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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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(post by Flesh699 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: saladfingers123456

I've said before in these Q threads that the ultimate controller of this nightmare conveys messages via literature, the arts, music, and film, and has done so for millenia.

A select few know what they're looking at and hearing. They are nameless and inhabit the shadows.

No one listens to me. No one believes. Everyone blows me off.

Keep it up. Remember me when you're one of the people who loses their minds with the 99% when the truth finally drops.

Fair to say we all listen to you.

But there's been years of "just wait" and "tomorrow" and "it's right in front of you but I'm not going to explain it to you" that many have tuned out. I have on occasion.

How about this:

A select few know what they're looking at and hearing.

Explain to us who the "select few" are - names - and what are they looking at and hearing, that we're all missing.

You either know and you're not telling, or you don't know.

Pretty sure, absent a true "The Matrix" situation, most won't go insane.
edit on 16-10-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: saladfingers123456

I've said before in these Q threads that the ultimate controller of this nightmare conveys messages via literature, the arts, music, and film, and has done so for millenia.

A select few know what they're looking at and hearing. They are nameless and inhabit the shadows.

No one listens to me. No one believes. Everyone blows me off.

Keep it up. Remember me when you're one of the people who loses their minds with the 99% when the truth finally drops.

Fair to say we all listen to you.

But there's been years of "just wait" and "tomorrow" and "it's right in front of you but I'm not going to explain it to you" that many have tuned out. I have on occasion.

How about this:

A select few know what they're looking at and hearing.

Explain to us who the "select few" are - names - and what are they looking at and hearing, that we're all missing.

You either know and you're not telling, or you don't know.

Pretty sure, absent a true "The Matrix" situation, most won't go insane.

There have been a few interesting members here. One that hasn't showed back up since 2017 but was very knowledgeable and I would say well connected was a member named should search his posts.

I am a firm believer he was here monitoring and directing from a questioning standpoint.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699
I've noticed since Monday the covid cases in my locality are rising slowly each day. Predictably I see covid "cases" growing so large no one will be allowed to vote in person.

It is because every going to get a flu shot are being tested for corona. Look to see how many pepole have corona vs seasonal flu.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:44 PM
Rudy making the case. Note, he's sitting next to the chess board. The kid is clueless, Rudy showed restraint, but it reveals this strange cognitive impairment so many of these "journos" have.

The kid is not curious about the details. He seems to go brain dead when Rudy says Hunter is literally not competent enough to get his computer repaired properly, let alone work on an energy company board.

He never asks the HUGE LOOMING QUESTION: "Mr. Mayor, after reviewing the contents, do you have any idea what these people got from using Hunter for access?"

There are some tidbits, Rudy reveals this Red October Rollout was planned.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: SuperStudChuck

So some new texts just came out indicating that Joe requires Hunter to give him HALF of his pay for every crooked deal they do. And he’s treated like crap by the rest of the Biden family. Perhaps he’s sick of the charade? Maybe he’s just ready to stop lying and stop being treated like crap?

That’s possible. Hunter’s gravy train would be ending soon anyway, one way or another--Joe is old and in rapid decline. He’s not long for this world, or long in office even if elected.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Bobby Biden is a train wreck. Has he even been spotted lately?

When was the last time he was spotted? I can't find anything with all the Hunter Biden stories on the webs.

DNC Convention?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

That is the point. I don't know. I just see the weird sh*t and recognize it is communication with someone or something we don't know.

As I said, they're nameless and we don't see them. They keep a low profile. They could be a cloud of dust for all I know.

Haven't you ever looked at a movie like "The Ninth Gate" and said to yourself, "This is a message."? You may not know what it means, but you know it's a message. "The Matrix", "Constantine", you name it. Messages.

Children's programming is loaded with subliminals and not so subliminals. Look beyond the entertainment. These things have a distinct purpose. COMMUNICATION.

Music. HUGE medium for communicating the esoteric.

We are being bombarded with messages that were never meant for us. This is the dark side.

BTW, if you were to go back and look at my previous posts addressing this issue you'll find I was ignored.
edit on 10/16/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

Well, that's the big mystery Lance. I mean, the point of that post is to show that it is there. I am trying to take it one step further, and instead of just going look! Triangles! Illuminati (which I poked fun at), I'm trying to show that it isn't just some magic ritual type thing... this is clear comms swathed in symbolism.

