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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:35 PM
Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse. A "private" phone call of him bashing President Trump was published today.

As expected, CNN, NYTimes, etc., are picking this up as their number #1 story of the day. Could he be "guilty" of something? I know nothing about the Senator/Man.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:40 PM
Don't upset Momma!

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I admit, I feel sorta sorry for the dude. He’s f*cked up because he comes from a long line of f*cked up players.

Disclaimer: if any evidence comes out that he is a child molester, I take it back. No sympathy for that. Ever.

ETA I think Vigilant Citizen was one of my first trips down the rabbit hole. Years back. Can’t remember how I stumbled onto it.
edit on 16-10-2020 by SideEyeEverything because: To avoid multiple short posts....

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: saladfingers123456

I've said before in these Q threads that the ultimate controller of this nightmare conveys messages via literature, the arts, music, and film, and has done so for millenia.

A select few know what they're looking at and hearing. They are nameless and inhabit the shadows.

No one listens to me. No one believes. Everyone blows me off.

Keep it up. Remember me when you're one of the people who loses their minds with the 99% when the truth finally drops.

Fair to say we all listen to you.

But there's been years of "just wait" and "tomorrow" and "it's right in front of you but I'm not going to explain it to you" that many have tuned out. I have on occasion.

How about this:

A select few know what they're looking at and hearing.

Explain to us who the "select few" are - names - and what are they looking at and hearing, that we're all missing.

You either know and you're not telling, or you don't know.

Pretty sure, absent a true "The Matrix" situation, most won't go insane.

In truth, the poster you replied to is a respectable person but is not one of the few that knows and sees.

I'll back it up right now.... remember my post on October 14th 2020 at 4.43pm, I'll quote it "The Ku train is now arriving at platform 17, buckle up and enjoy the show. Happy hunting indeed patriots " Now look to Q4866 Hunters become the Hunted. Take a look at how many of my words appeared in that drop, look closely. I posted approx 5 hours before Q dropped that. Some know some don't. Carry on

edit on 16-10-2020 by Staffordshire1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:48 PM
Imagine being the DNC faithful right now and trying to figure out how to spin how a full blown drug addict sold access, rode AF2, and generally made a mess of international relations.

Imagine spinning that, while trying to figure how to hide the groping, the gaffing, the lying, the confused answers and the VP choice no one voted for and no one can stand (I'll bet money the DNC can't stand her either).

Imagine walking into DNC work each day and saying "it won't get worse, right?"

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Denoli

If FBI director Christopher Wray were to say the laptop information is legitimate, like Fox News just confirmed a few minutes ago, all subsequent reveals will be Bombshells across the news outlets.

Mainstream media loves Christopher Wray just like they do Dr Anthony fauci.

i believe this is why Q states people have been put/left in place for blackmail purposes... this very well could expose wray all the way to pelosi.

Another note daily mail is running a story about bannon stating they had bidens hard drive. i wonder if this is why they raided bannon on the chinese expat's ship

yoy might remember this chinese guy as the one screaming in january or feburary that china was cremating the covid bodies, some still alive but i cant find the videos of him talking anymore

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

I like to bring this aspect into this thread every so often, really as a bit of a throwback to the golden age of conspiracy theory. It's never with the intent of derailing or making things kooky. I just know for a fact, that the majority of clues that have pretty much foretold the future for me over the last 8 years are derived from very esoteric sources.
I've said it once, and I'll say it a million times, that if you study symbols... codes and conventions... metaphor... then a whole unseen world opens up that you never knew was there. It is entirely how the secret societies communicate. It's how ancient knowledge is encoded to last beyond the death of written languages. The biggest example is the great pyramid.

But here is another interesting fact...

Right now, i haven't got a clue where we are headed using that method. I'll often bring up Freeman Fly, who also reads the esoteric tea leaves to see what is (or was) coming. I think he is in the same place as I am right now. It's like the secrets stopped talking. That means something. I mentioned the closure of Hollywood, and that was a massive source of coding.

Another big one... that was cancelled this year (and not many people bring this up), the olympics! All of it closed down.
The olympics, where they pass the sacred flame... lay out the story for the next 4 years, has run out of pages.

So, right now, instead of reading the symbols, I read the narrative. Just like Flying Fox could see the Hunter Biden story flowing into view 6 months earlier... like everyone just waiting for the "2nd wave"... it has all been set up. Set up and pay off. It's all a bit old school.

There are symbolic bits here and there, but nothing like it was. It's pretty weird.

