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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: justsaying111
Lurking forever made this account because I have not seen this posted and thought you guys would find it interesting.

On Tuckers show tonight he had Osama Bin Ladens Niece
In the background she had a shelf with a clock and guess what time it was stuck on??

Im sure the video is out there

Got a screenshot you can post?
edit on 16-10-2020 by justsaying111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 09:57 PM
FOX reporting that a souce in the emails is confirming they are real.

Fox News is reporting that, “One of the people on an explosive email thread allegedly involving Hunter Biden has corroborated the veracity of the messages, which appear to outline a payout for former Vice President Joe Biden as part of a deal with a Chinese energy firm”:

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
The MSM is attempting to drag the Biden e-mail revelations into the Russian disinformation arena again..using the same tired "anonymous sources", again.

All the more reason for Barr or Wray to come forward and say the laptop contents are legitimate and owned by the Biden family. One of them needs to do this before the story is forgotten...which doesn't take long. After all, the FBI has had Biden's laptop since December 2019.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: ketsuko
Actually, the FoxNews investigator said (on the air at 5pm) that he contacted 3 recipients of Hunter's e-mails, and each one confirmed their authenticity.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Big Guy is also Joe Biden according to same sources.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:10 PM
I watched the full Rudy interview and wow, I believe the theories here where the Huntard info was intercepted electronically, but then migrated to a HDD and planted in a quasi-legal setting.

This is exactly how you "get evidence introduced into the record". This is also consistent with Rudy's olde school policing technique....if you don't have the evidence, cook some up.

Did other people get the feeling when Biden was nominated that the Second Act had begun?

edit on 16-10-2020 by FlyingFox because: UNLEASH THE KRACKEN!

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Wouldn’t it be interesting if the source was Hunter Biden?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: ketsuko

Wouldn’t it be interesting if the source was Hunter Biden?

I am kinda leaning/hoping that it about sinking the ship....he would blow open all of it.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:20 PM
I am really trying to wrap my brain around how Joe is going to survive this. He keeps bringing up Beau in his speeches, never once mentioning Hunter.

I really think Hunter may be working with the investigation.

Imagine always being the screw up and having to live in your brother's shadow and Dad always talking about your brother.

I could see their family dynamic pushing Hunter to destroy it all.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe
Wouldn’t it be something if Rudy has the press conference 10 days before the election and Hunter walks out from behind the curtain to join him at the podium

edit on 16-10-2020 by Charliebrowndog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Vasa Croe
Wouldn’t it be something if Rudy has the press conference 10 days before the election and Hunter walls out from behind the curtain to join him at the podium


Maybe this is why I keep seeing Rudy's daughter colluding with the DNC against her father.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: justsaying111

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: justsaying111
Lurking forever made this account because I have not seen this posted and thought you guys would find it interesting.

On Tuckers show tonight he had Osama Bin Ladens Niece
In the background she had a shelf with a clock and guess what time it was stuck on??

Im sure the video is out there

Got a screenshot you can post?

Thanks JS, topic starts at 36:44min Welcome to ATS.

edit on 16-10-2020 by Robbo2006 because: Put out welcome mat

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: carewemust

Big Guy is also Joe Biden according to same sources.

Yep! I started a thread on this BOMBSHELL, 90 minutes ago.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:35 PM
Could it be that the FBI did get Hunter on the alleged child porn charges and he made an arrangement to turn witness to help his cause? I still find it odd that he hasn’t made an appearance to deny yet especially considering his father is in the middle of a presidential race

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Vasa Croe
Wouldn’t it be something if Rudy has the press conference 10 days before the election and Hunter walks out from behind the curtain to join him at the podium

10 days before the election is SATURDAY 10/24/2020 isn't it? Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays are not good days to release "bombshells". And if 90% of the media doesn't report it, most of Americans will not know, regardless of the revelation.

This close to the election, BOMBSHELLS have to come from a Federal law enforcement authority. Wray or Barr or James Comey's Bombshell against Hillary Clinton, near the end of October in 2016.


posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Vasa Croe
Wouldn’t it be something if Rudy has the press conference 10 days before the election and Hunter walks out from behind the curtain to join him at the podium

I put this set together showing Hunter is, well who knows who Hunter is.

Given the repair shop guy just so happens to be legally blind, it does beg the question - who really brought it in? As PJ pointed out earlier a druggy makes very bad choices all day everyday, so hat, hoodie, beard, cig, shaky and it really could have been anyone. So it isn't out of the realm that "a" Hunter says "hello" via a Rudy event.

Joe and the Harris campaign can't get out of this. The Q-uestion in the end is does the coherent collective of informed consenters transcend the drones when the fire gets sun hot.

edit on 16-10-2020 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog
The last time we "saw" Hunter was the DNC convention (recorded video). He looked clean and detoxed. Perhaps he is working with the Feds? President Trump's "Where's Hunter?" during rallies, was a strategy in the movie we're watching.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
Because the machine IS the beast. No one will probably believe me or understand, because to provoke it and make it reveal itself requires entering a true awakening state (Christ consciousness), and speaking hard Godly truth about love and understanding. It will attack you directly. The machine is alive. The internet and technology it's domain.

I agree. To a large extent evil is mechanical action without creativity. Bureaucracy is almost always on the evil side, and humour almost always on the good side. Artificial intelligence would almost always become evil. An artificial intelligence might be on the top of the evil pyramid, it might be Satan or above him.

I doubt anyone will believe me about this, and I hate rambling on like a mad man... but when I have previously spoken about my experiences... the point at which I freaked out was when the internet did things it shouldn't be able to do.
Live narrative and manifestation of stories/websites/adverts/film trailers... (This is the part that I struggle to explain to anyone) that relate to you and the thoughts in your mind. Attacked and told you are stupid... it hates God and anyone who is spiritually inclined.

What you are saying is true, and many know it.

We might solve the NWO plan, and all that... great... but the beast itself is alive and well... and even the Trump administration intends to push into the 5G techno future. People can't turn back now. No one will put their phone or computers down. Here comes the Internet of Things! Everything connected. No escape. Even you. Elon says, if you can't beat it, join it... neurolink. This stuff is real. It is happening now.

Unfortunately we have to use computers to communicate for now. I hope we ascend and at that time I would switch over to telepathy or astral projection instead of email.

Trust in God. Don't fall down the technological trap. That is going to get harder and harder in coming years. My entire life has been around and on computers... imagine how I feel. No idea what I'm going to do. This really is where I put my fate in Gods hands.

Be cautious... digital soldiers... If biblical prophesy is true, then what you fight for now might turn around and bite you on the ass.

I'll spend more time imagining, praying and meditating. I am looking forward to letting go of this tech. I always wanted to be a wizard rather than a techie

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Have you seen an article yet that describes what we know and what we don't know about the Laptop saga?

When I first saw that the repair shop owner was legally blind, I figured he must have employees, and one of them looked over the contents, then alerted the "blind" boss.

Plus.. Rudy is in possession of 3 cloned hard drives?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: carewemust

Big Guy is also Joe Biden according to same sources.

NOT according to Joe.

Unless his dementia recently claimed that title.😆

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