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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: crankyoldman

Damn! Zuck was actually kind of a Chad back in his early days. Now he just looks like a waxy, opaque Data from Star Trek. Very very strange....

He does look like Data.

Zuck really doesn't seem human anymore. It honestly would not surprise me to learn he is some kind of AI creation.

He's said as much himself

Of all people to make that mistake it was him?
C’mon man!
I’m trying to hold on to normal life but at some point you gotta go WTF?

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: Cameoii
a reply to: igloo

I can pretty clearly see the letters C L & G in ASL of the hands if that helps.

Does, thanks. I got the C and nothing else. Will keep trying.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: igloo

I think you might be on the right track. Disclosure I am guessing...I took ASL like 20 years ago and haven't used it but looking for clues on google. 'The position of the hand on the right looks like a C. The hand behind (what looks to be a bad pic of) Clinton looks out of place...and if you take the motion of that to the one on the other side of his head you can easily carry that movement. The hand on the left of his head also looks like an L. Hillary's hand look similar (but not exact) position of open.

C open L shot/dead

still looking

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: igloo

random site - don't know if this is accurate


edit on 18-11-2020 by bradychick because: (no reason given)

all done is ends in a similar position as Hillary's hands

edit on 18-11-2020 by bradychick because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist

originally posted by: Flesh699

originally posted by: Murgatroid

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
Why do you think we’re talking about reptile mind control? We’re not crazy, they are.

I have no idea but I WAS curious about that, I have only been following the thread for a few days now and have only seen a few references to the lizard folk. Guess I need to bone up, any ideas on where to start? Doing two ATS site searches just now turned up ZIP... (@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House lizard)

I don't even know how to explain the fraction of things I understand without downloading my consciousness to you.

Start here, but there's disturbing things here so be ready for it:

You're in for a real mind #. And this is where it gets hairy because the lizards could really just be a distraction for HET and god knows what else. They're all #ing around us, man! Then you'll slowly begin to realize that movies like
Close Encounters of the Third Kind are really just disinformation for reptiles probably, or maybe HET or god knows what the # else! Then, after that, you can start watching movies as documentaries but weird ones...... truth sold as entertainment.

Good luck!

What does HET stand for? I don’t recognize that anagram

Remember to wear your Qglasses:

Individual Het are viral particles a few dozen angstroms across, small enough to move between individual cells. These particles consist solely of DNA, RNA, and protein, and by themselves are not intelligent. However, in large masses, the viruses form "synapses" that allow for collective thought. The larger the viral mass, the more intelligent the Het. The typical Het encountered in End of an Era masses about one or two kilograms. These viral masses are amorphous, gelatinous blobs, sky-blue in color and slightly phosphorescent.

he Het are capable of building highly advanced machinery using their host bodies, but prefer to use biotechnology that they can control directly rather than machines controlled by potentially rebellious slaves. For this reason, virtually all Het technology is biological in nature, and even their spacecraft are living organisms.

The Het have also discovered how to manipulate gravity. They propel their spacecraft by "polarizing" gravity, and even managed to decrease the gravity of Earth to that of Mars. Het spacecraft are incapable of faster-than-light travel, and they are limited to the solar system.

I proved human-alien hybrids EXIST', says scientist who 'found them living on Earth

Mr Mendonça, who suffers with MS, the illness that leaves suffers with neurological symptoms, muscle pain and severe physical and mental exhaustion, even feels better with increased energy levels for having regular contact with the hybrids, although he stressed it could not cure his condition. He said: "It's made no difference to my condition, but I do feel better on some levels." Mr Mendonça, from Bristol, was formerly research manager for the World Future Council, which promotes best policy renewable power sources, and has written extensively on green energy policy. However, for his latest publication, Meet The Hybrids: The Lives And Missions of ET Ambassadors On Earth published by Amazon and co-authored with Barbara Lamb, he spent time interviewing eight people who claim they have grown up with implanted alien DNA in their bodies and are part of a mission to improve mankind. Ms Lamb has held great interest in the claims since she first heard them and has been an alien abduction researcher since the 1980s. Mr Mendonça said he began the project with an open mind, but after finishing the research was convinced they were telling the truth and thinks he has now solved the mystery of why UFOs allegedly visit the Earth.


Extraterrestrials known as Alien-Human Hybrids are created through processes and procedures that occur during and after the abduction of, and/or visits with, Humans by ETs and Advanced Intelligences. The HR Team believes many, but not all, Hybrid beings are a biological combination between Humans and what we believe to be Extraterrestrials and Advanced Intelligences; however, their creation is not limited to the combination of only two species’ DNA. In other words, they most likely have more than two “parents.” The term Transgenic Beings was officially put forward by abduction researcher Budd Hopkins in his 2003 book entitled Sight Unseen to describe these types of new beings, and as you may have already read in our document entitled Alien Agenda, the HR Team concurs with authors Hopkins’ and Rainey’s hypothesis.