But it is a code. Codes need a key in order to break them. Some of it, as I showed are quite easy to decipher (such as the Ukrainian vodka representing Ukraine)... but others, not so much.

When it comes to the names, and the who... well, I am kind of expecting the information that is coming out right now to shed some light on that. It might become very easy to take it apart once we know who the players are.
I also shared it now, so that when people start picking through it all, they might just read or see something which makes a connection.

That Gaga video, I believe might hold a significant clue at some point in time. It doesn't need any more thought than that right now. It is just something to keep in the back of your mind. In my opinion, all of these conspiracies are connected. One big jigsaw that is waiting to be put together. Time will tell.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:52 PM
3 laptops is interesting isn't it. Why three, why not more, well Thomas Jefferson had this code system that required three people in order to decode a full message. Anyone here remember when Petraeus stormed into the Bilderberg meeting and took a... wait for it... a laptop? What if at that time having one lap top was discovered to be useless. What if you needed to have three with different code/decoding parts installed in order to decode any of the messages?

So then we have this out of the way computer repair guy, When I spent time in the DC area, a lot of political types would go to the smallest of small mom and pop shops to get certain kinds of things done. Hell, I knew of an animal Doctor at the time that would take care of certain sexual issues for members of the House of Representatives. Ever wonder about the pertinacity of politicians of a certain age to have small cats and dogs? Want a computer's hard drive wiped in a way that the data is never recoverable, well take it to one of these out of the way mom and pop shops and they'll fix it for you. They'll even give you a fair price, provided that you tip nicely.

Could this code/decode system be why we haven't heard a thing about the Weiner laptop? Could the Weiner lap top need to have both Huma and Hillary's lap top as well? Some could be said for Epstein's lap top that nobody is talking about. Could G-Max and Billy-C's lap top be needed to decode what's on them? This all could very well explain why there has been zero movement on any of this corruption even though one person and their lap top got pinched. This could also explain why everything went full tilt, and ape crap crazy with the National Security State people when Hunter's lap tops all got grabbed.

Maybe I'm nuts about the Thomas Jefferson styled code/decode styled system being used, but then look at everything we are dealing with. It's enough to make the sane look crazy and the crazy look sane.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: onehuman

One last thing. I think the Left is purposely self destructing at this point. I think they are being MADE to do it. There has been time enough to have put stronger people in the race and not this utter weakness. I get they are stupid, but they arent THAT stupid or they would have never gotten away with what they have all this time. There is more going on here with them also I believe than we are actually seeing. Some switch was flipped. When? I dont know, but a lot of common sense things are NOT adding up even while trying to think outside of the box.

(Just a small snip)

The question that comes to mind is-- are there any legal restrictions on what a defendant can be required to do for a plea-bargain? My very limited understanding is that plea-bargains usually involve “talking”-- providing incriminating information on others. But it can also entail actual real world actions like wearing a wire and continuing to interact with other criminals so as to collect evidence for other prosecutions.

Is it possible that some of the crazy acting leftists have already been charged with crimes or shown the evidence against them and are being forced to act in certain ways subject to a plea agreement? It wouldn’t have to be everyone, just a few big names and the other party followers would get in line behind them.

For example much has been made of Joe Biden saying he didn’t have a choice about running for President. The assumption is that it was demanded by his own party for strategic reasons or he was running to restrain prosecution against him because it would appear political.

But is it possible he was actually forced to run by the white hat team? He had to do it as part of a plea deal to reveal other evils?

That really would be like a movie. But it wouldn’t be a fair election. It would be fooling the American people.

Yes, confirmed by Q when asked here. Even warrior pointed out at some point ChiFi was caged but out. A key point folks find hard to grasp. The ultimate Controllers - they have no names at all, want full blown chaos or even planetary death is fine by them. They want the population to choose it, demand it, so yanking 100's government officials and putting them in jail would create chaos - the controllers salivate at the thought. War, chaos, famine, disease, is candy for them.

I said right from day one here, the goal is to maintain as much stability as possible and avoid their choice of planetary annihilation. This includes trotting out actors, body doubles and even whomever is needed to give the appearance all is the same. This creates stability and also has the added benefit of flushing more rats out.

