sink in!

Otherwise we will just be tricked again in another decade.

We have to feel that we've lost it all in order to ACTIVELY want to protect it in the future.

It's like a relative going in for an op with a 20% risk of death - you want to get things in order with them before they go in, and you appreciate them doubly when they come out safely.

I'd say that you've reached your PRECIPICE and are taking a step back - you see the stampede of bison, racing towards you, as less risk than putting on a parachute and taking a Leap of Faith?

edit on 12-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: Parksy1981
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Indeed it is difficult to see in the pic.

Have you heard about the software used to crack the Zodiac in the 'news'? Not sure why but I get an odd feeling it is going to be relevant with Cue somehow..


I'm more interested in the final decryption of the Kryptos sculpture at the C👁️A.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Post sent,

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I find it hard to believe “ this is for our own good” but thanks for the perspective.

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I'm dropping this UK local news here, just in case. It contributes to our findings on Imperial College, which rigged the sensationalist projections on the virus.

Basically, it's a letter I received this morning from Imperial College, asking me to take part in COVID test research by taking a test they'd send me which a courier would then pick up.

1) Are they basically drumming up business for deep state? Going out to get people tested to increase numbers,

2) If one tests positive then they inform contact tracing, giving them more people to tell to isolate and/or test,

3) Imperial college, IPSOS MORI, the NHS and Track and Trace working in coordination,

4) NHS gave them data of who to sample - presumably based on elderly or those who've had serious illness in the past,

5) If this is seriously research, for them to build a new model on, then they must be sampling at least 10,000 people in order to significantly assess the UK population as a whole - so why are they using couriers to pick up the tests, at say £20 per pickup.

6) I'd note the 3 names on the bottom of the first page - may be worth digging on!

and when you test positive
that will take you out of the picture (isolation or even worst give you the bug already contaminated)
Me I would test the test kit to see ??????

posted on Dec, 12 2020 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
Why doesn’t Trump Declass everything?

Why Doesn’t Trump fire everyone.

Why doesn’t Trump expose the fraud, the child molesters, the dirty politicians and judges?

Why has Q not posted anything of substance in over a month (almost 6mos. IMO)?

Why does anyone fighting for us look like a bumbling idiot?

Why are the people that make and bring you the news so anti Trump/anti America? It ain’t TDS.

Why do so many side with evil? Again IMO

Why is it so hard to just do the right thing?

Where do we find hope?? Does it exist?

I am tired of waiting.

My thoughts exactly at this point in time.

Especially to do with pedo's. How many children/babies are being harmed and or killed each day? Why wait and sit on it? If I had any power and knew of evil happening I sure wouldn't wait days, weeks or months. Get the MoFo's rounded up and nail them to the wall.

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