Transgenic beings are created from the process called Transgenesis. It is “…the process of introducing an exogenous gene – called a transgene – into a living organism so that the organism will exhibit a new property and transmit that property to its offspring. Transgenesis can be facilitated by liposomes, plasmid vectors, viral vectors, pronuclear injection, protoplast fusion, and ballistic DNA injection….Transgenic organisms are able to express foreign genes because the genetic code is similar for all organisms.”

You may also be interested in this:

On May 31, 1997, an issue of the popular science magazine New Scientist said that the International Raëlian Movement was starting a company to fund the research and development of human cloning. This alarmed bioethicists who were opposed to such plans. They warned lawmakers against failing to regulate human cloning. At the time, European countries such as Britain had banned human cloning, but the United States had merely a moratorium on the use of federal funds for human cloning research. U.S. President Bill Clinton requested that private companies pass their own moratorium. Claude Vorilhon, the founder of Raëlism, was opposed to this move and denied that the technology used to clone was inherently dangerous.

On June 15, 1998, Brigitte Boisselier said the headquarters of Clonaid was located in Las Vegas and that Clonaid did not have enough funds for human cloning research. On December 19, 1998, a New Scientist article said the cost of Clonaid cloning services would be $200,000, much lower than the $2.3 million that researchers at Texas A&M University planned to use for cloning a dog named Missy. Mainstream scientists said it was unlikely that Clonaid would be able to clone anything in the near future. Although the project's ultimate objective was human cloning, Boisselier said that pet cloning would help finance the operations

Hearing on cloning after claims Clonaid impregnated woman

edit on fWednesdayAmerica/Chicago5311699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:30 AM
Continued from post above:
This is where Hollywood shows off their clones:
Quentin Tarantino’s new film got a 7-minute applause at Cannes

By normal human standards, a seven-minute standing ovation for anything—a film, a concert, a speech—is insanely long. But by Cannes Film Festival standards, it’s not very long at all.

Quentin Tarantino’s latest film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, debuted to a warm reception yesterday at the prestigious festival on the French Riviera. Those in attendance report that the film received a rapturous seven minutes of applause after it ended. Here is a video of stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Margot Robbie awkwardly standing around, unsure of what to do with their hands or bodies or faces, for three of those seven minutes.

If Pitt looks like he’d rather be anywhere else, it’s not because he’s ungrateful. It’s because the Cannes tradition of overlong standing ovations is as uncomfortable as it is bizarre. And it gets a lot worse than seven minutes.

Notice his hand gestures.

edit on fWednesdayAmerica/Chicago4111699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

edit on fWednesdayAmerica/Chicago0711699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: 0bserver1

The sad part is the second video.

They claim it is racist to want to audit these areas because they have a majority of minorities....

It should not matter.

EVERYONE should want free and fair elections. As a conservative, I would welcome open audits if the other side had questions.

Race has nothing to do with this. It all has to do with the simple fact that EVERYONE knows there is no way that Joe Biden got 79,000,000 votes. It is impossible and they (left) are trying to cover it up.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette
All these states that are cancelling Thanksgiving and Christmas - does this mean government offices will be open for business on those dates, fully staffed?

Wisconsin has cancelled Thanksgiving, and Christmas will be crap too. Only the pussies will be complying though.

The government already wrecked the best holiday of the year, the Fourth of July. We're not tolerating it anymore.

No one is complying with the new Stay-At-Home order from our beta male governor.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: 0bserver1

I have no way of evaluating the source, but if this is true, things really need to be addressed as a coup, not a RICO issue, and not an election crime.

If the C__ folks are involved in the actual vote switching that is a really big deal. But perhaps it is not as shocking as it might seem at first glance if one believes some of the theories about who was behind the JFK assassination.

Frankly, I haven’t seen enough evidence yet to have an opinion, but this is worth keeping a close eye on.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: LanceCorvette
All these states that are cancelling Thanksgiving and Christmas - does this mean government offices will be open for business on those dates, fully staffed?

Wisconsin has cancelled Thanksgiving, and Christmas will be crap too. Only the pussies will be complying though.

The government already wrecked the best holiday of the year, the Fourth of July. We're not tolerating it anymore.

No one is complying with the new Stay-At-Home order from our beta male governor.

Word on the street is Wisconsin is charging Trump $8,000,000 to provide an *accurate* count of votes from the election. Why don't they just do it right the first time? Why does any candidate have to pay extra to get it done right?