Schiff, Pelosi et al are not the goal, they are the means to an end. They must appear to hold the same positions no matter what, as in a polarity reality there needs to be an opposition - also known as contrast, so that contrast might as well be controlled opposition. Notice how the dems are doing everything they possibly can to ruin their party? Dead Grass events, a demented pedophile and an insufferable replacement? Contrast.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette

Explain to us who the "select few" are - names - and what are they looking at and hearing, that we're all missing.


My theory, and it seems to pan out well enough, is that this whole situation is nothing more than the old Merchant Class Descendants that date back to the Ciompi Revolt in Italy still trying to take over the world, but hitting head on into members of Charlemagne's descendants.

Most of these current acts of stupidity started around the same time that Helix ended their public ancestry DNA tests. Nobody want to kill off a blood relation, now do they, but the hell with everyone else. So if this theory is correct, then the select few would be people descended from the Merchant Class.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Bobby Biden is a train wreck. Has he even been spotted lately?

When was the last time he was spotted? I can't find anything with all the Hunter Biden stories on the webs.

DNC Convention?

What was the date?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: etshrtslr

originally posted by: Flesh699
I've noticed since Monday the covid cases in my locality are rising slowly each day. Predictably I see covid "cases" growing so large no one will be allowed to vote in person.

It is because every going to get a flu shot are being tested for corona. Look to see how many pepole have corona vs seasonal flu.

That makes a lot of sense. I'll have to look for evidence. If true it is worthy of a thread of his own.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Bobby Biden is a train wreck. Has he even been spotted lately?

When was the last time he was spotted? I can't find anything with all the Hunter Biden stories on the webs.

DNC Convention?

What was the date?

Aug 17-20 I believe.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: etshrtslr

originally posted by: Flesh699
I've noticed since Monday the covid cases in my locality are rising slowly each day. Predictably I see covid "cases" growing so large no one will be allowed to vote in person.

It is because every going to get a flu shot are being tested for corona. Look to see how many pepole have corona vs seasonal flu.

That makes a lot of sense. I'll have to look for evidence. If true it is worthy of a thread of his own.

Those spot tests will test positive for the covid even if the person only has the common cold. The way those spot tests are supposed to be used is if the person tests positive, then the sample is taken to a lab and tested to see if the person has SARS Corona Type-1 or 2. What's happening in many states though is that if a person tests positive from the spot test, then it gets reported as a confirmed positive, then if the test comes back as being positive for SARS Corona Type1 or 2 then that same person is counted twice. Since it's cold and flu season, many people are going to test positive on the spot tests, but since so many will test positive for the common cold, it's just going to look like a massive outbreak of the covid again.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: etshrtslr

originally posted by: Flesh699
I've noticed since Monday the covid cases in my locality are rising slowly each day. Predictably I see covid "cases" growing so large no one will be allowed to vote in person.

It is because every going to get a flu shot are being tested for corona. Look to see how many pepole have corona vs seasonal flu.

Speaking of flu shots ...

The average effectiveness of the flu shot over the last 15 years was only 40%. In one year, the shot was only 10% effective at best.

Now I understand why this is, they take a best guess at what strains will circulate that year. By the time the flu season actually roles around, the prevalent my not be anything like the ones in the actual vaccine, there may be others in circulation, or the ones in circulation my be close but mutations of the ones chosen so you get partial protection at best but still get the flu.

This is why you constantly hear about people claiming to get the flu after getting the shot. They do, but not because the shot makes them sick. They get it because the shot does about as much as a mask -- gives them false confidence. That being said - it can help you hedge your bets a little, so if you specifically know you're going into a situation where you really don't want to get the flu ... you might consider it on top of other precautions, but it's hardly a yearly must.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
My reasoning for thinking more heavily that Hunter himself was responsible for this info coming out is that the son of a lifelong politician that was a VP for 8 years would understand, especially after the Hillary debacle, that he should just destroy the laptops and buy a new one.

And he would SURELY know not to bring them to a random IT repair shop.

Or send it directly to Crowdstrike for a "tune-up".

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Who Owns AND Controls the NY Post? Why would they post Hunter pics with all the image metadata?

Founded by Alexander Hamilton

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 05:28 PM
Hope Q don't think I am overdoing it

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edit on Fri Oct 16 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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