But going back to the start... the symbolism in things like movies and music videos has been a guide to what is ahead. Some call it predictive programming... others call it magic and ritual... and in my earlier post, I'm saying it goes deeper still. But it is all of these things. The connection to the mystery schools underlies the power elite. Our entertainment is loaded with witchcraft, magic and dark arts. Designed to unify thought in a certain direction, which translates into altering our reality, and more so, outcomes. "Social influencers".

With the amount of love that Trump is getting right now, I think he could probably perform a bit of magic himself. Whether he would or not, is a different matter.

Anyway, I just like to remind people of where this long history of conspiracy research comes from. I understand how it might bother some people... I respect that frustration. It's slightly up there with why some people dismiss everything David Icke says, because of the reptilian stuff. But if you do your research, then you'll see where even that belief comes from. Interpretations may vary.
But to any Q people in here who think that this is all about politics... I just remind them that all of the Q stuff goes back to some very very strange information about project looking glass. Q refered to it as travelling at a great height, in that it all gets a bit weird, and is related to some pretty out there things. Q then brought it back down again, and the material manifestation of it all took centre stage.

I'd love to see Q rise up a bit more and give us a few more insights from the great height... but at this point, it would be dangerous to rock the boat. But ATS isn't twitter. These subjects, if you've been around here for a long time are the meat and potatoes of days gone by... before politics took it all over. I know that there are many old school ATSers who have returned back to the site since covid happened. They had the calling... they knew something was up, as did I. So, it is for those folks that I delve into the weird on occasion. I honestly hope it doesn't bother the politically charged too much, because it is a little slice of heritage, and where much of this began.

Right. I'm off to go see what Dark Journalist and Joseph Farrell are talking about this evening. Should be an interesting conversation! Have a great night you lot.

LINK to the Dark Journalist Show. Maybe see you in the ideas room (chat) under Kris A

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: 1010set
a reply to: carewemust

IS? I was a C-130 Flight Engineer before an injury forced me into a different career path. I kicked a lot of the SEALs out the back in my day. If you want to know what the US Military is up to, find out what the Hercs are up to.

I can't see those guys taking this well. Admittedly, I've been out of the game for over a decade, but I can't imagine their attitudes on life have changed much. These guys love each other more than they love their wives. If this Extortion 17 thing proves accurate, they're going to want blood.

I think it is real and even it if isn't the Vet's have seen enough to know the fix has been in a long time. Thank God that someone has the balls to challenge them. DJT is the spokesperson for a lot of us Vets.

C130 rolling down the strip (ahh)
Airborne daddy gonna take a little trip (ahh)
Jump up, hook up, shuffle to the door,
Look out world, now hear me roar

Or some variation of those lines was sung in every marching column I was ever in, back in the 80's.
Even us MASH soldiers did that. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital units were quite a bit like the NKorean based MASH show. It was a fun time with no war for many of the troops. That was when the D's were 1st moving to make it un PC to be in the service to your country. I didn't realize it then and voted D a few times more until I did. POTUS elections I was all in on Ron Paul several times but I was voting D. Now I am have no choice but to vote R or suffer the fate of idiots who vote for D's in their local elections.

I'm fast approaching the opinion that it is all a distraction. To include the Q phenomenon. Nothing catches the attention of today's Westerners like the salacious and the scandalous. We're conditioned for it. Any critical survey of the pop-culture landscape will bear that out. We're also numb to any corruption by our elected officials. "WE" have done absolutely nothing about it but clutch our collective pearls and hoped someone would save us. We can vote, but that is proving to be unreliable.

The question is why the distraction? A critical look at the Chinese Student Visa program might be in order. Not only in the US, but Canada as well. Americans tend to ignore anything that doesn't take place in their own yard. Could be related, could be nothing. FIPA? The language in that treaty is circular. I would expect better from someone with Canada's interest at heart. And just whose children go to Changchun American International School? What universities are they filtered into? Parent's positions? Chinese military-style self-help boot camps in Vancouver? The internment camps in Canada were recently discussed on the floor of their Parliament. Bizarre. The more I think about it, the more I realize just how ridiculously easy it would be to establish a beachhead on the Western Seaboard. They don't call it the Left Coast for nothing.

What's the real endgame of the election? Perp walks for American Officials that have yet to be charged and are unlikely to be? For which half the country will turn to violence if arrested? The FBI has already signaled "Muh Russia" in the Hunter Biden leaks. The GOP is the flip side of the DNC coin or died-in-the-wool cowards. Something should of been done by now. I'm sure we'll see those strongly worded letters soon. Unity is a currency. One the US lacks at the moment. How might one take advantage of that? We would do well to remember who owns the MSM globally and who owns them. Try not to think like a Westerner.