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:47 AM
Pelosi back in as Speaker of the House...


posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: LanceCorvette
All these states that are cancelling Thanksgiving and Christmas - does this mean government offices will be open for business on those dates, fully staffed?

Wisconsin has cancelled Thanksgiving, and Christmas will be crap too. Only the pussies will be complying though.

The government already wrecked the best holiday of the year, the Fourth of July. We're not tolerating it anymore.

No one is complying with the new Stay-At-Home order from our beta male governor.

Word on the street is Wisconsin is charging Trump $8,000,000 to provide an *accurate* count of votes from the election. Why don't they just do it right the first time? Why does any candidate have to pay extra to get it done right?

Yes, I posted that yesterday. As regards the fee, the people in Madison are radical left and very greedy.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:57 AM
Which points to one of two possibilities, 1 he wasn't full of it, 2 he studied or had knowledge of it. On the link I posted was a blurb about Shaver, but I left it off intentionally, because my quest for Aghartha was not directed or influenced by them, the Shaved stories are a good read but not a proof. I think,Childers has a couple books about it, Verne's Journey was definitely based on it. Tunnels fthat crisscross the globe, interconnecting major landmarks. Remember underground warfare recruitment not so long ago? a reply to: Guyfriday

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: TheMandolorian
Pelosi back in as Speaker of the House...


A smaller House Dems for sure, lol.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium

They claim it is racist to want to audit these areas because they have a majority of minorities....

Maybe I should phrase this differently, but maybe I didn't understand your question very well. if it was on the basis of racist behavior then I disapprove, but how are they going to prove that it actually happened, then they should have some evidence, right?

EVERYONE should want free and fair elections. As a conservative, I would welcome open audits if the other side had questions.

That's one thing everyone should fight for either he wins or loses fair elections should be a priority after this.

Everyone knows that Big tech should stop playing or denying and bribing and forcing politicians with bribery because they can create the outcome for their own party or donating huge amounts of money to influence politics in away.

But also politicians or legislators and what you have more to push the policy they like to see. It should be a law that forbids it.

I will not deny that evolution comes with technology to go forward but don't use it the wrong way to exclude or oppress.

I'm sort of numb from everything that happens at the moment and how this all will play out in the end?

edit on 0b38America/ChicagoWed, 18 Nov 2020 12:45:38 -0600vAmerica/ChicagoWed, 18 Nov 2020 12:45:38 -06001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: TheMandolorian
Pelosi back in as Speaker of the House...


Am I the only who finds her winning this today STRANGE ?

Have the Newly Elected (Nov. 3rd) Democrat Congressmen/women for the Next Congress been Sworn in already ? And Voted for her ???? Seems to me this is way jumping the Gun to Represent the NEXT Congress ... Educate me

edit on 11182020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

Lol. I’m not ready to go that deep down the hole, yet. That sounds cray cray. But who knows anymore.
edit on 18-11-2020 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

After a few seconds of thought. If the raelians did it....I’m sure Hollywood is too.
edit on 18-11-2020 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Timing is odd. Wonder if this vote got stolen as well.


posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: Flesh699

Lol. I’m not ready to go that deep down the hole, yet. That sounds cray cray. But who knows anymore.

After a few seconds of thought. If the raelians did it....I’m sure Hollywood is too.

You better pack a lunch, bro, I can go all day. My brain functions like a rolodex. I've spent 32 years (mah age) of my existence as a sponge.

Soul Scalping

The lizards or reptiles are in the last phase of their human domination plan of the End Game. They are soul scalping and replacing all humans at all top levels and secondary levels, even their families if necessary.

For instance (as in the case of someone I knew) they might get a visit from MIB's (Men in Black) during the middle of the day at their homes, or any time of day, or even work place and the MIB's grab them by the neck and face forcing their jaw to open and then they place a snake down their throat.

That is how they soul scalp people. This serpent possesses the human and takes over their brain and body and becomes that person. 

And that is how they do it. The reptilian aliens can transform and take the body of a small serpent snake to be placed inside a human body.

Yep, as the Most High showed me and told me about it, they take a slimy skinny snake, about 6-8 inches long, greyish in looks more like a long slimy worm, and open the person's mouth and stick it down their throat...something like this I found on Google images...

edit on fWednesdayAmerica/Chicago3212699 by Flesh699 because: Forget my age uh uh uh huh huh uh

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: PurpleFox
Why is no one talking about the fact that we are in a state of national emergency since the signing of Trump's EO on foreign election interference? This would grant the president unheard of power, no?

I really think we are all missing something big here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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