I used to think that the Achilles' Heel of the People's Liberation Army was their lack of sealift capability. No need for sealift if they are already in place. What role might CRT play in this? Talk of UN intervention? They needn't control the entire country, just enough to neutralize our global forces. Don't assume our allies will take a bullet for us if they don't have to. Is all this fanciful thinking? No more than Q is. If anyone wishes to give this objective, critical thought, approach it with these three things in mind: Location, Logistics, Timing. Also consider that the Chinese think in terms of generations, not the next election cycle. And maybe...just maybe...Q is an op to lull us into thinking something is being done.

Last thought. Many have been in possession of the evidence we are seeing dripped out recently. Why now? Who really benefits from blowing up the election? Desperate men do desperate things. And an op in motion is hard to stop.

I have to get on the road. I'll be in and out.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: RsaWarhawk

I remember the Chinese lady who was licking all the food in the supermarket. I remember that video

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Based on some of my occult spiritual realm research and Theosophical & Anthroposophy societies coupled with 'X' steganography research I believe you're tracking on target. It's extremely vast and deep.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 06:57 PM
Just thinking out loud here, Rudy Giuliani is still really popular with seniors & native New Yorkers. When he comes out with this information they listen. I guess what I’m getting at is, do you think Trump can win NY?

Do they even pole in New York?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:02 PM
Rudy With A Friend

Look who it is...

Trust The Plan, its a good one.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Denoli

If FBI director Christopher Wray were to say the laptop information is legitimate, like Fox News just confirmed a few minutes ago, all subsequent reveals will be Bombshells across the news outlets.

Mainstream media loves Christopher Wray just like they do Dr Anthony fauci.


posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: Aallanon
Just thinking out loud here, Rudy Giuliani is still really popular with seniors & native New Yorkers. When he comes out with this information they listen. I guess what I’m getting at is, do you think Trump can win NY?

Do they even pole in New York?

Funny you say that. I was not much of a Rudy person, I'm not NY. But it is clear after seeing the utterly incompetent folks failing to manage a FAKEdemic I have huge respect for what he did during something real. People love him, while loathing Deblasio, Garcetti, Wheeler and of course the govs, as he managed something real, they can't manage the sniffles.

That said, it is possible DJT wins NY without fraud. Cuomo and DeBlasio have leveled the state/city to the point where it would be crazy to see Biden win there. Rudy's played a relentless part in The Awakening - he's to be applauded for it indeed.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Steve Bannon in the background and who is the Asian looking girl in the mirror.?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Staffordshire1

I never implied I see. I do see the interplay though.

ETA, you need a good memory to connect the dots. I have the worst memory imaginable.

It has crippled me.
edit on 10/16/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: RsaWarhawk
It seems everyone has one of Hunter's hard drives, or a copy thereof. I think I read earlier in the thread where Rudy G. has 3 hard drives with damning Biden family info on it. To me, the worst story of the day was Hunter/Joe giving communists tours of the White House (our house!), for money.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: MagesticEsoteric
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I dove in head first at the shallow end.

I overwhelmed my brain with too much information way to fast!

It took awhile for me to find a good balance👍

My journey down this path pretty much got started here. Funny enough, it was my husband who first showed me this site lol. It all started over an argument over weather modification. I'm pretty sure he wishes he didn't lol

I did eventually come across VC and the symbolism aspect was more important than I could have imagined.

Did anyone ever visit EducateYourself? talk about a mixed bag! likely. A very mixed bag.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Some things are making more sense now. The other night, Rudy said AG Barr told him to work with a U.S. Attorney, who Rudy wouldn't name...but I remember a story about this from last year. In addition to his own harvesting in Ukraine, this U.S. Attorney is how Rudy came into possession of U.S. based "evidence". Keeping Barr/Wray clear of "election meddling" within 60 days, perhaps?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699

originally posted by: Denoli
Symbolism will be there downfall ,

Q always said that and it’s right in front of you !

Look at the E on Bidens logo.

The devil and evil always leaves 3 red scratches.

It’s in plain sight .

Marks of corporate beasts;

Build Back Better may refer to:

Building Back Better, a United Nations Program

Build Back Better, a slogan of the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign

Build Back Better, a humanitarian program in Haiti of US president Bill Clinton

Build Back Better, a motto of Zamboanga City, Philippines

Build Back Better, a slogan in the 2020 Singaporean general election

The DEVIL is in the detail .

Also at the the start on cbts I was communicating with insider anon and a lot of he’s drops are coming true.


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